Sunday, 3 March 2013

Chamomilla. Kader Kochi.


Matricaria chamomilla (German), Anthemis nobilis (Roman), Earth apple, Water of youth.


Perennial flowering plant. Height 60 cm. Flowers and leaves. Bitter flower. Plant contains volatile oil, anthemene, coumarin, anthemic acid, salicylic acid, tannin, and resin. Plant has apple like smell. 


This is medicine for pain, anxiety, and insomnia.

It is medicine for polymyositis, and fibromyalgia (Alnus rubra, Arnica montana, Salix nigra, Cinchona).

It is medicine for irritable bowel syndrome (Nux vomica).

It is medicine for ulcer.

It is medicine for haemorrhoids.

It is medicine for thrombosis. 

It is medicine externally for dark circles under eye, melasma, and degenerative changes of skin.

It is remedy for infantile irritability, and hyperactivity syndrome of children.

It is remedy for abortion, and bleeding.

It had been used for preparing herbal tea.


1 to 4 drops.


Cedron simarouba. Kader Kochi.


Rattle snake bean, Simarouba, Simaba cedron.


Small tree. Height 7 meters. Bark. Seed contains bitter toxins, quassinoids, cedronin, tannins, and oils.


This is remedy internally and medicine externally for snake bite (Indigo, Styrax, Camphor, Thuja, Aristolochia, Rauwolfia, Aconitum, Piper nigrum).

It is remedy for periodic morning headache.

It is remedy for facial neuralgia following intermittent fever.

It is remedy for hydrophobia (Stramonium).

It is remedy for dysentery.

It is remedy for fever with chilliness.

It is remedy for periodic ligamentous rheumatism.



Chimaphila umbelata. Kader Kochi.


Pipsissewa, Prince's pine.


Perennial flowering plant. Height 35 cm. Plant contains chimaphilin, arbutin, ericalin, ursone, tannin, sugar, gum, and resin.


This is diuretic medicine. 

It is medicine for enlargement of mammary glands, testicles, and prostate. 

It promotes elimination of nitrogenous wastes. 

It is medicine for renal colic. 

It is medicine for tuberculosis.

It is remedy for breast cancer. 

It is remedy for glycosuria.

It is remedy for prostatitis.


1 to 20 drops.


Chenopodium ambrosioides. Kader Kochi.


Jerusalem oak, Jesuit's tea, Mexican tea, Dysphania ambrosioides.


Perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Seeds contain unpleasant colourless oil, ascaridole, thymol, camphor, and terpenes. Bitter and pungent.


This is toxic medicine for worms. 

It is remedy for Meniere’s disease.

It is remedy for syncope.

It is remedy for right sided hemiplegia.

It is remedy for dysmenorrhoea.


Vermifuge.  Liquid diet in evening meal. Take 5 to 15 drops in next morning in three-divided dose in one-hour interval. Then, take 12 drops of castor oil. Avoid breakfast. 


Cinchona officinalis. Kader Kochi.


Peruvian bark, Jesuit bark, China bark, Quina, Kina-Kina.


Evergreen tree. Height 15 meters. Bark. Plant contains salicylic acid, quinine, quinidine, cinchonine, chinchonidine, quinamine, tannic acid, volatile oil, gum, sugar, and wax. Bitter.


This is a gastric tonic. 

It is medicine for nasal catarrh, body pain, chillness, malaria, and intermittent fever (Quebracho).

It is medicine for sepsis.

It is medicine for amenorrhea. 

It is medicine for diarrhoea.

It is medicine for neuralgia.

It is medicine for hair loss, and greyness (Jaborandi).

It is medicine for hyperglycaemia.

It is medicine in alcoholic addiction.

It is stimulant medicine and it gives warmth to body as the alcohol does. 

It has bacteriolytic and plasmodium parasite-lytic activities. 

It is a strong cardiac depressant (Prolonged QT interval; Cumulative action).

It inhibits excretion of waste materials through kidney (Coffee).

It is remedy for fever without thirst, chillness with desire to uncover in intermittent fever, and malaria.

It is remedy for aseptic meningitis.

It is remedy for hypothermia, hypotension, and hypoglycaemia.

It is remedy for leucopoenia, thrombocytopenia, bleeding, and purpura. 

It is remedy for haemolytic anaemia & thalassemia (Arsenic album). 

It is remedy for weakness due to blood loss.

It is remedy for over sensitiveness of all senses (Hepar sulph, Nux vomica, Zingiber).

It is remedy for color blindness.

It is remedy for deafness, and noise in ear.

It is remedy for cardiac weakness, prolongation of QT interval, and paroxysmal ventricular tachycardia.

It is remedy for arthritis.

It is remedy for muscular dystrophy. 

It is remedy for cramps in legs, dystonia, and Parkinson’s disease.

It is remedy for inflammation, and generalized vasculitis.

It is remedy for inflammation in spleen.

It is remedy for chronic renal failure due to coagulation defects.

It is remedy for stone & cancer in bladder.

It is remedy for hyperhidrosis (Mercurius).

It is remedy for hyper pigmentation, and sunburn.

It is remedy for auto immune diseases (Alfalfa, Secale cor).

It is remedy for acute viral infections.

It had been used in water as elixir.

Antidote of cinchona is Arsenic album.

It is a panacea in herbal medicine (Camphor, Ricinus communis, Ginger, Allium sativa, Asafoetida, Alfalfa, Nux vomica, Ginseng, Viscum album).

It is the national tree of Peru.

Word “Quina” means holy bark. Quin means fair.


1 to 3 drops (Descending dose).

Dilution (Ascending potency).

Conium maculatum. Kader Kochi.


Poison hemlock, Devil’s bread, Poison parsley, Beaver poison, Sauma, Carrot fern, Bunk (Canada), Cicuta, Nanch (Malayalam), Snake weed.


Biennial herbaceous flowering plant. Height 2 meters. Hair less plant grows in damp soil. Flowers are white. Fruits, flowers, leaves, stems and root contain piperidine alkaloids, coniceine, coniine, conhydrine, pseudo conhydrine, and volatile alkaloids (Coniine and nicotine are liquid alkaloids). Bitter. It has special mousy odour (Aethusa cynapium).


This is medicine for spasm (Paralysis agitans, chorea, hysteria, delirium tremens, acute mania, trismus, laryngeal spasm, spasmodic wry neck, rigid uterine os during parturition, leg cramps etc. -Belladonna, Cocculus).

It is medicine for teething troubles, epilepsy, and parkinsonism rigidity.

It is medicine for hydrophobia, and tetanus. 

It has parasympatholytic action (Stramonium).

It is medicine for spasmodic and dry cough (Inhalation).

It is an antidote in Nux vomica poisoning (Physostigma, Tabacum).

It is medicine for visceral pain, and the pain in cancer.

It is analgesic locally in epithelioma and chronic sores.

It is remedy for conjunctivitis with dilated and fixed pupil (Belladonna, Veratrum album).   

It is remedy for torticollis.

It is remedy for excessive salivation (Tabacum).

It is remedy for congenital disorders (Veratrum album).

It is remedy for hypertension and tachycardia with dilated pupil.

It is remedy for respiratory failure (Opium, Ricinus communis, Sambucus, Aconitum).

It is remedy for irritable bowel syndrome.

It is remedy for renal failure, and frequent urination due to weakness of bladder sphincter (Ephedra).

It is remedy for swelling of scrotum and prostate (Lungs tumor- Tabacum, Arsenic album).

It is remedy for impotence, and gynaecomastia (Agnus castus). 

It is remedy for breast adenoma, and abnormal proliferation in uterus.

It is remedy hypothermia (slurring in descending limb of R wave or raised ST segment in ECG-Cinchona).

It is remedy for ascending type paralysis (Cocculus, Curare, Aconitum, Rhododendron).

It is remedy for muscular dystrophy lower limb type (Cinchona).

It is remedy for numbness and burning sensation in skin.

It is remedy for wound.

 It is remedy in weak vital force (Quassia).

It had been given to boys and girls in ancient time to inhibit the normal development of testis and breast respectively. 

Activated charcoal is the antidote in conium poisoning.

Medicinal antidote is Nux vomica.

Word “konium” (Greek) means vertigo producing herb.


1 to 2 drops.


Coleus aromaticus. Kader Kochi.


Karppora valli, Fever root, Cuban oregano, Spanish thyme, Mexican mint, Indian mint, Indian borage, Plectranthus amboinincus.


Perennial plant. Height 90 cm. Plant contains essential oil, thymol, carvacrol, eugenol and trans-caryophyllene.


This is diuretic and diaphoretic medicine for rheumatism.

It is medicine for nasal congestion, coughs and sore throat in babies.

It is medicine for flatulence in babies.

It is medicine externally for chronic squamous dermatitis.

It is remedy for irritable bowel syndrome.

It had been used to mask bad odour of curry (Fish and mutton).

It had been applied on skin as a mosquito repellent.


2 to 10 drops.


Chelidonium majus. Kader Kochi.


Greater celandine, Tetterwort.


Perennial herb. Height 1 meter. Poppy family. Plant contains a bitter principle, isoquinoline alkaloids, coptisine, chelidonine, sanguinarine, protopine, chelerythrine, caffeic acid, chelidonic acid and chlorophyll.


This is medicine externally for bruises and sprains (Arnica, Hamamelis). 

It is medicine for warts, corns, epithelioma, and tumor.

It is diuretic, cathartic, diaphoretic, expectorant, and local irritant medicine. 

It has antiviral property. 

It is medicine for toothache.

It is medicine for gall stone, and chronic hepatitis.

It is medicine externally with milk for amblyopia (Vaccinium myrtillus, Gelsemium). 

It is remedy for yellowness of eyes, and jaundice.

It is remedy for herpes, and atopic dermatitis.

It is remedy for gall stones.

It had been used to prepare fabric dye.


2 or 3 drops.


Ceanothus americanus. Kader Kochi.


New Jersey tea.


Shrub. Height 1 meter. Leaves, and red root. Plant contains astringent principle, and ceanothine D.


This is medicine for splenic enlargement after malaria. 

It is medicine for bowel congestion. 

It is medicine for insufficient lymphatic and venous drainage in spleen, stomach and bowel. 

It is medicine for hypertension.

It is a stimulant to mucous surface.

It is a good expectorant.

It is haemostatic, and antiseptic medicine.

It is remedy for chronic splenomegaly. 

It had been used for preparing dye, and herbal tea.


2 to 5 drops.


Cacao. Kader Kochi.


Theobroma cacao, Cocoa tree. 


Perennial tree. Height 8 meters. Plant contains xanthine, theobromine and caffeine.


This is an aphrodisiac.

It is a mood elevator in female. 

It is remedy for neuritis.

It is remedy for uric acid nephropathy.

It is remedy for arthritis.

It is remedy for diabetes.

It is toxic to cats and dogs (Coffee, Allium sativa).

Theobroma is the ingredient of chocolate. Word Theobroma means food of gods (Chocolate).  



Caltha palustris. Kader Kochi.


Marsh marigold.


Perennial herb. Height 80 cm. Leaves. Plant contains toxic glycoside- protoanemonin.


This is remedy for aphthae in mouth, pemphigus, and pustules in skin.

It is remedy for convulsion.

It is remedy for gastritis.

It is remedy for uterine cancer.



Calotropis gigantic. Kader Kochi.


Madar bark, Arka (Sun), Sodom apple (Colocynth), Milkweed, Rubber plant, Erukku.   


Large shrub. Height meters. Plant contains milky latex, calotropin, calotropagen, uscharin, calactin, cardenolides, calcium oxalate, and toxic principle.Taste are bitter and pungent. Flower, root bark and leaves.


This is medicine externally for leprosy, piles, tag, warts, elephantiasis, and vitiligo. 

It is remedy for alopecia.

It is remedy for chronic conjunctivitis.

It is remedy for blindness.

It is remedy for bradycardia.

It is remedy for diabetes (Leaves, Flowers).

It is remedy for rheumatism.

It is remedy diabetes (Apply leaves under soles for 12 hours continuously for 40 days).

It is remedy for primary cancer.

It is remedy for chronic ulcers, blotches, chilblain, and Raynaud’s disease.

It is an antidote in snake poison.

It had used for induce vomiting and purgation.

Latex had been used as abortifacient and arrow poison.

Its fibre had been used for making ropes (Apocynum cannabinum). 

Plant had been used as mosquito repellent.

Plant has allelopathic activities (Rhus aromaticus, Laurocerasus, Asafoetida, Sambucus, Rhododendron, Uva ursi, Allium sativa, Solidago, Nux vomica).



Coffea arabica. Kader Kochi.




Small tree. Height 3.5 meters. Beans contains caffeine, volatile oil, tannic acid, protein dextrin, and glucose. The tincture of coffee made from the unroasted berries. 


This is nerve and cardiac stimulant (Capsicum).

It is medicine for sleepiness.

It is an antispasmodic medicine.

It is medicine for headache, and vertigo from imperfect circulation to brain.

It increases the heart's action. It is medicine for low blood pressure. 

It is diuretic medicine. It may increase urea level in blood. 

It is remedy for hyper uraemia, gout, and black face.

It is antidote of Manganum.

Coffee bean is unfavourable to certain dogs.

Origin of coffee plant is Ethiopia. Coffee drinks have contained acrylamide.


1 to 6 drops.


Caulophyllum. Kader Kochi.


Blue cohosh, Squaw root.


Perennial plant. Height 80 cm. Fruits are blue. Plant contains toxic principle, caulophyllin, leontin, resins, and gum.


This is medicine for amenorrhea.

It is medicine for safe parturition.

It is medicine for nymphomania.

It is remedy for threatened abortion from uterine debility.

It is remedy for dysmenorrhoea due to rigid cervix. Pain and symptoms are radiated reflexively from uterus (Secale cor).

It is remedy for menorrhagia, and profuse leucorrhoea.

It is remedy for frigidity.

It is remedy for safe gestation, and protracted discharge of lochia.

It is remedy for rheumatism of small joints and muscles.

It is remedy for chloasma, and pityriasis versicolor.

Roasted seeds had been used a substitute for coffee.


1 to 10 drops.


Cascara sagrada. Kader Kochi.


Sacred bark (Spanish), Rhamnus purshiana, Bearberry, Chittum bark.


Tree. Height 10 meters. Fruits are purple red. Bark. Plant contains a bitter principle, emodin, hydroxyanthracene glycosides, aloin, and chrysaloin.


This is medicine for chronic constipation (Aloe Socotrina, Senna, Ricinus communis, Croton tig). 

It is medicine for hepatic tumor, hepatic cirrhosis, and portal hypertension. 

It is remedy for fibrositis.

It used to apply on the nail of children to stop the habit of biting nails.


2 to 10 drops.


Calcarea carbonicum. Kader Kochi.


Calcarea ostrearum, Carbonate of lime.


This is remedy for children with delayed dentition, wide opened fontanelles, profuse sweating on head, large abdomen, craving for indigestible things, sour smelling stool and urine, wakefulness at 2 am, and rickets.

It is remedy for fear of darkness, fear of misfortune, anxiety, and low vitality.

It is remedy for epilepsy in full moon with aura as a mouse running down from abdomen.

It is remedy for headache with profuse perspiration and icy coldness on forehead.

It is remedy for otorrhea with mucopurulent discharge, adenoid and enlarged lymph glands.

It is remedy for cold and dry cough with aggravation in open air, sun heat, and full moon.

It is remedy for tachycardia and sinking feeling after eating.

It is remedy for menorrhagia, metrorrhagia and milky leucorrhea with cold, damp feet.

It is remedy for peripheral neuritis, neuralgia, slowness in movement, and weakness of right arm.

It is remedy for dry skin, urticaria, delay in wound healing, chilblain from wetting, and palmar psoriasis.

It is remedy for obesity.

It is remedy for weak vital force.




Carica pappaya. Kader Kochi.


Papaya, Papaw.


Unbranched tree. Height 10 meters. Mexican origin. Fruit’s latex. Plant contains papain, lycopene, papaotin, papoid and caroid. Seeds contain Phytoestrogen, piperazine and a cyanogenic principle -prunasin.


This is medicine for hepatitis, and chronic catarrhal colitis. 

It promotes gastric secretion, and protein digestion.

It is medicine for malaria, and dengue fever (Leaves tea).

It promotes prolactin and oestrogen secretions.

Seeds are medicine for worms.

It is remedy for bleeding disorders.

Leaf had been used for purpose of wrapping fresh meat. 

Young leaf had been used for preparing tea.



2 to 4 drops.


Carduus marianus. Kader Kochi.


Holy thistle, Silybum marianum, Milk thistles, Silibinum.


Annual plant. Height 2 meters. Root. Plant contains silibinum, silymarin, and potassium nitrate.


This is medicine for hepatitis, and hepatic encephalopathy.

It is medicine for varicose vein (Aesculus hippocastanum).

It is remedy for portal hypertension, and cirrhosis of liver.

It is remedy for cancer.

It is the antidote in mushroom poisoning.


1 to 10 drops.


Capsicum annum. Kader Kochi.


Cayenne pepper, Chilli, Paprika, Banana pepper, Hot pepper, Sweet pepper, Chinese mustard.


Evergreen perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Plant contains capsaicin, volatile oil, vitamin C, vitamin B6, vitamin B3, resin, and fixed oil.


This is medicine for gastric atony (Hydrastis, Nux vomica).

It is medicine for diabetes mellitus.

It is medicine for weakness following alcoholic drinks.

It is a circulatory stimulant, and aphrodisiac (Nux vomica).

It is a rubefacient.

It is remedy for excessive salivation and lachrymation. 

It had been used as insecticide.


1 to 2 drops.


Cannabis indica. Kader Kochi.


Indian hemp, Marijuana, Kanchavu.


Annual flowering herb. Height 120 cm. Plant contains volatile oil, tetrahydrocannabinol, cannabinoids, gum, sugar, and potassium nitrate.


Cannabis Indica is sedative, narcotic, and analgesic medicine.

It is remedy for dementia (Opium, Gelsemium, Passiflora, Hyoscyamus).

It is remedy for anxiety, and obsessive neurosis.

It is remedy for glaucoma.

It is remedy for chronic cough.

It is remedy for chronic dysuria.

It is remedy for early degeneration of soft tissues.

It is remedy for muscle spasm. 

It is remedy for weak vital force (Sulphur, Carbo veg, Calcarea carb, Quassia).



Camphor. Kader Kochi.


Cinnamomum camphora, Gum camphor, Karpura, Chalk of barus.


Evergreen tree. Height 30 meters. Berries are black. Flowers are white. Bark contains volatile compounds, safrole, and cineole (Eucalyptol). Leaves contain more carbon, and sulphur.


This is analgesic, sedative, anti-pruritic, spasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic, expectorant, and antiseptic medicine.

It is a respiratory stimulant, and mucus reducing medicine.

It is medicine for inhalation in respiratory congestion.

It is medicine externally for swelling, and inflammation.

It is medicine externally with vegetable oil on affected parts for cold, cough, pain, fever, inflammation, rheumatism, muscular pain, and sprain (Ricinus communis, Asafoetida, Ignatia, Sinapis).

It is medicine externally for muscle spasm.

It reduces peripheral circulation like ergot (Vasodilators-Aconitum, Belladonna, Bryonia alba, Veratrum viride). 

It is medicine for central ischemia, hypotension, and diarrhoea.

It is remedy in sleeplessness, excitement, hysteria, and anxiety state.

It is remedy for fever with extreme chill.

It is remedy for dry nose, and dry cough.

It is remedy for lethargy and excessive sleepiness (Mucus retention).

It is remedy for bronchial spasm (Inhalation).

It is remedy for cholera, vomiting, fatigue, collapse, cyanosis, and delirium.

It is remedy for impotence, and night seminal emission.

It is remedy for muscle spasm, and convulsion (Nux vomica, Phytolacca).

It is remedy for chronic kidney diseases (Thuja, Abies canadensis, Astringents).

It is remedy for chronic liver diseases.

It is remedy for cataract (Calcarea fluoricum).

It is a remedy for schizophrenia.

It is remedy for carcinoma of lungs (Tumor-Arsenic album).

It had been used as the emergency herbal medicine.

It is an insect repellent. 

It was an ingredient in gunpowder.

It had been used for embalming dead body or person on the verge of death (Cinnamomum, Myrrha, Ricinus communis).

It had been used in vinegar to expel bad smell in rooms.

It has eucalyptus (Cineole -Ginger, Cannabis indica, Damiana) like action on inhalation.

It is respiratory & cardiac stimulant. Camphorated alcohol is absorbed through the skin. Thus, it stimulates nerve endings.

It is an antidote in cobra poisoning, and scorpion sting (Thuja, Styrax, Ocimum can, Myrrha, Piper nigrum, Azadirecta).

It is prophylactic remedy for epidemic infection (Gelsemium, Ignatia, Nux vomica; Viscum album, Allium sativa, Asafoetida, Ricinus communis, Arsenic album, Sulphur).

It is the antidote of Manganum.

Word “karpooram” means substance that creating happiness. Kafur (Arabic) means tree of paradise. 



Inhalation- Only single dose (With or without Mint, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Sage, Damiana or similar volatile oil).

Externally with vegetable oil.

Internally in sugar globules.

Calendula officinalis. Kader Kochi.


Marigold, Virgin Mary's gold, chettichy.


Perennial aromatic plant. Height 80 cm. Plant contains volatile oil, triterpene glycosides, gum, and sugar. Bitter.


This is medicine for uterine displacement and hypertrophy. 

It is medicine externally for acne, open wounds, cut, and burns.

It is medicine externally for vaginal douching. 

It is remedy for nasal cold, and vasomotor rhinitis (Camphor).

It is remedy for neoplasm.

It is remedy for wound healing. 

It had been used as a medicine for liver and intestine purifier.

It had been used for preparing tea, and food dye.


2 to 6 drops.
