Eastern hemlock spruce,
Pinus canadensis, Tsuga canadensis.
Coniferous long-lived
tree. Height 32 meter. Pine family. Fresh bark and young buds. Bark contains
volatile oil, tannic acid, red dye, and resin. Leaves contain vitamin C.
This is medicine for
diarrhoea, colitis, and cystitis.
It is diaphoretic and
diuretic medicine.
It is medicine
externally for gingivitis and stomatitis as mouth wash.
It is medicine
externally for steam bath to treat colds, cough, rheumatism.
It is a rubefacient (Volatile
oil can be used externally just like using belladonna plaster).
It is remedy for great
appetite with faint feeling in stomach.
It is remedy for
flatulence in stomach with palpitation and prostration. Want to lie down all
the time (Abies nigra-Sensation of hard body at lower end of oesophagus, pain
in stomach worse after eating, and mucus gastritis from abuse of
It is remedy
for uterine displacement. Thinks uterus is soft and feeble.
It is remedy for chronic
kidney disease.
1 to 4 drops.