Cancer is a disease in which a group of cells divides abnormally without any control. The cells spread all over the body through the blood and lymph. Genetics, environmental pollution and life style are involved in this
disease. We cannot control simply over genetics, but we can take control over our
life style .
and malignant
Types of cancer
The main types of cancer
are carcinoma, sarcoma, lymphoma, myeloma, leukemia, and central nervous system
Childhood cancers -Blastoma
About 80% of all cancer
cases are carcinomas.
Growth of cancer may be
slow or fast. Cancer of stomach grows slowly.
The most common
Lung cancer
Breast cancer
Risk factors
The most common risk
Obesity (30%)
Tobacco (25%)
Alcohol (10%)
Genetics (10%)
Radiation (10%)
Repeated exposure to
non-ionizing radiation from mobile tower, electric power transmission, micro
waves, radio waves, infra-red radiation, ultraviolet radiation etc.
Radiation can break chromosomes and cause translocation of chromosomes. It also
can damage tumor suppressor genes.
Microbes (10%)
Virus, Bacteria
Human T-lymphotropic
virus type I (HTLV-1) and Epstein-Barr virus are two infectious agents
that increase the chance of developing non-Hodgkin`s lymphoma.
Pollutions (<5%)
Long term exposure to
certain chemicals and other substances in the environment and in work place.They include Asbestos (liver and skin), Benzene, Benzidine, Beryllium
compounds, Cadmium, Diesel exhaust, Metallic cobalt, Crystalline
silica, Nickel (Liver), Arsenic (Lungs), Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons,
Radon, Soot, Sulphuric acid, Uranium, Used engine oil, Vinyl chloride, Wood
dust (Nasal cancer) etc. Repetitive exposure to chemicals.
Body toxins
Food related
Poly vnyl chloride-Plastic
Tannic acid (Tea- Cancer of Oesophagus, Liver).
Cycasin (Cancer of Liver and Kidney).
Acrylamide (Cancer of prostate and ovary).
Aspartame (Brain).
Alloxan (Pancreas cancer).
Kali bromide -Soft drinks, baking bread, malt.
Heterocyclic amines.
Poor nutrition -Less vitamin A, C, D, E.
N-nitrosopiperidine -Spices.
Other risk factors
Bad flesh.
Table sugar.
Table salt.
Salted fish.
Soda drinks (High sugar- Calcium loss).
Farm-raised fish (Poly Chlorinated Biphenyls (PCB’s).
Rancid oil.
Hydrogenated oil (Cotton seed oil, Peanut oil).
High fat diets.
Antibiotics and Pharmaceuticals.
Chloramphenicol (Leukaemia).
Chronic irritations.
Symptoms and signs of cancer
A thickening in skin or
Stomatitis and frequent infections are common in leukemia.
Alternate constipation and diarrhea are common in colon cancer.
Clinical symptoms persisting more than months.
The symptoms are depend on type of growth or ulcer, its
locations, and the complications.
Pressure symptoms.
Hormonal dysfuctions.
Besides the routine
clinical examinations history taking, and laboratory (Blood, Urine, and Sputum)
tests and imaging test are helpful to diagnosis. It can be detected early now through the modern investigation techniques.
Cancer care
Starvation, stress, fear, anxiety, anger, depression, metabolic disorders, and diabetes can contribute towards the formation of acids and accumulation of toxins in the body. This leads to primary and secondary inflammations in different tissues, and suppression of the immune system. These finally result to cancer formation. Identify all carcinogens and eliminate or neutralize it from body primarily. Majority of symptoms are
caused basically by two factors- Nutritional deficiency and toxicity.
All individuals have own self-healing power.
Promote this self-healing power through either stimulating or modulating the
immune system. Cancer is a disease of multiple stage pathological mechanism.
Natural methods of medicinal
treatment concentrate in the improvement of individual health, prevention and
treatment of illness through simple dietary changes, lifestyle changes,
purification techniques, and application of minimum effective natural medicines
and remedies.
It is estimated that 80% of the Earth’s inhabitants use natural medicine for
their primary health care needs. Natural treatment advocates a diet style depending on the physical constitution of a
person, mental temperament, type of disease, age, sex, occupation, seasons and the area of
Cancer will be eliminated only when individual return to a more balanced, natural
life style, and keep the body, mind, and spirit free from impurities. 70% of all cancers are preventable easily with simple changes in diet and life
It is estimated that about 30% of all cancers are diet related. Prefer a protective diet containing 65% from plant origin, and 35 % from animal
Educate about healthy and protective diet from childhood.
Natural cancer preventive agents
Anti-carcinogens are not
only antioxidants but also involved in balancing enzyme activity inside the cells.
They include antioxidants, phytoestrogens, (Genistein, Daidzein) and
Isothiocyanates (Mustard oils, Sulphur) etc. The main cause of premature aging and enzyme loss are free radicals. Free radical usually comes
either from metabolism to produce energy on the inside, or from the
interactions with the environment.
Onion (bulb), Garlic (bulb), Basil (leaf), Cabbage (leaf), Spinach
(leaf), Kale (leaf), Cayenne (fruit), Coriander (fruit), Cranberry (fruit),
Kidney bean (fruit), Asparagus (root), Dill (seed), Soybean (seed), Anise
(seed), Scarlet runner bean (whole plant), Lima bean, Tea, Green tea,
(leaf),Thyme (whole plant), Peppermint (whole plant), Chamomile (whole plant),
Lettuce, Blueberries, Ginger, Cumin, Turmeric, Ginkgo biloba, Calendula, and Red wine.
Catechins are type of
flavonoids found in apple, cherries, pears, cocoa, kola nut, tea,
vinegar, wine and Accacia catachu (Astringent). They are also helpful in Dementia, Parkinsonism,
and heat induced pain also.
Curcumin present in turmeric can inhibit cells multiplications (Pancreatic
cancer, Multiple myeloma, Colon cancer, Dementia, and Arthritis.).
Curcumin has carcinogen effects (“Likes cure likes”).
Anthocyanidins are present in black berries, and cherries.
Lycopene. It present in tomato. It is helpful to inhibit multiplication of
cells in Prostate cancer.
Anti-cancer foods
Prefer diet low in fat.
Take vitamin C rich items include apples, blueberries, gooseberry, papaya,
strawberries, oranges, grape fruits and lemons as that are helpful to prevent
conversion of nitrate to nitrosamines.
Essential oils present in spices can inhibit synthesis of cholesterol and cells
multiplication.Cloves and cardamom can enhance cells multiplication in Lungs (“Likes cure
Prefer following items
It is rich in
Beta-carotene, Potassium, and Glutathione.
It can inhibit absorption of certain fats. It prevents Liver cancer.
It is rich in Indol-3-carbinol, Sulforaphane, Lutein, and Zeaxanthin.
It prevents Breast cancer, Colon cancer, and Prostate cancer.
It prevents Breast cancer, Colon cancer, and Prostate cancer.
It is rich in Falcarinol, and Beta carotene.
It prevents Lung, Mouth, and Mreast cancer
Chili pepper.
It is rich in Capsaicin. It neutralizes nitrosamines and prevents Stomach
It is rich in benzaldehyde and minerals. It promotes shrinking of tumors.
Flax seed oil.
It is rich in Lignans, and Omega-3-fatty acids. It prevents Colon cancer.
Sesame seed.
It contain prevent colon and prostate cancer
It is rich in Folic acid, Beta carotene, Vitamin C, and Mono terpenes.
It eliminates carcinogens. It prevents Breast cancer.
Green and yellow leafy
It is rich in Magnesium.
It promote chelation of heavy metals.
It prevent Stomach cancer.
It is rich in Glycyrrhizin.
It inhibits Testosterone.
It prevents Prostate cancer and promotes blood pressure.
It is rich in Lentinan and Thioproline.
It promotes immunity.It inhibits cells multiplications.
It prevents Esophageal and Stomach cancer.
It has antiviral properties.
It stimulates Interferon.
It is rich in Quercetin and Campferol.
It inhibits cells multiplications.
Brazil nuts. It is rich in Selenium. It prevents Prostate cancer.
It is rich in vitamin C, Citrate, Hesperidin and Limonoids.
It promotes Macrophages, and WBC.
It prevents renal cancer.
It is rich in Isothiocyanates, Beta-carotene, Magnesium and vitamin C.
It prevents absorption of nitrosamines from peas, and processed food.
It prevents uterine cancer.
Black raspberries.
It is rich in anthocyanin.
It has anti-inflammatory properties.
It prevents Esophagus cancer.
It is rich in Polyphenols (Ellagic acid and Resveratrol).
Grape skin can inhibit cells multiplications.
It prevents Esophageal cancer, Diabetes, Solar radiation, Dementia, Erythema,
Viral diseases.
Rosemary tea.
It is rich in carnsol.
It is helpful in Paralysis and Dementia.
It prevents Breast and Skin cancer.
Sea weed.
It is rich in Magnesium, B12, Beta-carotene, Fibre, Calcium, Iodine, Protein,
Fatty acids (Chlorophylones).
It prevents Breast cancer
Soya beans.
It is rich in phytoestrogens, Lunasin, Genistein (It also present in Coffea,
Psoralea. It has Estrogen like actions).
It prevents Prostate and Breast cancer (“Likes cure likes”).
It is rich in cyanide. It prevents Lungs and Thyroid cancer
Sweet potato.
It is rich in beta carotene.
It inhibit carcinogens affecting cells,
It is rich in polyphenols.
It inhibits cells multiplication.
It prevents Lungs, Stomach and Colon cancer (Tannic acid; “Likes cure likes”)..
Tomato (summer).
It is rich in vitamin C and Lycopene. Lycopene can attack free radicle
initiating cells multiplication. It prevents Mouth, Breast, and Rectal
cancer. (Spices, and Tomato can work better with some oils).
It reduces the enzymes promoting inflammations.
It reduces size of tumor.
It inhibits blood supply.
Eat variety of foods
Prefer grass-fed meats
and poultry, lean meat, lean poultry, sea food, cage free eggs; and
less red meat.
Prefer low calorie
diet. Eat low glycemic diet because of sugar (with high Insulin) is direct
fuel to cancer cells.
Prefer alkaline diet.
Add sodium bicarbonate in acid vegetable diet (Parkinson’s diseases danger).
Drink alkaline water,
fruit juice or green tea without adding sugar.
Prefer pineapple juice
(It is rich in Manganese and vitamin C)
Drink coffee or tea in
moderate quantity with least sugar.
Prefer Coffee (It
prevents Liver cancer).
Prefer fruit jam
Prefer barley, banana,
and peanut (Erectile dysfunction)
Prefer locally grown
foods that are produced naturally without biotechnology
Prefer organic foods
because of higher in nutrients and protective phytochemicals.
Natural vitamins and minerals are less in foods now due to liberal use of
pesticides, herbicides, and artificial fertilizers etc.
Eat unprocessed foods.
Practice 12 hour
water fasting- twice in week.
Prefer Magnesium rich
foods-like Pumpkin seeds, Cashew nut, Barley and Spinach.
Promote breast feeding.
Apply saliva on nipple.
Change cancer prone
personality (Adrenaline promotes calcium liberation from bones; brooding, fear,
depression, passive attitude, over sacrifice, negative attitude). Control job related stress.
Prefer essential oil
Clove oil
Mouth ulcer.
Echinacea oil
Arnica oil
Muscle pain.
Abrotanum oil
Mullein oil
Neck and ear discomfort.
Thuja oil
Psoralea oil
Phytolacca oil
Hempseed oil
Anorexia, Dermatitis.
Jasmine oil
Lemon oil
Peppermint oil
Irritable bowel syndrome.
Salvia oil
Boosting memory.
Lavender oil
Prostatic enlargement.
Oil of wintergreen
Muscle pain.
Eucalyptus oil
Antimicrobial activity in lungs.
Sandalwood oil
Dry skin.
Black pepper oil
Prefer items contain Mg
(Banana, green leaves; cells integrity), vitamin B1, and B6.
People with fare complexion in tropical contries use umbrella or dress
with full sleeve.
Fiber in diet (< 10%) can
inhibit bacterial growth and purification. This can interupt the formation of bacterial byproduct that have carcinogenocity.
Prefer milk of magnesia
than citric acid for mouth wash.
Prefer proteins from vegetable source than animal source.
Prefer buttermilk in
case of diarrhea.
Prefer Zinc contain
items like Cashew nut (Prostate cancer).
Prefer Choline contain
items like Egg yolk (Liver cancer).
Prefer vitamin E contain
items like germinated seeds (Leukaemia).
Prefer calcium rich diet
against colon cancer.
Reduce quantity of
Coffee (Gall bladder cancer).
Get regular breathing
exercise (COPD).
Cancer Prevention
“Many items can cause
Avoid following
Avoid soft drinks as they are highly acidic.
Avoid red meat and processed
meat. It may promote colon cancer.
Avoid diet with excess
Avoid high fat diets.
They may promote Obesity, Cancer of the Colon, Uterus and Prostate.
Avoid hydrogenated and
partly hydrogenated oils. Trans fat may reduce essential fatty acids, and
prevents the enzymatic inhibition to allergens.
(Unsaturated fat, Cotton
seed oil, Peanut oil- Potato chips, Snack chips, Processed and
baked items, Burnt toast, Cracker, Doughnuts, Fast food, and Fried food
Avoid Aflatoxins
(Peanut, pickle. They may promote Liver cancer).
Avoid excess of Folic
acid rich items (It may promote Colon polyp. “Likes cure likes”).
Avoid excess of
Carotenoids present in Carrots and Onions. They may enhance
the growth in skin and lungs (“Likes cure likes”).
Avoid low blood level of
vitamin D.
Avoid Safrole (Cinnamon,
Cocoa, Nutmeg, Black pepper, Basil).
Avoid N-nitrosopiperadine (Pepper).
Avoid Tannic acid (Tea, Coffee, and Cocoa. They may promote cancer of Oesophagus and Liver).
Avoid food items contain acrylamide
(Acrylamide are formed during the process of frying the carbohydrate and
protein more than 160 Celsius. It may present in fried bread, cigarette smoke,
prune juice, chocolate, French fries, crackers, cookies, potato chips, coffee,
burnt popcorn etc. It may promote cancer in Prostate and Ovaries).
Avoid Cycad sugar (Cycasin.
It may promote cancer of Liver and Kidney).
Avoid food and drink
contain artificial sweeteners such as Sucralose, Saccharin, Mannitol, Sorbitol,
and Aspartame (Birth defects, and Bladder cancer).
Avoid food items added
with flavour like Mono Sodium Glutamate (MSG), and fancy colors.
Avoid processed meat
products include sausage, bacon hotdogs (Nitrosamine). (Nitrosamines may cause Brain tumor, cancer of Colon and Breast).
Avoid animal diet that
added with more Sodium bicarbonate (Calcium loss).
Avoid poor nutrition
(less vitamin D, vitamin A, C, E).
Avoid excess of
processed carbohydrates like refined grains, refined sugar, fructose, corn
syrup white foods, white bread, cakes, crackers, potato chips, junk
foods, candy and cookies.
Avoid excess of wheat
protein because of difficult to digest (Gluten, contamination with Uranium).
Avoid excess of Shell
fish, Oysters, Clams, and Lobsters that contain heavy metals (Lead)
Avoid foods contain Heterocyclic aromatic amines (Over cooked meat, beef, fish, dark
toast, charred food).
Avoid farmed fish
contains toxin PCBs.
Avoid table
salt more than 2.5 gm /day.
High salt in body can make desire to meat and fish, and aversion to
Avoid items prepared in
microwave (Popcorn –Cancer of Pancreas, Lungs and Testis).
Avoid conventional
fruits (Pesticides).
Avoid heavy consumption
of rice rich in Arsenic.
Avoid heavy consumption
of items rich in Cyanide (Apricot seeds, blue potato, tapioca, amara beans, cherries,
apple seeds, liquorice, mustard, cabbage, papaya, and shark cartilage).
Avoid excess of potato,
peanut, rice, banana and coconut as that contain Silicea.
Avoid central obesity.
Obesity and over weight is strongly linked to increased risk of some cancers.
Avoid items contaminated
with excess of Acetaldehyde, Acetic acid, Ethanol, or its precursor (Tobacco, sour tomato, alcohol, wine, and vinegar).
Avoid items contaminated with Formaldehyde (Adhesives, Fish preservatives)
Avoid the personal care products and cosmetics contain carcinogens (Coconut shampoo).
Avoid excess of spices
especially Cloves and Cardamom (Safrole, Manganese).
Avoid environment having
low Oxygen.
Avoid other cancer
promoting items.
Avoid unnecessary
stress, surgery, toxic and unknown medicines from early life onward.
Avoid complex oil and repeatly heated oil.
Avoid hot tea added with
Avoid dry fish (Aflatoxins).
Avoid colored sweets.
Avoid animal food rich in high fat.
Avoid excessive
consumption of beer (Rectal cancer.)
Avoid high hormone
replacement during menopause.
Avoid deficiency of
Copper and vitamin C.
Avoid Shellfish due to
excess of Cadmium and Lead.
Avoid chronic
irritations. Remove the decayed teeth.
Avoid frequent sexual trauma.
Avoid habits like
sleeping with tobacco inside the cheeks.
Listen all complaints of patients with smile and tolerance.
Avoid much discussion with
patient about the matters of incurability and death.
Give support and assurance upto last moments of breath.
Avoid prolonged use of herbs like Rauwolfia, Aristolochia, Senega, Colchicum, Hypericum, Piper nigrim, Secale cor, Psoralen.
Some natural anti-cancer medicines
Anti-cancer medicines
Berberis vulgaris,
Cascara amarga, Chaparral, Ginseng,
Glycyrrhiza, Phytolacca, Stillingia, Trifolium pratense,
Xanthoxylum and Viscum
Medicines that promote elimination of toxins
Arctium lappa, Echinacea, Hydrastis, and Rheum
Intestinal purifier
Allium sativa, Berberis
vulgaris, Cascara sagrada, Hydrastis, Lycopodium, Rhubarb, and Zingiber.
Colon Purifier
Aloe. s, Cascara sagrada, Glycyrrhiza, Podophyllum, Rheum, Ricinus communis, Senna,
and Terminalia chebula.
Kidney purifer
Arctium lappa, Boerhavia
diffusa, Eupatorium purpureum, Hydrangea, Millefolium, Petroselinum, and Urtica urens
Berberis, Capsicum, Podophyllum, Rumex crispus, Taraxacum, and Viscum
Utrus purifer
Caulophyllum, Cimicifuga, Helonias, Pulsatilla, Ruta, Senega, and
Viburnum opulus.
Skin purifer
Arctium lappa, Baptisia, Berberis aquifolium, Berberis vulgaris,
Capsicum, Chaparral, Curcuma longa, Echinacea, Ginseng, Glycyrrhiza,
Hydrastis, Phytolacca, Rumex crispus, Sarsaparilla, Scrophularia, Stellaria
media, Stillingia, Symphytum, Taraxacum, Thuja, Trifolium pratense, and Xanthoxylum.
Lymph purifier
Allium sativa,
Chaparral, Echinacea, Phytolacca, Rumex crispus, and Taraxacum.
Eupatorium perfoliatum,
Jaborandi, Menta piper, Millefolium, Sambucus, and Zingiber.
Ipecacuanha, Lobelia,
and Nux vomica.
Absinthium, Allium sativa, Allium cepa, Berberis vulgaris, Chenopodium, Cina, Echinacea, Eucalyptus, Hydrastis, and Tanacetum vulgare.
Astringents (local).
Terminalia chebula, Accacia catachu.
Nerve tonic
Natural medicines for pain
Pains are usually due to
accumulation of metabolic toxins or from local pressure.
Belladona, Aconitum, Bryonia, Rhus tox.
Other measures for pain relief
Spinal manipulations.
Stimulate the endocrine and lymph glands by giving pressure on different
reflex points of hands, palm and sole.
Massage on the ear of opposite side.
Take gentle massage near painful area with or without warm essential oil.
Apply locally tincture of Aconite, Belladonna or Camphor for pain relief.
Natural medicines for neoplasm associated symptoms
Medicines for depression, anxiety.
Lupulus, Valeriana.
Nervous irritation
Coffea (Horse and dog are sensitive to
coffea), Gelsemium (Opium), Magnesium (Alfalfa, Cistus canadensis, Gelsemium).
Hypochondriasis and indifference.
Natrum mur.
Hydrocephalus, sleepiness.
Calcium carbonate.
Spasm, rigidity
(high Co2).
Natrum mur, Kali mur,
Parkinson rigidity (Low Mg).
Dementia, anger, convulsion,
Natrum mur.
Ginkgo biloba in water.
Brain cancer
Hydrocotyle, Echinacea, Ruta.
Paralysis and Hypertension.
Calcium carbonate.
Spinal paralysis.
Nux vomica.
Medicines for carcinoma of Tongue.
Galium aparine, Sempervivum
Carcinoma of Mouth.
Azadirachta indica.
Medicines for hepatitis.
Cardus marianus.
Hepatocellular carcinoma.
Anacardium orientale,Taraxacum.
Liver tumor.
Cardus marianus, Chelidonium
Medicines for Lungs cancer.
Apis mel, Fenugreek, Nux vomica
(honey), Scutellaria.
Bronchial cancer.
Physostigma, Pilocarpus, Secale
Medicines for cardiac weakness.
Calcium carbonate, Digitalis,
Ephedra, Oleander, Strophanthus. |
Nausea, vomiting.
Oesophageal cancer.
Physostigma, Pilocarpus, Secale
Stomach cancer.
Allium sativa, Asparagus, Emblica officinalis, Geranium mac, Hydrastis.
Gastric purification.
Antimonium tart, Ipecac, Nux
vomica in honey, Natrum mur, Sinapis.
of Intestine.
Scutellaria, Glycyrrhiza (Side
effects of liquorice are hypokalemia and hypertension).
Colon cancer.
Crocus sativa.
Rectum cancer.
Hydrastis, Ruta.
Medicines for Acne.
Agnus castus, Coffea, Conium mac
Agnus castus, Coffea, Conium mac.
Male cancer.
Emblica officinalis, Terminalia
Prostate tumor.
Sebal cerulata, Trifolium
Erectile dysfunction.
Agaricus, Ambra, Cantharis,
Capsicum, Clematis, Mygale, Opium, Physostigma, Platina, Pulsatilla,
Yohimbinum, Selenium, Withania somnifera, Zinc met.
Bladder cancer.
Taraxacum (Arsenic).
Loss of seminal fluid.
Allium sativa (Selenium), Cinchona.
Medicines for Breast tumor.
Chaparral, Trifolium pratense.
Large breast.
Ovary Cystic tumor.
Kali Iodum, Podophyllum.
Ferrum phos.
Uterine cancer.
Asoka, Ruta, Thlaspi bursa
Vulva cancer.
Arsenic alb, Thuja.
Medicines for sarcoma,
benign tumor.
Sanguinaria canadensis.
Bruised feeling in muscles due to
Ruta, Natrum mur.
Stiffness, convulsion, cramps and
Natrum mur.
Muscle weakness
.Argentum nitrate, Arsenic alb,
Calcium carbonate, Coca, Nitric acid.
Weakness from alcohol.
Cinchona, Selenium, Sulphuric acid.
Medicines for Leukopenia.
Cardus marianus, Chaparral,
Echinacea, Ginseng, Tinospora cordifolia, Withania somnifera.
Low platelet level.
Adhatoda vasika.
Low blood volume, throbbing
Ferrum phos.
Blood cancer.
Absinthium, Hemidismus. |
Medicines for gland enlargement.
Calcium carbonate.
Calcium carbonate. |
Medicines for Warts and Keratosis
Calcium fluoride, Causticum,
Podophyllum, Salix nigra, Thuja.
Calcarea sulph, Hepar sulph,
Phosphorus, Mercurius sol.
Calcium carbonate.
Papules, styes, molluscum.
Mercurius, Hepar sulph (to promote
Calcium carbonate.
Hypericum, Anacardium orientale, Accacia catachu.
Wound local.
Natrum mur.
Elimination of sweat, saliva,
Mercurius (Podophyllum, Leptandra).
Aconitum, Baptisia, Cantharis,
Clematis erecta, Nux vomica. |
Medicines for low sodium
Ginseng (Adreno- pituitary
hormonal mechanism).
Alfalfa, Avena sativa, Phosphoric
“Likes Cure Likes”
Cancer prone items
Oestrogen contain pills, Oestrogen
added meat (breast cancer).
Phytoestrogen in soya bean,
Sesame, Coffee, Psoralea.
Saturated fat (Breast cancer).
Mono unsaturated fat (Olive oil. Soya oil).
Sex hormone – Cancer.
vitamin D.
Steroid – Cholesterol.
Vitamin E oil.
Fat rich milk or ghee.
Fat free buttermilk.
Cancer and stone in bladder; Oxalates, Sugar
Tomato red, and water melon (Lycopene).
Pork meat, Red meat (Artificial color), Sodium nitrate.
Soya meat.
Large nut (Coconut) and grains.
Small nut (papaya seeds, brazil nut) and grains.
Inner of Pineapple and Jack fruits
Outer layer of Apple (red color).
Natural remedies for neoplasm
It is better eliminate
all the natural toxic materials from all the organs outwards through nearest natural
orifice on end of each seasons.
Plants contain many of minerals (Acids, Aluminium, Arsenic, Calcium,
Carbon, Copper, Cyanide, Fluoride, Lead, Manganese, Magnesium, Phosphorus,
Selenium, and Sulphur). Plant's extracts in tiny dose on basis of principle “likes cure likes” is useful
to correct abnormal cells proliferation and the susceptibilities to cancer.
Remedies for abnormal cell growth
Allium sativa,
Amygdalus, Aristolochia, Berberis aquifolium, Berberis
vulgaris, Colchicum, Coffea, Curcuma longa, Glycyrrhiza,
Hydrastis, Hypericum, Laurocerasus, Lobelia inflate, Lycopodium, Piper
nigrium, Podophyllum, Psoralea,
Rauwolfia, Sabadilla, Sambucus, Secale
cor, Taraxacum, Thuja, Veratrum album, Arsenic album. Alfalfa and Zingiber.
Calcarea carbonate (Potentised and Magnetised) and Asphaltum are the polycrest remedies for neoplastic diseases
associated with calcification, obesity, thrombosis, clotting, tachycardia,
dementia, sleeplessness, convulsion, rigidity, urticaria, stiffness of vessels,
hypertension, priapism, and profuse menses.
Remedies for pancreatic tumor
Salix nigra (Alloxan, a uric acid similar),Trifolium pratense, Alfalfa (Phytoestrogen), Rauwolfia, Arsenic album.
Remedies for promoting macro and micro circulation in bone marrow
Arsenic album, Taraxacum,Valariana and Secale cor.
Natural remedies for cancer associated symptoms
Brain and Nerve system
Weeping and fear due to low spirit.
Antimonium crudum, Apis,
Pulsatilla, Natrum mur, Stannum.
Secale cor.
Suicidal thoughts.
Aurum met, Mercurius.
Kali bromide, Coffea.
Headache, prostration, dementia
and confusion.
Natrum mur.
Brain complaints from suppressed
skin lesion
Dementia, stiffness, anger,
convulsion, spasm.
Calcium carbonate.
Dementia and Parkinsonism due to
dryness of neurons.
Alumina, Argentum, Belladonna,
Natrum mur.
Alzheimer’s (loss of recent
Argentum nitricum, Baryta carb,
Natrum mur, Silicea, Zinc.
Belladonna, Calcium carbonate,
Colocynth, Nux vomica, Sulphur, Cuprum ars.
Stiffness muscles.
Nux vomica.
Epilepsy occur with influence of
Alcohol, Zinc met.
Causticum, Gelsemium, Kali carb,
Natrum mur, Plumbum met.
Paralysis of wrist.
Plumbum met.
Hypertension due to paralysis of
blood vessels.
Natrum mur.
Hypothalamus Autonomic dysfunction.
Aconitum nap.
Spinal cord Autonomic dysfunction.
Nux vomica.
Paralysis medullary
.Laurocerasus, Antimonium tart.
Head complaints from suppressed
skin lesion.
Remedies for Spinal cord
Paralysis spinal.
Cicuta virosa.
Aconitum nap, Oxalic acid, Zinc
Heaviness of spine.
Picric acid.
Heat in spine.
Acute meningitis.
Meningitis from suppressed skin
Cuprum, Sulphur
Over sensitiveness.
Aconitum nap, Nitric Acid, Nux
vomica, Phosphorus, Platina.
Nerve weakness.
Alcohol, Cinchona, Selenium.
Enuresis nocturnal.
Ephedra, Physostigma, Plantago and
Verbascum (Enuresis occur more in patients with ear complaints).
Remedies for Eye
Alfalfa, Arsenic, Kali iodatum
(Retinitis may developed as result of either albuminuria or hypo plasma
Remedies for Nose
Pain at root of nose.
Cold take easy.
Ferrum phos.
Allergic thick mucus.
Ambrosia, Kali iodide, Leptandra,
mercurius, Podophyllum.
Remedies for Mouth
Cinchona, Dulcamara, Mercurius.
Aphthous ulcer.
Lactic acid, Natrum mur,
Mercurius, (Mercury toxicity may developed from fluorescent bulbs, paints;
eating tuna, tape fish, and shark wing).
Galium aparine.
Dry mouth.
Cinchona, Citric acid, Dulcamara.
Remedies for Larynx and Neck
Thyroid adenoma.
Kali cyanide, Conium mac.
Thyroid cyst.
Kali iodatum, Carbons, Mercurius.
Thyroidocele (mucus).
Kali iodatum.
Dry cough, hoarseness.
Carbo Veg, Sulphur.
Throat dry.
Belladonna, Weak acids.
Spasm of glottis.
Kali bromide, Nux vomica.
Remedies for lungs
Sputum excess.
Adathoda vasaka.
Sputum yellow.
Kali sulph, Mercurius, Pulsatilla.
Sputum non offensive.
Sputum offensive.
Capsicum, Carbo veg, Nitric acid,
Sputum dry.
Alumina, Menthol.
Acid discharges.
Fluoric acids, Nitric acids,
Sulphuric acids.
Pleurisy, plastic type from
suppression of acid coryza.
Calcarea fluoride, Kali bich.
Catarrhal discharge.
Hydrastis Ipecac, Pulsatilla.
Respiratory over stimulation.
Conium mac.
Lung complaints from suppressed
Antimonium tart, Arsenic album.
Sputum pus.
Hepar sulph.
Sputum thick.
kali iodide, kali nitrate,
Lung paralysis (mucus retention)
Antimonium tart, Baryta carb, Kali
iodide, Lachesis, Lauraceraus.
Remedies for Heart
Cardiac hypertrophy.
Kali Bromide, Crataegus.
Tachycardia and dry pleural cough.
Aconitum nap, Bryonia.
Cardiac weakness.
Aconitum, Antimonium tart, Barium,
Cinchona, Conium, Digitalis, Gelsemium, Magnesium phos, Kali carb, Urginea
Remedies for stomach
Lemon in drop dose can
help to reduce hyperacidity and vomiting during travelling.
Remedies for acidosis.
Acetic acid, Weak acids.
Acetic acid, Piper nigrim,
Stomach weakness (carbohydrates),
mouth ulcer, desire to wine, bleeding.
Acetic acid, Muriatic acid,
Phosphoric acid.
Indigestion < eating pork,
mixed diet like ice cream.
Stomach cancer.
Arsenic alb, Argentum nitrate,
Geranium mac, Nitric acid.
Flatulence worse after eating.
Carbo veg, Cinchona, Lycopodium,
Nux vomica
Flatulence non offensive gas.
Graphites, Menthol.
Flatulence offensive.
Carbo veg.
Flatulence, acid sour gas from
animal protein.
Sulphuric acid.
Flatulence > by
Anacardium, Chelidonium,
Graphites, Petroleum.
Chronic hepatitis from
suppressed skin lesion.
Cuprum, Sulphur.
Remedies for anus
Dry stool.
Alumina, Bryonia, Natrum mur.
Anal fissure.
Graphites, Nitric acid, Paeonia,
Ratanhia, Silicea.
Remedies for Kidney
Fatty degeneration or Cirrhosis of
Phosphorus, Plumbum.
Renal oxalate stone, offensive,
non-sour acid urine.
Nitric acid.
Renal failure.
Baptisia, Hydrochloric acid.
Phosphoric acid, Sulphuric acid (Hyperaemia to kidney causes polyuria. Low
circulation to kidney can causes oliguria).
Remedies for Male
Testicular atrophy.
Conium, Iodine, Thea.
Tumour and Fatty degeneration of
Argentum nitricum, Kali iodum and
Prostate cancer.
Thea, Thuja.
Hydrocele (urea infiltration).
Nitric acid.
Erectile dysfunction.
Argentum nitricum, Natrum mur,
Petroleum, Coffea.
Gangrene of Penis.
Arsenic alb, Lachesis, Secale,
Remedies for Female
Breast cancer.
Alumina, Conium mac, Rauwolfia.
Uterus fibroid.
Aurum met.
Migraine due to congestion of
Aurum met, Palladium, Platina.
Ovarian tumor
Kali iodatum.
Ovarian cyst
Carbons, Kali iodatum, Mercurius.
Reflex symptoms due to congestion
of ovary.
Vagina over sensitiveness.
Leucorrhoea acrid, hot
Leucorrhoea bland, cool.
Carbo veg, Graphites.
Leucorrhoea offensive.
According to the Indian
traditional medicine, the human body is divided into seven elements include
skin, blood, muscle, fat, bone, bone marrow and inner most element. The outer soft parts include Skin, Lymph, Blood and Fat contain more Carbon and
Degeneration of elements Lymph.
Calcium carbonate.
Degeneration of Blood.
Aurum mur.
Degeneration of Muscle.
Argentum nitric, Arsenic alb,
Nitric acid, Phosphorus, Rhus tox.
Degeneration of Fat.
Calcium carbonate.
Degeneration of Bone.
Aurum mur, Calcium fluoride,
Degeneration of Bone marrow.
Arsenic alb, Cinchona
Degeneration of Testis or Ovary.
Argentum nitricum, Phosphorus,
Remedies for Bone
Symptoms like vertigo,
or arm pain are developed when degeneration occur in cervical region.
Bone degeneration.
Nitric acid, Sulphur.
Bone pain.
Asafoetida, Symphytum.
Weak upper spine.
Weak lower lumbar spine.
Argentum nitricum, Phosphorus,
Picric acid.
Bone tumor.
Fluoric acid.
Iodum, Carbons, Mercurius.
Argentum nitricum.
Jaw necrosis.
Calcarea fluoricum.
Bone caries.
Angustura vera, Fluoric acid,
Nitric acid, Phosphorus, Silicea.
Bone abscess
Calcarea, Sulphur, Silicea.
Joint complaints from suppressed
skin lesion.
Remedies for Blood
Hyper cholesterol due to the fatty
degeneration of brain and bone marrow.
Curcuma, Lycopodium, Phosphorus,
Phosphoric acid.
Ammonia, Chlorides Lachesis,
Phosphorus, weak acids.
Anaemia, low WBC; low RBC, pale
Muriatic acid.
Haemophilia -non clotting blood.
Paralysis of vessels
Belladonna, Natrum mur.
Lymph glands
Glands tumor.
Natrum mur.
Carbon, Oxalic acid, Rumex crispus.
Lymph glands non inflammatory
Carbon animalis.
Lymph glands inflammatory scrofula.
Kali Iodatum.
Remedies for muscles
Muscle tumor.
Nitric acid
Weakness of muscle and ligaments.
Allium sativa, Argentum nitricum,
Arnica, Arsenic album, Bromine, Coca, Fluoric acid, Nitric acid, Rhus
Paralysis of ligaments of joints
and Uterus (prolapse).
Natrum mur.
Muscle hypertrophy.
Argentum nitricum, Aurum mur,
Bromine, Coca.
Muscle degeneration.
Allium sativa, Arsenic alb, Cuprum
sulphate, Fluoric acid.
Muscular weakness and muscle
Kali carb.
Tendon laxed.
Aconitum nap, Rhus tox.
Calcium carbonate, Nux vomica.
Remedies for skin
Calcium carbonate.
Baryta carb.
Arsenic album, Citric acid,
Staphysagria, Thuja.
Dryness of skin.
Carbon, Graphites, Petroleum.
Warmth on skin.
Molluscum fibrosum
Antimonium, Calcarea carb.
Arsenic alb, Antimonium, Fluoride
(avoid silicea).
Dry tumor.
Iodum, Kali bich, Mercurius.
Dirty skin.
Carbon, Petroleum.
Red skin.
Apis mel, Belladonna, Ferrum phos,
Muriatic acid, Sulphur.
Erythema from toxic chemical or
Aconitum.n, Belladonna.
Early Inflammations.
Aconitum nap, Ferum phos.
Chronic Inflammations.
Pustules, suppuration.
Fistula and abscess.
Papules, molluscum, and styes.
Varicose vein.
Carbo veg, Fluoric acid, Hamamelis.
Suppuration early.
Mercurius, Hepar sulph.
Carbon, Hepar sulph, Mercurius,
Lachesis, Phytolacca, Silicea.
Ulcer superficial.
Arsenic alb, Mercurius.
Ulcer Cancer.
Ulcer deep.
Nitric acid.
Ulcer bleeding.
Ammonia, Chloride, Mercurius.
Arsenic alb, Cantharis, Clematis,
Conium, Hydrastis.
Abscess late, Ulcer late.
Abscess internal.
Silicea, sulphur.
Seborrhea near nose, increased
tear secretion.
Natrum mur.
Nail large.
Antimonium crudum.
Nail atrophy.
Antimonium, Calcarea fluoride,
Fluoric acid, Selenium.
Hair loss, alopecia, seborrhea
Kali cyanide, Piper nigrim.
Other Remedies
Tobacco addiction.
Arnica montana, Viscum album.
Septic fever
Sweating Head.
Calcarea phos.
Veratrum album.
Foot Sweat
Excessive craving for salt.
Calcarea phos.
Increased susceptibility
to weather changes, Easy catching of cold.
Calcarea carb, Causticum, Hepar
sulph, Kali iodatum, Silicea.
General weakness.
Selenium (Sulphur)
Cinchona (loss of fluid), Phosphoric acid (loss of bone
marrow, semen), Muriatic acid, Sulphuric acid (acidosis-urine less),
Rhus tox (lax muscle),
Bryonia, Arsenic alb (Hypo
Apis, Baptisia (Decomposition).
Emaciation with heat in body.
Chloride, Mercurius, Phosphorus,
Emaciation like mummies.
Argentum nitricum, Lycopodium,
Natrum mur, Nitric acid, phosphorus.
Emaciation low plasma protein and
high LDL.
Argentum, Nitric acid,
Selenium, Staphysagria.
Kali bromide (soft tissue).
Kali iodide (hard tissue).
Cirrhosis of organs.
Carbon, Chlorine, Iodine,
Fatty degeneration of organs.
Lycopodium, Phosphorus.
Calcium fluoride and Calcium
Tumor calcification.
Calcium carbonate (Magnetised,
Medicines relationship and Antidote
Inimical of Natrum mur.
Mercurius, Belladonna
Inimical of Silicea.
Mercurius (Podophyllum).
Antidote of Plumbum.
Alumina, Sulphur.
Antidote of Ferum.
Antidote of Mercury.
Nitric acid, Calcium sulphate.
Antidote of Antimony.
Antidote of Arsenic.
Antidote of alcohol.
Antidote of Ozone (near seashore).
Antidote (chelation) with herbal medicines contain
Silicea < Ferrum rich herbs.
Ferrum <
Lead rich herbs.
Lead <
Alumina rich herbs.
Alumina < Cuprum rich herbs.
Cuprum < Carbon rich herbs.
Carbon <
Mercury rich herbs.
Mercury < Arsenic rich herbs.
Arsenic < Sulphur rich herbs.
Sulphur <
Phosphorus rich herbs.
Phosphorus < Aurum & Magnesium rich herbs.
Aurum < Zinc rich herbs
Ensure the proper growth and development in children without micro
Take logical
measures to prevent early degeneration in adult life.
Take logical measures to
maintain natural health.
Correct the attitude
about diet, life style and the meaning of life.
Success of treatment in chronic disease depends on multiple factors that include the physical constitution, mental temperament,
susceptibility of individual; duration of disease, season, nature of medicines,
response of treatment; and experience of physician.