Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Dulcamara. Kader Kochi.


Bitter sweet, Woody nightshade, Climbing nightshade.


Perennial semi woody vine. Height meters. Hollow stem. Fruits contains dulcamarin, solanine, gum, resin, and wax. Berries are red, and bitter. Leaves are bitter at first, then sweet.


This is tranquilizing, diuretic, and diaphoretic medicine. 

It facilitates eruption in chicken pox.   

It is medicine externally for wound, psoriasis, and vitiligo. 

Unripe berry has teratogenic effects. Solanine is one that destroys the blood cells. It promotes clumping of damaged cells.

It is medicine for all symptoms resulting from suppression of secretion on exposure to cold and damp weather.  

It is remedy for sleeplessness.

It is remedy for excessive salivation, and mouth ulcer.

It is remedy for thrombosis.

It is remedy for synovial arthritis.

It is remedy for warts.

It is remedy for acne, and boils.


1 to 5 drops (Ascending dose).

Dilution (Descending potency-Bryonia).

Duboisia myoporoides. Kader Kochi.


Cork wood tree.


Perennial shrub. Height 14 meters. Leaves. Plant contains duboisine, scopolamine, tropane alkaloid, hyoscyamine, and atropine. Bitter.


This is antispasmodic medicine for stomach pain.

It is medicine for hyperthyroidism, and tachycardia with red face. 

It is remedy for spasm of throat, and hydrophobia.

It is remedy for parkinsonism rigidity.

It is remedy for conjunctivitis, congestion in retina, and pain over eyes.

It is remedy for dryness of mouth.

It is remedy for pharyngitis, and reflux esophagitis.

It is remedy for hypertension.

It had been used to poison fish.

It had been used to prepare intoxicating drinks.


1 to 10 drops.


Drosera rotundifolia. Kader Kochi.


Sundew, Round leave sundew.


Carnivorous plant. Height 60 cm. Moist and drop like leaves. Plant contains flavonoids, quercetin, and ellagic acids.


This has anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic action.

It is medicine for corns, and warts.

It is remedy for dry and spasmodic cough.

It is remedy for dry laryngitis and bronchitis (Aconite, Belladonna, Bryonia).

It is remedy for freckle.

It has anti-angiogenic activities.

It had been used for aphrodisiac (Smooth muscle relaxant). 


5 to 10 drops.


Digitalis purpurea. Kader Kochi.


Foxglove, Dead man's bell, Lady's glove, Tilapusppi.


Biennial plant. Height 2 meters. Long hairy leaves. Leaves contain digoxin, digitoxin, digoxigenin, sterol.  Bee friendly.


This is diuretic and emetic medicine. 

It is medicine for paroxysmal atrial tachycardia.

It is para sympathomimetic. 

It is medicine for aortic hypertension. It may cause A.V block or S.A block through vagal stimulation if dose is high. 

It is cardiac depressant in high dose.

It is medicine for wound healing.  

It is remedy for cardiac weakness due to hypertrophy. 

It is a pace maker stimulant in lower dose.

It increases venous return, stroke volume, and penile perfusion in lower dose. 

It is remedy for thrombophlebitis in legs.

It is remedy for portal congestion by increasing venous return and pumping of heart. 

It is remedy for hypotension.

It is remedy for ventricular muscle weakness by increasing aortic tension.

It is remedy for erectile dysfunction without promoting tachycardia. It also promotes erection through diuretic mechanism (Strophanthus, Palestine oleander, Adonis, and Convallaria). 

It is remedy for fever in asthenic. 

It has cumulative effect (Cinchona, Rauwolfia, Nux vomica).

It is an antidote in aconite poisoning.

The Scottish doctor William withering proved its efficiency in dropsy in 1775.


1 to 6 drops (Descending dose, or Maintaining dose).

Dilution (Ascending potency).


Damiana. Kader Kochi.


Turnera aphrodisiac, Turnera diffusa.


Woody shrub. Height 180 cm. Aromatic yellow flower. Chamomile like spicy odour. Damiana leaves contain damianin, apigenin, arbutin, sterol, cyanogenic glycosides, phenolics, thymol, cineole, a-pinene, tannin, and terpenoids.


This is aphrodisiac in both sexes.

It is medicine for bronchitis.

It is medicine for amenorrhea.

It is medicine for frigidity.

It is medicine for hyperglycaemia.

It is remedy for anxiety, depression, obsessive compulsive neurosis, and stress.

It is remedy for obesity.

It is remedy for urethritis.

It had been used in cigarette.


5 to 20 drops.


Tuesday, 5 March 2013

Cypripedium pubescens. Kader Kochi.


Large yellow lady's slipper, American valerian, Nerve root, Noah's ark. 


Perennial orchid. Height 40 cm. Root contains volatile oil, cyperipedin, tannic acid, resins, and starch.


This is medicine for nervousness due to transient cerebral hyperaemia, spasm, and pain.

It promotes cardiac diastole.

It is medicine for stasis oedema, and sinus tachycardia.

It is remedy for sleeplessness (Valerian).

It is remedy for sick headache.

It is remedy for hypochondriasis.

It is remedy for petit mal epilepsy in children (Hypocalcaemia).

It is remedy for depression from sexual abuse.

It had been used for preparing herbal tea.


5 to 15 drops.


Cyclamen europaeum. Kader Kochi.


Saw bread, Cyclamen purpurascens.


Perennial plant. Height 15 cm. Root is circle shaped. Flowers are pink. Leaves are large and heart shaped. Root contains essential oil, nerol, farnesol, saponins, anthocyanins, starch, potassium, zinc, and copper.


This is medicine for amenorrhea, and dysmenorrhoea. 

It is medicine for acute rhinitis, and sinusitis.

It is medicine externally for abscess.

It is remedy for gastritis, and hiccough.

It had been used as abortifacient (Taxus baccata, Aloe Socotrina, Cinchona, Gossypium, Pulsatilla).

Its root had been worn in neck to induce menstruation.

It had been used for sedating fish.


2 to 4 drops.


Curare. Kader Kochi.




It presents in various climbing plants. It is prepared from Curarea toxifera, Strychnos toxifera, Cocculus toxifera, and Chondrodentron tomentosum. It contains toxiferine, tubocurarine, caracurine, macusine, and mavacurine. It is colourless, and soluble in water. Bitter. 


It is medicine for spasm, chorea, epilepsy, hydrophobia, and tetanus (Belladonna, Conium).

It has para sympatholytic and muscle relaxant activity (Poison affects only through intramuscular or sub cutaneous route).

It is remedy for vertigo, tachycardia, and hypotension.

It is remedy for respiratory paralysis (Antimonium tart, Sambucus, Laurocerasus).

It is remedy for motor paralysis (Cocculus, Gelsemium).

It is remedy for muscular dystrophy (Cinchona, Pareira brava, Nitric acid, Aconitum, Allium sativa).

It had been used as arrow poison with adding snake venom and other toxic extracts. 

Nux vomica, Physostigma, and Fenugreek are the antidotes.



Cucurbita citrullus. Kader Kochi.




Annual climbing plant. Length 5 meters. Seeds contain fixed oil, mucilage, and sugar. 


This is good diuretic medicine. 

It is remedy for urethritis in male child.

It is remedy for backache with painful urination.



Monday, 4 March 2013

Cubeba officinalis. Kader Kochi.


Piper cubeba, Java pepper, Tailed pepper.


Climbing shrub. Height 6 meters. Fruits contain volatile oil, cubebene, cubebol, cubebin, cubebic acid. gum, fixed oil, and resin.


This is medicine for urethritis. 

It is stimulant, expectorant, carminative, and stomachic medicine. 

It is medicine for bronchitis, and halitosis.

It is a stimulant to intestinal tract like black pepper. 

It is medicine for splenic enlargement.

It is a kidney stimulant.

It is aphrodisiac externally for both male and female.

It is remedy for nausea, vomiting, burning pain, and griping. 

It is remedy for gonorrhoea, cystitis, and urethritis. 

It is remedy for infertility.

It had been added in cigarettes and spirits.


1 to 4 drops.


Crocus sativus. Kader Kochi.


Saffron, Kumkuma poovu.


Perennial flowering plant. Height 30 cm. Flower stigma have iodoform or honey like smell. It contains crocin pigment, picrocrocin, safranal, carotenes, volatile oil, gum, wax, fat, and lycopene. Bitter and pungent. 


This is a neuro protective medicine.

It is medicine for infantile colic.

It is medicine for wound healing.

It had been used for evacuation of the lochia during confinement. 

It is remedy for depression.

It is remedy for Alzheimer’s disease.

It is remedy for constipation.

It is remedy for colon cancer, and hepatitis. 

It is remedy for dysmenorrhea with black and tenacious discharges (Nux vomica).

It is remedy for hysterical spasms.

It is most costly spice. It is used for preparing dye and perfumes.

Saffron tea is used as first medicine for babies. 


1 to 10 drops. 


Croton tiglium. Kader Kochi.


Purging croton, Jamaalgota, Jayapala, Neervalum.


Evergreen tree. Height 7 meters. Three seeds in fruit. Seeds contain oils, fatty acids, ricin like toxalbumin- crotin, crotonic acid, and crotonol. 


This is medicine externally for alopecia (Ginkgo biloba, Psoralen, Sinapis, Ricinus communis, Baptisia, Indigo, Pilocarpus, Aconitum, Arnica, Cantharis, Ustilago). 

It is remedy for cancerous sore, and tumor.

It is remedy for thrombosis.

It is remedy for colitis.

It is remedy for ascites, and liver cirrhosis. 

It is remedy for pox like dermatosis, and vitiligo.

Its dynamic antidote is Bismuth. Tamarind and ginger are its common antidote.

Root had been used as an abortifacient.

Leaves extract had been used externally for snake bite (Ricinus communis).

It had been used to sedate freshwater fish (Cocculus indicus, Galega).



Crataegus oxycantha. Kader Kochi.


Hawthorn, May bush, Ringo.


Deciduous tree. Height 7 meters. Leaves, flowers and berries. Plant contains flavonoids, coumarin, procyanidins, phenolic compounds, tannins, triterpenoid, and saponins.


This is a smooth cardiac depressant (Cinchona, Lycopus virginicus, Digitalis, Gelsemium, Viscum album, Phytolacca, Pulsatilla, Laurocerasus, Jaborandi, Aconitum, Helleborus, Veratrum viride, Potassium, Cold).

It promotes micro circulation in brain, and heart.  

It is medicine for hypertension.

It is medicine for hypercholesterolaemia as it improves flow of bile.

It is remedy for chronic heart weakness with a weak and irregular pulse. 

It is remedy for coronary atherosclerosis, and cardiomyopathy.


5 to 10 drops.


Copaiva officinalis. Kader Kochi.


Copaiba balsam, Copaifera


Tree. Height 5 meters. Diameter about 1 meter. Bark and balsam. Plant contains the gold brown oil, and colourless oleoresin in cavity of trunk. It has bitter, pungent, acrid and nauseous taste. 


This is medicine for sinusitis, and chronic bronchitis. 

It is medicine for constipation.

It is remedy for cystitis, and urethritis.

Its oil has anti-bacterial properties externally.

Its oil is used for preparation of perfumes.


1 to 4 drops.


Convallaria majalis. Kader Kochi.


Lily of the valley, Our lady's tears, Glove wort.


Perennial plant. Height 30 cm. Flowers has sweet smell. Berries are orange-red, and have 7 mm diameter. Plant contains convallotoxin, convallarin, and convallamarin.


This is a cardiac stimulant.

It is medicine for cardiac weakness. 

It is medicine for stasis oedema, and oliguria.

It is medicine externally for keloid scar.

It is remedy for Alzheimer's disease.

It is remedy for hypertension.

It is remedy for female infertility.

Its flowers are often used for decoration at weddings, and preparation of female perfumes.


2 to 4 drops.


Condurango. Kader Kochi.


Eagle vine, Marsdenia condurango.


Climbing plant. Height 10 meters. Flowers are white. Bark contains condurangin, conduritol, strychnine like alkaloid, phytosterols, and tannin. Bitter.


This is medicine for gastric atony, anorexia, and indigestion. 

It is remedy for ulcer at corners of mouth.

It is remedy for chronic gastric ulcer.

It is remedy for carcinoma of lungs.

It is remedy for warts and epithelioma at muco-cutaneous regions.

It is remedy for numbness due to spinal cord degeneration.


1 to 8 drops.


Colocynthis vulgaris. Kader Kochi.


Bitter cucumber, Citrullus colocynthis, Bitter apple, Desert gourd, Paykumatty, Vine of Sodom.


Perennial vine. Long tap root. Fruits diameter about 10 cm. Plant contains colocynthin, cucurbitacin, fixed oil, resin, gum, pectin, calcium, magnesium, and phosphorus.


This is medicine for constipation, chronic hepatitis, and gall stone.

It is remedy for severe colic, and cramps.

It is remedy for neuralgia and rheumatic pain < from movements (Bryonia). 

It is remedy for diarrhoea with convulsion.

It is remedy for polyp and cancer in colon.

Its antidotes are milk and egg white.



Collinsonia canadensis. Kader Kochi.


Stone root.


Perennial herb. Height 120 cm. Root. Plant contains volatile oil, and resin.


This is medicine for gastric atony.

It is medicine for cardiac atony.

It is medicine for portal congestion, and haemorrhoids.

It is medicine for vaginal spasm.

It promotes capillary circulation (Arsenic album, Ginkgo biloba, Cinnamon, Myrtus communis). 

It is remedy for laryngitis, and hoarseness.

It is remedy for colic.

It is remedy for hypotension.


1 to 10 drops.


Colchicum autumnale. Kader Kochi.


Meadow saffron, Autumn crocus, Naked ladies.


Perennial plant. Height 25 cm. Seeds are black. Plant contains colchicine, colchicortesin, and beta-colchicoresin. Bitter.


This is a gastric irritant. 

It is medicine for fibromyalgia (Cimicifuga, Gelsemium, Nux vomica, Coca, Alcohol). 

It is a cardiac depressant (Gelsemium, Cinchona, Potassium).

It is remedy for arteriosclerosis, and gout (Trigonella, Emblica officinalis, Cherry).

It is remedy for muscle stiffness (Nux vomica, Sinapis, Ledum pal). 

It is remedy for warts, and abnormal multiplication of cells (Thuja, Chelidonium, Podophyllum, Ipecac).

It is remedy for auto immune diseases (Veratrum album, Alfalfa, Sabadilla, Allium sativa).

It is remedy for chronic gastro-enteritis with weak pulse and cold extremities.

It is remedy for symptoms manifested as in arsenic toxicity (Garlic smell, diarrhoea, excessive thirst). 

It is remedy for pulmonary malignancy, angiopathy, axon degeneration, and herpes.

It is toxic to cats.


1 to 2 drops.


Cocculus indicus. Kader Kochi.


Indian cockle, Fish berry, Anamirta.


Climbing plant. Diameter is about 10 cm. Seeds. Plant contains picrotoxin, menispermine, and berberine. Bitter.


This is brain stimulant.

It is medicine for anorexia.

It is medicine for chorea, and spinal muscle spasm (Belladonna).

It is medicine for Parkinson's disease.

It is remedy for brain weakness with sensation of hollowness in head.

It is remedy for motor paralysis, and spinal paralysis.

It is remedy for giddiness, and motion sickness.

It is remedy for night sweats.

It had been used for brewing wine (Hyoscyamus).

Seeds had been used as piscicide to paralyze fish (Derris root, Cyanide cake, Croton tig), and pediculicide.


1 to 2 drops.


Cinnamomum zeylanicum. Kader Kochi.


Ceylon cinnamon, Karuvapatta, Karuva, Cinnamomum verum.


Evergreen tree. Height 15 meters. Inner bark and leaves. Bark contains essential oil, eugenol, cinnamic acid, cinnamaldehyde, coumarin, tannin, inulin, sugar, starch, fibre, minerals and mucilage. Sweet and pungent.


This is medicine for gastric atony, flatulence, and diarrhoea.

It is medicine for dental pain.

It is medicine for bronchitis.

It is medicine for rheumatic pain.

It is medicine for snake bite.

It is remedy for dementia.

It is remedy for cold, and allergic disorder. 

It is remedy for oral cancer. 

It is remedy for anorexia, and weakness.

It is remedy for hyperglycaemia, and hypercholesterolemia.

It is remedy for chronic renal diseases.

It is remedy for liver cirrhosis.

It is remedy for dengue haemorrhagic fever, and bleeding disorders.

It is remedy for dysfunctional uterine bleeding. It can promote strong uterine contraction in menstrual period. Thus, it reduces the duration of bleeding period (Erigeron, Secale cor).

It is remedy for psoriasis.

It promotes micro circulation in skin and brain (Arsenic album, Ginkgo biloba).

It had been called as vegetable mercury (Mezereum).

It had been used for embalming dead person (Camphor).

It has antimicrobial and insect repellent activities. It had been used for burning in Egypt (Myrrha).

It is one of oldest medicines (Myrrha, Ricinus communis, Veratrum album, Cactus, Ginkgo biloba, Thuja).

Word “Kirf” (Arabic) means aristo.


2 to 10 drops.


Coca. Kader Kochi.


Erythroxylum coca.


Evergreen tree. Height 3 meters. Leaves contain cocaine, Pyrrolidine, hygrine, nicotine, and vitamin E. Pungent.


This is stimulant medicine.

It is medicine for fibromyalgia, neurasthenia, and fatigue.

It is medicine to forgot miseries.

It is medicine for depression, and erectile dysfunctions (Areca). 

It is medicine for epistaxis.

It is medicine for excess of hunger and thirst.

It is medicine for altitude sickness.

It is medicine for pain due to rheumatism.

It is medicine to promote muscle power.

It promotes acetylcholine secretion. So, it can increase muscle strength transiently. 

It is medicine to promote pleasure feeling by increasing dopamine release (Cocculus, Hyoscyamus).

It is remedy for Parkinsonism tremor.

It is remedy for mountaineer's dyspnoea.

It is remedy for hypertension, and cardiac hypertrophy (Iberis).

It is remedy for longevity.

It was used for making cigarette and snuff powder.

The leaves mixed with lime had been chewed for intoxication.

It had been used as antidote to tobacco (Arnica, Arsenic album). 

The Coca-Cola was the mixture of coca leaves, whisky, sugar and coffee until 1903. 

It had been considered as an elixir (Thuja, Camphor, Cinchona, Arsenic album, Cinnamon, Allium sativa, Wine, Milk). Coca bags were found in the mummy of Inca king in AD 10.




Cineraria martima succus. Kader Kochi.


Daisy miller, Silver dust, Silver ragwort. Senecio cineraria.


Annual plant. Height 1 meter. Silver like leaves. It has fire and salt resistance. Leaves extract contain alkaloids pyrrolizidine.


This is remedy for migraine.

It is remedy externally for pre senile capsular cataract, amblyopia, and corneal opacity (Non-alcoholic weak dilution; Chelidonium, Curcuma longa, Calcarea fluoricum).

It is remedy for congenital brain defect (Veratrum album).

It is remedy for liver cirrhosis.

It is remedy for delayed menarche.



Cina. Kader Kochi.


Artemisia martima, Artemisia cina, Worm seed.


Perennial plant. Height 60 cm. Leaves are greyish -green in colour with aromatic odour. Plant contains santonin. Bitter.


This is medicine for expelling worms. 

It is medicine for bed-wetting in children.

It is remedy for irritability and convulsion in children.

It is remedy for sleep disturbance, and anxiety in children.


1 to 4 drops.



Cimicifuga racemosa. Kader Kochi.


Actaea racemosa, Black cohosh, Black snakeroot, Macrotys.


Perennial plant. Height 60 cm. Root. Plant contains a bitter resinoid macrotin, volatile oil, oestrogen and serotonin like substance, tannic acid, gallic acid, gum, starch, fat, magnesium, and sugar.


This is good analgesic medicine in muscular soreness.

It is medicine for spastic neck headache, cervical fibrositis, spinal myalgia, and chikungunya.

It is medicine for depression (Serotonin-low).

It is medicine for tachycardia.

It is medicine for agalactia.

It is medicine for amenorrhoea, and menopausal complaints.

It is antispasmodic medicine for dysmenorrhoea, labour pain, and hysteric cramps.

It is medicine for uterine sub involution, and spasm.

It is medicine for muscular soreness, polymyositis, and fibromyalgia.

It is medicine for osteoporosis.

It is remedy for vasomotor complaints, and autonomic dysfunctions (Ignatia).

It is remedy for hysteria, and hypochondriasis.

It is remedy for epilepsy with aura of tinnitus and waving sensation in brain.

It is remedy for headache reflected from pelvic organs.

It is remedy for pain after childbirth.

It is remedy in angina pectoris.

It is remedy for endometrial thickening.

It is remedy for chronic hepatitis. 


1 to 6 drops.


Sunday, 3 March 2013

Chrysarobinum. Kader Kochi.


Araroba sapota, Goa powder tree, Bahia powder tree, Chrysobasin, Andira araroba, Vouacapoua araroba, Vataireopsis araroba. 


Araroba tree has height 30 meters. It is medullary matter of stem. Chrysarobinum contains chrysophan, and chrysophanic acid. Crystalline wood powder. It is pale orange in colour, odourless and tasteless.


This is medicine externally for psoriasis.

It is medicine externally for ringworm, and tinea versicolor.

It makes brown stain on skin (Rhubarb, Senna).

It is a skin stimulant (Kreosotum).

It is remedy for psoriasis, and chronic eczema.

It is remedy for chronic renal disease.



Chionanthus virginica. Kader Kochi.


White fringe tree, Old man’s beard.


Deciduous tree. Height 10 meters. Flowers are white. Fruits have blue colour. Bark and root. Plant contains phillyrin, lignans, and saponins.


This is medicine externally for wound.

It is medicine for constipation. 

It is remedy for migraine, and bilious frontal headache due to the venous congestion.

It is effective remedy for obstructive jaundice, and gallstone. 

It is remedy for pancreatic diabetes.


1 to 10 drops.
