Sunday 28 September 2014

Azadirachta indica. Kader Kochi.


Arishta, Azad, Neem, Arya veppu, Margosa tree, Sarva roga nivarini.


Evergreen tree. Height 20 meters. Bark, seeds and leaves. Plant contains proteins, carbohydrates, sulphur, polyphenolics, gallic acid, coumarin, tannins, anti-oxidants, isoprenoids, limonoids, azadirone, azadiractin, and oil nimbin. 


This is medicine for hyperacidity, anorexia, and disorders due to bile insufficiency.

It is medicine for night blindness, absent mindedness, and loss of memory.

It is medicine for brachialgia, shoulder fibrositis, polyarthritis, chikungunya, rheumatic pain, and intermittent fever.

It has anti-malarial, anti-viral, anthelmintic and anti-cancer properties (Viscum album).

It is medicine for diabetes.

It is medicine for old ulcer, and leprosy.

It is the antidote in insects bite, and viper poisoning (Milk).

It promotes circulation of fluids.

It is remedy for breast neoplasm.

It is remedy for male infertility.

Leaves have contraceptive properties.

Smoke of leaves was used as a mosquito and fly’s repellent.

Word “arishta” (Sanskrit) means wound healing plant.


2 to 10 drops.
