camphora, Gum camphor, Karpura, Chalk of barus.
Evergreen tree. Height 30 meters. Berries are black. Flowers are white. Bark contains volatile compounds, safrole, and cineole (Eucalyptol). Leaves contain more carbon, and sulphur.
This is
analgesic, sedative, anti-pruritic, spasmodic, carminative, diaphoretic,
expectorant, and antiseptic medicine.
It is a
respiratory stimulant, and mucus reducing medicine.
It is medicine for
inhalation in respiratory congestion.
It is medicine
externally for swelling, and inflammation.
It is medicine externally with vegetable oil on affected parts for cold, cough, pain, fever, inflammation, rheumatism, muscular pain, and sprain (Ricinus communis, Asafoetida, Ignatia, Sinapis).
It is medicine externally
for muscle spasm.
It reduces peripheral
circulation like ergot (Vasodilators-Aconitum, Belladonna, Bryonia alba,
Veratrum viride).
It is medicine for central ischemia, hypotension, and diarrhoea.
It is remedy in sleeplessness,
excitement, hysteria, and anxiety state.
It is remedy for fever
with extreme chill.
It is remedy for dry
nose, and dry cough.
It is remedy for lethargy and excessive sleepiness (Mucus retention).
It is remedy for bronchial spasm (Inhalation).
It is remedy for
cholera, vomiting, fatigue, collapse, cyanosis, and delirium.
It is remedy for impotence, and night seminal emission.
It is remedy for muscle spasm, and convulsion (Nux vomica, Phytolacca).
It is remedy for
chronic kidney diseases (Thuja, Abies canadensis, Astringents).
It is remedy for
chronic liver diseases.
It is remedy for cataract (Calcarea fluoricum).
It is a remedy for schizophrenia.
It is remedy for carcinoma of lungs (Tumor-Arsenic album).
It had been used as the
emergency herbal medicine.
It is an insect repellent.
It was an ingredient in
It had been used for embalming dead body or a person on the verge of death (Cinnamomum, Myrrha,
Ricinus communis).
It had been used in
vinegar to expel bad smell in rooms.
It has eucalyptus
(Cineole -Ginger, Cannabis indica, Damiana) like action on inhalation.
It is a respiratory & cardiac stimulant. Camphorated alcohol is absorbed through the skin.
Thus, it stimulates nerve endings.
It is an antidote in cobra
poisoning, and scorpion sting (Thuja, Styrax, Ocimum can, Myrrha, Piper nigrum,
It is prophylactic remedy for epidemic infection (Gelsemium, Ignatia, Nux vomica; Viscum album, Allium sativa, Asafoetida, Ricinus communis, Arsenic album, Sulphur).
It is the antidote of Manganum.
“karpooram” means substance that creating happiness. Kafur (Arabic) means
tree of paradise.
Inhalation- Only single dose (With or without Mint, Eucalyptus, Ginger, Sage, Damiana
or similar volatile oil).
with vegetable oil.
in sugar globules.