Friday, 11 December 2020

Balsam Tolutanum. Kader Kochi.



Balsam of tolu, Myroxylon toluifera. 


Evergreen tree. Height 25 meters. Bark is reddish brown. Bark resin contains vanillin, cinnamic acid, benzoic acid, eugenol, and aromatic volatile oil.



This is medicine for productive cough. 

It is medicine for inhalation in pulmonary diseases.

It is medicine for bed sore, ulcer, cracked nipple, and wound.

It is remedy for dry cough with profuse perspiration.


1 to 6 drops.


Thursday, 10 December 2020

Argentum nitricum. Kader Kochi.


Nitrate of silver, Lunar caustic.


This is remedy for epilepsy, sleeplessness, and dream of snakes.

It is remedy for paraesthesia, and muscle weakness.

It is remedy for depression, and anxiety with impulsive nature.

It is remedy for fear about strange place, or menstruation.

It is remedy for chorea, Parkinson diseases, tremor, and multiple sclerosis.

It is remedy for sick headache with sense of expanding.

It is remedy for granular and pustular conjunctivitis.

It is remedy for frequent gastralgia. Splinter like pain, better from belching. Irresistible desire for sugar.

It is remedy for diarrhoea from anxiety. Stool is greenish.

It is remedy for wrist drop.

It is remedy for emaciation, and progeria.

It had been used for antiseptic purpose of eyes, and cauterization.

Word “luna” means silver.



Aurum muriaticum. Kader Kochi.


This is remedy for depression, Parkinsonism, and multiple sclerosis.

It is remedy for infertility.

It is remedy for nymphomania, and uterine hypertrophy.

It is remedy for degeneration of uterus and ovaries (Mercurius).

It is remedy for arteriosclerosis.

It is remedy for chronic lymphadenopathy, scrofula, and anaemia.

It is remedy for bone marrow disorders.




Cuprum metallicum. Kader Kochi.



This is remedy for spasm and chorea from fright.

It is remedy for nerve complaints and spasm due to suppressed eruption.

It is remedy for epilepsy with loss of consciousness and fixed pupils. Spasm begins from fingers and toes. Periodic epilepsy worse in new moon, and better from being mesmerized.

It is remedy for asthma from fright.

It is remedy for symptoms with slimy metallic taste.

It is remedy for chlorosis from abuse of iron, and thalassemia (Arsenic album).


