Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Remedies for erectile dysfunction. Kader kochi.

Monday, 12 November 2012

Herbal medicines for Cancer. Kader Kochi.

Malignant diseases are one of the leading causes of premature death in many countries.  The growth and metastasis of tumor will cease and become static in any stage if individual susceptibility was changed. Cancer may be relatively benign and not even be the direct cause of death if follow the high standard of healthy habits. Herbal extracts are beneficial to eradicate the latent morbid tendency as well as control the growth of tumor in early stage.
Organs & Homeopathic tinctures

Epithelial tissues                               
May apple, Dandelion.

Connective tissues                            
Meadow saffron.

Androgen tissues                              
 Hemlock, Winter cherry.

Blood tissues                                     

Indian snake root, Pockroot, Thuja, Sebal serulata.

Ergot, Savine.

May apple, Curcuma, Celandine (Chelidonium).


Arbor vita, Monk hood, Saw palmetto.

Mistle toe, Club moss, Maiden hair (Ginkgo biloba), Medicago sativa, Aristolochia, Colchicum, Calotropis.


Thursday, 8 November 2012

Cardiac care. Heart diseases and risk factors. Kader Kochi.

Heart diseases. Risk factors




Thyroid dysfunctions.






Cardiac amyloidosis.


Cardiac cirrhosis.


Chronic inflammation.

Virus infection (Coxsackie).


Lack of work (Unemployment)

Physical inactivity.

Sympathetic nerve overactivity.

Heavy metals like lead, Iron.




Increased viscosity of blood.

 Loss of elasticity of blood vessels.


Congenital heart disease.

History of previous cardiac symptoms.


Environmental factors. 

Excessive consumption of sodium in diet.

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.

Target organ damage.


Unfavorable ‘M’ factors

Male –Hormone.

Madyam- Alcohol.





Meat- red

Management stress.










Muriatic salt --Sodium chloride.

Marunnu--Toxic drugs.


Manovishamum—Depression, Stress.


Mardam –-Blood pressure high.

Moothrum –-Urea, Uric acid, Urine,

Meham—Urine, Diabetes, Impure water.

Mridu jalam--Soft water.

Marumakkal --Daughter/Son-in-law.

Makkal- Son, Daughter.

Madurum—Sweet, Amyloid.

Madhyam—Alcohol, Vinegar.


Medassu--Fat bad, Cholesterol bad, Obesity.

Madi- -Laziness.

Malayalam magazine.

Malayali genetics.

Madam -Competition.

Matham Religion, Negative God.

Medicines- Organ damaging.

Favorable ‘M’ factors



Manipulation -oil massage.





Midhunam- Sex.






Mulapicha danyam--Germinated seeds.

Mitham--Medium, Minimum, Moderate.

Makkal--Son \ Daughter.


Matham- awareness.

Mitram. Love.

Malli - Coriander, Chelation.

Medicines (Rebound action).


Sunday, 4 November 2012

Cardiac care. Natural medicines for heart diseases. Kader Kochi.

   "Anybody can be a heart specialist. The only requirement is loving somebody".

Cardiac nutrients

Aurum rich herbs.




Fatty acids.

Fenugreek (Choline).  

Lecithin (Cashew nut).

Sweet bread (Pancreatic globulin).


Lactic acid.

Cardiac stimulants

Thea (Word Thea means -God).

Zingiber officinalis.


Lobelia inflata. 


Aconitum napillus.

Digitalis (Low dose).



Tribulus terrestris. 

Terminalia arjuna.

China (Low dose).


Allium cepa.

Belladonna (AV node).


Cardiac depressants

Potassium (High dose, SA node).

Magnesium (High dose).

Veratrum album.


Digitalis (High dose).

China (High dose).

Calcium blockers.

Withania somnifera.


Coronary dilators


Ammi visnega.



Thea sinensis



Peripheral dilators

Veratrum album.

Veratrum veride.



Glycine (Chicken).




Sulphur rich herbs ( Arnica, Azadirecta, Viscum album, Acassia babul, Zingiber, Allium sativa, Asafoetida, Sinapis).

Secale cor.


Peripheral  vasoconstrictors

Nux vomica.



Conium mac.

ADH promoters.


Secale cor (low dose).

Spartium Scoparium.


Micro vaso circulators

Ginkgo biloba.

Arsenic alb.

Vaccinium myrtle.


Salix nigra.

Aloe s.



Sulphuric acid.

Sulphur rich herbs.

Juglans regia.

Blood thinners

Allium cepa.

Allium sativa.

Piper nigrum.

Emblica ribes.


Terminalia chebula.

Sulphuric acid.

Acetic acid.

Citric acid.

Salix nigra.

Gingko biloba.


Piper longum.

Piper nigrum.




Calcium phos.








Boerhavia diffusa.


Withania somnifera.



Sambucus can.


Kali nitrite.


Ricinus communis.

Croton tig.

Cascara sagrada.

Aloe socotrina.




Terminalia chebula.

Chelating agents

Magnesium salts.




Aloe socotrina.


Citric acid.

Acetic acid.


Natural medicines

Crocus sativa (Hypercholerstremia, Mn, Anti inflammatory).

Syzigum aromaticus (Mn, Anti inflammatory).

Zingiberis. (S, Blood thinning).

Allium sativa (S, Blood thinning, Hypercholerstremia, Anti inflammatory).

Cardamom (Mn).

Crataegus (Plaque inhibition).

Curcuma long (Blood thinning).

Piper nigrum (P, Blood thinning, Hypercholerstremia).

Citrus medica (Blood thinning).

Terminalia arjuna (Cardiomyopathy).

Terminalia chebula (Hypercholerstremia, Laxative).

Gulgul mukul (Hypercholerstremia).

Ginkgo biloba (Blood thinning).

Cinnamon (Mn, Blood thinning).

Hypericum (Blood thinning).

Aeseculus hip (varicosity).

Juglan regia (Varicosity).

Thea sinensis (Blood clotting).

Wednesday, 24 October 2012

Cardiac care. ECG changes and homeopathic medicines. Dr. Kader Kochi

Myocardial infarction is the most common cause of premature death (30%) in south India since many decades. It could be the first event in an asymptomatic person or could be the end of spectrum commencing from solitary angina. It is occurred more in drivers than conductors, in sitting post office clerks than postmanand it was more in Finland than Indian sikku, more in Yemeni Jews than colony Jews, and least in Bantu.  Coronary artery diseases constitute 35 % of all heart diseases.

Heart diseases. The major risk factors

Congenital heart diseases.



Sucrose consumption.



Physical inactivity.

Dehydration & malnutrition.

Excess of homocysteine.

Predisposing factors

Advancing age.

Family history of premature myocardial infarction.

Habit of heavy alcohol consumption.

Type A personality.


Persistent sympathetic overactivity.

Life style with over ambition. 


Unnecessary emotion (Hurry, anger, fear, stress, depression, lack of smile).

Negative mood.


Negative partner

Lack of rest

Sleep insufficiency.

Persistent use of sympathomimetic.


Excess of salt, sucrose and coffee, heavy metals (Lead), high Mg (Hard water, or well water near sea).

Nasal block

Chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases (Hypoxia).

Renal insufficiency.

Hyperuricemia .

Hepatic insufficiency.


Male sex, excess of testosterone.


Oral contraceptive pills.

Metabolic disorder.


Recurrent autoimmune myocarditis.

Syphilis diathesis.

Asians (Small size of blood vessels, thin and irritable pericardium).

Hereditary aortic aneurysm.

Congenital heart diseases.

Hereditary short refractory period of myocardium (< 0.22 second).

Calcification, Hypercalcaemia- mineral (Consumption prawn, sea fishes, shellfish, high PTH, osteoporosis, tropical climate).

Cardiac overwork with rapid rate (Sympathetic over activity).

O2 lack.

Co2 excess.

Lack of sufficient water intake (cirrhosis).

Food or air contaminated with heavy metal like Lead.

Lead toxicity.

Vascular infiltration of old blood cells (WBC & platelets, Iron particles).
 Multiple Coxsackies viral infections.


Even though many novel and sophisticate instruments have been discovered in last 100 years, physical examinations and ECG are remaining the best diagnostic procedures for general practitioners.

Electrocardiogram is graphic representation of the electrical potential produced in associated with the heartbeat. It is only a lab test.

Scope of ECG

Estimate fitness of V.V.I.P, Doctors, drivers, sailors, pilots, sportsmen.

Evaluate the properties of cardiac muscles.

Detect atrial and ventricular hypertrophy.

Detect focal Ischemia, Injury and Infarction.

Detect pulmonary dysfunctions.

Find out old infarctions.

Determine cardiac rate, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, and paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia. 

Determine SA block,  sinus arrest, A.V block, bundle branch block, and cardiac arrest.

Detect cardiac position, electric axis and rotation.

Evaluate hormonal & electrolyte imbalance.

Find out the progress in treatment.

Evaluate effects of drug and toxins.


Galvani luigi (Italy) first described about animal electricity in 1776 (published-1791).

Marey invented electrometer in 1876.

Augustus. D. Waller traced human electricity experimentally first in St: Marey hospital London in 1887.

Willem Einthoven had attended Waller’s demonstration in 1889. Einthoven invented ECG machine in 1901 and put forward a hypothesis that potential in lead II is equal to sum of potentials of lead I and lead III based on the dipole theory. He was awarded Nobel Prize in 1924.

Frank Wilson introduced unipolar lead in 1934.

Emanuel Goldberger introduced augmented unipolar limb lead in 1942.

Properties of cardiac muscles






One or none law

Aberrant conduction

Contractility (can be detected partly by ECG)

Tonicity (cannot be detected by ECG)

Evaluation of ECG (Methodical approach) Summary 


Atrial rate
300 divided by number of large blocks in between two P waves.

1500 divided by number of small blocks in between two P waves.

Sinus bradycardia:  Rate <  60/minute.
Sinus tachycardia:   Rate > 100/minute.

Ventricular rate
300 divided by number of large blocks in between two R waves.

1500 divided by number of small blocks in between two R waves or two S waves.


Regular rhythm:
S.A node rhythm (Normal rhythm). 
S A block 2:1. 
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia with A.V block 2:1.

Sinus node rhythm
P waves and R waves are regular, normal configuration of P, Q, R, S, T, u waves, with normal P-R interval.

Irregular rhythm

Slow rate with irregular rhythm   
Sinus arrest.
SA block 3:1 or 3:2.
AV Block 3:1. 
Bradycardia with escape beat or ectopic beat.  

Rapid rate with irregular rhythm 
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. 
Paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia. 
Atrial flutter. 
Atrial fibrillation. 
Ventricular fibrillation.

P wave

Height    Normally < 2.5 mm (2.5 blocks).
Duration  Normally < 0.10 second (2.5 blocks).

Absent P wave 
SA block, Junctional beat, atrial fibrillations.
Small P wave   
Atrial rhythm, atrial ectopic.

Tall P wave    
Right atrial hypertrophy.

Wide or bifid P wave
Left atrial hypertrophy, interatrial block.

Inverted P wave        
Normally in aVR lead, hypertrophy of atrium at opposite side of tracing leads, retrograde conduction(LII).

q wave

Normally the depth of q wave <1/4 of succeeding R wave.
Duration normally < 0.04 second (< 1 block).

Deep Q wave      
Potential (primary) dominance of opposite wall (Ventricular hypertrophy).

Deep & wide Q wave
Potential (primary) dominance of opposite wall to the exploring electrode (Infarction).

P-R interval

Normally in between 0.12 second (3 blocks) and 0.22 second (5.5 blocks).

Prolonged P-R interval 
 1 st degree AV block; Atrial septal defect, Mitral stenosis.

Short P-R interval 
WPWS, Accessory atrio-ventricular conduction, Junctional beat, Low atrial origin beat.

R wave 

Normal R voltage in lead LI, LII and LIII:
Height > 5 mm and < 16 mm. 

 R wave height is progressive from V1 to V5.

Voltage high

Height in aVL or LI:  > 13 mm.  
Height in aVF:         > 20 mm      
Height in V1:           >  5  mm

Height in V5:           >  25 mm

Sum  in LI R + LIII S:  > 21 mm

Sum in V1 S +  V5 R: > 36 mm

Sum in V2 S + V6 R:  > 40mm.

S wave

Depth of S wave takes regression from V1 to V5.

Deep S wave 
Reflection of Increased vector at opposite wall.

Wide S wave 
Slowness of vector due to thickness at opposite wall by hypertrophy, or one way travel of potential away from block; Infarction at wall of same side (QS).

QRS interval

Normal duration between 0.04 second (1 block) and 0.08 second (2 blocks).

Short QRS interval        

Prolonged QRS interval
Bundle branch block, hyperkalemia, inter ventricular block, aberrant ventricular conduction

Activation time of right ventricle  
 At V1  = Normally < 0.02 second (1/2 block).

Activation time of left ventricle  
V5  = < 0.04 second (1 block)

Increase in VAT (Ventricular activation time)                        
Thick fibre, hypertrophy, slow inter ventricular conduction.

ST Segment position

Segment normally lies at Iso electrical level.     

ST segment elevation     
Injury at epicardium, hyperkalemia, slowness of depolarization at epicardium of same side, aneurysm.

ST depression  
Recent injury at sub endocardium of same side, Recent infarction at opposite wall, Chronic transmural ischemia of same side.

ST segment prolongation
Hypocalcaemia and hypoalbuminemia due to liver weakness.

T wave configuration

Normally upright and asymmetrical. Height of T wave is more than 1/10 of preceding R wave.

Tall T wave    
Hyperkalemia (in chest leads -Focal injury or renal disease).

Flat T wave    
Ischemia, low height of R wave (Weakness, hypothyroid).

Symmetrically T wave inversion
Sub endocardial infarction, unstable angina, ventricular hypertrophy with strain, Aberrant conduction, right bundle branch block.

U wave

Normal configuration of U wave is as the same direction of T wave.

Prominent U wave
Late or prolonged repolarisation at infro-posterior wall by strong stimuli -Hypokalemia, LVH (V6).

U wave inversion  
Ischemia at posterior wall (at V6), Posterior LVH (at V3).

Q-T interval

Between 0. 28 second (7 blocks) and 0.42 second (10 blocks).

Q-Tc (corrected) interval      
Estimated Q-T interval / square root of R-R interval.

Short QT interval     
Stimulators, hypercalcaemia, digitalis, sympathomimetic, and short fiber.

Prolonged QT interval
Depressants, sympatholytic, cinchona toxicity, hypocalcaemia, hyperkalemia, hypomagnesemia, Ischemia, and cardiomyopathy.

Cardiac position

Normal position is intermediate-Apex vector facing to left hip. R waves are upright both in aVL and aVF.
Horizontal position
 R waves are upright in aVL, and S waves in aVF.

Vertical position    
S waves are  in aVL, and R waves in aVF.

Cardiac rotation

Apex of heart is facing forward and downwards normally when looking from below. Equal size of R and S waves are seen at V3. It is rotated in hypertrophy.

Size of R wave & S wave are seen as equal at V5 (RVH).

size of R wave & S wave  are seen as equal at V1(RVH or LVH anterior wall).

Cardiac mean electric axis

Cardiac muscles depolarize totally in 7 directions with different electrical potential in each cycle.  So different vectors, and resultant waves are developed in surface ECG. Mean electro motive force -vector axis normally lies in between -15 degree and + 90 degree:

Normal axis
ECG in standard leads shows upright R waves in LI, (LII), and LIII.

Left axis deviation  
 Tall R waves at LI, and deep qRS (S) waves in LIII.

Left axis deviation 
LAHB, LVH, AMI (Left ventricular potential is weaker at anterior wall & Stronger  at posterior wall).

Right axis deviation
Deep S waves in LI, and Tall qRS (R) waves in LIII.

Right axis deviation
LPHB, RVH, PMI (Left ventricular potential is stronger at anterior wall  & weaker at posterior wall).

Normal ECG waves

ECG vectors can be divided into Atrial, Septal and Ventricular units.

Atrial units
P (P, p1, PR segment-pT wave) wave.

Septal units
q, Q, r (qT, rT) wave.

Ventricular units
R, S, (r, R1, S1) waves.


P-P interval

R-R interval

P-R interval

QRS interval

Q-T interval.


PR segment

ST segment.

ECG paper

Machine is usually set at speed of 1500 mm/minute (25 mm/second).

One small square box represents 1mm in height vertically for voltage, and 1mm length horizontally represents for duration (1 mm is equal to 0.04 second).

Large box represents 5 mm in height vertically, and 5 mm in duration horizontally (Duration: 5 mm is equal to 0.2 second).
The machine is usually standardized with potential of 1milli volt can produce height 10 mm.


Lead axis is the imaginary line between two opposite poles.

Bipolar lead or standard lead records potential difference of two poles simultaneously.

Unipolar lead records electric potential through one exploring electrode (Other electrode-indifferent electrode is arranged in zero potential by connecting wires from three limbs).

Standard leads


Unipolar augmented limb leads

aVR, aVL, aVF.

Unipolar chest leads

V1, V2, V3, V4, V5, V6, V7.
Conventional ECG tracing include totally waves of 12 leads- 3 standard leads, 3 unipolar limb leads, and 6 chest leads. Each leads should be analyzed separately. Electrographically heart can be divided to three portions- the anterior surface, posterior surface, and cavity.

Heart contains three types of tissues- Muscular tissue, Conductive tissue (1%) and Connective tissue.

Normally the vector in some leads may vary in accordance with alternations in cardiac position.
The R waves in LIII represents to the right ventricle in intermediate and horizontal position.
The R waves in LIII represents to the left ventricle in extreme vertical position.

Electric field

Electrical potential in cells are produced due to rapid entry of sodium ion and slowly going out K+. It is the depolarization. Ca++ go in during early part of repolarization. K+ go out quickly during repolarization. Then some sodium go out and K+ enter inside. Some sodium ions enter to cell with exchange of calcium ions.  

K ion is about 150 Meq/L inside the cell and 5 Meq/L outside the cell. Na+ is 5 Meq/L inside the cell and 142 Meq/L outside the cell.  Membrane potential of cell is about less than -90mv during resting normally. Cell membrane act as resistance {5000 ohm}. Cell cannot be excited if resistance (membrane- cholesterol, or excess of cat-ion inside the cell) is increased more than about -60mv. Cell be stimulated easily when membrane potentials are less than -110 mv (Hypokalemia).

The electro motive force (Action potential) generated in pacemaker cell in sino arial node are conveyed through conductive system fibres end cause excitation of atrial and ventricular contractile muscle tissues (different 7 directions) and finally end in skin surface. Normally. 80% of electric potentials are lost during the transit to body surface.

Negative electric charges at direction of right shoulder and positive charges at direction of left hip are developed automatically following each SA node excitation. (Dipole Theory-Maximum potentials are near zero line. Electrical charges interact according to Coulomb's law: -the force of interaction is directly proportional to magnitude of charges and indirectly proportional to square of distance between them)

Basic principle

Positive waves are registered when current of electricity flows towards the positive electrode. Negative waves are registered in positive electrode when current flows away from positive electrode.

Depolarization time become short on strong stimulation, tissue with longitudinal cells, tissue with increased cell gap, tissue with less number of cells, and in thin cardiac wall.

When depolarization is occurred through multiple fibres to same direction and simultaneously, net vector is marked  increasingly (Fusion wave-tall wave or deep wave).

Positive electrode is placed at middle of fibre, and if depolarization starts from one end, biphasic waves will  be appeared.

When depolarization begins from one point and travels towards two opposite direction simultaneously through multiple and different myocardial fibres, fibres with large mass will make tall upward wave with or without small downward wave. If the current of electricity flow towards 90 degree to electrode, waves can’t be appeared.

Ischemia (Repolarization changes)

Normally repolarization changes start from the opposite end towards the stimulated end within 1/100 second after depolarization (single fiber). If iit true T wave will be appeared as negative (in single fibre potential). If depolarization takes long time to complete the process than usual (in chronic ischemia, degeneration, thick fibre, and in slow ventricular conduction), the repolarization will begin from the stimulated end itself and current will flow towards the opposite negative terminal or away from the exploring electrode. So T wave is seen as inverted in leads near positive electrode. 

Ischemia epicardial portion only
Low height of T wave
Transmural ischemia
Symmetrical inverted T wave

Sub endocardial ischemia
T wave changes are absent

Transmural ischemia at opposite wall
Tall T wave due to lack of opposing repolarisation potential.

Chronic transmural ischemia

Major signs are persistent T wave inversion (Repolerisation changes-primary), wide QRS interval (Slow depolarization), wide QT interval (slowness of total duration of electrical systole), and inverted u wave at V6 (posterior wall ischemia-Coronary thrombosis). Changes due to ischemic or injury at posterior wall are reversible because of high collateral circulation. Quantity of blood supply and quantity of muscular fibers are less at subendocardial region.  Injury or ischemia are usually developed from outer side to inwards. Subendocardial lesion are painless than epicardial lesion, but it has more prognostic value. Myocardial ischemia, hypokalemia, coronary thrombosis, chronic myocarditis, digitalis toxicity, cardiac depressants (sympatholytics-Cinchona) all may exhibit similar ECG patterns.

Prinzemetal angina

It is due to coronary spasm. Pain may persist even at rest, and it is relieved by vasodilators (Nitrates). ECG expresses as high ST segment elevation (Anoxic -very slow depolarization-excess of Na+ and Ca++ entry). Reciprocal ST Segment depression & T wave changes are absent. Fever, high SGOT, high ESR, leucocytosis, Troponin H, LDH, are absent.

Acute coronary insufficiency (Unstable angina)

 The term unstable angina is used to denote the recurrent pain lasting more than 5 -15 minutes with ECG changes like subendocardial infarction (painless).

ECG shows deep ST segment depression, symmetrical T wave inversion, absence of Q wave, poor R wave progression, and U wave inversion (v6). The reciprocal ST segment elevation in aVR is absent.

Ischemia, injury and infarction primarily develop at deeper part of left ventricle than right ventricle due to less thebesian blood supply.

Ischemia, Injury and Infarction


      Ischemia →                           ↑
Ischemia  →
      ↑        ↓

Ectopic    →


30% ischemia 
70% others                           →
Compensatory Hypertrophy & Hypertension →

Injury                 →
   ↑      ↓
Infarction →
Bundle branch block .   
Fibrosis.                                       →
    Scar      →

Exercise ECG test

Take exercises (hoping 20 times) for 1.5minutes or 3 minutes .It can increase heart rate more than 140/minute (220-age). Take ECG immediately, and after 6 minutes. ECG also can be traced with placing pacemaker which inducing cardiac rate 220-age/minute.

Positive indication

ST depression > 0.5mm.

Other indication

Elevation of ST segment.
Increase in voltage of R wave or T wave.
Increases in ratio of R height / increases in depth of ST segment >1.
Emerging of PVEB.
Emerging of pain.
Emerging of syncope.

Myocardial injury

It may be occurred at epicardial, transmural or subendocardial portion.
Main causes of injury are severe ischemia, infections, toxins, metabolic or neoplasm infiltration (WBC, calcium, uric acid), and fatty degeneration of muscles.

Epicardial injury

Depolarization begins from stimulated (inner side) end but it completes slowly in stage by stage. The epicardial end is also becomes more negative at same time due to injury, but it is comparatively more positive even to already depolarized (negative) inner portion. So subsequent depolarization (flow of current) is developed slowly (Some K ions have exchanged early through the injured wall. So epicardial end became –ve; more Na ions are entered into the cells). So second limb of R is seen as raised, and thus  it seems asif the ST segment is elevated. The ST segment elevation is appeared  as concave elevation in least peripheral injury,  but in transmural injury it is seen as convex ST elevation. The height of depolarization potential is increased at electrode of opposite wall in in transmural injury.

Subendocardial injury

When the injury occurs at subendocardial portion (opposite to exploring electrode and at the same portion of stimulation), the depolarization begins as usual to electrode direction.  Depolarized outer portion is now become comparatively more negative than injured (not depolarized) subendocardial end. Depolarization of opposite wall makes negative potential before subendocardial depolarization is completed. Then current goes slowly far away from electrode after initial positive and or negative wave. So the second limb of S wave is seen wide and is appeared as ST segment depressed. Upward potential is marked in cavity lead-aVR or aVL).


Myocardial infarction can be categorized into as follows

Anterior surface
Posterior surface
infarction of some duration
Anterio- lateral

Changes that are occurred in infarction are similar as train accident. Few fibers are dead, some are injured, some more are ischemic and others are normal. So ECG configuration  usually shows combined pattern of ischemia, injury and infarction for first few weeks.

Lead & Heart surface

Anterior surface
LI, V1, V2, V3, and V4.
Lateral surface
aVL, V5, and V6.
Posterior-inferior surface
LII, LIII, and Avf.
Cardiac cavity
aVR or aVL.
Reciprocal lead of posterior surface
LI, V1 and V2.

Depolarization vector of opposite healthy wall is developed first in infarction. Thus negative depolarization wave is manifested in exploring electrode near the injured part, and tall R wave is formed in exploring electrode near healthy wall.

ECG changes

Epicardial infarction
ST convex elevation. Q wave with small R wave. (Tall T wave may occur in early stage due local hyperkalemia)

Transmural infarction      Infarction of some duration
Deep Q wave, absence of R wave, deep T wave.

Subendocardial infarction     
Q wave may absent, deep ST depression. wide S wave may develop; ST segment elevation may manifest in cavity lead either aVR or Avl

Epicardial infarction at opposite wall

Reciprocal ST segment depression
Transmural infarction at opposite wall

Reciprocal tall R wave and tall T wave
Infarction with a little healthy tissue
Deep Q wave with small r wave in middle of QS as letter W
Infarction with more healthy tissue

QR pattern or R wave with wide S pattern.
When electrode placed at junction of infarction and healthy portion

Q wave with R wave or Wide R wave only.

Signs of infarction

Early infarction (1-3 days)

Common early signs are sudden giant transient T wave elevation (rare), ST segment convex elevation with reciprocal depression.

Acute infarction

Common signs are huge ST segment convex elevation with raised T wave, and reciprocal ST depression. Development of deep Q wave.

Recent infarction (1-6 days)

Q wave, T wave inversion, low R wave, and regression of ST segment.

Infarction of some duration (1-3 weeks)

Deep Q wave, T wave inversion, low R(r) wave, ST segment sets at on isoelectric level. Atrial fibrillation, ventricular tachycardia or AV block may develop with pain or shock at any time. Q wave sometime absent in right ventricular infarction due to less muscular tissue and much of conductive tissue in right ventricle.
Infarction may silent in individual with diabetic peripheral neuropathy, and in some anterior wall (non muscular part) or subendocardial infarction.

Frozen shoulder syndrome on left side may develop in posterior wall infarction. 
Cardiac failure following infarction manifested as rapid rate, low pulse volume, low BP and ventricular tachycardia. Shock may develop due to acidosis (co2, Hyperkalemia) commonly.



It usually lasts for 4 weeks. The main causes are viral infections, uremia, rheumatic fever, post infarction aneurysm and tuberculosis. ECG changes are concave ST segment elevation in multiple leads, low R wave voltage, electric alternans, and tachycardia. ST segment may be depressed in aVR. (Low pulse pressure, soft 1stsound and pericardial rub are other features).


It usually lasts for 4-6 weeks. The predisposing factors are toxins, infections including secondary bacterial infections or water borne (Coxsackies) viral infections, HIV, syphilis. Features are ST segment depression, T wave inversion, low R wave voltage, and prolonged QT interval.

 Atrial disorders

P wave is a compound (atrial) wave normally. Atrial activation time is increased > 0.04 second in right atrial enlargement (Tall P wave), or > 0 .06 second in left atrial enlargement. If P wave duration / P-R interval is more than 1.6 (giant P wave), it indicates bilateral hypertrophy.

Retrograde conduction is seen as upright P wave in aVR or as inverted P wave in lead II. It is occurred by strong stimulus from lower ectopic foci or lower escape foci. P-R interval is short in retrograde ventricular conduction (Injury or sympathetic stimulation); WPWS, and in strong SA node cycle following aberrant conduction (due to early recovery from refractive period of ventricle -Chung phenomena). Early transient acceleration of rate by atrial escape foci can be seen also in ECG in case of sudden slow sinus rhythm (treppe phenomenon). 

P-R interval is prolonged in long refractive period of ventricle, A.V block (including left vagus stimulation) and atrial septal defects.

Congenital ASD right to left shunt (Left atrial enlargement)

ECG signs are wide P wave in L1, LII, and aVL; P wave inversion in V1, P-R interval prolonged and atrial ectopic left side origin (Central cyanosis, reactive hyperemia, and flow murmur at aortic area).

ASD left to right shunt (Right atrial enlargement)

ECG signs are tall P wave in V1, LII, LIII, aVR; P wave is inverted in aVL, LI and V5; prolonged P-R interval; atrial ectopic right side origin, right axis deviation, tall R wave in V1, and right bundle branch block pattern (letter M like waves in V1). 
Other clinical signs are retrograde venous pulse, excess of bronchial secretion due to pulmonary congestion etc (Treatment in childhood = Calcium supplements for rapid septal development).

Mitral stenosis
 (Left atrial enlargement)

ECG signs are wide or bifid P wave in aVL, LI and LII; inverted P wave in VI; left atrial ectopic, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, atrial flutter, fibrillation (clot formation), and prolonged P-R interval. 
Other clinical features are hypotension, weak pulse, low pulse pressure, loud Ist sound, diastolic murmur, red face, effort dyspnoea, productive cough (pulmonary congestion) and rarely raised ESR. 
Tall T wave and signs of LVH are marked in mitral incompetence. Atrial thrombi are formed following the stasis (70 ml stroke volume and more in left atrium) may lead embolic phenomena in coronary, renal, hepatic or cerebral vessels branches (Treatment = Sulphur or Salicylic acid contain herbs).

Rheumatic heart (Cardiac fibrositis)

Signs are prolonged P-R interval, wide QRS interval, raised ST segment, low R wave tachycardia, and ectopic beat.

Chronic cardiac fibrosis

Common features are low R voltage, ST segment depression and T wave inversion. Condition following atrial fibrosis with dilatation may promote ADH secretion (Fluid retention- Na retention, and venous stasis, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia and pain). Venous clot or polyp is formed following the stasis which may lead to embolic phenomena in pulmonary  or remote vessels.

Malnutrition (Deficiency of O2, vitamin B1-sulphur; globulin, calcium, water, niacin, ascorbic acid, vitamin E, lactate, and arsenic) anemia, rheumatism, hypertension, metabolic degeneration, and diabetes mellitus etc.

Low voltage (R wave)

Etiology: weak stimulation, para sympathetomimic – vagus stimulation (It can depress SA node and AV node, while sympathetomimic (as Calcium) can stimulate atrium and ventricles), hypothyroidism, hyperkalemia, thick chest wall, presence of air or fluid in between heart  and electrode, emphysema, pericardial effusion; multiple equal vectors at same time or strong potential from the reciprocal wall, diffuse old infarction, and cardiac fibrosis (Homoeopathicity for low voltage fibrosis chronica = sympatholytic remedies).

High voltage (R wave)

Etiology: Strong sinus node stimulation, hypokalemia, low digitalis; excess of adrenaline, excess of calcium; absence of opposing potential,  thickness of  longitudinal cardiac cells,  increased gap between cardiac cells,  early period of ventricular hypertrophy, thin chest wall, exploring electrode close to heart; The beat following the long refractive period- beat after aberrant conduction, post ectopic beat,  SA block and AV block; BBB,WPWS (lack of opposing force) etc.

Systemic hypertension

Features are tall R wave (LI, aVL), Left (north) axis deviation, VAT > 0.04 in V5, presence of ventricular ectopic, and signs of cardiac rotation mostly to anticlockwise.

Systemic hypertension with systolic strain

Tall R wave, ST segment depression, T wave inversion, U inversion (V6) and wide QRS pattern.

Hypertension with diastolic strain

(Lack of tonicity, one side potential-T wave) Tall R wave, wide QRS, and tall T wave

Hypertension with fibrosis (dryness, less water)

Low R wave, ST segment depression, T wave inversion, wide QRS interval, prolonged Q-T interval, and tachycardia.

Ventricular hypertrophy

Common causes are pulmonary artery stenosis (RVH); Aortic stenosis, systemic hypertension (LVH) and chronic ischemia.

Normal VAT is less than 0.02 second in VI (1/2 r-septum) and less than 0.05 second in V5 (q+1/2 R wave)

Stage A
Tall R wave (Thick fiber).

Stage B
Tall R wave, and inverted T wave (slow depolarization with posterior wall repolarization dominance); Low voltage of R wave or deep Qs wave with opposite T wave (on reciprocal lead).

Stage C
Tall R wave, inverted T wave with wide QRS interval (too slow depolarization).

Stage D
T wave inverted with wide QRS interval; ST segment depressed (opposite wall depolarization dominance).

Right ventricular hypertrophy

ECG shows tall R wave V1-V2, ST-T depression. 
R wave with raised ST segment in V1 and V2 are due to right ventricular infarction.


Low aortic pressure can cause stimulation on the vasomotor center at medulla. This reflexively result atrial tachycardia, sympathetic peripheral constriction (Reynaud’s), and parasympathetic splanchnic venacaval dilatation. This help to increase cardiac output. (This may result to low reserve of sympathetic group hormone effect finally - bradykinesia.)

Ectopic wave

Ectopic beats are originated due to decreased refractory period of myocardial cells. Its  causes are ischemia, injury, fibrosis; toxins, infiltrations, digitalis, rauwolfia, aconitum, tobacco, belladonna, thyroid hormones, adrenaline, and calcium excess.

Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia

It may last up to 4 days. Atrial rhythm is paroxysmal, rapid and painful (Blocked PAT or blocked flutter are painless because of the normal ventricular rate). It mostly occurs due to atrial ischemia, hyperthyroid, and sympathetic vasomotor effects.

Atrial flutter originated from lower atrial multiple foci can produce up & down multiple P waves in aVR and inverted P waves in LII. Irregular pulse can be felt in atrial fibrillation, failure and weak ventricular extra systole.

Ventricular ectopic

Most of ventricular ectopic are developed by ventricular ischemia or gastric causes (Spinal T1-T4 sympathetic nerve irritations). Ectopic originated from left ventricle are seen as upright waves in right side leads and as inverted waves in left side leads.                                  
A.V block

Vertigo or syncope may develop in complete AV block, sinus arrest, very slow ventricular rhythm, vagal irritation, cerebral hypotension, acute aortic or mitral stenosis and ventricular arrest (Brain death may occur if cerebrovascular insufficiency last more than 6-8 minutes).

Escape beats be originated from either his bundles or distally from right or left bundle branches or from ventricular muscles itself in complete AV block. Impulses may travel through accessory path ways like Kent bundles, James fibers to either direction. (WPWS in AV block, or Paroxysmal atria tachycardia from retrograde impulses from ventricles in complete AV block). 

 Bundle branch block

Normally simultaneous conduction are occurred through right bundle branch and left anterior bundle branch. Then it passes through left posterior branch. This trifascicular system fails in bundle branch block.  Affected ventricular portion takes long time to complete depolarization. So the repolarization begins first from myocardium near unaffected branch. So T wave appear opposite to terminal portion of depolarization (tall & wide) wave. So R or S wave with opposite T wave is seen in electrode at affected side.

Either right or left bundle branch block may be developed in septal infarction. Left bundle branch block is occurred in chronic ischemia, cardiac fibrosis, old age, septal infarction, and anterior infarction (Left coronary). Left anterior hemi block is marked as deep q wave, left (north) axis deviation, tall and wide R wave in LI & V5. Isolated bundle branch block pattern at v3 (wide QrS) can be considered a sign of old septal infarction (Beware about strict preventive treatment).


It is not bad in isolated SA block, 1st degree AV Block, paroxysmal AV block, RBBB, and minimum epicardial injury in posterior wall of healthy individual.

ECG changes developed in inferior infarction are reversible.

Prognosis are bad in multiple and diffuse infarction; old infarction with left bundle branch block, infarction with left and right bundle branch block, infarction with left anterior hemi block (deep Q wave and wide tall R wave in V5), 3rd AV block, left side distal block, very slow ventricular rhythm, ventricular tachycardia, atrial fibrillation following with clot or embolism, mitral stenosis and ball valve thrombus; aortic stenosis and ventricular aneurysm.

Injury changes in anterior surface are mostly irreversible. Ventricular ectopic beat of multi foci origin or ectopic more than five/minute have bad prognosis.

Sudden death may occur in left ventricular failure, complete AV block, ventricular fibrillation by infarction, left atrial fibrillation with mitral ball valve thrombus, pulmonary emboli developed from large veins or from right sided heart with pulmonary infarction, and aortic emboli from left atrium with cerebral infarction. Bilateral bundle branch block or tri fascicular block with absence of escape beat also can induce sudden death.

ECG changes in other common conditions

Psychoneurosis & anxiety

The autonomous nerve system controls internal organs, lungs and heart through endocrine system. Sympathetic signs are atrial tachycardia, short P-R interval, flat T wave and prolonged QT interval with or without hypotension. Parasympathetic signs are bradycardia and sinus arrhythmia.

Tobacco heart

ECG shows signs of premature ventricular ectopic complex, atrial tachycardia, (sympathetomimic), ST segment depression and flat T wave.


ECG shows sympathetic signs, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, atrial fibrillation, tall R wave, ST segment depression, or signs of failure (low R wave).


ECG shows sinus bradycardia, low R wave, prolonged P-R interval, and flat T wave.

Hyper parathyroid

ECG shows tall P wave, tall R wave, and short Q-T interval. (Hyper calcium-PTH may be formed from damaged kidney).

Addison’s disease

ECG shows signs include tall T wave (hyperkalemia), ST segment elevation, low P and R waves or absent P wave.
Normally renal tubules excrete H+ and K+ with reabsorption of H2O, Ca++ and Na+. When these are disturbed -first hypokalemic alkalosis ( tachycardia, hypertension), hyperkalemic alkalosis (SA block, bradycardia, clotting), then hyperkalemic acidosis (ventricular tachycardia, bleeding, shock) are developed.

Hyperkalaemia signs can be seen best in precordial lead. Tall T wave, absent P wave, wide QRS interval are the ECG features.

Renal insufficiency & Cushing’s syndrome  

ECG shows signs of hypokalemia: Prolonged Q-T interval, tall R wave, prolonged P-R interval, sinus tachycardia, ST segment depression, and flat T wave, prominent U wave (v6) may occur. ST segment is prolonged if Ca ++ is decreased in blood.


Tall T wave, wide QRS interval, SA block 2:1 or sino-atrial arrest, raised ST segment, low R wave, and acidosis.

Micro albuminuria (Insulinuria-Anion protein loss) 

It develops with excess of renal K+ excretion. ECG changes are similar to signs of hypokalemia: prolonged Q-T interval, tall R wave, and ST –T depression.

Hyper insulinism

It is characterized by hypoglycemia, signs of hypokalemia, high hydrogen excretion (alkalosis, thrombosis) and increased oxygen reserve.

Hepatic insufficiency

ECG signs are ST segment prolongation more than 0.12 second and sinus bradycardia.

Beriberi (Sulphur)

ECG signs are bradycardia if failure is not developed, low voltage of R wave, electric alternans, ST segment depression and flat T wave. First heart sound becomes soft (pericarditis).

Asthma, Emphysema,& COPD

ECG signs are tall R wave in right sided leads, right axis deviation, deep and wide S wave in L1&V5, clockwise rotation, and tall R wave in aVR. V.A.T may increase more than 0.02 second in V1.

Cardiac medicines

Cardiac stimulant medicines
Sinapis, Spartium, Capsicum, Camphor, Coffee, Sulphur, Ginkgo, Granatum, Aspidosperma, Kola, Zingiber, Lobelia, Myrrha, Nux vomica, Allium sativa, Arsenic album, Adonis, Cactus.

Stimulants remedies
Sympathomimetic, low dose of sympatholytic, low dose of digitalis, calcium, high dose of belladonna (AV node), low dose of potassium, Cinchona, Aconitum, Colchicum, Pilocarpus, Crataegus, Digitalis, Helleborus, Gelsemium, Nux vomica.

High dose of sympatholytic, Crataegus, Digitalis, Cinchona, Magnesium, Potassium, Ipecac.

Central vasodilators
Sympathomimetic, Nitrates, Ammi visnaga.

Peripheral vasodilators

Strophanthus, Adonis,Tabacum, Boerhavia diffusa

Ricinus communis, Cascara Sagrada.

Salix nigra, Melilotus, Sulphuric acid.

Alfalfa, Calcium.

Micro vascular circulatory promoters
Arsenic alb, Ginkgo biloba, Taraxacum.

Lecithin (Trigonella), Lactate, Globulin, B1, Vitamin E, Vitamin C, Electrolytes.


Prophylactic treatment
Avoid all predisposing factors.
Avoid all risk factors.
Saturated fat, Trans fat, Coffee, Sugar, Acidosis, Hypoxia, Sodium excess, Adrenaline exhaustion, Malnutrition.

Strong individual
Cure (word means clean. 
Elimination of toxins (miasm)
Re establishment of homoeostasis (mental and physical)

Weak individual
 Healing with natural medicinal treatment


Acute & severe

Medicines with primary action.

Chronic & mild

A Medicine (remedy) with reflex action or with secondary action.

B Medicine with primary action in non-susceptible stage.

Rauwolfia, Veratrum, Cinchona, Sympatholytics, (Secale (large dose).

Belladonna, Ephedra, Lobelia, Tabacum, Secale (low).
Ephedra, Thuja.
Aconitum, China, Nux vomica, Secale, Veratrum, Viscum alb.

Aconitum, Aristolochia, Cinchona (large single dose), Digitalis, Nux vomica, Oleander, Secale, Squilla,  Strophanthus, Valariana, Veratrum, Viscum alb, Yohimbinum.

Belladonna, Ephedra, Sympathetomimic.
Paroxysmal atrial tachycardia
Aconitum, China, Nux vomica, Secale cor, Veratrum, Digitalis (large single dose-Depressant), Strophanthus.

Calc phos, Digitalis.
Kali mur, Aconitum, China, Nux vomica, Secale cor, Veratrum.

Calc phos, Digitalis, Ricinus com, cold water (Oral).
Digitalis, Sulphuric acid.
Bryonia, Kalmia, Viscum alb.

Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Ephedra, Lobelia.

Aconitum, China, Nux vomica, Secale cor, Veratrum, Digitalis, Kali.

S A block
Belladonna, Ephedra.  
China, Digitalis, Strophanthus, Oleander, Physostigma, Kali, Cold, O2, Acetic acid, Para sympathomimetic.

Calc phos, Ephedra, Tabacum, Adonis.
Arsenic alb, China, Nux vomica, Gelsemium, Helleborus, Colchicum, Aconitum, Pilocarpus. Kali mur, Rauwolfia, Sulphur (B1),Crataegus.

Allium cepa, Arsenic alb, China, Opium, Sulphur.

Sulphuric acid, Allium sativa,  Urginea, Allium cepa.

varicose vein
Sulphuric acid, China, Melilotus, Salix nigra, Sulphur.

Alfalfa, Calc phos, China, Gelsemium, Aloe.s, Mag phos.Juglans regia, Calcaeria fluor, Gun powder, Terminalia chebua,Accasia.

Aloe.socotrina, Hamamelis, Sulphur, Salix nigra.

Calc phos.
Allium sativa, Emblica ribes, Sulphuric acid, Terminalia chebula, Podophyllum.

Oleum jecoris, Ricinus communis, Aloe. s, Kalmegh, Citric acid.
Fatty heart
Phosphoric acid, Curcuma, Allium cepa.

Congenital ASD
   Calcarea phos.                                                   

Overactive state congenital
Alfalfa, China, 
Aconitum, Secale cor.    
Viscum album, Sulphur, Salix nigra, Aloe socotrina

Recurrent angina
Cactus grandiflora,         Aconitum, Cocculus, Mag phos. Alcohol, Tabacum.

Effort syndrome
Nux vomica, China, 
Cold drinks.

Aconitum, Arsenic alb.

Atrial fibrillation
Calcarea phos.

Pulmonary congestion
Belladonna, Stramonium, Hyoscyamus.

Ipecac, Physostigma.
Bryonia, Spigelia.

Right VF
Arsenic alb, Digitalis, Aconitum, Sulphur, Salix nigra.

Left VF
Calc phos.
Arsenic alb, Rauwolfia, Sulphur, Salix nigra, Nux vomica, Kali mur, Opium, Gelsemium.

Cardiac cirrhosis
Cactus, Podophyllum, Curcuma long, Arsenic alb, Nux vomica.

Secale cor.

Vascular thrombosis, polyp

Cinchona, Lobelia, Arsenic alb, Sinapis, Nux vomica, Thuja, Podophyllum, Sulphuric acid.


Herbal chelation
Silicea     < Iron containing herbs.

Iron         < Lead containing herbs.

Lead       < Copper containing herbs.

Copper   < Mercury containing herbs.

Mercury  < Arsenic containing herbs.

Arsenic   < Sulphur containing herbs.

Sulphur   < phosphorus containing herbs.

Phosphorus < Aurum containing herbs.

                < Magnesium containing herbs.

Natural medicines

Crocus sativa (Hypercholerstremia, Mn, Anti inflammatory).

Syzigum aromaticus (Mn, Anti inflammatory).

Zingiberis. (S, Blood thinning).

Allium sativa (S, Blood thinning, Hypercholerstremia, Anti inflammatory).

Cardamom (Mn).

Crataegus (Plaque inhibition).

Curcuma long (Blood thinning).

Piper nigrum (P, Blood thinning, Hypercholerstremia).

Citrus medica (Blood thinning).

Terminalia arjuna (Cardiomyopathy).

Terminalia chebula (Hypercholerstremia, Laxative). 

Gulgul mukul (Hypercholerstremia).

Gingko biloba (Blood thinning).

Cinnamon (Mn, Blood thinning).

Hypericum (Blood thinning).

Aeseculus hip (varicosity).

Juglan regia (Varicosity).

Thea sinensis (Blood clotting).