Chemical constituents present in crude vegetable or animal parts responsible for biological activity are called bioactive compounds.
Primary metabolites of plants are essential for growth and daily functioning of the plants.
They includecarbohydrates, amino acids, nucleotides, fatty acids, steroids and lipids.
The secondary metabolites are waste material of plants include, alkaloids, glycosides, non-protein amino acids, and amines.
They are essential for defensive functions especially from mushroom, insects and herbivores animals.
They are present in small quantities.
Generally, they are present in the storage organs of the plants, especially in seeds and roots, and less in leaves, bark, wood or other plant parts.
Plants produce smell, nectar, and color for attraction,survival, and defensive purpose.
The strength of bioactive principle of one plant may vary on different soil.
Alkaloids | Gum | Waxes | Neutral principles |
Glycosides | Resins | Saponins | Lignans |
Fats & Fixed oils | Gum resins | Tannins | Isoflavones |
Volatile oils | Oleoresins | Balsams |
15% of plants produce alkaloids.
Total 12,000 alkaloids have been identified.
The name alkaloid is derived from Arabic al-qalwi,means ashes of plants.
These are final products of protein metabolism in plants as urea in mammals.
Besides the nitrogen, it contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur, chlorine, bromine and phosphorus.
Most of alkaloids contain oxygen, but nicotine and coniine are oxygen free.
Colored alkaloids include berberine and sanguinarine.They are mostly solids and bitter in taste.
Pyrrolidine | Bellaradine (belladonna), hygrine (coca,withania), nicotine, stachydrine (millefolium, alfalfa) |
Pyrrolizidine | Symphytine, crotallaria, eupatorium purpurium, tussilago, senecionine ( hepatotoxic ) |
Pyridine | Trigonelline, ricinin, arecolin, nicotinic acid (belladonna, tobacco) |
Piperidine | Trognelline, coniine, arecoine, lobeline, pomegranatine(root), nicotine, piperine (black pepper), anabasine |
Tropane | Scopolamine, atropine (anticholinergics), cocaine (stimulant), dubosia, and dioscorine. Tropane has anticholinergic, analgesic, anti secretary properties. It is smooth muscle relaxant. |
Quinoline | Quinine and quinidine ( cinchona, angustura) |
Isoquinoline | Argemonine, berberine, celandine, hydrastine, emetine, morphine, papaverine, narcine, and sanguinarine Isoquinoline has antiviral, anti cancerous, bone marrow stimulating properties. |
Quinolizidine | Spartine, yohimbine, baptisine and lupine. |
Indol | Strychnine, reserpine, ergotamine, physostigmine, gelsemine, vincristine, aspidospermine, bufotoxin, and yohimbinum |
Imidazol | Pilocarpine |
Steroidal alkaloids | Conicine, withanine, solanidine (shoots of potato), veratrum, kurichi, and arginine |
Purine, methyl xantine | Caffeine, theophylline (tea, coffea, cola nuts), thiobromine (coaco) It can cause testicular degeneration in male, and reduce acne in young |
Others | Choline, neurine, and muscharine |
These compounds are originated from amino acids and contain nitrogen atoms in the side chain.
Example includes mescaline, adrenaline, and ephedrine.
The examples include ephedrine, colchicine and aconitine.
Many individual names are formed by adding the suffix "ine" to the species.
Suffixes "idine", "anine", "aline", "inine" etc are added if several alkaloids are extracted from one plant.
Friedrich serturner, the German chemist first isolated morphine from poppy in 1804
Morphine (1804) | Atropine (1819) | Coniine (1827) | Sparteine (1851) |
Xanthine (1817) | Quinine (1820) | Nicotine (1828) | Cocaine (1860) |
Strychinine (1818) | Caffeine (1820) | Cholchicine (1833) | Synthetic coniine (1886) |
They give two portions on hydrolysis by enzymes and acids.
Sugar portion is glycone and non-sugar portion is aglycone.
If glycone is glucose, they are called as glucosides.
Alcoholic glycosides | Examples include salicin found in salix nigra. They have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action. |
Cardiac glycosides | They are calcium promoters in lower dose. So strong contraction, prolonged diastole and increased venous return are developed. Examples include steroids found in scilla, digitalis, oleander, strophanthus, and convallaria. |
Anthraquinone glycosides | They are aglycone and have laxative effect. Antraquinine can promote water & electrolyte secretion and peristalsis. Example include rumex and rheum |
Coumarin glycosides | Examples include coumarin found in psoralea leaves. They can dilate coronary vessel and inhibit calcium channel (paralysis). |
Cyanogenic glycosides | Examples include amygdalin found in cherries, rose, sambucus, lauroceracus, plums, apple seeds, apricot seed, peach, yucca, bamboo shoots, flax seeds, mushroom, cassava, and almonds. They have some anticancer properties. Cyanides can promote hypothyroidism. |
Flavonoids glycosides | They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti neoplastic (phytoestrogen) properties. They decrease capillary fragility. Examples include quercitrin, rutin, and hesperidin . Common causes of chronic inflammation are excess of co2 and salt; lack of O2, enzymes and vitamin E; electron loss, and radiation. Vitamin E present in peanut, selenium and bran rice. |
Phenolic glycosides | They have urinary antiseptic property. They found in uva-ursi. Example includes arbutin. Phenols derivatives are hypericum, quercus and heracleum. They have anti vitilgo properties. |
Saponin glycosides | They are good expectorant, anti-inflammatory, immune modulator and anti neoplastic. Examples include liquorice. Steroid saponin is diosxin found in dioscorea. It can cause hepatitis and hyper pigmentation.(liliacea) |
Triterpen glycosides | Example includes triterpen found in ginseng. |
Stevia glycosides | Example includes stevioside and rebaudioside found in stevia plant. |
Thio glycosides | They are sulphur contain compound. Examples include singrin found in black mustard and sinalbin found in white mustard. Glucosinolates can inhibit procarcinogens in liver. They can prevent hyperthyroidism. |
Fixed oils
They form soaps with alkalis, and can decompose on distillation.
Volatile oils
Some are liquids like oil of eucalyptus, clove oil, cardamom oil, turpentine oil, sandalwood oil, balsam of tolu etc.
They can cause haemolysis of RBC.
They have photosensitization, hepatic toxicity, neoplastic and anti neoplastic properties.
They are useful in vitiligo examples include senega. dioscorea, liquorice and quillaya.
They have antimicrobial and wound healing properties.
Example includes podophyllum.
Gum resins
Examples include myrrh and asafetida
Example includes copaiva.
Examples include benzoin, peru and tolu.
Neutral principles
Other bioactive compounds
It can reduce growth of ventral part of prostate.
High oestrogenocity can cause infertility or can cause hypospadias during pregnancy.
Isoflavoneshave both antioxidant and anti hyper cholesterolemic properties
Example include gentian. fenugreek, sebal serrulata and thuja.
Lignans present in the bran fraction of cereals.
They present in podophyllum and sesame seeds.
They can control hormone related cancers.