Thursday, 14 March 2013

Sabal serrulata. Kader Kochi.


Saw palmetto, Serenoa repens.


Long lived palm tree. Height 3 meters. Leaves are fan like. Fruit contains phytoestrogen.


This is medicine for chronic oophoritis.

It is medicine for prostatic hypertrophy, and impotence.

It is medicine for low body fat. 

It is medicine for frontal alopecia, and hair loss.

It is medicine for underdeveloped breast in girls (Trigonella). 

It is remedy for breast adenoma.

It is remedy for prostate indurations.


6 to 20 drops.


Solanum nigrim. Kader Kochi.


Black nightshade, Poison berry, Mani thakkali, Kari thakkali. Kaakamachi.


Perennial shrub. Height 1 meter. Flowers are white. Berries are black. Fruits and whole plant contain alkaloid solasonine.


This is medicine for coryza (Belladonna).

It is remedy for tonsillitis, pneumonia, and cardiac dropsy.

It is remedy is hepatomegaly, and splenomegaly.

It is remedy for chronic hepatitis.

It is an antidote in opium poisoning, and rat poisoning.



Zinc metallicum. Kader Kochi.


This is astringent medicine for catarrhal conjunctivitis, and gingivitis.

It is remedy for anxiety state, sleeplessness, epilepsy, and dementia.

It is remedy for visual disorder.

It is remedy for nervous strain, and exhaustion.

It is remedy for over sensitiveness of special senses (Nux vomica, Cinchona, Hepar sulph, Ricinus communis).

It is remedy for spinal weakness, numbness, and weakness in legs.

It is remedy for tremor, and trembling in body.

It is remedy for neuralgia with creeping sensation in skin.

It is remedy for short stature.

It is remedy for diabetes mellitus. 

It is remedy for renal insufficiency.

It is remedy for progeria, multiple sclerosis, and scleroderma (Silicea).

It is a remedy for the symptoms which are increased by drinking wine.

Zinc metallicum is inimical to Nux vomica.

Zinc is essential mineral for the formation of carbonic anhydrase, storage of insulin, and homeostasis of nerve functions. Its daily requirement is about 6 to 12 mg.  It naturally presents in cashew nut, sea food, and meat.




Zingiber. Kader Kochi.


Ginger, Inge.


Biennial plant. Height 75 cm. Rhizome contains volatile oil, gingerol, resin, sulphur, phosphorus, starch, and gum.


This is stimulant medicine for chronic heart weakness (Sinapis, Spartium, Capsicum, Camphor, Coffea, Sulphur, Ginkgo, Granatum, Kola, Aspidosperma, Lobelia, Myrrha, Nux vomica, Allium sativa, and Arsenic Album).

It is medicine for emphysema, and hysteria. 

It is a stimulant diaphoretic in cold, and chill (Cinchona). 

It is medicine for cold due to suppressed menstruation.

It is medicine for dyspepsia, flatulence, and colic. 

It is medicine for hypoglycaemia.

It is medicine externally for chest pain associated with cardiac weakness.

It is cosmetic medicine externally for leukoderma (Styrax).

It was stimulant medicine for cobra poisoning (Alcohol, Piper niger).

It is remedy for reflex vomiting, and mountain sickness.  

It is remedy for chikungunya like joint symptoms (Viscum album).

It is remedy for congenital defects (Veratrum album).

It is an antidote for starch intolerance.


2 to 10 drops.


Withania somnifera. Kader Kochi.


Winter cherry, Indian ginseng, Indian winter cherry, Poison gooseberry, Amukkuram, Ashwagandha.


Perennial shrub. Height 75 cm. Root contains tropane, withanolides, solanine, choline, and hygrine. Bitter. 


This is medicine for sleeplessness.

It is medicine for depression, dementia, and Parkinsonism.

It is medicine for autism, and attention deficit hyperactivity syndrome.

It is medicine for peptic ulcer.

It is medicine for sterility, and impotence.

It has diuretic, sex promoting, and rejuvenate properties. 

It is medicine for rheumatism, and geriatric disorders.

It is medicine for adrenal weakness.

It is medicine for prostate tumor.

It is medicine for ovarian cyst.

It is medicine for lymphoma.

It is medicine for leprosy. 

It is remedy for anxiety state, schizophrenia, and obsessive-compulsive neurosis.

It is remedy for brain degeneration.

It is remedy for hyperthyroidism.

It is remedy for neoplasm.

It is remedy for chronic hepatitis.

It is remedy for auto immune diseases (Rhus tox, Alfalfa, Cinchona, Xanthoxylum).

It is an antidote in snake poisoning (Gymnema sylvestre, Rauwolfia, Aristolochia, Baptisia, Senega, Piper nigrum, Styrax, Thuja, Camphor, Viscum album).


4 to 10 drops.


Ustilago maydis. Kader Kochi.


Corn ergot, Corn smut. Corn ergot.


A fungus seen in corn. Spores contain crystalline alkaloid ustilagine, resin, and volatile oil. Bitter. 


This is remedy for dementia (Ginkgo biloba, Withania somnifera).

It is remedy for endometriosis.

It is remedy for uterine sub involution.

It is remedy for excessive uterine bleeding with left ovarian neuralgia at climacteric. 

It is remedy for chronic non vesicular dermatitis, and hair falling (Ginkgo biloba, Jaborandi, Arnica, Aconitum).


1 to 3 drops.


Wednesday, 13 March 2013

Rhus aromatica. Kader Kochi.


Sweet sumach, Fragrant sumach.


Bushy shrub. Height 2 meters. Root and bark. Plant contains aromatic volatile oil, phenolic compounds, resins, fat, tannin, and gum. Astringent.


This is medicine for polyuria, and cystitis.

It is medicine for dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

It is medicine for diabetes.

It is medicine for albuminuria.

It is remedy for herpes simplex, and chicken pox.

It is remedy for purpura haemorrhagica.


4 to 10 drops.


Quercus alba. Kader Kochi.


American white oak.


Long lived tree. Height 30 meters. Plant contains grandinin, phenolic compounds, beta sitosterol, and tannic acid. Astringent.


This is medicine for diarrhoea, and epidemic dysentery. 

It is medicine for aphthae in mouth, and bleeding gums.

It is medicine for portal hypertension, and bleeding piles.

It has antibacterial properties.

Tea prepared with bark is a medicine for arthritis.

It is medicine for night sweats, and polyuria.

It is remedy for alcohol craving (Sulphuric acid).

It is remedy for chronic kidney disease. 

It is an antidote in Nux vomica poisoning (Physostigma). 

Its wood had been used for making beer barrels. 


5 to 10 drops.


Tuesday, 12 March 2013

Pulsatilla anemone. Kader Kochi.


Windflower, Pasque flower.


Perennial herb. Height 30 cm. Plant contains anemonin, toxic cantharidin like principle, an oxytocin releasing factor, and volatile oil.


This is medicine for amenorrhea, and pain in lower abdomen from reflex origin. 

It is medicine for irritable cough.

It depresses circulation and temperature (Aconitum).

It is cardiac depressant (Cinchona, Lycopus virginicus, Digitalis, Gelsemium, Prunus virginiana, Crataegus, Colchicum, Potassium, Helleborus. Jaborandi, Aconitum).

It is gastric irritant.

It is medicine for hypertension (Spartium scoparium).

It is remedy for fear, depression, and sleeplessness.

It is remedy for mood disorder related to affections.

It is remedy for autism (Stramonium, Tabacum).

It is remedy for autonomic dysfunctions (Ignatia, Mitchella).

It is remedy for amaurosis in childhood, functional blindness, and allergic conjunctivitis.

It is remedy for catarrh of mucus membrane with non-irritating discharges. 

It is remedy for bradycardia due to chronic heart failure.

It is remedy for indigestion from eating cold food, or mixed diet.

It is remedy for symptoms due to functional derangement of female organs.

It is remedy for frigidity in female.

It is remedy for shifting arthritis.

It is remedy for spasm of uterus with thick and bland discharges.

It is remedy for diarrhoea alternate with constipation (Nux vomica, Rheum).

It had been used as abortifacient.


1 or 6 drops.


Phytolacca decandra. Kader Kochi.


Poke root, Pigeon berry, Phytolacca americana.


Perennial tree. Height 3 meters. Root, leaves, stem, and berries. Plant contains phytolaccotoxin, phytolaccine, phytolaccigenin resin, starch, gum, tannin, mucilage and potassium.


This is medicine for inflammation of glandular structures. 

It is cardiac depressant medicine (Cinchona, Gelsemium, Crataegus, Colchicum, Digitalis). 

It is medicine externally for rheumatism, and lymphadenitis.

It is medicine for chronic suppuration, chronic breast tumor, and ulcer at muco-cutaneous junction. 

It is medicine for constipation.

Phytolacca berry is medicine for chronic arthritis, and obesity (Ascending dose).

It is remedy for chronic tonsillitis, and chronic rheumatism. 

It is remedy for non-suppurating breast adenoma. 

It is remedy for rheumatic degeneration as iodine does in induration.


1 to 10 drops.


Physostigma venenosum. Kader Kochi.


Calabar bean, Ordeal bean.


Perennial climbing plant. Height 14 meters. It is seen in western cost of Africa. Beans contains physostigmine (Anti atropine), calabarine (Atropine like), eseridine, and phytosterin.


This is medicine for severe neuralgia (Plantago major).

It has para sympathomimetic and para sympatholytic action.

It is a medicine for absent mindedness, and dementia.

It is remedy for glaucoma. 

It is medicine for cramps, muscle spasm, and muscular rheumatism (Para sympatholytic).

It is remedy for myasthenia, progressive muscular atrophy, and flaccid paralysis (Para sympathomimetic).

It is remedy for autism spectrum diseases (Stramonium, Pulsatilla).

It is an antidote to Nux vomica poisoning.

Beans had been given to test guilty of the thief in western cost of Africa. He will vomit it if he was innocent. Otherwise he will die. 

Bean had been used also for duelling.


1 to 4 drops.


Plantago major. Kader Kochi.


Plantain weed, Ribwort, Greater plantain, White man’s foot, Jangli isabgol.


Perennial plant. Height 30 cm. Root contain aucubin, allantoin, ursolic acid, and mucilage. Leaves are edible and contain vitamin A.


This is medicine for intermittent fever.

It is medicine for bronchitis.

It is medicine externally for insect bites, poisoned wound, scalds, bruises, boil, incised wound, and chilblain.

It is medicine externally for neuralgia associated with earache, bleeding gums, toothache, and haemorrhoids (Chamomilla).  

It is remedy for trigeminal neuralgia.

It is remedy for diabetes, and enuresis. 

It is remedy for tobacco craving.


1 to 4 drops.


Podophyllum peltatum. Kader Kochi.


May apple, American mandrake, Laghuphalum, Wild lemon.


Perennial single stem plant. Height 30 cm. Umbrella like leaves. Unripe green fruit, leaves and root contain toxic resins, podophyllotoxin, and minerals. Bitter. 


This is medicine for constipation.

It is medicine for hepatic insufficiency.

It is medicine for polyp, and hyperplasia.

It is medicine for genital warts.

It is medicine externally for verruca acuminata. 

It medicines externally for wound in animals.

It is medicine externally for deafness.

It is remedy for portal hypertension, chronic hepatitis, and cholelithiasis.

It is remedy for cystic hyperplasia in ovary.

It is remedy for muscle weakness, and muscular dystrophy (Arnica montana, Alfalfa, Allium sativa, Curcuma longa, Lycopodium, Glycyrrhiza, Emblica officinalis, Rhus tox, Plumbum met, Coffea cruda, and Nux vomica. Medicines are Trigonella, Cannabis indica, and Apocynum).

It is an antidote for chronic heavy metal poisoning (Ocimum sanctum, Coriander).

Word “mandrake” means God of air.


1 to 3 drops.


Pareira brava. Kader Kochi.


Virgin vine, Chondrodendron tomentosum.


Climbing plant. Height 5 meters. Root contains pellosine, starch, gum, and tannin.


This is medicine for cystitis, dysuria, oliguria, and urethritis.  

It is remedy for chronic renal disease.

It is remedy for phosphate stone, and urethritis.

It is remedy for prostate enlargement, and prostatitis with retention of urine.


1 to 4 drops.


Piper nigrim. Kader Kochi.


Black pepper, Kurumulaku.


Perennial evergreen vine. Height 6 meters. Piper corn contains piperine, piperidine, manganese, copper, and vitamin K.


This is medicine for sleepiness, vertigo, and giddiness.

It is medicine for sore throat, and cough. 

It is medicine for intermittent fever with chill.

It is medicine for flatulence and gastric atony.

It is medicine for both diarrhoea and constipation.

It is medicine for urethritis.

It has antipyretic, antimicrobial, anti-degenerative, and rubefacient properties. 

It is medicine for leukoderma. 

It is remedy fibromyalgia, and stiffness (Nux vomica).

It is remedy for rigidity, and Parkinson's disease.

It is remedy for diabetes.

It is remedy for malignancy.

It is an antidote for cobra poisoning (Aristolochia, Rauwolfia).

Its antidote is Camphor.


1 to 4 drops.


Opium. Kader Kochi.


Poppy tears, Papaver somniferum, Lachryma papaveris, Hul-Gil (Sumerian- joy plant). 


Annual flowering plant. Height 1 to 2 meter. Leaves are lobed and hairy.  Flowers are white or purple. Size of capsules is less than 2.5 cm diameter. Fruit capsules contain resin. Alkaloids are found in milky latex in unripe seed capsules. Morphine, codeine, papaverine, noscapine, and thebaine are common alkaloids. They are present in young leaves also. Sanguinarine is present in root. Seeds are kidney shaped, and they contain no alkaloids.  Bitter.


This is medicine for pain in bowels, common bile duct, uterus, ureters, bladder, and urethra due to spasm (Belladonna). 

It is medicine for bronchial spasm, cardiac spasm, tetanic spasm, cramps, and neuralgia.

It is medicine for dysmenorrhoea.

It is medicine for sleeplessness.

It promotes endorphins synthesis in brain, and it suppresses pain.

It is a diaphoretic medicine. 

It reduces intestinal and renal secretions (Myrrha). 

It is medicine for diarrhoea.

It is medicine for premature ejaculation.

It is immune modulator, and immune booster (Arsenic album, Ricinus communis, Helleborus, Camphor, Allium sativa, Asafoetida, Mercurius).

It is remedy for rhinorrhoea.

It is remedy for respiratory failure.

It is remedy for autism spectrum disorders (Gelsemium, Hyoscyamus, Alumen, Physostigma, Pulsatilla, Stramonium).

It is remedy for fear, anorexia nervosa, depression, and dark face.

It is remedy for absent mind, and dementia.

It is remedy for excessive sleepiness with open mouth (Arsenic album, Naja).

It is a remedy that has long been used for crying of children (Crocus sativa, Ricinus communis).

It is remedy for weakness, and neurasthenia (Gelsemium).

It is remedy for week vision with contracted pupils.

It is remedy for pain near head and neck.

It is remedy for asthma, and dry cough.

It is remedy for indigestion, reflex vomiting, and constipation.

It is remedy for symptoms associated with contracted pupils, coated tongue, flushed face, oliguria and dry skin. (Dilated pupils- Belladonna, Stramonium, Hyoscyamus, Duboisinum, Veratrum).

It is remedy for tremor.

It is an anti-viral remedy (HIV infection, hepatitis B, Herpes simplex, Influenza).

It is a sulphur contain plant (Tabacum, Viscum album, Allium sativa, Azadirecta Indica, Sinapis niger, Asafoetida, Zingiber).

It had been used for smoking with tobacco.

It had been used with hemlock and aconite for suicidal attempt (Last lady pharaoh- Cleopatra vii).

Word opium was derived from “opos” (Greek) which means milky juice. Word meconium was derived from the phrase for “like opium juice”. 

Friedrich Wilhelm Adam Serturner (1783-1841) German pharmacist extracted morphine from poppy in 1804 (Paper was published in 1817).



Oennanthe crocata. Kader Kochi.


Water drop wort, Five-leaved water hemlock.


Perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Root, stem, and seeds. Plant contains a toxic substance, and volatile oil.


This is remedy for convulsion and opisthotonos (Nux vomica).

It is remedy for headache with nausea, vomiting and dilated pupils.

It is remedy for spasm of facial muscles, and trismus.

It is remedy for spinal muscle spasm.

It is remedy for ichthyosis, and squamous dermatosis.



Ocimum canum. Kader Kochi.


African basil.


Annual plant. Height 50 cm. Flowers are white and aromatic. Leaf contains methyl cinnamate, linalool, camphor, and essential oil. 


It is medicine for cold, pain, and fever.

It has antiviral and antibacterial properties.

It is medicine for wound. 

It is medicine for diabetes.

It is remedy for mastitis.

It is remedy for renal colic with red urine due to uric acid stone (Nitric acid).

It is remedy for urethritis.

The essential oil had been used as a flavour enhancer and cosmetic ingredient.

It had been used to repel mosquitoes and insects.


1 to 3 drops.


Sunday, 10 March 2013

Nux vomica. Kader Kochi.


Poison nut, Semen strychnos, Brucea antidysentrica, Vomiting nut, Kanjirum, Karaskaram, Kaalakoodaka, Vishadrumam.


Deciduous tree. Height 12 meters. Allelopathic plant. Flowers are offensive. Bark, root and seed contain toxins. Seed contains brucine, strychnine, and tubocurarine like principle. Bee friendly.  


This is great spasmodic medicine. 

It is medicine for low backache due to muscle laxity. 

It is a powerful respiratory, circulatory and nerve stimulant.

It is medicine for respiratory muscle paralysis.

It is medicine for progressive and focal muscular paralysis.

It is medicine for cardiac weakness, shock, and acute heart failure (Camphor, Capsicum, Lobelia, Sinapis, Convallaria, Ginkgo biloba).

It is medicine for impotence, and sexual paralysis.  

It is medicine for weakness following chilliness.

It is medicine for alcoholism, and narcotic poisoning (Sulphuric acid).

It is medicine for neuralgia, and neurasthenia.

It is remedy for epidemic influenza in tropical zone.

It is a natural anti-microbial agent (Apis melifica).

It is immune boosting remedy (Arsenic album, Sulphur, Ricinus communis, Asafoetida, Allium sativa, Helleborus, Gelsemium).

It is remedy for hypochondriasis, lack of confidence, and intolerance.

It is remedy for sleeplessness at 5 am.

It is a remedy for amblyopia.

It is remedy for gastric atony (Bitter elixir). 

It is remedy for constipation, and spastic colon. 

It is remedy for spinal stiffness, low backache due to spasm and spinal degeneration.

It is remedy for cramps, tetany, and epilepsy.

It is remedy for rabies.

It is great remedy for spasm and rigidity (Dopamine indirectly). 

It is helpful in hair growth (Millefolium, Aconitum, Jaborandi).

It is remedy for complaints better from warmth; and worse after eating. 

It must have avoided in morning, before or immediately after food in asthenic. It is better having at relaxed time, or in evening. 

It is toxic to dog and bat than ox. Its toxicity is similar to arsenic (Garlic breath, Sulphur breath).

It had been used as an antidote in snake bite (Root and bark). It is also the antidote for adverse effects of Ricinus communis, Petrochemical medicines and Alcohol (Allium sativa).

Its antidote is Gelsemium (Physostigma, Tabacum, Quercus, Veratrum album, Lobelia). 

It is a natural antiseptic. Box made with its wood had been used for preservation of dead body.


1 to 4 drops (Single or Descending dose).

Dilution (Ascending potency)

Myristica sebifera. Kader Kochi.


Brazilian uccuba, Virola sebifera, Red ucuuba.


Evergreen thin tree. Height 25 meters. Bark fresh red juice contains hallucinogenic alkaloids, and tannin. Nut contains aromatic oil. 


This is an antiseptic medicine.

It is medicine externally for boils, abscess, and paronychia.

It is remedy for schizophrenia.

It is remedy for fistula in anus, and fissure in anus. 

It is remedy for chronic ulcer, abscess, and swelling of phalanges.

It is remedy for osteomyelitis, and suppurative arthritis (Silicea, Hepar sulph).

Smoke of inner bark of tree had been used by shamans for driving out of ghosts (Helleborus niger, Sinapis).


1 to 8 drops.


Myrrha Commiphora. Kader Kochi.


Commiphora myrrh, Bola, Smyrna tree, Gum tree (Guggul).


Ancient deciduous spiny shrub. Height 5 meters. Plant stem tears yellow oleoresin. It contains myrrhol, terpenes and gum.


It is medicine for mouth ulcer.

It is medicine for pain and weakness in old age.

It is respiratory and cardiac stimulant (Sinapis, Lobelia).

It is medicine for hypercholesterolemia, and hyperglycaemia.

It is medicine for productive cough.

It is medicine for gastric atony (Capsicum, Gentian, Kalmegh).

It is stimulant medicine for deficient excretions and secretions.

It is medicine for amenorrhea (Aloe Socotrina, Gossypium).

It is medicine for prostrating leucorrhoea.

It is medicine externally for gum diseases, toothache, arthritis and sprains. 

It is a panacea in old age.

It is remedy for blood purification, and rejuvenation.

It is remedy for multiple sclerosis, fear, and anxiety.

It is remedy for dry cough.

It is remedy for menorrhagia.

It had been used for mouth wash, and healing wounds.

It had been used for purification of blood that stagnated in internal organs.

It had been used for embalming of mummies (Camphor, Cinnamomum).

It had been used for making perfumes and incenses. 

Word “Myrrha” (Semitic) means bitter (Amara, miracle).


2 to 10 drops.


Mentha piperita. Kader Kochi.


Peppermint, potheena.


Plant contains menthol, and manganese.


This is diaphoretic, carminative, anti spasmodic, antiseptic, and anesthetic medicine.

It is medicine externally in muscular pain, neuralgia, and pruritus. 

It is remedy in urinary calculus and polyuria.  

It is remedy in infantile colic, and hyperglycemia.


2 to 5 drops.

Saturday, 9 March 2013

Hippomane Mancinella. Kader Kochi.


Hippomane, West indices apple, Little apple of death, Beach apple, Euphorbia hypericifolia.



A dangerous tree. Height 15 meters. Fruit contains hippomanins, physostigmine, sapogenin, Mancinellin. Leaves and bark contain dangerous toxins.


This is remedy for depression with fear of becoming insane.

It is remedy for burning pharyngitis, gastroenteritis, and dropsy.

It is remedy for swelling of eye lids, and loss of vison.

It is remedy for vesicular eruptions on soles, herpes, pemphigus, and allergic skin disorders.

It is remedy for trembling and numbness in extremities.

It had been used in arrow poison.



Lycopodium clavatum. Kader Kochi.


Club-moss, Ground pine, Creeping cedar, Wolfs claw (root), Vegetable sulphur, Witch meal, Stag's horn moss, Fox tail, Nagbeli (Hindi).


Perennial creeping plant. It contains lycopodine, clavadine, fixed oil, sugar, alumina, and phosphoric acid. Chinese herb contains selagine (Huperzine A).


This is remedy for epilepsy, schizophrenia, dyslexia, Alzheimer disease, and dementia.

It is remedy for anxiety state.

It has para sympathomimetic action (Pilocarpus, Trigonella, Physostigma).

It is remedy for post viral fatigue syndrome, tinnitus, and dry cough.

It is remedy for early senility.

It is remedy for flatulence.

It is remedy for gastric complaints from eating cabbage and bread.

It is remedy for diabetes, uric acid stone, prostate congestion, and impotence. 

It is remedy for cancer in right lobe of liver.

It is remedy for female infertility.

It is remedy for gout. Pain is ameliorated by warmth.

It is remedy for myasthenia gravis, and muscular dystrophy.

It is medicine externally for wound.

Spores had been used as dusting powder.

Its smoke had been used for healing diseases of eyes and lungs.

It is used in cinema industry, photo flash purpose, and finger printing.

It is one of oldest plants (Taxus baccata, Ginkgo biloba, Myrrha, Ricinus communis, Thuja).

Word “Lyco” (Greek) means wolf. Word “pod” means foot.


1 to 4 drops.
