Saturday, 9 March 2013

Lobelia inflata. Kader Kochi.


American Indian tobacco, Bladder pod, Puke weed, Asthma weed, Vomit wort.


Biennial plant. Height 150 cm. Flowers are violet blue or white. Leaves, flowers, and seeds. Plant contains lobeline, piperidine, and lobelia acid. 


This is expectorant, emetic, diaphoretic, antipyretic, analgesic and antispasmodic medicine. 

It is medicine for constipation.

It is medicine for hypertension.

It is mucolytic medicine (Adhatoda vasica).

It is medicine for tachypnoea.

It is medicine for spasmodic cough, asthma, and pulmonary congestion.

It is panacea for respiratory diseases (Glycyrrhiza).

It is anti-spasmodic medicine for hydrophobia (Stramonium).

It is medicine for eclampsia, tetanus, and hysterical spasms.

It is anti-spasmodic medicine for delayed labour due to rigid cervix.

It is medicine for dry mouth.

It is medicine externally for muscle pain (Arnica).

It is remedy for weak vital force (Digitalis, Nux vomica, Gelsemium, Arsenic album, Cinchona, Thuja, Tabacum, Alcohol). 

It is remedy for depression (Dopamine).

It is remedy for nicotine addiction, and drug addiction (Arnica).

It is remedy for anxiety neurosis, effort syndrome, and heaviness in chest.

It is remedy for vertigo, and Meniere’s disease.

It is remedy for deafness from suppressed discharges (Sulphur).

It is remedy for coryza, productive bronchitis, pneumonia, and weak breathing.

It is remedy for severe palpitation with a feeling as if heart would stop.

It is remedy for hypotension.

It is remedy for respiratory and cardiac weakness.

It is remedy for vomiting.

It had been used for removing toxins from body.

It is an antidote to poison oak.

It had been used as mosquito repellents.


1 -3 drops (Ascending dose).


Lactuca virosa. Kader Kochi.


Bitter lettuce, Opium lettuce, Acid lettuce, Wild lettuce, Strong smell lettuce.


Biennial plant. Height 1 meter.  Leaves contain latex, opium like alkaloids, lactucopicrin, lactucin, lactucarium, coumarin, and potassium nitrate. Bitter.


This is medicine for pain, and sleeplessness.

It is an antiseptic medicine.

It is medicine for agalactia.

It is remedy for excessive sleepiness, and disturbed sleep.

It is remedy for spasmodic cough.

It is remedy for Parkinson's disease.

It is remedy for tightness in chest, with loose stool and dilated pupils.

It is remedy for ovarian enlargement with sense of tightness at lower abdomen.

It is remedy for intermittent fever.

It has been used to prepare nicotine free cigarette.


1 to 10 drops.


Kalmia latifolia. Kader Kochi.


Mountain laurel, Spoon wood.


Evergreen shrub. Height 9 meters. Leaves contain andromedotoxin, grayanotoxin, arbutin, tannin, and toxic principles.


This is medicine for neuralgia, and painful rheumatoid arthritis.  

It is medicine for sleeplessness. 

It is medicine externally for rheumatism (Belladonna, Veratrum viride).

It is remedy for cardiac hypertrophy following arthritis (Iberis).

It is remedy for palpitation in chest with numbness in left hand and slow pulse.

It is remedy for scleroderma with sensation of stiffening of skin.

The name “Kalmia” was given in memory of the Swedish botanist Peter KAM (1716-1779).


3 to 10 drops.


Friday, 8 March 2013

Jacaranda caroba. Kader Kochi.


Brazilian carob, Bignonia caroba.


Deciduous shrub. Height 15 meters. Leaves contain carobin, acids, resins, volatile oil, and tannin. Flowers contain flavonoids. Bitter.


This is medicine externally for rheumatism, and wound.

It is remedy for epilepsy.

It is remedy for rheumatism, and arthritis. 

It is remedy for mouth ulcer.

It is remedy for purulent urethritis.

It is remedy for priapism, balanitis, and dermatitis on penis.


5 to 10 drops.


Jaborandi. Kader Kochi.


Pilocarpus, Arruda brava.


Evergreen tree. Height 7 meters. Leaves contain pilocarpine, jaborine, volatile aromatic oil, tannic acid, volatile acid, and potassium chloride.


This is medicine for hypo hidrosis, tinnitus, auditory vertigo, and labyrinthine deafness. 

It is medicine for dry feeling in mouth and throat (Mercurius). 

It is medicine for unproductive cough.

It is medicine for stiffness of joints due to dryness of synovial fluid.

It is cardiac depressant (Gelsemium, Cinchona, Aconitum, Colchicum, Crataegus). 

It is medicine for hypertension in sthenic.

It is medicine for alopecia, canities, and premature greying of hair (It opens pores, and clean hair follicle).

It is medicine for glaucoma, and optic neuritis.

It is medicine for squamous dermatosis. 

It is medicine for hyper dilation of pupils.

It is medicine for eruptive fever with tachycardia.

It is medicine for eclampsia with rigid uterine os.

It is medicine for renal failure, and uraemia.

It is medicine for agalactia (Galega).

It is remedy for Alzheimer disease, and dementia.

It is remedy for constriction of pupils.

It is remedy for epilepsy.

It is remedy for hyperthyroidism, and night hyperhidrosis.

It is remedy for mumps, and hypoglycaemia.

It is remedy for nausea during pregnancy.

It is remedy for oliguria.

It is remedy for alopecia.

It is remedy for psoriasis.

Pilocarpine is para sympathomimetic. Jaborine is para sympatholytic (Physostigma).


2 to 10 drops.


Ignatia amara. Kader Kochi.


Saint Ignatius bean, Strychnos ignatii.


Climbing plant. It looks like small tree. Height 20 meters. Bean contains brucine, strychnine, fixed oil, and resin. 


This is medicine for spinal paralysis. 

It is a bitter gastric tonic. 

It is remedy for autonomic dysfunctions (Asafoetida).

It is remedy for autonomic neuropathy, neurasthenia, depression, and schizophrenia. 

It is remedy for psychosomatic diseases.

It is remedy for reflex symptoms from spinal origin, nerve weakness, and hysteric cramps.

It is remedy for aphonia, and atrial flutter from reflex origin.

It is remedy for intermittent fever, and pyrexia of unknown origin.

It is remedy for spasm, hysteria, dysmenorrhoea, and polyuria.

It is the antidote to coffee, tobacco, brandy, and chamomile.

It is a remedy for increased susceptibility to infections and toxins. It had been used as prophylactic remedy externally for epidemic plague (Gelsemium, Asafoetida, Sinapis, Nux vomica).


1 to 2 drops.


Hypericum perforatum. Kader Kochi.


St John´s wort.


Perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Leaves and flowers. Plant contains hypericin -red principle, anti-estrogenic factor, dopamine stimulating factor, pectin, volatile oil, and resin.


This is medicine for pain, anxiety state, excitement, and nerve injuries.

It is medicine for brain and spinal injuries (Helleborus and Yohimbinum).

It is medicine externally for leukoderma, and vitiligo.

It is medicine externally for injuries with unbroken skin (Arnica).

It is remedy for depression, and sleeplessness.

It is remedy for mouth and anus disease.

It is remedy for chronic allergic kidney disease.

It is remedy for the pain in wound, rectum, and following surgical operation.


3 to 6 drops.


Hyoscyamus niger. Kader Kochi.


Henbane, Death bane, Satan plant, Jupiter bean, Kurashaani (Malayalam), Paasika yavani.


Biennial plant. Height 1 meter. Branches are covered with sticky hairs. Root, seeds, and leaves. Plant contains hyoscyamine, atropine, scopolamine, hyoscine, and hyoscipicrin.


This is analgesic, sedative and narcotic medicine.

It is medicine for spasm, tremor, cramp, rigidity, mania, and nervous excitement (Without arresting body secretions).

It is medicine for spasmodic cough.

It is medicine for colic (Belladonna).

It is medicine for weakness of special senses.

It is medicine for amblyopia, and deafness.

It is medicine for frigidity.

It is medicine externally for pain.

It is remedy for hyperactive thoughts in children.

It is remedy for abnormal clairvoyance.

It is remedy for endogenous depression, delusion, excessive laughing, and schizophrenia.

It is remedy balance disorder, and bradykinesia in Parkinsonism. 

It is remedy for tinnitus (Cinchona, Veratrum album).

It is remedy for Alzheimer’s disease, and dementia.

It is remedy for developmental brain disorder (Veratrum album, Colchicum, Hydrastis, Helleborus niger).

It is remedy for visual hallucination, photophobia, and sleeplessness.

It is remedy for dry cough. 

It is remedy for hydrophobia, and meningitis following influenza.

It is remedy for over sensitiveness of skin.

It had been used for purpose of brainwash.

It had been used as truth serum.

It has offensive smell as pig. If it poisonous, it can cause pigs or dogs to dream.

Its fumes had been used in toothache.

It had been used for brewing wine (Hops -Lupulus). 

There was a method of applying it behind ear for tremor, motion sickness, and prophetic purpose. It had been used externally with fat in vagina to reduce sensitivity. The Cleopatra, the last emperor of Egypt had used it to dilate her pupil. Thieves in Briton had used it to sedate chickens. 


1 to 6 drops.


Hydrastis canadensis. Kader Kochi.


Golden seal, Ground raspberry, Orange root, Yellow puccoon.


Perennial plant. Height 30 cm. Rhizome contains a yellowish colouring principle, berberine, hydrastine, canadine, resin, and volatile oil. Bitter.


It is medicine for indigestion, and anorexia.

It is a medicine that increases tone of stomach and intestine (Capsicum, Nux vomica, Cinchona).

It is diuretic, and antiseptic medicine. 

It is a medicine that inhibits early degeneration in muscle.  

It stimulates peristalsis, respiration, circulation, and muscle tone.

It is medicine externally for mouth ulcer, pox, weeping skin ailments, and wound.

It is remedy for seasonal influenza (Allium sativa, Sambucus nigra, Zingiber).

It is remedy for dry cough and sticky sputum in pulmonary oedema following the cardiac weakness.

It is remedy for sick headache origin from catarrh of stomach.

It is remedy for cancer of stomach.

It is remedy for breast cancer, uterine bleeding, uterine sub involution, and urinary stone.

It is remedy for arteriosclerosis.

It is remedy for chicken pox, urticaria, and ulcer.

It is remedy for developmental disorder (Veratrum album).

Yellow root had been used for dyeing garments, and in cosmetic.


1 to 10 drops (Descending dose).

Dilution (Ascending potency).

Hygrophila spinosa. Kader Kochi.


Hygrophila auriculata, Gokanta, Kokilaksha, Vayalchully, Neermulli.


Perennial aquatic plant. Height 1.5 meter. Root and leaves. Plant contains iron, phytosterol, polyphenols, proanthocyanins, terpenoids, alkaloids, and flavonoids.


This is diuretic medicine.

It is medicine for male infertility, impotence, and premature ejaculation (Asafoetida, Camphor, Thuja).

It is medicine for renal insufficiency.

It is remedy for dropsy, and renal stone.

It is remedy for urticaria.


3 to 10 drops.


Helleborus niger. Kader Kochi.


Snow rose, Christmas rose, Black hellebore.  


Perennial flowering plant. Height 30 cm. Root contains toxic principle, helleborin, helleborein, protoanemonin, gum, resin, and fat.


This is medicine for constipation. 

It is medicine for sleeplessness (Opium).

It is remedy depression, insanity, excitement, delusion, stupidity, mania, and epilepsy. Sinking feeling and delusion are worse from 4 to 8 pm.

It is remedy for post-traumatic dementia.

It is remedy for chronic meningitis, headache at neck, tinnitus, and vertigo. 

It is remedy for swelling of tongue, and suffocation.

It is remedy for bradycardia, bradypnea, hypothermia, and cardiac weakness.

It is remedy for chronic constipation, chronic dropsy, and oliguria.

It is remedy for gout, rheumatoid arthritis, and collagen disorder.

It is remedy for chronic ulcer.

It is remedy for sensorial depression, and weak vital force.

It is remedy for immune boosting and immune modulation.

Word “Hellebore” (Latin) means plant eaten by fawns.


1 to 6 drops.


Haematoxylon Campechianum. Kader Kochi.


Logwood tree, Blackwood, Blood wood tree, Campeachy tree, Jamaica wood.


Thorny shrub. Height 1 meter. Bark and leaves. Plant contain colouring principle haematoxylin. Astringent. Wood contains red dye. 


This is medicine for chronic diarrhoea. 

It is medicine for bleeding from bowel and uterus. 

It is medicine externally for nasal polyp, and gangrene.

It is remedy for palpitation and constrictive feeling in left part of chest. Sensation as a bar lay across the chest and extending to abdomen. Pain is increased on touch.

It had been used for making red ink and dye.

It had been used as PH indicator.


4 to 8 drops.


Thursday, 7 March 2013

Grindelia robusta. Kader Kochi.


Gum weed, Wild sunflower.


Perennial plant. Height 50 cm. Flower are yellow. Flowering tops, and leaves. Plant contains toxic saponins, and polyphenols. Astringent. Bee friendly.


This is remedy for asthma with profuse sticky sputum. Breathing is difficult when lying (Lobelia, Ipecac).

It is remedy for headache with sense of fullness.

It is remedy for rashes with severe burning and pruritus.

It is an antidote in Rhus tox poisoning.


1 to 4 drops.


Graphites. Kader Kochi.


Black lead, Drawing pencil carbon.


This is medicine externally for fissure, sores, and cracks on nipple (Hippocrates).

It is remedy for one sided headache with oversensitive to noise.

It is remedy for flatulence, and gastric ulcer better from eating.

It is remedy for watery leucorrhoea.

It is remedy for deformed nails.

It is remedy for weeping eczema with offensive and sticky discharge. 

It is remedy for dry skin with pruritus, and acne with honey like discharge.

It is remedy for obesity with unhealthy skin.




Granatum punica. Kader Kochi.


Pomegranate, Anar, Maathalam.


Perennial deciduous shrub. Height 8 meters. Seeds. Plant contains ellagic acid, tannins, pelletierine, punicalagin, luteolin, quercetin, kaempferol, ellagitannins, anthocyanins (delphinidin, cyanidin, and pelargonidin), polyphenols and potassium. Pungent and astringent.


This is medicine for tapeworms. 

It is medicine for hypertonia, and rigidity. 

It is medicine for hyperglycaemia, and cardiac weakness. 

It is remedy for salivation. 

It is remedy for hypothyroidism, and hypoglycaemia (Galega, Glycyrrhiza).


4 to 6 drops.


Ginseng. Kader Kochi.


Panax ginseng, Panax quinquefolium, Man foot.


Perennial plant. Height 50 cm. Roots have length up to 30 cm. It contains saponins, ginseng oils, phytosterols, carbohydrates, sugars, organic acids, nitrogenous substances, amino acids, peptides, vitamins, and minerals. 


This is medicine for stroke, and hypotension.

It is medicine for viral infections of respiratory tract.

It is medicine for cardiac weakness, and hypercholesterolemia.

It increases the capillary circulation in the brain.

It stimulates the bone marrow and the immune system.

It is medicine for diabetes.  

It is medicine for rheumatism, low backache, and muscle spasm.

It is medicine for spinal degeneration, and dementia.   

It is medicine for alopecia.

It is medicine for frigidity, and impotence.

It is medicine for chronic adrenal weakness.

It is medicine geriatric weakness. 

It inhibits growth in tumor. 

It is a detoxifying medicine for liver.

It is remedy for sleeplessness.

It is remedy for hypertension.

It is remedy for breast tenderness.

It is remedy for micro bleeding.

Word “panax “means all heal (Panacea). Gin means "Person", and Seng means "Plant root".


10 to 20 drops.


Gentiana lutea. Kader Kochi.


Bitter wort, Yellow gentian.


Perennial plant. Height 2 meters. Root. Plant contains amarogentin, gentiopicrin, and gentisic acid. Bitter.


This is medicine for weakness of digestive system.

It is medicine for functional diseases of digestive tract like anorexia, flatulence, and diarrhoea.

It is medicine for malaria.

It is medicine for hypertension. 

It is medicine externally for wound, and epithelioma. 

It is remedy for depression.

It is remedy for vertigo, and headache.

It is remedy for excessive appetite, and weight loss.

It had been used for brewing wine.


5 to 15 drops.


Gallium aparine. Kader Kochi.


Goose grass, Cleavers, Sticky willow.


Annual plant. Height 1.2 meter. Plant contains iridoid glycoside, phenolic acids, coumarin, flavonoid, and citric acid. Seed has caffeine flavour. Root has red dye. Noxious weed.


This is diuretic medicine.

It is medicine externally for wound, boils, eczema, psoriasis, and burns. 

It is an immunomodulatory and immune booster medicine.

It is an anti-inflammatory medicine.

It is remedy for fear. 

It is remedy for nodules of tongue, lymphoma, and enlarged glands.

It is remedy for scurvy, and ulcer.

It is remedy for dysuria, polyuria, calculi, and cystitis.

It is remedy for dysmenorrhoea.

Seeds had been used a substitute for coffee.

It had been used as a detoxifying agent in cancer.

It had been used for blood purification.


2 to 6 drops.


Gaultheria procumbens. Kader Kochi.


American wintergreen, Eastern teaberry, Ginger berry, Hamantha haritham.


Creeping woody shrub. Height 15 cm. Leaves contain volatile oil, methyl salicylate, gaultherilene, tannin, gallic acid, arbutin, sugar, and gum.


This is medicine for tonsillitis, tic douloureux, acute articular rheumatism, and sciatica.

It is medicine for portal congestion, and thrombosis.

It is medicine externally for wound, neuralgia, arthritis, and fibrositis.

It is detoxifying medicine for ulcer, and cancer.

It is remedy for ringing in ears (Cinchona).

It is remedy for dysmenorrhoea.  

It is remedy for bleeding.

Do not mix with water until the moment of administration. 

It had been used for preparation of tea.

Jean Francois Gaultier (1708-1756) was the King's physician in France.


1 to 5 drops.


Guaiacum officinale. Kader Kochi.


Lignum vitae resin, Heartwood, Tree of life.


Small tree. Height 10 meters. Heaviest wood. Flowers are blue. Plant contains resin acids (guaiaconic, guaianetic, guaiac acids), saponins (guaiacosaponin), vanillin, and polyterpenoid (guaiaguttin). Astringent. Guaiacum grows well where oxygen is high.


This is diuretic, emmenagogue, laxative, and diaphoretic medicine.

It is medicine externally for toothache, rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis, and gout. 

It is remedy for dry mouth, and mouth ulcer.

It is remedy for tonsillitis with burning sensation. 

It is remedy for neck pain, and cervical spondylitis.

It is remedy for pain with acute rheumatism, and gout.

It had been used for brewing tea.

Word lignum vitae (Latin) means wood of life.


1 to 6 drops.


Filix mas. Kader Kochi.


Aspidium, Male fern, Dryopteris filix- mass.


Evergreen plant. Height 150 cm. Root contains filmarone, aspidinol, filicinic acid, filicitannic acid, gallic acid, pectin, volatile oil, wax, starch, and gum.


This is medicine for tapeworms.

It is remedy for monocular amblyopia.

It is remedy for chronic lymph adenitis.

Word “mas” (Latin) means masculine.


2 to 4 drops.


Fenugreek. Kader Kochi.


Trigonella foenum-graecum, Fenugreek, Methi, Hilba, Uluva.


Annual plant. Height 80 cm. Plant contains trigonelline, sotolon, gentianine, sterols, saponins, flavonoids, protein, free amino acids, arginine, phytoestrogen, coumarin, scopoletin, cinnamic acid, tannin, mucilage, vitamin C, choline, calcium, iron, volatile oil, and fibre.


This is medicine for amenorrhoea.

It is para sympathomimetic.

It promotes milk secretion, saliva, urine and sweat.

It is medicine for under developed breast in female. 

It is medicine for diabetes, and hypercholesterolaemia.

It is medicine for hernia, and erectile dysfunction in male.

It is medicine for gout.

It is medicine for obesity.

It has thrombolytic activities.

It is medicine for cancer.

It is medicine externally for inflammation.

It is remedy for dyspepsia.

It is remedy for chronic kidney disease.

It is remedy for dysmenorrhoea.

It is remedy for offensive urine.

It is remedy for muscular dystrophy.

It is remedy for congenital birth defect (Veratrum album).

It is a prophylactic remedy for woman against development of congenital defects in foetus.

Word “foenum” (Greek) means hay (Alfalfa).


2 to 10 drops.



Wednesday, 6 March 2013

Euphorbia corollatum. Kader Kochi.


Flowering spurge, Spurge.


Perennial plant. Height 100 cm. Flowers are white. Plant contains milky toxic sap, resin, gallic acid, quercetin, and essential oil.


This is an emetic, diaphoretic, laxative and expectorant medicine. 

 It is medicine for rheumatism.

It is medicine externally for alopecia, warts, and epithelioma.

It is remedy for hay fever, and humid asthma.  

It is remedy for atonic dyspepsia.

It is remedy for impotence.


1 to 3 drops.


Eupatorium purpureum. Kader Kochi.


Sweet scented joe-pye weed, Trumpet weed, Gravel root, Queen of meadow, Eutrochium purpureum, Purple boneset.


Perennial herb. Height 2.5 meters. Flowers are red. Root contains eupatorin, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, resin, volatile oil, salt, and tannin. Bee friendly.


This is diuretic medicine. 

It is medicine for cystitis, and uric acid stone.

It is remedy for diabetes, and pelvic congestion.

It is remedy for chronic hepatitis, and ascites.


2 to 4 drops.


Elaterium. Kader Kochi.


Ecballium elaterium, Squirting cucumber, Cucumis asininus, Wild donkey cucumber.


Perennial decumbent plant. Length 1 meter. Fruit is bitter. Fruit extract contains cucurbitacin, elaterin, prophetin, ecballin, hydroclaterin, and chlorophyll. 


This is medicine for constipation. 

It is diuretic medicine.

It is remedy for cerebral haemorrhage.

It is remedy for sinusitis.

It is remedy for cystitis.

It had been used as abortifacient.


3 to 10 drops.
