Diabetes mellitus is a metabolic disease that causes high blood sugar, glycosuria and various clinical syndromes. Persisting state of hyperglycaemia is mainly due to lack or diminished effectiveness of endogenous enzymes like insulin. It is not simply a disorder of the pancreas. It affects the whole body, particularly the liver, pituitary gland, brain, spinal cord, thyroid, adrenal glands, kidney, fat and blood vessels. Diabetes is not just a disorder of carbohydrate metabolism, but it also affects protein and fat metabolism. Insufficiency of gastric and pancreatic digestive enzymes can inhibit protein digestion. Undigested protein may cause the formation of allergic factors, and initiation of infiltrations of lymphocytes on endocrine tissues. Inflammations at the level of endocrine tissue also cause abnormal hormone homeostasis.
Abnormal fat metabolism has a role in the diabetogenesis and development of complications like atherosclerosis. Excess of factors that formed by both protein and fat catabolism due to insulin deficiency can promote acidosis secondarily. Acidosis is the common cause in the pathogenesis of secondary symptoms and complications.
Diabetes affects up to 10 percent of the people in Kerala with many more undiagnosed. It is one of major risk factors of vision disorder, renal failure, myocardial infarction, stroke, multiple nerves sclerosis and premature death.
Type 1. Insulin dependent diabetes.
Type 2. Insulin non dependent diabetes.
1. Latent diabetes.
2. Lymphocytic infiltration diabetes.
3. Autoimmune diabetes.
4. Juvenile diabetes.
5. Chemical (laboratory, pre-clinical) diabetes.
6. Gestational diabetes.
7. Clinical diabetes.
8. Malnutrition diabetes.
9. Stable diabetes.
10. Maturity onset diabetes in young (MODY).
11. Secondary diabetes.
12.Overt diabetes.
13. Brittle (Unstable, Liable) diabetes.
14. Senile diabetes.
Obese diabetes.
Emaciated diabetes.
A. Neurogenic diabetes.
B. Pancreatic diabetes.
C. Hepatic diabetes.
D. Renal diabetes.
Yang heat diabetes.
Yin cold diabetes.
Upper - Lung diabetes - Excessive thirst.
Yin deficiency diabetes.
Middle - Liver diabetes - Excessive hunger.
Yang excess diabetes.
Lower - Kidney diabetes -Excessive urination.
Yin deficiency diabetes.
Causes of hyperglycemia
Consumption of refined carbohydrate and sugar consumption.
Excessive consumption of fructose.
Excess of lipids.
Excess of saturated fat.
Deficiency of proteins.
Nutritional deficiency.
Excessive consumption of spices.
Excess of pancreatic digestive cells, and excessive formation of amylase like enzymes.
Secondary digestion of food residue by bad bacteria at the distal part of the intestine.
Excessive absorption of glucose with increased size of pores in intestinal villi.
Excessive secretion of hormones like prolactin, and hormones of anterior pituitary.
Excessive secretion of hormones like thyroxine (Glucose absorption, Heart rate).
Excessive secretion of hormones like adrenaline (Neoglucogenesis, Heart rate).
Excessive secretion of hormones like progesterone.
Insufficiency of Oestrogen, testosterone, and ADH.
Constriction of blood flow to vital organs following sudden severe shock.
Environmental stress with hyperfunctions of vasomotor centre (Faulty education, unemployment, poverty, religion, laws, media, pollution), hypothalamus, thyroid and adrenal glands.
Hormones and enzymes deficiency in old age.
Pancreatitis with loss of beta cells.
Insulin insufficiency due to ischemia to pancreas due to central obesity or atherosclerosis of pancreatic artery.
Insulin insufficiency due to pancreatitis following infiltration of lymphocytes, deposit of oxalate, citrate, urate, calcium, silica, iron, aluminum, mercury, cadmium or heavy metals; chemical, toxins, antibiotics, viral infections.
Pancreatic endocrine insufficiency developed secondary to excessive consumption of cyanide rich food (Cassava).
Pancreatic endocrine insufficiency developed secondary to continuous consumption of refined carbohydrate (Monosaccharides) in early life.
Decreased formation of bicarbonate due to insufficiency pancreas.
Insensitivity of beta cells of pancreas to refined carbohydrates.
Chronic pancreatic cirrhosis (Radiation, viruses, alcohol, dehydration).
Allergy & Autoimmune factors (Improper digestion of protein due pancreatic insufficiency, Abnormal globulin synthesis in liver; Gluten, Casein from cow milk, Alloxan, Chemicals, Sesame, Contrast food items, & Infiltration of lymphocytes in pancreas).
Increased formation & deposition of fructose and sorbitol in liver cells, red blood cells, nerve cells, endocrine cells, and lens.
Liver congestion (Chronic hepatitis, viral hepatitis, fat infiltrations, starvation).
Reduced size of liver cells and cirrhosis.
Increased rate and speed of circulation in the portal system.
Consumption of alcohol.
Consumption of alloxan added food (Maida products, white flour, biscuits).
Consumption of wheat polluted with uranium compounds (Radiation toxicity).
Consumption of contrast food items (Seafood with milk or sugar. Meat with honey).
Consumption of bleached vegetable oil, and hydrogenated fat (Nickel).
Pesticide-1, 3 dichloropropene contaminated items (It is widely used in agriculture of tobacco, potato, beetroot, peanut, cotton, onion and carrot).
Cytotoxicity from vanadium and chromium (stainless cookware or knife). (Food sources of vanadium include oats, vegetable oils, dill, radish, buckwheat and egg. Food sources of chromium (daily requirement < 25 mcg/day) include oats, corn, sweet potato, brewer’s yeast, whole grain, banana, tomato, shellfish, and poultry).
Increased consumption of steroids (Neoglucogenesis, Osteoporosis).
Consumption of chemical medicines (They include Estrogen, Thyroxine, Iron excess, Aminophylline, Phenothiazines, Calcium channel blocker, Ammonium chloride, Ammonium sulphate, Sulpha drugs, Thiazides, Furosemide, Indomethacin, Phenytoin, Levodopa, Lithium, Sympathomimetics, Nicotinic acid, Benzoic acid derivatives, Paracetamol; Opium, Tabaco, Rauwolfia).
Increased formation of oxalic acid in liver cells from ascorbic acid.
Ammoniated fertilizers.
Toxicity from drinking water due to excess of chlorine and chloramine.
Poor elimination.
Haemoconcentration with lowered volume of lymph and body fluids.
Increased insulin requirement during pregnancy and in severe infection.
Sedentary existence.
Physical inactivity.
Spinal lesion at T6 to T10.
Arteriosclerosis in pancreatic and hepatic arteries.
The common symptoms are polyuria, increased thirst, increased appetite and weakness.
Other symptoms developed are due to its complications. They include autonomic nerve dysfunctions, visual defects, paraesthesia, peripheral neuritis, neuropathy with pain, muscle pain, erectile dysfunction, atherosclerosis, weight loss, immunity dysfunctions, pruritus, boils, and skin fungal infections.
They include multiple nerve sclerosis, visual dysfunctions, autonomic nerve dysfunctions,peripheral neuropathy, atherosclerosis, renal failure, foot ulcer, cardiovascular diseases, cerebrovascular accident, tuberculosis in lungs, increased morbidity and lowered longevity. Symptoms of both hyperglycaemia and hypoglycaemia may be developed concomitantly in some advanced diabetes.
Primary prevention of hyperglycemia consists of health education about the necessity of proper diet style from childhood; need of physical exercises, adequate sleep and cleanliness in daily life.
Aim of treatment is something more than the periodic tests, and establishing transient normoglycemia. They primarily include to prevent and treat the complications, secondarily to control the signs and symptoms that appear in everyday life, and to improve the overall health.
Treatment measures
Control intake of refined carbohydrates.
Measures to slow down the digestion and the absorption of glucose from the intestine.
Measures to promote timely evacuation of food residue.
Measures to prevent secondary carbohydrate digestion in the intestine by bad bacteria.
Measures to control increased digestion of carbohydrate in intestine by avoiding food adjuvant like strong spices.
Correct septic foci and source of infections.
Correct of predisposing factors like hypoxia, and chronic obstructive pulmonary diseases.
Measures to increase the vascularity in pancreas, pituitary gland and liver.
Measures to increase the number of beta cells in pancreas.
Measures to proper control of inflammation in pancreas.
Measures to promote insulin secretion from pancreas depot.
Measures to reduce the circulating insulin antagonists, and other opposing enzymes.
Measures to promote glycogenesis in the liver.
Measures to inhibit gluconeogenesis in the liver.
Measures to control the rapid portal circulation that affects proper carbohydrate metabolism.
Measures to promote entry of glucose into liver, muscle, and fat cells.
Measures to promote glucose sensitivity in the brain and red blood cells.
Measures to control glucose sensitivity in red blood cells.
Measures to promote glucose utilization in muscle tissue.
Measures to inhibit protein breakdown in muscle.
Measures to prevent extreme hypokalemic state.
Measures to maintain optimum percentage of water in body fluids.
Measures to maintain optimum homoeostasis in body fluids.
Measures to maintain homoeostasis of hormones including ADH and cortisol.
Diet in hyperglycaemia
Practice a balanced diet with adequate calories proportionate to body weight and daily work. Normal daily caloric requirement is approximately about body weight x 25 calories with composition of carbohydrate 50%, fat 30%, and protein 20%.
Unfavorable items
Spices like garlic and pepper.
Sorbitol rich items include sweets (E 420), potatoes, berries, apples, dates, prunes and cherries.
High starch items like cornmeal, rice krispies cereal, wheat flour, saltine crackers, instant noodles, oat, shortbread cookies, rice, pasta, and potatoes.
Soluble sugars of high molecular weight (Astringent sugar) as they persist in blood for long periods without transporting to lymph fluids or to cells.
Sugar crystals, refined sugar, sweets, starch, white rice, white bread, white flour products, maida (Alloxan toxicity), beetroot (Oxalate), corn fructose, sweet creamy vegetables, and creamy fruits.
Disaccharides like sucrose, lactose, maltose and raffinose. Sucrose contains one molecule of glucose and one molecule of fructose. High levels of sucrose in blood can facilitate the formation of insoluble fructose and sorbitol within red blood cells, then in plasma. When these accumulate in blood, hyperglycaemia persists. They also may be deposited on nerve cells and renal filtration pores. Thus, the efficiency of these tissues is reduced progressively.
The individuals who are more susceptible to obstinate hyperglycemia are better to restrain from polysaccharides, condensed starch and soluble fibres. Soluble fibres rich items are oats, coffee, barley, banana, garlic, onions, Jerusalem artichokes and chicory.
Soda drinks (Citric acid, refined sugar, phosphoric acid, sodium benzoate, cadmium).
Potato chips (Solanaceae, cyanide, acrylamide, trans fat).
Avoid following items
Diet rich in carbohydrates at night because saliva becomes acidic during the night.
Purine rich items include red meat, beer, burned cakes, burned oils, fried fish, and coffee.
Fish contains high glycogen (Contrast food- milk items or honey).
Seafood oil contaminated with chemicals and toxic minerals.
Excess of saturated fat, and animal fat.
Hydrogenated fat or Vegetable oil bleached with oxalic acid, citric acid, acetic acid; and phosphoric acid.
Alloxan (Food bleaching agents) added items.
Some other unfavorable items
Avoid excess of magnesium. It is present in well water, oats, artichokes, barley, spinach, cashew nut, beans, sesame, corn, pumpkin seed, wheat, tomato and dried figs.
Avoid oxalate rich items. They are turmeric, clove, cinnamon, black pepper, ajowan, beetroot, tea, soyabean, cabbage, spinach, chocolate, tomato, sweet potato, onion, coriander, lemon peel, dates and nuts. Oxalates in moderate quantities are in chilli powder, mustard, white pepper, ginger, cumin, and garlic. When cooking, add oil as the last step of preparation. Calcium carbonate is the antidote.
Avoid insulin injection in conditions with blood sugar less than 250 mg/dl. Dependency on insulin will increase if exogenous insulin is consumed for some periods.
Avoid physiological doses of thyroxine or substitutes (as they are hyperglycemic agents (Low dose thyroxine (50 mcg) has remedial action in hyperglycaemia).
Control the conditions like obesity, hyperadrenocorticism and hyperthyroidism early.
Control the habit of coffee drinking.
Avoid the habit of eating areca nuts.
Avoid excess consumption of oats (Magnesium, vanadium, chromium, ergot, starch, and soluble fibre).
Avoid consumption of excess of Iron (> 50 mg / day) rich meat and egg yolk.
Avoid sympathetic overstimulation.
Avoid strong acids.
Avoid too hot drinks, hot coffee, hot tea, wine, brandy, and alcohol.
Avoid emotional disturbances like stress, fear, and anxiety.
Avoid overexertion, and nightwork (Yin deficiency).
Avoid honey.
Favorable items
Prefer fibre contains carbohydrates.
Prefer whole grains and unrefined carbohydrates than ketogenic diets.
Prefer organically grown food grains, vegetables and fruits.
Prefer items that contain insoluble fibres like cumin, curry leaf, coriander, fenugreek and tea. They can slow down the rate of absorption of glucose in the intestine.
Prefer herbal tea like black tea, green tea, fenugreek tea (Astringent tea can delay food absorption by making a coating in the intestinal wall).
Prefer unsaturated vegetable oil, and vegetable soups (They can inhibit glucose absorption, and promote peristalsis).
Prefer non juicy ripe fruits without adding sugar.
Prefer fat less than 30 gm/day.
Prefer unsaturated fat of vegetable origin.
Prefer spices in least quantity. They include ginger, cinnamon, curcuma, and pepper (Its purpose is promoting protein digestion in the stomach and carbohydrate digestion in the intestine).
Prefer weak acids like apple vinegar or lemon juice (They are helpful to promote protein digestion).
Prefer oily freshwater fish (They are helpful to slow the absorption of glucose in the intestine).
Ensure adequate minerals and vitamins (chlorine 8 gm, sodium 4 gm, potassium 4 gm, calcium 1.5 gm, phosphorus 1gm, magnesium 300 mg, ascorbic acid 75 mg, nicotinic acid 15 mg, iron 15 mg, zinc 15 mg, thiamine 2 mg, and riboflavin 2mg) in daily diet. Include sufficient calcium (Insulin release from pancreatic cells), zinc (Insulin storage), potassium (Insulin carriage), and magnesium (Glucose absorption and glycogen formation) of herbal origin minerals in daily diet. Excess of calcium in blood may cause polyuria, spasmodic pain in stomach, muscle weakness, hypertension, atrial fibrillation, short QT interval, ventricular tachycardia, and slurring in descending limb of R wave in ECG. Ascorbic acid (Citrus fruits, carrot) is beneficial to maintain integrity of adrenal glands, and excretion of crystals through urine.
Drink two glasses of slightly warm water in the early morning, before the meals and in between two meals to promote haemodilution.
Drink water two liter/ day (30 ml/kg weight. Hemodilution).
Prefer bitter gourd, bottle gourd and guava.
Prefer boiled vegetables (Avoid oxalates).
Prefer cabbage and okra (Hypothyroidism).
Prefer egg white and liver.
Prefer blood thinning agents. They include fish oil, onion, beer, egg albumin, white pepper, ginger, Pineapple (Salicylic acid).
Prefer ginseng.
Prefer yeast.
Prefer kelp.
Keep optimum electrolytes
Sodium, glucose and Nitrogen are three main factors to maintain optimum blood pressure and blood osmolarity. It is about 300 mEq/L.
Restrict potassium and sodium in diet keeping with minimum daily requirement (Low potassium helpful to the reabsorption of potassium exchanging with hydrogen ion in distal renal tubules).
2 x Sodium (142mg) + Glucose/18 + Urea / 2.8 = 300 mOsm/kg.
Sodium (138) + Potassium (4) = Chlorine (100) + Bicarbonate (30) + Anion gap (12).
Exercise & Manipulative measures
Increase work and muscular activities to promote utilization of glucose by skeleton muscles.
Walk one kilometer after food (to reduce rapid digestion and absorption).
Practice abdominal breathing exercises regularly to reduce central obesity, to expel the carbon dioxide, to increase the efficiency of lungs (Total numbers of alveoli are about 50 cores), and to increase the oxygen reserve in muscles for the purpose of promoting aerobic glucose metabolism.
Avoid excess sun heat (March haemoglobinuria) to prevent water loss, and haemoconcentration.
Take spinal manipulation near the mid thoracic region (T6 to T10).
Rub skin with a concentrated salt solution before bath once in a week.
Rub at sensitive points at external ears.
Rub on both palms and soles vigorously 5 times daily.
TENS on external ears and at the inner part of the palm for 10 minutes.
Practice muscle manipulation such as massaging, pulling, kneading, pushing and grasping.
Homoeopathic medicines
Eliminative medicines (Cure).
Purifying medicines (Cure).
Healing medicines.
Healing remedies.
Rejuvenation medicines.
Chief healing remedy.
Complementary remedy.
Organ specific remedy.
Quercus Q. Cinnamon Q. Ginseng Q. Camellia sinensis Q. Allium sativa Q. Ocimum sanctum Q. Gymnema Sylvestre Q.Trigonella Q.Hydrastis Q. Arctium lappa Q. Galega officinalis Q. Taraxacum officinale Q. Urtica urens Q. Vaccinium Myrtillus Q. Lycopus virginicus Q.Oenothera biennis Q. Scoparium spartium Q. Cinchona Q. Tinospora cordifolia Q. Swietenia macrophylla, Nux vomica.
Para Sympathomimetic (Trigonella, Ipecac, Jaborandi and Physostigma), potassium, calcium, and sulphur are helpful to promote insulin release from pancreatic tissue depot indirectly. They are helpful to increase the size of pores in muscle and fat cells.
Disturbance in the sympathetic autonomic nerve system may cause hyperglycemia by promoting the vasodilation in portal veins with deficient pooling of glucose in hepatic cells, and increased secretion of glucagon from pancreas. Glycogenolysis may be developed by excess adrenal hormones.
Glucose is reached into RBC, liver cells, eyes and brain cells (100 billion) without the help of insulin normally. Excess of glucose will be converted to fructose and sorbitol in liver cells. The oxygen carrying capacity of RBC will be lowered when excess of glucose or fructose reached in RBC. Nerve functions also may be altered by formation and deposition of fructose in nerve cells.
Natural insulin is essential for carbohydrate metabolism that include the entry of glucose from lymph fluid (30 liter) to muscle cells and fat cells, formation of glycogen in liver cells, and prevention of neoglucogenesis in the liver cells.
Molecular weight of insulin is in between 7000 to 5000 (5801.6/g/mol) normally. Insulin of small size with potassium ions (It acts as a vehicle) can enter through pores of cell membrane easily. Natural insulin is reached first in liver cells, and 50 % of it is used by the liver. Thus, hyperglycaemic symptoms are not developed immediately following the release of insulin or after refined carbohydrate food. Entry of glucose into neurons will be reduced when the cell membrane of neurons are thickened due to deposition of cholesterol in the middle layer of arteries. Hypoglycemia neurological symptoms also may be developed due to hypoxia due to atherosclerosis, abnormal lipid metabolism, or following excess of exogenous insulin.
Ricinus communis Q, podophyllum Q, Cascara sagrada Q, Mustard oil, senna Q etc can promote peristalsis, and the excretion of some morbid mono sachrides through bile or intestinal epithelium.
Cinnamon Q, Zingiber officinalis Q and Galega Q are helpful to increase insulin sensitivity in liver, muscles and fat cells.
Diluted alcohol is helpful to increase the glucose sensitivity of beta cells in pituitary gland and pancreas'; Insulin release, and to decrease the glucose resistance in muscle tissue.
Liver protecting medicines
Parasympatholytic can prevent liver glycogenolysis through inhibiting release of glucagon from alpha cells of pancreas.
Belladonna Q, Hyoscyamus Q, and Stramonium Q.
Sympatholytics can prevent liver glycogenolysis by inhibiting release of adrenal hormone.
Rauwolfia Q, Veratrum viride Q, Cinchona Q, and Secale cor Q,Nux vomica 8x.
Inhibition of glycogenolysis in the liver.
Kalmegh Q, Lycopodium Q, Trigonella Q, Viscum album Q, Podophyllum Q, Arnica Q, Chelidonium Q, and Ptelea trifoliata Q.
Thyroid hormones are essential for absorption of glucose from the intestine. The increased quantity of chemical iodine in thyroid cells can cause hyperfunctions primarily. Then it decreases the efficiency of cells, and finally may cause diminished secretion of thyroxine and resultant hypoglycemia.
Fucus vesiculosus Q can inhibit glycogenolysis.
Low Oestrogen & Testosterone
Low levels of oestrogen is associated with diabetes. Soybeans, walnuts, sesame seeds, sunflower seeds, flaxseeds, almonds, walnut, red grapes, oats, wheatgerm, apple, olive oil, yam, lentils, linseed, onions, chocolate, hibiscus also contain phytoestrogen. Boron containing items (Almond, Avocado, Hazelnuts, red beans, Cashew nuts, Honey) also can promote normal oestrogen levels.
Oestrogen promoting medicines
Asoka janosia, Baptisia, Psoralen, Aconitum, Sabal serrulata, Coffea, Trigonella, Humulus, Trifolium pretense, Glycyrrhiza, Cimicifuga, Thuja, Alfalfa, Gelsemium.
High Progesterone and Hyperglycemia.
Progesterone blocking medicines
Cimicifuga, Gossypium root bark, Mentha pulegium, Acorus calamus, Chamomile, Damiana.
Low ADH and hyperglycemia
Secretion of antidiuretic hormone can be promoted by inhalation of tobacco. This may be helpful to increase volume of body fluids, and to reduce hemoconcentration. It also lowers the urine volume (It may worsen hypertension).
Sexual dysfunctions - Medicines
Aspidosperma Q, Guarana Q, Fenugreek Q, and Damiana Q.
Blood-thinning medicines
Salix nigra Q, Cinchona Q, Aloe socotrina Q, Gaultheria Q; Ginkgo Q, Hypericum Q, Ginseng Q, Zingiber Q, Allium sativa Q.
List of medicines for hyperglycemia.
Ricinus communis Q. Rauwolfia Q. Azadirachta indica Q.Abroma augusta Q. Alstonia constricta Q. Berberis vulgaris Q. Eupatorium purpureum Q. Trigonella Q. Gymnema sylvestre Q. Achyranthes aspera Q. Ficus religiosa Q. socotrina Q. Emblica officinalis Q. Ficus indica Q. Medicago sativa Q. Nux moschata Q. Rhus aromatica Q.Terminalia chebula Q. Veronica anthelmintica Q. Pterocarpus marsupium Q. Mimosa pudica Q, Acacia catechu Q. Nigella sativa Q. Aristolochia indica Q. Cephalandra indica Q.
Bitter items can increase the size of vacuoles in cells, and give the space for glucose storage inside the liver and muscle cells. They are medicines for hyperglycemia.
Rauwolfia Q, Cinchona Q, Aletris farinosa Q, Gentiana Q, Swietenia macrophylla, Nux vomica Q, Azadirachta Indica Q, Andrographis paniculata Q, Cardus marianus Q, Artemisia vulgaris Q, Chamomilla Q, Lupulus Q, Berberis vulgaris Q, Valeriana Q, Veronica anthelmintica Q, Podophyllum Q, Millefolium Q.
Astringents like Acacia catechu,Terminalia chebula, Swietenia macrophylla, Olibanum,Gulgul, Arabic gum, Moringa gum, Ekanayakam bark (Salacia oblonga) can delay starch digestion and glucose absorption in intestine (Some astringents may promote gas formation and hyperglycemia). They can be used as remedies.
Sour items
Main culprits in diabetes are acids include alcohol, butyric acid, oxaloacetic acid, acetoacetic acid, uric acid, and gluconic acid, Weak acids are remedies in hyperglycemia. Very diluted acids can clear the waste debris that deposited at pores of cell membrane. They also can promote hemodilution.
A. Organic acids. Highly diluted
Ascorbic acid, Acetic acid, Malic acid, Fumaric acid, Citric acid, Benzoic acid, and Oxalic acid.
B. Inorganic acids. Highly diluted
Phosphoric acid, Hydrochloric acid, Hydrofluoric acid, Nitric acid, and Sulphuric acid.
Minerals & Insulin resistance.
Magnesium level high may cause hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance.
Potassium level high may cause hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance.
Calcium level high may cause hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance.
Iodine level high may cause hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance.
Sodium level low may cause hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance.
Phosphorus level low may cause hyperglycemia, and insulin resistance.
Low level of magnesium is associated with hyperinsulinism, while hypermagnesemia inhibits insulin secretion. The normal level of Magnesium in the blood of adults is about 1.5 to 2.5m Eq/L. Spices, green leaves, nuts, and beans contain Magnesium. Magnesium sulphate or Magnesium phosphate can be used as chelating agents in atherosclerosis.
Insulin is helpful in the shift of potassium ions from extracellular fluid into the cells. Mild hyperkalemia (> 4.5 mg /dl) may stimulate insulin secretion in some individuals who have sustained high blood sugar levels. Increased K+ and Ca++, with low Mg++ in lymph can facilitate pumping more insulin from the pancreas depot. Fruits and whole grains contain large quantities of potassium.
Slow pulse, ECG changes (Bradycardia, raised ST segment, wide QRS interval, and low amplitude of R wave) and periodic weakness are the signs & symptoms seen in hyperkalemia. Adrenal insufficiency, low aldosterone, renal disorder, continuous use of NSAIDs, sulpha drugs, acidosis, infarction, and diuretics can predispose hyperkalemia. Prefer laxative to correct hyperkalemia.
It is better to avoid strong sugar lowering medicines If the symptoms of hypoglycemia like sweating, tremor or anxiety persist but blood sugar levels are near to 200%.
Increased levels of insulin may cause obesity and atherosclerosis ( entry of fatty acids and glucose to fat cells. Starvation and old age can cause fatty degeneration). Treatment must be dependent on clinical symptoms aetiology and underlying pathogenesis.
Alkali items
Alkaline items can prevent early exhaustion of the pancreas cells (Kidney also). They include vegetables, fruits, fried corn, barley, and yeast. Avoid excess bicarbonate as it destroys insulin in plasma. It may facilitate auto immune changes in pancreas ( Virus like coxsackie).
List of Homoeopathic remedies (Rebound action)
Lobelia 3 X. Coffea 3 X. Piper nigrim 3 X. Allium sativa 3 X. Rosmarinus officinalis 3 X. Thuja 3 X. Salvia 3 X (Thujone). Galega 3X. Gelsemium 3 X. Hydrocotyle asiatica 3 X. Apium graveolens 3 X. Digitalis 3 X. Oleander 3 X. Strophanthus hispidus 3 X (Strophanthus toxicity can promote hypokalemia, aldosterone secretion, hypertension and hyperglycemia). Secale cor 3 X. Rauwolfia 3X. Belladonna 3 X.Stramonium 3 X. Hyoscyamus 3 X. Duboisia 3 X. Grindelia 3 X. Swietenia macrophylla 4X. Nux vomica 8X. Ignatia amara 8X. Tabacum 6X. Plumbum metalicum 6 X. Calcium phosphate 3X. Five phos 3 X.
Sugar contains Homeopathic remedies
Glycyrrhiza 3 X, Alfalfa 3 X, Cinnamomum 3 X, Ginseng 3 X, Valeriana 3 X, Xanthoxylum 3 X, Yerba Santa 3 X, Vitis vinifera 3 X, Eucalyptus 3X, Cinchona 3 X, Chimaphila 3 X, Cimicifuga 3 X, Cypripedium 3 X, Equisetum 3 X, Lycopodium 3 X, Malic acid.
Nightshade (Solanine) remedies
Tabacum 3 X, Solanum tuberosum 3 X, Solanum lycospercum 3 X, Solanum nigrim 3 X, Dulcamara 3 X, Withania somnifera 3 X.
Inulin contains remedies
Allium sativa 3 X, Allium cepa 3 X, Taraxacum 3 X, Arnica Montana 3 X, Echinacea 3 X, Arctium lappa 3 X, Helianthus annus 3 X, and Agave Americana 3 X.
Phosphorus contains remedies
Lycopodium 3 X, Curcuma longa 3 X, and Allium cepa 3 X (Diabetes is about 30% in phosphorus rich location- Nauru islands).
Magnesium contains remedies
Urtica urens 3 X, Taraxacum 3 X, Stellaria 3 X, Terminalia arjuna 3 X, Colocynth 3 X, Alfalfa 3 X, Aloe socotrina 3 X, Symphytum 3 X, Trifolium pretense 3 X, Equisetum 3 X, Trigonella 3 X, and Gelsemium 3 X.
Chromium contains remedies
Glycyrrhiza 3 X, Equisetum 3 X, Millefolium 3 X, Trifolium pratense 3 X, Allium sativa 3 X, Dioscorea villosa 3 X, Urtica urens 3 X, and Sarsaparilla 3 X (Honey).
Arsenic contains remedies
Tabacum 3X, Arsenic album 3 X, Ars iodide 3 X, Taraxacum 3 X, and Sinapis alba 3 X (Diabetes is more in people lived areas where soil is contaminated with arsenic (Rice paddy fields). Arsenic is also more in seafoods. Nontoxic arsenic is helpful to eliminate the impure iron inside the cells (Chelation Pancreatic haemochromatosis), to purify endocrine cells, and formation of new fibrils in nerve axons. It can promote angiogenesis and microcirculation on fibrosed area especially myocardium.
Sulphur contains remedies.
Azadirachta indica 3 X, Arnica montana 3 X, Zingiber 3 X, Allium sativa 3 X, Tabacum 3 X, Viscum album 3 X, Asafoetida 3X, Sulphuric acid 3 X.(Antidote of Nux Vomica dilution).
Ascorbic acid (Oxalic acid, Uric acid, Alloxan) related remedies
Phyllanthus officinalis 3 X, Thymus vulgaris 3X, Capsicum 3 X, Rumex 3 X, Thea sinensis 3 X, Piper nigrim 3 X, Syzygium aromaticum 3 X.
Liver inflammatory remedies
Chelidonium 3 X, Berberis vulgaris 3 X, Hydrastis 3 X, Sanguinaria 3 X, Allium sativa 3 X, Podophyllum 3 X, Leptandra 3 X, and Ptelea trifoliata 3 X.
Prolactin promoting remedies
Agnus castus 3 X, Mentha piperita 3 X, Ambergris 3 X (Pandemic), Aegle folia 3 X, Acetic acid 3 X, Alcohol 3 X.
Thyroid (T3) promoting items remedies
Iodum 3 X, Fucus vesiculosus 3 X.
Adrenal hormone promoting remedies
Ephedra 3 X, Echinacea 3 X, Dioscorea 3 X, Sida cordifolia 3 X, Liquorice 3 X.
Progesterone promoting remedies
Sanguinaria 3 X, Juglans regia 3 X.
Swietenia 4X, Syzygium aromaticum 6X, Calotropis 6X, Ricinus communis 6X, Nux vomica 8X,Tabacum 6X, Zingiber 6X, Piper nigrim 6X, Alfalfa 6X.
External therapy (Magi, Christo treatment)
Apply Ricinus communis oil (Palm Christi) on skin below the navel twice daily (Antidote in nux vomica).
Apply Piper nigrum on skin below navel twice daily.
Apply the indicated remedies (Nux vomica with Medicago sativa) in sesame oil on the abdomen below the navel before bath.
Lime water.
White magic medicines, Black magic remedies
Group 1. A.
W. Chrisi medicines. Acids.
W. Christi remedies. Calcium carbonate.
B. Magus christi.remedies. Ricinus communis.
Group 1. B
W. Christi medicines. Cyanide group.
W. Christi remedies. Manganese group.
W. Christi remedies. Mercurius group.
W. Christi remedies. Arsenic group.
W Christi remedies. Iron group.
B. Magus christi remedies. Syzygium aromaticum, Swietenia, Nux vomica.
Group 2. A
W. Medicines. Sulphur group( Asafetida).
W. Remedies. Arsenic (Angiogenesis).
B. Magus christi. Ricinus, Syzygium aromaticum, Nux vomica.
Group 2. B
W. Medicines. Fructose group.
W. Remedies. Protein group (Alloxan).
W. Christi medicines. Herbal fumaric acid (Malic acid). Apple, Swietenia.
W. Christi remedies. Herbal Manganese.
B. Magus christi remedies. Syzygium aromaticum.
B. Magus christi remedies. Ricinus communis.
It is usually developed following the increased consumption of exogenous insulin, Insulin intake with excess of physical activity or excess of Insulin intake without food, hyperactivity of pancreas due pancreatic tumor, chronic starvation, increased production of globulins and, following with refined carbohydrate.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
The common symptoms include anxiety, anger, confusion, fear, sleeplessness, headache, tachycardia, palpitation, slurred speech, criminal thoughts, irritability, tremor, fatigue, numbness, nausea, cold sweating, dizziness, blurred vision, and tissue swelling. Anxiety developed in hypoglycemia is due to rebound release of increased stress hormones.Spasm, seizures and coma may be developed in severe stages.
Chronic hypoglycemia, Medicines (Induced hypothyroidism)
Glycyrrhiza Q. Lobelia Q. Rosmarinus officinalis Q.Galega Q. Gymnema sylvestre Q. Ginseng Q. Belladonna Q, Stramonium Q, Hyoscyamus Q, Duboisia Q, Grindelia Q. Strophanthus Q. Vaccinum myrtille Q.Apium graveolens Q.
Hypoglycemia medicines
Allium sativa Q. Allium cepa Q. Arnica montana Q. Echinacea Q. Arctium lappa Q. Taraxacum
(Calcium, As) Q. Helianthus annus Q. Agava americana Q.
Piperidine contain items
Piper nigrim Q. Piper longum Q. Conium maculatum Q. Granatum Q. Tabacum Q. Quercus Q.
Favorable items (Hypoglycemia symptoms)
Take rest and relax in an acute stage.
Prefer diet with carbohydrate, fat, and protein in a ratio of 4:3:3.
Fiber rich carbohydrate diet in moderate quantity three or six times daily is advisable. It is helpful to prevent rapid release of insulin, and to keep sustained levels of glucose in blood.
Drink tea or coffee with little sugar.
Alcohol < 5%.
Prefer fruit juice, fruits, and artichokes.
Prefer the intake of food items that contain soluble fiber (Fructose).
Include spices in diet to promote digestion and also for secretion of pancreatic amylase.
Chronic hypoglycemia. Remedies
Bitter remedies
Azadirecta indica 3 X. Alertis farinosa 3 X. Andrographis paniculata 3 X. Gentiana 3 X. Cinchona 3 X. Artemisia vulgaris 3 X. Rauwolfia 3 X. Chamomile 3 X. Trigonella 3 X. Cardus marianus 3 X. Beriberis vulgaris 3 X. Millefolium 3 X. Lupulus 3 X. Valariana 3 X.Camellia sinesis 3 X. Hydrastis 3 X. Nux vomica 3 X (Sympthethomimetic).
Salicylic acid contains remedies
Tabacum 3 X. Salix nigra 3 X.Cinchona 3 X. Aloe socotrina 3 X. Gaultheria 3 X. Chamomile 3 X. Oleander 3 X. Trifolium Pretense 3 X. Sambucus 3 X. Capsicum 3 X.
Unfavorable items (Hypoglycemic symptoms)
Avoid refined sugar.
Avoid excessive physical exercise during fasting.
Avoid food containing suspected allergens (Gluten, casein, cyanide, soya protein, shellfish, salicylic acid derivatives).
Avoid excessive alcohol intake without food. Alcohol can stimulate beta cells and insulin release more quickly than starch. Thus, symptoms of hypoglycaemia may be developed transiently in alcoholics.
Treatment method for diabetes consists of diet awareness, food control, physical activity, and consumption of safe medicines & remedies.
We have a refined diet culture and food habits about what to eat, how to cook, and when to eat according to age, body constitution, occupations, season, place etc.
Treatment for diabetes mellitus is complex art. Homeopathic (based on similarity, Doctrine of signature) remedies are helpful for not only to control the symptoms of hyperglycaemia and hypoglycemia but also to cure the long term diabetes complications such as cardiovascular diseases, autonomic neuropathy, peripheral neuritis, retinopathy and renal diseases without any adverse effects. Homeopathic remedies are also helpful to correct the other autoimmune diathesis that developed in the early part of life. These remedies also have rejuvenation properties.