Tuesday 9 May 2017

Fucus vesiculosus. Kader Kochi.


Sea kelp, Bladder wrack, Rock weed, Seaweed, Sea oak.


Perennial marine plant. Length 1 meter. Plant contain iodine, mucilage, algin, mannitol, zeaxanthin, bromine, potassium, minerals, and volatile oil. 


This is medicine for goitre, hypothyroidism, hypercholesterolemia, scrofula, and juvenile obesity (Calcarea carbonicum, Phytolacca).

It is medicine for alopecia.

It is medicine for breast adenoma, amenorrhoea, menorrhagia, and dysfunctional uterine bleeding. 

It is medicine for frigidity.

It is medicine for gout.

It is medicine externally for wound and fungal infection. 

It is remedy for indurations of glands (Iodine).

It is remedy for auto immune disorders (Cinnamon, Alfalfa, Cinchona, Rhus tox).

It is remedy for chronic inflammatory diseases.

It is remedy for chronic headache, and constipation.


1 to 10 drops.
