Thursday, 21 June 2018

Sepia officinalis. Kader Kochi.


Cuttlefish, Sepia zebrine risso.


A marine organism length 50 cm. Dried inky juice contains ergot like principle.


This is remedy for discomforts before and during menses.

It is remedy for anxiety, misery, indifference, greediness, and fear.

It is remedy for indifference and depression in menopause.

It is remedy for hot flushes, and erethism followed by perspiration in menopause.

It is remedy for diseases of iris and retina.

It is remedy for melasma of face.

It is remedy for central obesity in menopause.

It is remedy for endometriosis, uterine prolapse, incontinence of urine, and offensive urine.

It is remedy for greenish leukorrhea in menopause.

It is remedy for symptoms from over sensitivity to cold.

It is remedy for prostate enlargement, hepatic congestion, and portal hypertension.

It is remedy for hypoglycaemia.

It is remedy for pruritus of skin due suppressed discharges.

Sepia is not fish. It commonly spends hidden in sand in day time.



Serpentaria aristolochia. Kader Kochi


Virginia snakeroot, American snakeroot, Aristolochia serpentaria.


Perennial flowering plant. Height 50 cm. Root contains volatile oil, aristolochic acid, borneol, terpene, and resins.


This is medicine externally for wound.

It is remedy for atonic dyspepsia.

It is remedy for body weakness due to cold. 

It is remedy for heaviness in pelvis and lumbar region with scanty urine in rainy season.

It is remedy for renal insufficiency.

It is remedy for diabetes.

It is remedy for cancer.

It is remedy for weak skin with suppressed exanthemata.

It is diaphoretic, and emmenagogue remedy.

It had been used as antidote in snake bite.


1 to 4 drops.


Spigelia anthelmia. Kader Kochi.


Maryland, Pink root.


Perennial plant. Height 50 cm. Root contains spigeline, fixed oil, volatile oil, resin, wax, tannin, salts, and anodyne. Bitter.


This is medicine for fever developed from worms. 

It is medicine for headache with dilated pupil and spasm of eye lids.

It is remedy for trigeminal neuralgia (Gelsemium, Opium).

It is remedy for rheumatic endocarditis.

It is remedy for stitching pain in chest, and palpitation due to endocardial diseases (Chronic ST depression in ECG).

It is remedy for pericarditis (Chronic ST elevation in ECG).


4 to 20 drops.


Silicea. Kader Kochi.


 Silica, Silicon dioxide, Pure quartz, Pure flint, Pure sandstone.


Remedy for weak immune system (Echinacea, Sambucus, Manganum).

It is remedy in anxiety neurosis (Aconitum).

It is remedy in obsessive neurosis.

It is remedy in weakness (Cinchona, Quassia).

It is remedy for chronic diathesis (Manganum).

It is remedy for ill effects of vaccination (Thuja).

It is remedy in sour perspiration.

It is remedy in milky yellow discharge from mucus membrane.

It is remedy in calcification in soft tissues. 

It is remedy in atherosclerosis (Allium sativa, Crataegus). 

It is remedy in osteoporosis (Manganum).

It is remedy in osteomalacia.

It is remedy in styes.

It is remedy in glandular tumour. 

It is remedy in hard abscess. 

It is remedy in fistula- in- ano.

It is remedy in tuberculosis. 

It is remedy in whitlow.

It is remedy in molluscum contagiosum (Calcarea sulphuricum, Hepar sulphuricum).

Coryza, cold, lumbar pain developed after aggravated from suppressed sweat.

Complaints are aggravated at the time of new moon, cold damp weather.

Complaints are better by warmth.

Suppuration of wound may be developed in crude potency.

Silica present in egg white, Absinthium, Equisetum, Triticum repens.


For suppuration: lower trituration.

For healing: higher trituration.

Sulphur. Kader Kochi.


This is medicine for rheumatic pain.

It is medicine for croup.

It is medicine externally with sea water in infective pruritus.

It is remedy for viral diseases.

It is remedy externally for prevention and cure in intermittent fever, and malaria.

It is remedy for fever with chillness internally and heat externally after Aconitum.

It is remedy for chronic diseases.

It is remedy for auto immune diseases.

It is remedy for mood disorders, exhilaration on day and night, delusion of grandeur, craving for alcohol, aversion to washing and bathing (Stramonium).

It is remedy for migraine with red face, and amelioration in warm room.

It is remedy for croup, bronchitis, sticky hydrothorax, pleuritis etc from suppressed sweat and scarlatina (Tanacetum, Ricinus communis).

It is remedy for empty sinking feeling in abdomen at 11 am.

It is remedy for early morning diarrhoea. 

It is remedy for anaemia, bleeding, and symptoms with redness of orifices.

It is remedy for itch, boils, hot flushes, and urticaria from suppressed sweat (Lavender).

It is remedy for periodic eruptions alternate with asthma.

It is remedy for physical constitution with old looking face.

It is remedy for emaciation of children with pot bellied abdomen from deficient assimilation.

It is an antidote in eruption formed after inhaling Lavender oil.

It is remedy for immune booster (Camphor, Arsenic album, Mercurius). The harmful effects of vaccination will be less in people who taking Sulphur. 

It is a remedy for increased susceptibility to miasm. It was believed that the sulphur works best in the body during new moon, full moon, solstices and equinoxes.

Sinapis nigra, Viscum album, Camphor, Allium sativa, Thuja, Iberis, Azadirecta, Agathosma, Mimosa pudica, Terminalia arjuna, Asafoetida, Oenothera, Arctium lappa, Opium and Zingiber contain organic sulphur.

It is the antidote in cyanine contain herbs.


Trituration (Single dose-Silicea, Mercurius, Nux vomica, Arsenic album, Cinchona, Digitalis).

Dilution (Ascending potency).

Ipecacuanha. Kader Kochi.


Ipecac cephaelis, Carapichea ipecacuanha.


Perennial shrubs seen in Brazil. Height 40 cm. Spiral like root contains emetine, cephaeline, ipecacuanhic acid, ceretin, and choline. 


It is anti-microbial medicine.

It is a medicine for influenza, HIV infection, hepatitis, pyorrhoea, and amoebiasis.

It is diaphoretic medicine for fever. 

It is an expectorant medicine for unproductive cough.

It is medicine for sick headache due to undigested foods.

It is remedy for intermittent fever with least chill and much heat.

It is remedy for vomiting, and diarrhoea.

It is remedy for symptoms of nausea with clean tongue.

It is remedy for asthma, aphonia, haemoptysis, and productive cough with nausea.

It is remedy for bleeding from lungs (Millefolium).

It is used as an emetic medicine in poisoning.


1 to 10 drops.


Iris versicolor. Kader Kochi.


Blue flag, Hymavathi root.


Perennial plant. Height 80 cm. Creeping rhizomes. Plant contains acrid resin, oleoresin, glycoside, iridin, tannin, gum, and starch. Bitter. 


This is medicine for thyroid enlargement, and goitre. 

It is purgative, diuretic, and cholagogue medicine.

It is medicine for deficient secretion of bile.

It is medicine for hyperglycaemia.

It is medicine for deficient secretion from pancreas, and intestinal glands. 

It is remedy for sick headache with sciatica.

It is remedy for reflux acid esophagitis.

It is remedy for cholera morbus, nausea, pyrosis, and gastralgia.

It is remedy for jaundice.

It is remedy for psoriasis, herpes, and chronic pyoderma.

It is remedy for post gonorrhoeal arthritis especially of right shoulder joint.


2 to 15 drops.


Indigo. Kader Kochi.


Indigofera tinctoria, Nila, Tarum beans.


Perennial plant. Pea family. Height 2 meters. Leaves contain blue dye-indigotin, rotenone, and aniline derivatives. 


This is medicine for pain, and fever.

It is diuretic, diaphoretic and emmenagogue medicine.

It is medicine for worms. 

It is medicine for snake bite, and spider poison.

It is remedy for depression, and epilepsy from worms (Cuprum met). 

It is remedy for neuralgia, and sciatica. 

It is remedy for diabetes, and renal insufficiency.

It is remedy for squamous dermatosis.


1 to 2 drops.


Iberis amara. Kader Kochi.


Bitter candytuft.


Perennial flowering plant belong to mustard family. Height 40 cm. Flowers are white. Seed contains bitter principle, and sulphur compounds.


This is medicine for cardiac hypertrophy with stasis oedema.

It is medicine for rheumatism, and gout.

It is medicine for productive cough.

It is medicine for stomach atony. 

It is remedy for ventricular ectopic, and conscious of heart’s action.

It is remedy for cardiac asthma with heat on face and fear.

It is remedy for palpitation and weakness following the influenza.


3 to 5 drops.


Millefolium achillea. Kader Kochi.


Yarrow, Blood wort, Wound wort, Old man mustard.


Perennial flowering plant. Height 1 meter. Root, stem, leaves and flowers. Plant contains achillein, volatile oil, thujone, cineole, camphor, coumarins, trigonelline, achillitin, cyanogenic compounds, tannin, alkamides, and achimillic acids. Bitter.


This is diuretic and diaphoretic medicine. 

It is medicine for common cold, tonsillitis, and bronchitis.

It is medicine for diastolic hypertension.

It is medicine for constipation, and worms.

It is medicine for urethritis, and internal bleeding. 

It is medicine for uric acid stone, and psoriasis. 

It is medicine for pelvic congestion, thrombophlebitis, and varicose vein.

It is medicine for amenorrhoea, leucorrhoea, and dysmenorrhoea.

It is medicine for epistaxis, and bleeding from wound.

It is medicine externally for wound.

It is remedy for convulsion from suppressed menses.

It is remedy for thrombophlebitis and varicose vein following pregnancy.

It is remedy for chocolate coloured diarrhoea, and bleeding from haemorrhoids.

It is remedy for menorrhagia after injury or over lifting.

It is remedy for urticaria, and photodermatitis.

It had been considered as polychrest.

It had been used as an insect repellent.


5 to 20 drops.


Mezereum. Kader Kochi.


Spurge olive, Daphne mezereum.


Deciduous shrub. Height 1.5 meter. Bright red fruit. Bark contains toxic substance daphnin and mezerein. 


This is remedy for chronic eczema, vesicles, herpes zoster, and pruritus. 

It is remedy for esophagitis.

It is remedy for oversensitive all senses, and neuralgia or deafness from suppressed eruptions.

It is remedy for muscular pain and arthritis from suppressed eruptions.

It is remedy for inflammation of root of teeth, and end of long bones.

It is an antidote to mercury.

Camphor is antidote of mezereum.



Mitchella repens. Kader Kochi.


Partridge berry, Squaw ville, Red Indian herb.


Evergreen non- climbing vine. Length 30 cm. Berries are purple. Berries and leaves. Plant contains sugar, sterol, mucilage, wax and tannin.


This is medicine for reflux oesophagitis (Ignatia, Nux vomica). 

It is prophylactic medicine to make labour easy and safe. It should take just before the childbirth (Aristolochia, Lobelia).

It is remedy for hysteria, and symptoms due to autonomic dysfunctions.

It is remedy for irritable bladder. Reflexes are originated from uterus. 

It is remedy for dysmenorrhoea, and menorrhagia due to frequent uterine spasm.

It is remedy for false labour pain.

It is preventive remedy for habitual abortion.

Word “repens” means creeping.


4 to 10 drops.


Mimosa pudica. Kader Kochi.


Sensitive plant, Shame plant, Memory plant, Sleepy plant, Lajvanti.


Perennial flowering prickly herb. Height 1.5 meter. Leaves close during darkness and reopen on light. Leaves contain mimosine, adrenaline like compounds, tannin, iodine, sulphur, and sterols.


It is medicine for hyperglycaemia, and diabetes (Digitalis, Iris versicolor, Galega, Tabacum).

It has diuretic properties. 

It is medicine for renal stone.

It is medicine for sexual dysfunctions in female. 

It is medicine externally for diabetic foot ulcer.

It is an antidote in cobra poisoning (Myrrha, Piper nigrum, Aristolochia).

It is remedy for insomnia.

It is remedy for lancinating pain at back and limb, and swelling at left ankles.

It is remedy for alopecia, emaciation, and early degeneration.

It is remedy for infertility.

It is remedy for neoplasm of breast.


2 to 15 drops.


Melilotus officinalis. Kader Kochi.


Yellow melilotus, Melilot, Yellow sweet clover.


Biennial aromatic plant. Height 1 meter. Leaves and flowering top contain coumarin, and melilotic acids. Bee friendly.


This is medicine for varicose vein, haemorrhoids, and phlebothrombosis.

It has thrombolytic action.

It is medicine externally for arthritis, diabetic foot ulcer, and swollen glands.

It is remedy for haemorrhage from nose.

It is remedy for spasm and colic in asthenic.

It is remedy for congestive headache with red face, and better after menses.

It had been used as moth repellent.


1 to 4 drops.


Euonymus atropurpureus. Kader Kochi.


Wahoo, burning bush.


Plant contains euonymin, atropurpurin, asparagin, euonic acid, resin, wax, fixed oil.


This is good medicine in biliary stasis from intermittent fever. 

This is laxative medicine. 

It is remedy in ankle arthritis

It is remedy in migraine.


10 to 20 drops.


Ephedra vulgaris. Kader Kochi.


Ma huang, Mormon tea.


Perennial plant. Height 60 cm. It contains ephedrine, pseudoephedrine, and oxalic acid.


This is medicine for cold, hay fever, and wheezing. 

It is preventive medicine for respiratory infections.

It is stimulatory, anti -asthmatic, spasmolytic and sympathomimetic medicine. 

It reduces inflammation of mucus lining in respiratory tract.

It is medicine for weak circulation, and low blood pressure.

It is medicine for fatigue following viral infection.

It is medicine for depression (Nux vomica, Secale cor, Rauwolfia). 

It is medicine for weakness of urinary bladder.

It is medicine for rheumatic pain, and muscle pain.

It is helpful to promote lipid metabolism.

It is medicine for obesity (Gambogia).

It had been used as anaphrodisiac. 

It is remedy for anxiety, and over excitement.

Shen nung of China introduced ephedra in asthma. 


3 to 20 drops.


Equisetum hymale. Kader Kochi.


Horsetail, Scouring rush.


Perennial leafless plant. Height 1 meter. It contains equisetic acid, silica, resin, wax, starch, salts, and fixed oil.


This is medicine for osteoporosis.

It is medicine for hyperlipidaemia.

It is diuretic medicine.

It is remedy for bed-wetting, and renal stone. 

It is remedy for beriberi, muscle weakness, and uncoordinated movements particularly of lower limbs.


5 to 10 drops.


Eucalyptus globules. Kader Kochi.


Southern blue gum tree, Neelagiri oil.


Evergreen tall tree. Height 30-100 meters. Leaves contain essential oil, cineole (eucalyptol), terpenes, phenolics, and aromatic oils. Bee friendly.


This is medicine for intermittent fever (Cinchona). 

It has stimulant, diuretic, and antiseptic activities.

It is expectorant medicine. 

It is medicine for inhalation in bronchitis, pharyngitis, and cancer in lungs. 

It is medicine for inhalation in epidemic influenza (Styrax benzoin, Ephedra, Camphor).

It is remedy for influenza with cold perspiration (Veratrum album).

It is remedy for mouth ulcer.

It is remedy for chronic nephritis (Camphor).

Plant can absorb surface water. It prevents malaria and dengue fever by eliminating mosquito breeding.


1 to 3 drops.


Eupatorium perfoliatum. Kader Kochi.


Ague weed, Bone set tea, Thorough wort, Indian sage, Auge weed, Sweating plant, Vegetable antimony.


Perennial plant.  Height 1 meter. Leaves and root contain kaempferol, caffeic acid, sterols, eupatorin, volatile oil, resin, tannin, wax, and gum. Bitter.


This is medicine for influenza and common cold with less fever and increased body pain.

It is diaphoretic medicine for dengue fever, and masked intermittent fever.

It is medicine for productive cough.

It is medicine for fibromyalgia. 

It is prophylactic remedy for epidemic influenza (Gelsemium, Ignatia, Nux vomica, Arsenic album, Asafoetida, Camphor, Ricinus communis, Allium sativa).

It is remedy for unproductive cough, and broncho-pneumonia.


5 to 20 drops (Ascending dose).

Dilution. (Descending potency).

Euphrasia officinalis. Kader Kochi.


Eye bright.


Creeping, herbaceous, semi-parasitic plant. Height 10 cm. Plant contains iridoid glycosides, flavonoids, volatile oils, phenolic acids, and multiple vitamins. Astringent.


This is medicine for catarrh of conjunctiva, and nose.

It is medicine for cold, and cough with thin watery discharges.

It has anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antioxidant, and astringent activities.

It is remedy for infective acrid conjunctivitis. 

It is remedy for amblyopia.

It is remedy externally for acrid conjunctivitis. 

It is remedy for epidemic influenza with bland nasal discharge.


1 to 10 drops.


Gambogia garcinia. Kader Kochi.


Garcinia gummi gutta, Malabar tamarind, Kudum puli, Pot tamarind.


Medium type tree. Height 20 meters. Fruit contains hydroxycitric acid, garcinol, astringent & sour principle.


This is medicine for constipation. 

It is medicine for polyphagia, and obesity.                                                

It is medicine for gastric ulcer, and diarrhoea.

It has antibacterial properties. 

It is remedy for Alzheimer disease, and dementia.

It is remedy for colitis, and tuberculosis.                                    

It is remedy for chronic hepatitis, and diabetes.


6 to 10 drops.


Gelsemium sempervivum. Kader Kochi.


Yellow jasmine, Heartbreak grass.


Climbing Plant. Height 3 meters. Bark of root contains toxic alkaloids gelsemine, gelseminine, sempervirine, gelsemic acid, volatile oil, strychnine like principle, gum, resin, starch, and magnesium. Honey-like odour.


This is medicine for pain, anxiety, and irritability at night.

It is medicine for facial neuralgia, dystonia, torticollis, sciatica, parkinsonism rigidity, spasm, convulsion, itching, chorea, tetany, and tremor.

It is cardiac depressant (Cinchona).

It is medicine for spasmodic ovarian neuralgia, hysteria spasm, and uterine colic.

It is prophylactic and curative remedy for influenza (Aconitum, Veratrum viride, Ignatia, Nux vomica; Eupatorium perfoliatum, Bryonia alba, Zingiber officinalis, Allium sativa; Ricinus communis, Tabacum)).

It is remedy for loss of muscular power, and muscle paralysis after influenza.

It is remedy for prostration and bilious headache after influenza (Viscum album, Ricinus communis).

It is remedy for orbital neuralgia, Multiple sclerosis and hysterical amblyopia.

It is remedy for drowsiness, lassitude, dullness, and vertigo. 

It is remedy for anxiety neurosis, and irritable bowel syndrome.

It is remedy for paralysis of local part (Causticum).

Its antidotes are Cinchona, Digitalis, Coffea, and Belladonna. 

It is the antidote to the spasm of Nux vomica, and Tabacum (Physostigma).


2 to 6 drops.


Ginkgo biloba. Kader Kochi.


Maiden hair, Ginjo.


Ancient tall tree. Height 35 meters. Leaves extract contains proanthocyanidins, phenolic acids, myricetin, kaempferol, terpenes, and ginkgolic acids.


This is medicine for thrombosis, Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia. 

It promotes micro circulation in skin and brain (Arsenic album).

It promotes new dendrites formation in axon (Ginseng, Vaccinium myrtillus, Arsenic album).

It promotes acetylcholine synthesis in brain cells.

It is medicine for vitiligo.

It is medicine for alopecia (Stramonium, Ginseng, Ustilago, Aconitum, Jaborandi, Baptisia, Arnica).

It is medicine for stroke, migraine, vertigo, and cardiac weakness.

It is medicine for adrenal weakness.

It is remedy for bleeding disorder.

It is remedy for auto immune dermatitis.


4 to 10 drops.
