Sunday, 26 August 2018

Trigonella foenum graecum. Kader Kochi.


Trigonella foenum-graecum, Fenugreek, Methi, Hilba, Uluva.


Annual plant. Height 80 cm. Plant contains trigonelline, sotolon, gentianine, sterols, saponins, flavonoids, protein, free amino acids, arginine, phytoestrogen, coumarin, scopoletin, cinnamic acid, tannin, mucilage, vitamin C, choline, calcium, iron, volatile oil, and fibre.


This is medicine for amenorrhoea.

It is para sympathomimetic.

It promotes milk secretion, saliva, urine and sweat.

It is medicine for under developed breast in female. 

It is medicine for diabetes (Glycolic acid), and hypercholesterolaemia.

It is medicine for hernia, and erectile dysfunction in male.

It is medicine for gout.

It is medicine for obesity.

It has thrombolytic property.

It is medicine for cancer.

It is medicine externally in inflammation.

It is remedy for dyspepsia.

It is remedy for chronic kidney disease.

It is remedy for dysmenorrhoea.

It is remedy for offensive urine.

It is remedy for muscular dystrophy.

It is remedy for congenital birth defect (Veratrum album).

It is a prophylactic remedy for woman against development of congenital defects in foetus.

Word “foenum” (Greek) means hay (Alfalfa).


2 to 10 drops.


Thursday, 9 August 2018

Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Kader Kochi.


Ragweed, Carrot weed, Bitter weed, Allergic weed, American wormwood.


Annual plant. Height 70 cm. Flower heads and young shoots. Plant contains terpenes, phenolics, and volatile oil.


This is remedy for seasonal hay fever.

It is remedy for itching on eye lids, and excessive lachrymation.

It is remedy for asthma of atopic individual.

Plant has mollusccide activity. 



Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Allium sativa Kader Kochi.


Chinese onion. Garlic, White onion, Chive, Leek



Perennial flowering plant. Height 60 cm. Bulb contains volatile oil, mucilage, allicin, alliin, ajoene, minerals, flavonoids, saponins, allixin, sulphur compounds, zinc, selenium, enzymes, sugar and albumin. It contains all tastes. Warm medicine.



This is medicine to all types of common cold in summer (Glycyrrhiza).

It is anti-diphtheria medicine.

It is medicine for expectorant in catarrhal bronchitis.

It is medicine in erectile dysfunction.

It is medicine in balanitis.

It is diuretic medicine.

It is stimulant, and rejuvenation medicine.

It is medicine in hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes, and central obesity.

It is medicine inn dropsy.

It is medicine externally in pneumonia. and wax in ear and retention of urine.

This is antiseptic medicine.

It is rubefacient medicine. 

It is remedy in sunstroke & heat exhaustion (Running from nose, and sweating are reaction of body to heat).

It is remedy in esophageal cancer and gastric cancer.

It had been considered as panacea in pox and dropsy.

It is remedy in atherosclerosis and bleeding.

It is remedy in chronic wound, and tuberculosis.

It was medicine and remedy in gangrene.

It is remedy in congenital & genetic disorders.  

It is remedy in mandibular rheumatism.

It is toxic to snakes, dogs (Coffee) and vampires.

It is the antidote of cyanide, arsenic and arsenic related biological toxins (Aconitum, Nux vomica).

It can promote desire to food.

It can promote meat digestion.

It is remedy in auto immune disorder.

It was used as panacea in turkey.


1 to 20 drops. 


Cantharis vessicatoria. Kader Kochi.


Spanish fly, Blister beetle, Lytta vesicatoria.


Male beetle. Colour is yellowish green. Size 1.3 cm. It contains cantharidin.


This is medicine externally for burns, and blisters.

It is medicine externally for molluscum, dandruff, and seborrheic simplex.

It is medicine externally for muscular pain, impotence, and leishmaniasis.

It is remedy for anger, and anxiety.

It is remedy for trigeminal neuralgia, and sciatica.

It is remedy for hydrophobia with burning pain in oesophagus, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

It is remedy for irritable bladder, and urethritis with burning pain.

It is remedy for erectile dysfunctions, and priapism.

It is remedy for amenorrhoea, and nymphomania.

It is remedy for albuminuria, dropsy, and chronic renal disease.

It is remedy for burns, sunburns, insect bite, blister, arthritis etc with burning pain. 

Antidote of cantharis is camphor.



Monday, 16 July 2018

Dioscorea villosa. Kader Kochi.


Wild yam, Colic root, Rheumatism root, Kattu-chaena.


Twining tuberous vine. Height 4 meters. Rhizome contains saponin, dioscin, dioscorein, diosgenin, phytoestrogen, and sterol.


This is anti-spasmodic medicine for biliary colic.

It is medicine for discomforts due to intestinal cramps.

It is medicine for low backache.

It is medicine for neuralgic dysmenorrhoea (Caulophyllum).

It is medicine for osteoporosis, and menopausal symptoms.

It is remedy for infertility.

It is remedy for endometriosis, and cancer in female organs.

It is a prophylactic remedy for miscarriage.


1 to 8 drops.


Sunday, 15 July 2018

Gnaphalium polycephaleum. Kader Kochi.


Many stem Cudweed.


Annual herb. Height 50 cm. Sunflower family. Leaves and yellow flower top contain aromatic principle. Bitter.


This is diaphoretic medicine for periodic fever with chillness (Eupatorium perfoliatum).

It is medicine for hypertension.

It is remedy for fibromyalgia. 

It is remedy for low backache.

It is remedy for sciatica associated with cramps and numbness.


6 to 8 drops.


Glycyrrhiza glabra. Kader Kochi.


Liquorice, Sweet root, Iratti madhuram.


Perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Root contains glycyrrhizin, glycyramarin, asparagin, phytoestrogen, resin, sugar, and starch. Sweet and bitter.


This is medicine for fever in summer (Wet climate – Kalmegh, Azadirecta Indica).

It has anti-viral and anti-microbial activities.

It is medicine for acute sinusitis.

It is panacea in inflammatory diseases of respiratory tract (Aconitum).

It is soothing medicine for aphonia, laryngitis, bronchitis, and productive cough.

It is medicine for chronic adrenal weakness (Ginseng).

It is medicine for geriatric weakness, and hypotension.

It is medicine for peptic ulcer, and chronic gastritis.

It is medicine for hyperkalaemia, and hyperglycaemia.

It is a rejuvenation medicine.

It is medicine for muscular stiffness.

It is medicine for polydipsia.

It is remedy for respiratory paralysis.

It is remedy for hypoglycaemia (Galega, Granatum).

It is remedy for hypertension.

It is remedy for muscular dystrophy.

It is remedy for hypokalaemia weakness.

It is remedy for hyperplasia.


2 to 6 drops.


Gossypium herbaceum. Kader Kochi.


Levant cotton.


Perennial plant. Height 2 meters. Root bark contains acrid resin, glucose, starch, fixed oil, and tannin.


This is medicine for dysmenorrhea. 

It is medicine for insufficient milk secretion.

It is haemostatic medicine for metrorrhagia, and menorrhagia.

It had been used as abortifacient, and parturient (Ustilago maydis, Caulophyllum). 

It is remedy for retained placenta, and post-partum bleeding (Caulophyllum).

It is remedy for bleeding from uterus due to fibroid (Fraxinus americana).


6 to 15 drops.


Friday, 13 July 2018

Yerba santa. Kader Kochi.


Eriodictyon californicum, Holy weed, Gum bush, Tarweed.


Evergreen aromatic shrub. Height 3 meters. Leaves contains flavonoids, sterubin, resin, tannin, gum, sugar, fat, formic acid, acetic acid, and volatile oil. Bitter. 


This is medicine for asthma, moist bronchitis, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.  

It is medicine externally for wound, sprain, and rheumatism.

It had been used externally for haemorrhoids as steam bath.

It is remedy for Alzheimer diseases, and dementia.

It is remedy for allergic rhinitis, and unproductive cough.


4 to 8 drops.


Yucca filamentosa. Kader Kochi.


Bear grass, Adam's needle, Needle palm.


Evergreen shrub. Height 3 meters. Root and leaves contain saponins.


This is remedy for throbbing headache with bluish white coating in tongue.

It is remedy for chilliness due to liver congestion.

It is remedy for dyspepsia with bad taste in mouth. 

It is remedy for abdominal symptoms with frequent passage of flatus. 

It had been used to stun fish.



Friday, 29 June 2018

Leptandra virginica. Kader Kochi.


Liver root, Culver’s root, Black root, Jeevanthi, Veronica virginica.


Perennial herb. Height 1.5 meter. Black root contains leptandrin, tannin, resin, and volatile oil. Bitter. 


This is medicine for liver congestion due to malaria.

It is medicine for constipation in malaria and liver diseases.

It is medicine for lethargy with cold extremities and heaviness in abdomen.  

It is remedy for symptoms with coated tongue, and black offensive stool.

It is remedy for dyspepsia from portal congestion, fatty liver, and biliary stasis.

It is complementary with Cinchona.


2 to 10 drops.


Lillium tigrinum. Kader Kochi.


Tiger lily, Lilium lancifolium, Devil Lily. 


Perennial flowering plant. Height 2 meters. Flowers and leaves contain toxic principle. 


This is medicine for cough and bronchitis.

It is medicine for palpitation, and angina pectoris.

It is remedy for sick headache, stress, anxiety, and depression.

It is medicine for amenorrhea due to uterine ischemia, or uterine cancer.

It is remedy for neuralgia reflexively from uterine and ovarian congestion.

It is remedy for uterine sub involution, uterine fibroid, and sexual irritability.

It is remedy for uterine prolapse. 

It is remedy for renal insufficiency.

Leaves are toxic to cats.


1 to 5 drops.


Tuesday, 26 June 2018

Calcarea fluorata. Kader kochi.


This is remedy for indurations.

It is remedy for corneal opacities, and cataract.

It is remedy for varicose veins, and arteriosclerosis.

It is remedy for renal mixed calculus.

It is remedy for exostosis, and osteoporosis.

It is remedy for stiffness of both ligaments and muscles.

It is remedy for irregular cell multiplication, and secondary calcification.



Calcarea phosphorica. Kader Kochi.


This is remedy for open fontanelles, bone weakness, emaciation, anaemia, adenoid, scrofula, cretinism, and rickets.

It is remedy for dyspepsia better from eating.

It is remedy for improper spinal development.

It is remedy for chest weakness, and chronic pancreatitis.

It is remedy for hernia, and hydrocele.

It is remedy for osteoporosis.

It is remedy for early degeneration.



Causticum. P.B. Kader Kochi.


It is prepared blending slaked lime with potassium sulphate.


This is remedy for impaired and weak muscle development in children.

It is remedy for hoarseness with burning and rawness.

It is remedy for cardiac weakness.

It is remedy for bed wetting from sphincter paralysis.

It is remedy for paralysis of single parts.

It is remedy for post effects of burns.

It is remedy for weakness of muscles, and muscular dystrophy.

It is dynamic antidote for paralysis developed from lead poisoning.



Ammonium carbonate. Kader Kochi.


This is cardiac stimulant.

It is an antidote in cardiac depression from aconitum, veratrum album, hydrocyanic acid, and snake poisoning.

It is medicine for aphonia, dry cough, and emphysema.

It is remedy in productive cough.

It is remedy for muscular wasting.

It is remedy for biliary liver cirrhosis.

It is remedy for polyuria, leucorrhoea, and profuse menses.

It is remedy for pruritus, and suppressed eruption in measles and erysipelas.




Ammonium muriaticum. Kader Kochi.


This is stimulating expectorant. It is medicine in dry cough, and hoarseness.

It is medicine externally for rheumatic pain, ecchymosis in skin, contusion, and glandular enlargement.

It is remedy for productive cough.

It is remedy for profuse menses, and acrid leucorrhoea.

It is remedy for liver enlargement.

It is remedy for prostration.




Sunday, 24 June 2018

Alumen. Kader Kochi.


This is emetic, and astringent medicine.

It is medicine for tonsillar hypertrophy, productive cough, and bleeding.

It is medicine for diarrhoea, and intestinal bleeding.

It is antiseptic, and styptic locally.

It is medicine externally for bed sore, bleeding haemorrhoids, leucorrhoea, and hyperhidrosis.

It is medicine externally for catarrhal conjunctivitis.

It is remedy for asthma with dry cough.

It is remedy for dyspepsia, and constipation.

It is remedy for innocent tumor. 

It is remedy for retarded growth during teenage.

It is remedy for progeria.

It is remedy for thrombosis.

It is an antidote in lead poisoning (Sulphuric acid).




Aurum muriaticum. Kader Kochi.


This is remedy for depression, Parkinsonism, and multiple sclerosis.

It is remedy for infertility.

It is remedy for nymphomania, and uterine hypertrophy.

It is remedy for degeneration of uterus and ovaries (Mercurius).

It is remedy for arteriosclerosis.

It is remedy for chronic lymphadenopathy, scrofula, and anaemia.

It is remedy for bone marrow disorders.



Amygdalus persica. Kader Kochi.


Peach bark.


Deciduous tree. Height 7 meter. Nut, bark and leaves contains amygdalin. Bee friendly. 


This is remedy for constant nausea, vomiting, and eye irritation.

It is remedy for morning sickness, and mountain sickness.

It is remedy for impaired vision, taste, and smell.

It is remedy for pain in vertical line in chest, abdomen and limbs.

It is remedy for haematuria.



Anacardium orientalis. Kader Kochi.



Marking nut, Semecarpus anacardium. Chenkkuru.


Deciduous tree. Height 15 meters. Nut contains resin, phenolic compounds, anacardol, anacardic acid, and oleoresins. 


This is medicine for neurasthenia, dyspepsia, haemorrhoids, and impotence.

It is remedy for weakness of special senses, amnesia, dementia, Parkinson's disease, schizophrenia, and brain softening. 

It is remedy for hepatic cirrhosis, and liver tumor.

It is remedy for infertility in female.

It is remedy for leukaemia.

It is remedy for arteriosclerosis.

It is remedy for arthritis.

It is remedy for rejuvenation.

It is remedy for vitiligo, and auto immune disorder (Alfalfa).

It had been used externally for rheumatic synovitis, and leukoderma.


1 to 2 drops.


Bromium. Kader Kochi.


 This is antiseptic and disinfectant.

 It is a medicine in nervous excitement and cerebro -spinal over stimulation.

It is sedative medicine in epilepsy, spasm, hysteria, nymphomania and insomnia

It cardiac and respiratory depressant. 

It is remedy in laryngitis, and trachea- bronchitis.

It is remedy in condition with offensive smell.

t is remedy in pustules, boils and acne.

It is remedy is in depression and suicidal thoughts.

It is remedy for purification.

It is remedy in acne.




Cobaltum. Dr. kader Kochi.


This is remedy for degeneration of spinal nerves, and multiple sclerosis (Aconitum, Manganum).

It is remedy for delusion of grandeur, and mood changes with great exhilaration (Alfalfa, Sulphur).

It is remedy for nocturnal seminal emissions without erection.

It is remedy for low backache better by standing and walking.

It is remedy for burning sensation in back.

It is remedy for diabetes, and peripheral neuritis.




Ferrum metallicum. Kader Kochi.


This is medicine for chlorosis, and amenorrhoea. 

It is medicine for vitiligo.

It is remedy for over sensitiveness, ringing in ears, and weakness.

It is remedy for fear, tachycardia, and palpitation.

It is remedy for menorrhagia.

It is remedy for arteriosclerosis, varicose vein, and vascular disorders.

It is remedy for anaemia, thalassemia, haemochromatosis, melasma, cirrhosis, and progeria.

It is remedy for liver tumor.

Its antidotes are Alumina and Arsenic album.




Balsam Tolutanum. Dr. Kader Kochi.


Balsam of tolu, Myroxylon toluifera. 


Evergreen tree. Height 25 meters. Bark is reddish brown. Bark resin contains vanillin, cinnamic acid, benzoic acid, eugenol, and aromatic volatile oil. 


This is medicine for productive cough. 

It is medicine for inhalation in pulmonary diseases.

It is medicine for bed sore, ulcer, cracked nipple, and wound.

It is remedy for dry cough with profuse perspiration.


1 to 6 drops.


Condurango. Kader Kochi.


Eagle vine, Marsdenia condurango.


Climbing plant. Height 10 meters. Flowers are white. Bark contains condurangin, conduritol, strychnine like alkaloid, phytosterols, and tannin. Bitter.


This is medicine for gastric atony, anorexia, and indigestion. 

It is remedy for ulcer at corners of mouth.

It is remedy for chronic gastric ulcer.

It is remedy for carcinoma of lungs.

It is remedy for warts and epithelioma at muco-cutaneous regions.

It is remedy for numbness due to spinal cord degeneration.


1 to 8 drops.


Epigaea repens. Kader Kochi.


Trailing arbutus, Mayflower.


Spreading woody shrub. Height 30 cm. Leaves contain arbutin, urson, ericolin, formic acid, gallic acid, and tannin.


This is medicine for chronic cystitis, uric acid calculus, and dysuria (Uva ursi).

It is a diuretic medicine (Eupatorium purpureum).

It is medicine for rheumatism.

It is medicine for diarrhoea, and fatty liver.

It is remedy for chronic renal insufficiency, and increased creatinine level in blood.

It is remedy for prostatitis.


2 to 20 drops.
