ആനന്ദത്തിന് ആധാരം ആരോഗ്യബോധമാണ്. സുഖത്തെ അന്വേഷിക്കുന്നത് ഇന്ദ്രിയങ്ങളും മനസ്സുമാണ്. സാഹചര്യം, ശരീരം, ഇന്ദ്രിയങ്ങൾ, മനസ്സ്, ജീവൻ എന്നിവ തമ്മിൽ വേണ്ട പൊരുത്തം തകരാറിലാകുമ്പോളാണ് ആധി, വ്യാധി അനുഭവപ്പെടുന്നത്. ആരോഗ്യം എന്നത് ദേഹത്തിന്റെ ബലവും അയവുമാണ്, മനസ്സിൻ്റെ ശാന്തിയും സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യവുമാണ്. അന്നവും ആരോഗ്യവും ജീവശക്തിയും സ്വാതന്ത്ര്യവും സന്തോഷവും ആയുസ്സും ചർച്ച ചെയ്യണം, അതിനെ അനുഭവിക്കണം. രോഗങ്ങളെ ചർച്ച ചെയ്യരുത്. വിഷം, അശുദ്ധി, അവിദ്യ, ആർത്തി, അന്വേഷണം എന്നിവയിൽ നിന്നുള്ള മോചനമാണ് മോക്ഷം.
Friday, 22 April 2016
Water elixir. Kader Kochi.
Thursday, 12 November 2015
Alfalfa. Kader Kochi.
Medicago sativa,
(20 years) plant of pea family. Height 1 meter. Root up to 15 meters. Seeds
contain phytoestrogen, high protein, canavanine, calcium, potassium, magnesium,
vitamin D, K and C. Roots contain colloid gold, colloid silver and minerals. Bee friendly.
This is remedy
for undernutrition, marasmus, and anaemia (Alertis farinose).
It is remedy
for euphoria, and exhilaration (Sulphur).
It is remedy
for infertility (Alertis farinose).
It is remedy
for breast tumor, and ovarian tumor.
It is remedy
for chronic kidney disease.
It is remedy
for diabetes mellitus.
It is remedy
for chronic auto immune diseases (Allium cepa).
It is remedy
for vitiligo, and lupus erythematosus.
It is remedy for thrombosis.
Word medica
was originated from “medes land” (Old Iran-Arians).
1 to 3
Tuesday, 28 July 2015
Cancer. Homeopathic care. Kader Kochi.
Cancer is a chronic inflammatory disease characterized by uncontrolled division of abnormal cells in a part of the body. It is among the leading causes of death throughout the world. The causes of neoplasms are multiple.
Carcinoma- Epithelial cells - 80% (Skin, Lymph, Mucus lining).
Sarcoma - Connective tissue 20% (Blood, Protein, Fat, Bone).
Endocrine adenoma.
Other classification
Pre-cancerous and Cancerous type.
Innocent and Malignant type.
Localized and Metastasis type.
Liquid and Solid type.
Tumor and Ulcer type.
Soft cystic and Hard type.
Male and Female type.
Head (Neck) and Pelvis type.
Primitive (Retinoblastoma) and Modern (Breast cancer) type.
Cold (Yin) and Warm (Yang) type.
Equatorial (Pollution) and Polar (Radiation) type.
The most common sites of cancer among men are lungs, prostate, colon, rectum, stomach and liver.
The most common sites of cancer among women are breast, colon, rectum, lungs, cervix and stomach.
It is less in Jammu Kashmir (Hunzas) and African countries (Ethiopia).
Breast, Mouth (Vitamin C).
Head, Neck, Lungs (Arsenic, CN).
Head & Neck, Esophagus, Liver, Pancreas (Phosphorus, CN).
Stomach, Liver, Cervix, Nose, Lymph glands, Bladder (Sulphur, Phos).
Air pollution
Lungs, Liver, Skin, Nose, Para nasal sinus (Arsenic).
Skin, Pancreas, Thyroid, Prostate ((Withania somnifera, Ruta, Vitamin D).
Colon, Uterus, Prostate, Breast, Pancreas, Ovary (Phosphorus, CN).
G.I tract (Sulphur, Acids).
Liver, Mouth, Colon.
Old age
Prostate, Ovary (Phos).
Bone Marrow.
Heat, Radiation
Skin, Mouth, Throat (Iodum, Uranium, Radium).
Physical trauma
Bone, Cervix, Penis.
Symptoms can be grouped as constitutional, pre growth, local, reactive generalized, and metastasis. The development of neoplasm diathesis can be divided into 2 stages. Primary (hereditary & constitutional) stage, secondary (three reversible & three irreversible) stages.
Pre neoplastic symptoms & signs include depression, fear, over sensitiveness, suspicious mind; chronic dry cough, changes in blood PH and clotting, cirrhosis, hypochlorhydria, fissure, ulcer, nodules, anemia, Lump, white spots, polyp, keloid, scar, warts, Leucoplakia, squamous dermatosis etc.
Common symptoms of cancer include general weakness, weight loss (malnutrition), pain (obstructions in channels), bowel symptoms due to pressure, hormone insufficiency, chronic fever, nausea, vomiting, tumor, chronic ulcer, changes in warts, lymph node enlargement, symptoms due to serous inflammations ( sinusitis, headache, pleuritis, cough, synovitis, ascites), secondary spinal cord compression (peripheral neuropathy, paralysis), calcium changes (hypertension), (superior vena cava compression (oedema in upper limbs), sepsis (blood-high ESR, low RBC, high WBC), arthritis (uric acid changes), and opportunistic multiple microbial infections.
Diagnosis is based on imaging techniques such as X-rays, CT scans, MRI scans, PET scans, and ultrasound scans, endoscopy; Molecular diagnostic tests (Tumor marker, smear test, prostate specific antigen), Estimation of oestrogen level, acid phosphatase (prostate), alkaline phosphatase (bone), prolactin, uric acid, and serum calcium level; biopsy and physical examinations. Diagnosis for medicinal treatment is based purely on physician’s clinical examinations.
Cancer is a chronic inflammatory disease. Deposit of micro particles of toxins, carbon, or heavy metals (Lead) can cause induration inside the blood vessels. They can promote Inflammation, and micro vascular proliferations near cavities. Hypervitaminosis of K, and alkalosis can promote clotting. Acidosis (bleeding) in hypersensitive individuals can also cause reactive endothelial induration.
Conditions like acidosis, heat of summer, wind, dryness, and anger etc. can cause more flow of blood to head and skin. This can make sinus congestion and warmth on the forehead. Conditions like alkalosis, cold, laziness, and depression can cause movement of blood more to inner organs, and lead to congestion and discomfort in abdominal organs (Brachial hypotension). Conditions like dampness and fear can cause passage of blood to leg, back or kidney. These can lead to polyuria and vertigo. All these factors can promote fluid stagnation. Arterial stasis developed following pulmonary hypertension, venous obstruction, or lymphatic obstruction can facilitate either systemic hypertension or translocation of venous blood into organs that have cavities. Chronic Inflammations and congestion further reduce normal internal space, and finally cause development of induration.
Common causes of vascular inflammations are anoxia, Co2 retention and injury. If sticky toxins travel from the lining of gastrointestinal tract, lining of the respiratory tract, or from outer tissues to deeper tissues, they enter into lymphatic fluid, lymph glands, or blood and finally reach distant organs. Impurities are deposited primarily in micro form. They cause stimulation of secondary inflammation and proliferation. Besides toxins, over nutrition and anemia can initiate inflammation.
Healing will be started normally following the injury, inflammation, congestion or hypertension. The healing process may be irregular or continuous in presence of carcinogens. Toxins deposition, ischemia, Co2 retention, chronic anoxia, fluid stagnation etc. can either promote local reactive angiogenesis in organs with cavity or local congestion in liver like organs. Pulmonary hypertension in one lobe may facilitate angiogenesis in another lobe. These also promote reactive tissue proliferation. Deposition of wastes in the cavity or around the inflammatory pulmonary tissue can facilitate proliferation in lungs.
Environmental toxins, heredity, foreign nitrogen particles, haptens, ageing, hormone changes, psychic trauma and certain microbes (Hepatitis B & C, Papilloma virus, HIV virus) can weaken the immune system. These can make changes in cell nucleus (rearrangement of sequence of chromosomes) and fluids (homeostasis) inside and outside the cells.
It is believed that four types of memory are in cells. One group is telling the cell when to multiply. Another group is telling the cell when to take rest. Third group is telling the cell when to repair the damaged DNA. Fourth group is when to suicide. Tumor formation, disharmony or necrosis are developed on homeostasis of memory are disturbed.
Generally, the patients can be grouped into sensitive groups and non-sensitive groups. Natural medicinal treatments are effective for all chronic inflammatory disorders in susceptible individuals in early stage with least adverse effects. Our dream plans include annihilate all specific signs and symptoms, reduce size of tumor, heal the wounds, reverse the previous TNM stages to M0N0T0, improve quality of health, and improve longevity.
Natural holistic measures are based on the immune system. Natural anti-neoplasm medicines include phytochemicals, phytosterols, and minerals. Other natural agents include psychotherapy, local & spinal manipulation, transcutaneous nerve stimulations, massage, reflexology, seasonal diet measures, water & juice fasting, sleep therapy, breathing and stretching exercises, hydrotherapy and herbal chelation.
Natural medicines are helpful for detoxifying body fluids, neutralizing various toxins, eliminating toxins & body waste, preventing genesis of neoplasm in susceptible individuals, and for rejuvenation. They have a major role in symptomatic treatment, early cure in chronic inflammatory diseases and re-establishment of homeostasis. They promote immunity through liberating more macrophages, cytoplasmic & extra cellular fluid peptides, hormones and through different reflexes. Cancer cells are comparatively very small in size. Lymphocytes and natural killer cells of the body have the ability to identify and expel the abnormal cells. Some remedies can act on cell nucleus directly and through reflexes. Some natural medicines can motivate the immune system even in tiny doses. These do not destroy normal cells. These do not displace the cancer cells to other normal tissues.
Unfavourable items
Identify & correct all risk factors such as carcinogens, biological agents, food habits and genetic diathesis. Carcinogens are the common stimuli for neoplasm. When our bodies are exposed to carcinogens, free radicals are formed that try to steal electrons from other molecules in the body. These free radicals damage cells, and affect the ability to function normally.
They include Toxic chemical, Automobile exhaust fume, Asbestos, Acetaldehyde, Acids, Antibiotics, Acetaminophen, Benzene (Benzene from crude oil -Detergent, Paint thinners, Analgesic, Paracetamol, Benzoic acid, Turpentine), Artificial food, Nitrosamines, Acrylamide, Aflatoxin, alloxan, Aspartame, Aromatic amines, Areca nut, Alcohol, Tobacco, Salt, Safrole, Sugar, Cycad, Sodium glutamate, Sodium nitrate, Food contaminated with petrochemicals, Formalin (fish), Plastic (Fish PCB, Personal care product), Electromagnetic radiation from mineral sand, Iodum, Sodium, Silver, Potassium, Actinides (Actinium, Thorium, Uranium, Neptunium, Plutonium, Americium, Curium, Berkelium, californium, Einsteinium, Fermium, Mendelevium, Nobelium, and Lawrencium), Gamma rays, X-rays, Electromagnetic cosmic rays. Uranium (Oats and Wheat).
Tumor genesis is a cold diathesis. So, avoid moist and cold items (Shellfish and citrus fruits), alkali food, and raw food.
Avoid anti- iodine items such as Chlorine, Bromine, Fluorine and CN (Hypothyroidism and high cholesterol can cause innocent tumor formation).
Avoid refined starch (Tumor), refined salt, refined sugar, animal protein, processed protein, decayed food (Cancer), animal fat, and saturated fat.
Avoid consumption of sympathomimetic unnecessarily (Early deprivation of steroid reserve).
Avoid contact with Silica rich material like asbestos (Face power, Talc powder, Gripping powder, Insulation powder, and Wall putty).
Avoid folic acid rich items(Polyp), heat from gas stove, baked items, hot drinks, meat, acids, and spices.
Eliminate intermediate products of metabolism properly. They (alcohol, uric acid, cholesterol) are inflammatory. Milk products are also inflammatory in some individuals.
Favourable items
Take measures to improve the quality of life and confidence against chronic diseases.
Keep proper living style according to age, place and seasons.
Evacuate natural body wastes properly from internal organs through respective channels especially during the last 15 days of each season.
Take measures to prevent deposit of Lead, Silica and Calcium in channels as it can cause loss elasticity.
Prefer whole grain polysaccharides, moderately cooked food, raw vegetable (cancer), fresh fruits, food contain low caloric, low fat, and high fiber; omega 3 rich fatty acids, alkali diet, plenty of water, water & juice fasting, breathing and stretching exercises, and 8 hours sound sleep. Correct the early bone degeneration therapeutically.
Homeopathy is effective in the primary stage. It is advocated to oversensitive individuals and in chronic diseases. Sensitivity is high in childhood and old age. Oversensitivity may be acute or chronic. Homeopathic remedies are prescribed in oversensitive individuals usually either in descending potency- 30th,12x, 6x, 3x, 2x, Q or in ascending dose- 1 drops, 5 drops,10 drops, 20 drops in early stage.
Sulphur and phosphorus rich herbs are indicated in later stages. Constitutional drugs are suggested every 10 days in chronic conditions. Medicines (Antidote list) can be prescribed symptomatically in reverse order in ulcer stage. Magnesium > Aurum > Phosphorus > Sulphur > Arsenic > Mercury > Carbon > Aluminum > Lead > Ferrum > Silicea.
Early-stage remedies
Rauwolfia, Sulphur & Phosphorus rich herbs, Fenugreek, Acetic acid (Cholesterol, Alcohol, Uric acid, Acetylcholine, Egg yolk).
Soft tumor remedies
Arsenic iodide.
Outer tissue tumor remedies
Silica, Lead, Ferrum, Alumina, Carbon, Arsenic, Aluminum.
Inner tissue remedies
Mercury Selenium, Sulphur.
Most inner tissue remedies
Phosphorus rich herbs.
Innocent tumor remedies
Carbo veg, Phytolacca, Thuja, Rauwolfia.
Epithelial Tumor remedies
Scrophularia, Phytolacca, Rauwolfia.
Connective tissue tumor remedies
Fluoride, Nitric acid, Calcium carbonate, Silica, Lapis alba.
Later stage remedies
Capsicum, Piper nigrim, Zingiber.
Early-stage remedies
Allium sativa, Nitric acid, Phosphorus, Fluorine, Arsenic, CN, Selenium.
Later stage remedies
Mercury (It is fat soluble, anti-microbial and anti-degenerative. It is more in sea creatures. Incidence of cancer is less in Shark (Hg, CN). Selenium is a Mercury antagonist), Sulphur, Iodine (cyst), Calcium carbonate.
Regional remedies for chronic inflammations
Allium sativa, Cuprum, Nux vomica, Thuja.
Mercury, Thuja.
Eye lids
Cynatum, Sempervivum tectorum.
Cistus canadensis.
Parotid gland
Cistus canadensis.
Plumbum iodatum, Thuja, Sempervium, tect, Hydrastis, Conium, Rauwolfia, Kalmegh.
Hydrastis, Lycopodium, Kali bich, Carbo veg, Symphytum.
Pyloric part
Phos, Curcuma, Lycopodium.
Cardus marianus, Kalmegh, Hydrastis, Taraxacum (Choline rich), Phos.
Gall bladder
Condurango, Arsenic album, Sedum acre, Symphytum.
Ruta, Scrophularia, Coriander sativa, Solanum nigrum, calcium carbonate.
Zinc, Selenium.
Aurum colloid, Alfalfa, Conium, Sepia, Curcuma, Rauwolfia, Phytolacca, Thuja.
Radium, Arsenic album, Thuja, Mercury.
Beta vulgaris, Carica papaya.
Ulcer and Fissure
Nitric Acid, Sedum acre, Sempervivum tectorum.
Calcium carbonate, Calcarea fluor, Iodum, Scrophularia.
Bone proliferation
Phosphoric acid.
Bone degeneration
Phos, Symphytum, Ruta, Ova tosta, Equisetum, Magnesium, Phosphorus, Fluoride, Calcium, Silicea.
Blood tissues
Natrum mur.
Bone marrow
Ricinus communis, Arsenic album.
Neoplasm susceptibility
Hg, N, CN, Phosphorus related herbs.
Autoimmune diathesis
Trifolium pratense, Zingiber.
Nitric acid, Formic acid, Uric acid.
Rheumatoid arthritis
Lycopodium, Calendula, Phytolacca, Echinacea, Solanaceae.
Smell -offensive
Baptesia, Kreosotum.
Arsenic album, Kali carb, Acetic acid, Cinchona, Withania, Ginseng, Alfalfa.
Radiation effects
Withania somnifera, Ruta.
Nausea and vomiting
Ipecac, Nux vomica, Zingiber.
Secale cor.
Allium sativa.
Scrophularia nodosa, Thuja.
Epithelial cancer remedies
Acetic acid, Arsenic acid, Calcium iodatum, Alcohol (Epithelium -Kafa; Epithelium disorder- Low kafa- Psora miasm; Medicine - Antipsoric).
Endothelioma remedies
Arsenic acid, Silicic acid, Plumbum, Barium carb.
Carbo animalis, Arsenic album, Taraxacum, Acetic acid, Alcohol.
Sarcoma (Fat, Bone & Nerves) remedies
Phosphoric acid, Sulphuric acid, Nitric acid, Calcium, Silicea, Fluoride, Mercury, Aurum, Arctium lappa, Asparagus.
Pain remedies
Bone pain
Ruta, Magnesium.
Neuralgic pain
Aconitum, Gelsemium (Opium like), Cinchona, Kali phos, Hypericum, Chamomile, Valerian, Passiflora, Conium, Erythroxylum coca.
Spasmodic pain
Magnesium, Symphytum.
Burning pain
Euphorbium, Arsenic, Secale cor, Sulphur.
Pain better from rest
Pain better from warmth
Apis mel.
Pain better from cold
Arsenic album.
Remedies for abnormal mitosis
Arsenic album, Aristolochia indica, Allium sativa, Coffea, Colchicum, Piper nigrum, Psoralen, Rauwolfia, Thuja occidentalis, Veratrum album. and Solanaceae groups (Withania somnifera, Dulcamara, Belladonna, Solanum lycopersicum, Solanum tuberosum).
Remedies for necrosis
Phosphorus rich herbs, Nux vomica, Podophyllum, Secale cor, and Natrum mur.
List of specific remedies (Homeopathicity)
Senecia (Liver), Aristolochia, Senega, Colchicum, Hypericum, Cinnamon (Safrole, Hg), phytoestrogens.
Malignant remedies
Ammonium carb, Nitric acid, Selenium, Sulphur rich herbs.
Remedies for calcification
Calcarea carb, Magnesium, Silicea, Phos, Fluoride.
Morbid body constitution
Body constitution has a role in health and disease. Body constitution can be evaluated with pulse, physical signs, temperament, habits, food style and likes. Pulse is a barometer of harmony or disharmony. Pulse may vary in morning, noon and evening in right (male) and left (female) radial arteries normally. Normal constitution has been classified traditionally as Kafa, Pita and Vata (Warm and cold).
Kafa characteristics
Anxiety state, Nail size -large, Tongue- white.
Right arm pulse at proximal part: Sinusitis, congestion at upper thorax.
Left arm pulse proximally: Kidney, congestion at lower thorax.
Pita characteristics
Anger; Nail size -normal, Tongue -red.
Right arm pulse at middle part: Liver, Gallbladder.
Left arm pulse at middle part: Stomach, Spleen.
Vata characteristics
Fear, Nail size -small, Tongue- black.
Right arm pulse at distal part: Lungs, Brain, Anus.
Left arm pulse at distal part: Heart, Intestine.
The Morbid constitution has been grouped into Sycosis, Syphilis and Psora.
Sycosis (Kafa, excess, Vata energy low)
Radial pulse is prominent at the proximal part, elephant gait like slow pulse (Pulse is prominent in morning normally). Obsessional mind, depression, sluggishness, obesity, sinusitis, pericarditis, constipation, Tumor.
Syphilis (Pita high or low)
Radial pulse felt at middle part, crow gait like jumping pulse, hot (Pulse prominent at noon normally). Anger, destructive mind, fissure, diarrhoea, vomiting, red dry tongue, Ulcer.
Psora (Kafa low, Vata high)
Radial pulse felt at distal part, snake movement like rapid pulse (Pulse is prominent in evening normally). Hypersensitiveness, anxious, irritable (allergy), fear, lean, chilly; short nail, black coating tongue, weakness.
Natural medicines can be determined based on either the dominance of classical elements (Earth, Water, Fire, Air, and Space) in individual constitutions (heat /cold) or the seven body elements and it wastes.
Seven body elements and natural medicines
Epithelial (Astringent -Lymphoedema, Neoplasm).
Arsenic rich items and CN rich items.
Blood (Sweet -Hypertension).
Arsenic album, Vinca minor, Sulphur, Platina, Viscum album, Sulphur.
Muscle (Pungent -Tumor).
Acetic acids, Ascorbic acid (Nitrosamines), Nitric acid; Phosphorus, CN.
Fat (Bitter -Obesity).
Thuja, Sabal serrulata, Tocopherol, Calciferol, Radiation, CN, Phosphorus.
Bone (Salt -Bone pain).
Radium, Calcium, Magnesium, Halogen, Fluoride, Phosphorus.
Bone Marrow (Sour -Blood cells proliferation).
Thuja, Arsenic album, Tocopherol, Calciferol.
Antipathic technique is beneficial first in the secondary stage. It is helpful transiently in acute states of sensitive individuals. It can be prescribed either in ascending potency like Q, 3x, 6x, 6c or in descending doses 30 drops, 20, 10, 5 drops. Homeopathic medicines are indicated again when sensitivity is increased after initial antipathy treatment.
Anti-tumor medicines
Podophyllum, Scutellaria, Colchicum, Allium sativa, Dulcamara, Phytolacca decandra, Aconitum, Belladonna, Chaparral, Taxus baccata, Thuja occidentalis.
Other Anti-tumor medicines
Aloes, Galium aparine, Beriberis vulgaris, Capsicum, Carica papaya, Chelidonium majus, Iris versicolor, Nux moschata, Piper nigrum, Rumex crispus, Sinapis nigrim, Stillingia sylvatica, Trigonella, Viola odorata, Viscum album, and Xanthoxylum.
Cyanins rich items
Amygdalus, Sambucus, Oleander, Laurocerasus, Glycyrrhiza, Withania somnifera, Alfalfa, Apricot seeds, Blue potato, Tapioca, Amara beans, Cherries, Apple seeds, Mustard (Ars), Cabbage, Papaya seeds (Carotene), Grapes, Shark cartilage.
Oestrogen promoting items
Soybean, Sesame seeds, Psoralea cor seeds, Sabal serrulata, Salvia officinalis, Thuja oil, Flaxseed oil, Onions, Fenugreek, Coffee, Chocolate, Licorice, Cimicifuga, Hibiscus, Honey, and Boron containing items (Almond, Avocado, Hazel nuts, Red beans, Cashew nut, Honey).
Testosterone promoting items
Damiana, Withania somnifera, Ginkgo biloba, Dioscorea, Liquorice, Red meat, Red pepper, Red wine, Beetroot, Onions, Pomegranate, Chocolate, Pineapple, Olive oil, Banana, Egg, Oat, Honey, Boron containing items, Bufo skin.
Progesterone promoting items (Oestrogen blocking)
Sanguinaria, Agnus castus, Walnut.
Progesterone blocking agents
Cimicifuga, Gossypium root bark, Mentha pulegium, Acorus calamus, Chamomile, Damiana.
Adrenal hormone promoting items
Ephedra, Echinacea, Dioscorea, Sida cordifolia, Liquorice, Withania somnifera.
Dopamine (Nerve stimulant) promoting items
Hypericum, Vinca minor, Withania somnifera, Tobacco, Spices, Chocolate.
Serotonin (Nerve stimulant) promoting items
Ginseng, Kava kava, Rauwolfia, Secale cor, Chocolate, Salmon, Sunlight, Black pepper, Bufo skin, Heat, cold, cool air.
Anti-Inflammatory items
Curcumin, Capsicum; Ginseng (Female, Yellow variety), Curcuma longa, Zingiber (Eosinophilia, Leukaemia).
Pain medicines
Garlic, Bryonia, China, Magnesium, Opium, Gelsemium, Hypericum, Chamomile, Scutellaria.
Weakness medicines
Ginseng, Zinc.
Anti-thrombosis medicines
Melilotus, Salix nigra, Allium sativa (Coumarin), Pineapple.
Poor microcirculation-medicines
Ginkgo biloba, Vaccinum myrtillus, Arsenic album.
Ulcer medicines
Rauwolfia, Thuja, Millifolium.
anti worms medicines
Chenopodium, Absinthium.
Anti-septic medicines
Arctium lappa, Artemisia, Absinthium, Calendula officinalis, Echinacea.
Natural medicines can be used as diaphoretics, emetics, liver purifier, colon purifier, kidney purifier, uterine purifier, blood purifier, lymph purifier, laxatives and rejuvenators. Natural body wastes and toxins must be eliminated through nearest orifice during the last 15 days of each season and before the treatment.
Eupatorium perfoliatum, Jaborandi, Mentha piper, Millefolium, Sambucus, and Zingiber.
Ipecacuanha, Lobelia, Bitters and Nux vomica.
Blood purifier
Arctium lappa, Baptisia, Berberis aquifolium, Berberis vulgaris, Capsicum, Chaparral, Curcuma longa, Echinacea, Ginseng, Glycyrrhiza, Hydrastis, Phytolacca, Rumex crispus (red clover), Sarsaparilla, Scrophularia, Stellaria media, Stillingia, Symphytum, Taraxacum, Thuja, Trifolium pratense, and Xanthoxylum.
Lymph purifier
Allium sativa, Chaparral, Echinacea, Phytolacca, Rumex crispus, and Taraxacum (WBC).
Medicines helpful to promote Immune system
Taxus baccata (WBC), Tinospora cordifolia, Vinca minor, Withania somnifera; Allium sativa, Berberis vulgaris, Cascara sagrada, Hydrastis, Lycopodium, Rhubarb, Zingiber, Lappa major, Asparagus racemosus, Boerhavia diffusa, Echinacea, Ocimum sanctum.
Immune booster WBC
Lemon (Citrate, Hesperidin, and Limonoids), Gelsemium.
Mercurius dilution.
Antioxidant Items
Sulphur, Selenium, Garlic, Cabbage.
Black raspberries, Papaya seed, Cherry, Almond, Tapioca.
Beta glucan
Barley, Oats, Beetroot.
Tomato, Watermelon, Papaya.
Garlic, Fish.
Nuts, Fish.
Omega 3 fatty acids
Fish, Olive oil, Bengal Gram.
Beta carotene
Carrots, Papaya, Fiber, Whole grain.
Vitamin, A, B17, E, D; Choline.
Phyto chemicals inhibiting mitosis (Anti-Tumor items)
Papaya seeds, Mushroom, Almond (Uterine cancer).
Ascorbic acid (Nitrosamine Inhibitor-Lung cancer).
Lentinan and thioproline
Quercetin and kaempferol
Ellagic acid and resveratrol
Red grapes.
Tea (Epithelial neoplasm).
Sea weeds-Magnesium (Breast cancer).
Beta carotene
Carrot, Tomato and Potato (Skin, Mouth, Neck and Lung cancer).
Figs (Shrinking of Tumors, Curcumin).
Violet items
Blue items (CN)
Grapes, Cabbage.
Orange items (Yellow)
Curcumin, Calendula, Hydrastis, Sanguinaria.
Red items
Pepper, Wine, Grapes, Mustard, Tomato.
White color
Mushroom, Garlic, Scrophularia.
Cancer promoting offending color
Pink, Magenta.
External items for skin
Podophyllum, Thuja, Sedum acre, Phytolacca, Scrophularia nodosa, Hydrastis, Condurango, Ornithogalum, Ricinus communis, Acids, Heat.
Animal fat x Vegetable fat.
Animal protein x Vegetable protein.
Animal hormones x Phytohormones.
Refined sugar x Natural sugar.
Halogens x Citrate.
Fruit spices x Root spices.
Fruit cyanide x Root cyanide.
Land mineral x Sea minerals.
White spirit x Red wine.
Cholesterol x Choline, fenugreek, egg yolk.
Carbon x Arsenic album, Nux, Camphor.
Thuja x Iodum.
Silica, Lead and Ferrum x Arsenic, Carbon, Alumina.
Mercury x Copper (Thuja, Nux vomica, Ipecac), Selenium.
Yang items (Animal-Upper) x Yang items (Vegetable- Lower).
Natural sequence of antidotes
Grapgitis < Silicea < Ferum < Lead < Aluminum < Cuprum < Carbon < Manganese < Nitrogen << Mercury < Arsenic < Sulphur < selenium < Phosphorus < Aurum < Magnesium< Calcium < Sodium < Zinc.
Human body homeostasis is constituted mostly from head to foot direction normally. Cancer metastasis usually occurs in upward direction- from foot to head. So, the treatment program has to be aimed for symptoms from head to foot order. Best site for external application is lower part of leg.
It is believed some types of energy are flowing through nerves and body fluids (lymph and blood). If the flow of energy is high or weak, it can cause pain and discomfort in organs relating to the corresponding channels. Stagnation of lymph can cause inflammation, congestion, obesity, and growth. Every person has a different type of fluid composition, nerve conduction and homeostasis. Cancer is the uppermost branch of imbalance and malfunction. It is not the root of the malfunctions.it is the result.
Slight irritation or pressure in points of this channel for a few seconds can elicit either block or unblock the flow of energy through the channels from top of head to tip of fingers and internal organs. These are also helpful for synthesis of endorphin like substances in the nervous system, and closure of the gate of pain and discomfort channels. Massage or stimulation on the spinal column can also promote formation of immunoglobulin, and RBC in the spinal marrow. Stretching all fingers widely may help to increase the WBC count.
Carbon impurities are the main culprits in the development of lung cancers. Practice expiratory breathing exercise 10 times daily to promote ventilation capacity and the oxygen reserve. Don’t have food for 45 minutes before the breathing exercises. Practicing one deep breath on every hour will also be beneficial.
Aconitum, Ginseng, Tribulus, Damiana, Amlaki, Alfalfa (Carcinogenic), Withania somnifera, Mercurius ultra dilution, Plumbum met, Nux vomica, Cinchona, Terminalia chebula, Boerhavia diffusa, Thuja, Cashew nut, Almonds, Wheat, Honey, Chicken, Milk, Colloidal silver, Colloid gold, Selenium, and Zinc.
Many of the public believe that conventional medical measures have some limitations.
It often gives little consideration to the patient as a whole.
Repeated CT scan may give effects of high power x-ray radiation.
C.T scan cannot identify the tissue changes less than 2 mm size. One cubic mm contains billions of cells.
Contrast material that is used has some adverse effects in kidneys.
Biopsy may cause entry of microbes in susceptible tissue.
Surgery is not advisable in liquid cancer and in condition with multiple metastasis.
Radiation can cause damage to cells of normal organs and bone marrow.
Chemical medicines adversely affect the normal cells of blood, liver, and kidney.
Aim of holistic medicine in chronic inflammatory diseases on cellular level
Promotes degradation of membrane of abnormal cells (Ω3, E, D, H, N).
Corrects mitochondrial enzyme dysfunctions (Fatigue-Zn, Se, S, P, Hg, colloidal Ag, and colloidal Au).
Arrests abnormal DNA divisions and cell proliferation (Acids, CN, C, and N).
Removes CO2 retention and micro toxins (Remedy).
Promotes cellular oxygenation (Palm massage, Spinal manipulation, Fe. P).
Corrects immune dysfunctions, macrophages, T cells, B cells antibodies, phagocytosis (Echinacea, Trifolium, Curcuma, Zingiber).
Inhibits angiogenesis in growth (A).
Promotes microcirculation in ulcer (A).
Promotes apoptosis in Tumor (Hg, Ginseng, N, S).
Takes care against repeated irritation (Thus blocks metastasis).
Promotes collagen support around the proliferation to prevent growth size (Vitamin C).
Takes early measures against continuous multiplication (S, Se).
Aim of holistic medicine in chronic inflammatory diseases on systemic level
Corrects genetic inherent susceptibility (Cinchona, Veratrum viride, S, Thuja, Mercurius).
Corrects inflammation, pain and swelling (Aconitum, Bryonia, and Curcuma).
Corrects overnutrition (Water & juice fasting).
Restricts predisposing factors (Carcinogens).
Practices homeopathycity (Protein, Haptens, Rhus tox, Cinchona, Secale cor, Rauwolfia).
Corrects acidosis in ulcer (H2O, Hco3), and alkalosis in Tumor (H+ weak).
Corrects digestion and malnutrition (zingiber).
Purifies blood, and lymph fluids.
Corrects the homeostasis among the seven bodily tissues.
Support for longevity (Hg, CN, Alfalfa, Thuja, Colloid gold, Ginseng).
Takes measures against secondary forces like Ionizing radiation and biological forces like microbes (Withania, Ruta, Azadirachta, Echinacea, Curcuma, Podophyllum, Camphor, Ephedra, Mirrh, Accacia, Ricinus communis).
Success in treatment depends on the type of cancer, time of treatment started, the stage of the cancer spread, physical constitution, susceptibility, age, method of treatment, and the quality of medicines.
Monday, 2 February 2015
Cancer. Prevention and homeopathic care. Kader Kochi.
All individuals have some susceptibilities to certain diseases as well as self-healing power. Natural medicines are helpful to promote this self-healing power through either stimulating, modulating the immune system or neuro endocrine system.
We offer complete free homeopathic care to all cancer susceptibilities, cancer related disorders and different systemic chronic cancers. Our medicinal treatment strategies are simple, most comprehensible, successful and based on natural principles.
There are two types of tumors known as malignant and benign. Benign tumors do not spread to neighboring tissues. The cells divide and grow uncontrollably and spread nearby parts in malignant tumors. They may also spread to more distant parts of the body through the lymphatic or blood stream. Cancer of lining membranes like vascular endothelium, or pleura are less malignant than those of other epithelial tissues. Growth of cancer may be slow or fast. Cancer of the stomach grows slowly. Thyroid, liver, and secondary cancers are rapidly growing types.
Types of neoplasm
Malignant neoplasm derived from epithelial cells.
About 80% of all malignancies are carcinomas (Epithelioma, melanoma, and carcinoma).
About 80% of all malignancies are carcinomas
Malignant neoplasm derived from connective tissue like bone, cartilage, fat, nerve, muscle, and fibrous tissue
Lymphomas affect the lymphatic system. It is seen more in male. It is more common among people with inherited immune deficiencies, autoimmune diseases, HIV/AIDS, and among people taking immunosuppressant drugs following organ transplants. Human T-lymphotropic virus type I (HTLV-1) and Epstein-Barr virus are two infectious agents that increase the chance of developing non-Hodgkin's lymphoma.
Germ cell tumor
Benign epithelial tumour
Benign connective tissue tumors
Child hood cancers
Cancer incidence in male and female are 50% and 33% respectively.
65% of total cancers occur in developing countries.
About 0.25% of the total population or 14 million new people are affected every year worldwide.
Invasive cancer is the leading cause of death in the developed countries and the second leading cause of death in developing countries.
Leading causes of premature death are myocardial infarction, lung cancer, accident, stroke, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diabetes mellitus, prostate cancer, infective pneumonia, rectal cancer, suicide.
The most common causes of cancer death are cancers of lung, liver, stomach, colorectal, breast and esophageal cancer.
Most common cancers in male are lung, prostate, colorectum, stomach and liver cancer.
Most common cancers in females are breast, colorectum, lung, cervix, and stomach cancer.
Primary brain cancers are rare.
Incidence of breast cancer is less in women who have prolonged periods of breast feeding.
Early pregnancy, multiple pregnancy, and chronic irritation are risk factors in cervical cancer.
Stomach cancer is high in communities consuming table salt in excess.
Symptoms and signs of Cancer
The symptoms usually depend on type of growth/ ulcer, its locations, and its complications. Neoplasm can cause a variety of symptoms They include constant weakness and fatigue, pain, emaciation, swelling of the lymph nodes, frequent infections, chronic hoarseness, chronic cough, chronic dysphagia and indigestion, changes in bowel or bladder habits, unusual bleeding, unusual discharge, tender internal organs, unexplained inflammation and flu-like symptoms, bone or joint pain, obvious change in a wart or mole, chronic ulcer, lump in the breast or neck, a thickening in skin or mucus membrane etc.The symptoms usually last more than months. Stomatitis and frequent throat infections are common in leukemia. Alternate constipation and diarrhoea are common in colon cancer.
Cancer prevention
70% of all cancers are preventable easily with a healthy diet and protective lifestyle. Avoid all identified food and chemical carcinogens. Elimination of body toxins through natural orifices primarily or neutralizing it with natural medicines periodically are required to lower the disease susceptibilities.
Modify or Avoid risk factors
Avoid obesity .Obesity and overweight is strongly linked to increased risk of some cancers. High lipids level in the body is associated with inflammations and increased sex hormones. It is estimated that about 30% of all cancers are obesity related. They include cancers of the breast, prostate, pancreas, uterus, colon, bone and ovary.
Prefer protective daily diet contain 65% from vegetable origin.
Avoid diets with high calories.
Avoid diet with high fat, hydrogenated oils or nickel added vegetable oil.
Reduce consumption of polyunsaturated fatty acids, cotton seed oil, peanut oil etc.
Vegetable oils are transformed to trans-fat on high temperature or repeated heating. Trans fat can lower the level of essential fatty acids in the body. They can also prevent the enzymatic inhibition to allergens.
Avoid fast food, heated rancid oil and fried food items.
Keep optimum body mass index (BMI).
Omega-3 fatty acids have anti-inflammatory actions in the body.
Omega 9 fatty acids are present in sesame, olive oil and almonds.
Fiber rich food can inhibit bacterial growth and putrefaction. They also help cleanse the toxin of colon. Thus formation of carcinogenic bacteria by product are reduced. They are helpful to reduce hypercholesterolemia. High density cholesterol concentrations can promote normal tissue growth as it being an integral parts of cell membranes, and precursor of sex and steroid hormones. Prefer fiber contains items like brown rice, buckwheat, oats, barley, seaweeds, kelp and garlic.
Avoid food containing heterocyclic aromatic amines (over cooked meat, beef, fish, dark toast, smoked foods, bad flesh, fried, charred food).
Prefer meat of grass-fed and running animals.
Natural vitamins and minerals are less in food items now due to liberal use of pesticides, herbicides, and artificial fertilizers. Prefer organic foods because they are higher in nutrients and protective phytochemicals.
Avoid pesticides rich fruits. Eat a variety of foods like green banana, green mango, Berries with dark, blue, purple colour, alkaline fruits, green and yellow leafy vegetables. Take fruit jam and fruit juice. Limit pineapple juice though it is rich in bromelain, manganese and vitamin C).
Prefer zinc contain items like cashew nut than liver (prostate cancer)
Correct the malnutrition (Acidosis; vitamin A, C, D, E; and copper deficiency).
High table salt in the body can promote desire to meat and fish, and aversion to bread. It can cause dry skin, loss of memory (due to less water in nerve tissue), anemia, throbbing headache, symptoms related to low spirit- anger, easily weeping mood, epilepsy, asthma, and discomforts with the changes in weather. It can also promote increased susceptibility to diseases. It may promote stomach cancer.
Drink green tea without adding sugar or salt.
Avoid excess of tannic acid rich items (tea- cancer of esophagus and liver).
Avoid heavy consumption of food items rich in cyanide (Apricot seeds, almonds, blue potato, tapioca, amara beans, cherries, apple seeds, liquorice, mustard, cabbage, papaya, and shark cartilage).
Avoid food items contained with acetaldehyde, acetone, acetic acid, ethanol, or its precursor. (Tobacco, sour tomato, alcohol, wine, and vinegar).
Practice 12 hour water fast or fruit juice fast twice in a week.
Increase period of breast feeding during lactation. Massage breast with oil twice in a month.
Avoid Areca nuts and tobacco chewing.
Ionizing radiations include cosmic radiation, background radiation, nuclear power stations, X-rays, Gamma rays, solar radiation, ultra violet radiation and CT scan radiation. Ionizing radiations can affect nucleus functions directly and cellular functions through the endocrine systems.
Non-ionizing radiation includes mobile tower, mobile phone, television, sun light, laser, microwave, remote controls, electric power transmission, radio waves, thermal radiations, infra-red radiation, ultraviolet radiation etc. all these have some role in carcinoma-genesis .
Biological carcinogens
About 10% of all cancers are concerned with microbes
Human papilloma virus (cervix, skin),Herpes virus, Epstein - Barr virus (Infectious mononucleosis -nose, lymphoma), Kaposi's sarcoma,Hepatitis virus B, and Hepatitis virus C (liver),Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Human T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma virus-I (HTLV-I)
Helicobacter pylori (stomach)
Human papilloma virus (cervix, skin),Herpes virus, Epstein - Barr virus (Infectious mononucleosis -nose, lymphoma), Kaposi's sarcoma,Hepatitis virus B, and Hepatitis virus C (liver),Human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), Human T-cell leukaemia/lymphoma virus-I (HTLV-I)
Helicobacter pylori (stomach)
Schistosomiasis (bladder, colon-rectal) Liver flukes (bile duct),Malaria (lymphoma).
Avoid long term exposure to chemical carcinogens present in the environment and in workplace. About 5 % of neoplasm are related to environmental and food pollution.
Beryllium (glass paints, battery).
Cadmium (paint, fertilizer, plastic).
Alloy steel.
Nickel (Dalda, steel welding, ceramics, coin-liver).
Chromium (hard steel).
Metallic cobalt.
Arsenic (lungs).
Crystalline silica.
Ceramics paint.
Sulphuric acid.
Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons.
Radon gas.
Used engine oil.
Diesel exhaust.
Rocket fuel.
Vinyl chloride (liver).
Formaldehyde (paper coatings, adhesives).
Lathering agents.
Wood dust (nasal cancer).
Coal tar products.
Coke production.
Boot chemicals (Srsenic-nasal cancer).
Dry cleaning agents.
Flame retardants.
Dyes and pigments.
Magenta dyes.
Colour polishes.
Shampoos (cocamide).
Space deodorants.
Ethylene oxide.
Methanol (rocket fuel).
Selenium sulphide.
Indoor smoke.
Urban air pollution.
Nicotine (areca nut, potato, tomato, solanaceae plants).
Insect toxins (hydrocyanic acid, formic acid, acetic acid).
About 10% of neoplasm are related to hereditary factors.
Growing older.
Other risk factors
Physical inactivity
It is one of the main culprits behind obesity, atherosclerosis and vascular endothelioma. Checked drainage in vital channels can cause accumulation of morbid elements in the body. This increases the susceptibility to chronic diseases.
Take abdominal exercise to avoid central obesity.
Take regular physical exercise for 30 minutes. Exercise can promote digestion. It is helpful to reduce sex hormone level, inflammation, insulin resistance and obesity. Take regular breathing exercise.
Autoimmune diseases(IgA deficiency).
Take abdominal exercise to avoid central obesity.
Avoid the factors increasing -growth hormones from pituitary (osteosarcoma), insulin like growth factors (obesity); oestrogen (contraceptive pills, xenoestrogen (plastics), oestrogen formed from excess of cholesterol and steroids) (cancer of liver, breast and vagina).
Cancer prevention
Avoid hormone replacement therapy during menopause. Avoid early marriage, repeated pregnancies, irritated intercourse, tight underwear, dental trauma, prolonged and frequent application of hot objects on the body, chronic irritations, bare walking for long distance (sun exposure, corns) etc.
Sexual hygiene.
Avoid an environment having low oxygen, smoke, fumes, gas from mines, radon gas.
Avoid direct sun exposure in summer (vitamin D cholesterol and sex hormone formation –Cancer of prostate, breast and ovary)
Avoid or modify stress, deep seated emotional trauma, negative emotions, negative attitude, brooding, fear, depression, passive attitude etc Take 5-8 hour sleep daily. It is helpful to promote digestion and immunity increase.
Avoid detailed and unnecessary counselling or discussion about the complexity of diseases, surgical prognosis, and death.
Avoid excessive consumption of some petrochemical medicines include aniline derivatives, benzene derivatives, chloramphenicol (leukaemia), phenytoin (lymphoma), azathioprine (melanoma), and phenacetin derivatives (urinary tract), Ranitidine and omeprazole (stomach), spironolactone (breast).
Avoid some medicines that are prepared from mushrooms (liver).
Avoid following herbal medicines include Rauwolfia, Aristolochia, Senega, Colchicum, Hypericum, Piper nigrim, Secale cor, Psoralen; Amygdalus, Glycyrrhiza, Sambucus, Laurocerasus; Lobelia, Taraxacum; Veratrum album, Sabadilla; Aconitum, Alfalfa unnecessarily.*
Sexual hygiene.
Avoid an environment having low oxygen, smoke, fumes, gas from mines, radon gas.
Avoid some medicines that are prepared from mushrooms (liver).