Evolution of plants and man took place about 300 million and 3 million years ago respectively. Man could understand the toxicity of plants and its medicinal powers along with the development of human civilization. It had been developed through speculation, hypothesis, and experience.
Man used plants to expel the evil spirits and alleviating miseries such as wound, pain, fatigue, sorrow, loss of elasticity and difficulty in movement. They used plant's secondary metabolites for hunting animal and fish, murder, magic and recreation.
They could differentiate toxic, medicinal and the nutritional properties of herbs through time. Cat commonly uses acalypha indica (sedative) for breathing discomforts; and Valerian (stimulant) for colic and other disturbances. Monkey likes Asphaltum.
They could differentiate toxic, medicinal and the nutritional properties of herbs through time. Cat commonly uses acalypha indica (sedative) for breathing discomforts; and Valerian (stimulant) for colic and other disturbances. Monkey likes Asphaltum.
The Babylonians, Egyptians, Mayans, ancient Hebrews and Assyrians were familiar with medicinal plants. Medicines like aconite, belladonna, curare, taxes buccata, and puffer fish etc were used as arrow poison. Secale cor, Belladonna, Tobacco, Cactus, Agaricus, Physostigma, Ephedra etc were used as psychotropic medicines.
Medical knowledge was propagated from father to son. Sorcerers were the medical practitioners, and they diagnose the cause of diseases whether it is good or evil spirit.
Duties of ancient physicians were collecting medicines, cleaning, bandaging, and plastering wounds. Root diggers were an important caste in ancient Greece.
Duties of ancient physicians were collecting medicines, cleaning, bandaging, and plastering wounds. Root diggers were an important caste in ancient Greece.
Fasting, purified bath, beat on head with wood material, sleep in a dark room, sacrificing coins to the interpreter of dream, eating barley bread, and hanging on a temple wall were the customs of hospitality treatment in Asclepius health resorts. Hippocrates and father of Aristotle were physicians of Aesculapius temple.
This concept was applied to the four body fluids: phlegm, blood, yellow bile, and black bile.
Medicine was an art, science, and cultural product. Medicinal knowledge was gained through both va-mozhi (oral) and varamozhi (graph).
Cats and chimpanzees are involved in self-medication.
Traditional materia medica was based on old writings originating from the ancient Indians, Chinese, Greeks and Romans. It is considered that western civilization developed in the areas around Euphrates and Tigris around 4000 BC.
Cats and chimpanzees are involved in self-medication.
Assyrian plates got from these regions described more than 200 medicines include Opium, Thyme, Liquorice, Senna, Coriander, Saffron, Cinnamon and Garlic.
Greek got medical knowledge from all surrounding countries through trade and cultural relations.
Aesculapius was considered as Father and God of physicians. Greek medicine was based on the thought that matter is constituted by four basic elements -Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.
Assyrian plates got from these regions described more than 200 medicines include Opium, Thyme, Liquorice, Senna, Coriander, Saffron, Cinnamon and Garlic.
Soma was used as Panacea in India. Medicines like Amanita muscaria, Aristolochia, Aconitum, Sarcostemma, Datura, Cannabis, Ephedra, and Opium were considered as soma.
Galen grouped human body into four temperaments on basis of different body fluids. Disease was considered a condition due to the imbalance of body fluids and environment.
They were collected in moonlight, and extracted with praying. Leaves of Aegle folia were used in connection with worship of God Siva in south India. Food materials were used to correct the changes in body fluids, because of they formed from the same elements-Fire, Air, Space, Earth and Water.
Temperament | Humor | Elements |
Phlegmatic | Phlegm | Water |
Sanguine | Blood | Air |
Melancholic | Black bile | Earth |
Choleric | Yellow bile | Fire |
Sweet | Salt | Sour | Pungent | Bitter | Astringent |
Earth and water | Earth and fire | Water and fire | Fire and air | Air and space | Air and earth |
Promote growth and pleasure. Cure hot fever. Promotes down ward movements | Promote sweat. Antiseptic | Gives heat. Promote urination | Promote sweat. Reduce phlegm. Promote stiffness Promote proliferation | Promote vomiting, and appetite. Open cell membrane pores and big orifice. Cure chronic fever. Taste sweet become sensitive when it used frequently | Contract all orifices. Promotes retention |
Physician’s duty was to correct the balance of body fluids by foods that contain minimum bioactive compounds. Later low doses of metabolites of plants along with food were primarily used to promote elimination of toxin through urine, vomit, sweat, and stool. Foods were medicines. Foods were classified based on tastes - sweet, salt, sour, pungent, bitter and astringent.
Milestone of materia medica | |
Assyrian plates | BC 4000. They described >200 medicines include Opium, Thyme, Liquorice, Senna, Coriander, Saffron, Cinnamon and Garlic. |
Mayans South American | BC4000. They introduced Coca leaves and Arrow poisons ( Puffer fish and toad skin). |
Shen nung China Emperor | BC 3000. He described >350 medicines include Opium poppy, Liquorice, Ergot, Rhubarb, Gentian and Valerian. |
Imhotep Egypt . | BC 2600. Luxur discovered Ebers papyrus of 1550 BC in 1872. They used medicinal herbs include Aloe, Absinth, Peppermint, Colocynth, Garlic, Juniper, Cumin, Ricinus seeds, Arabic gum, Strophanthus, Myrrh, Rheum, Hyoscyamus, Pomegranate, Opium, Cannabis, Cassia and Hemlock. |
Worshipers of Hecate God, Colchis island, Black sea, Rome | BC 1500. They used Aconitum, Mandragora, Opium, Secale, Belladonna and Colchicum |
India | BC 900. They used soma as panacea |
Hippocrates, Kos, Greek | BC 460-377. He described >200 plants |
Aristotle, Greek | BC 384-322. He wrote many books |
Theophrastus | BC 370-287. He wrote “Historia plantarum” described > 450 plants |
Celtic priest | They introduced Viscum and Lycopodium |
Plato Greek | Father of Mediterranean diet |
Aulus Cornelius Celsus | 25 B.C.—50 A.D. He wrote ‘De medicina’ described > 250 medicinal plants. |
Plinius the elder, Rome | A.D 23. – August 25, 79. He wrote “Historia naturalis” described > 200 medicinal plants. |
Pedanius Dioscorides, Rome | AD 40-80. He wrote “De Materia Medica” described > 600 medicinal plants. |
Claudius Aelius Galenus, Greek | 129 – 200 A.D. He described >300 medicinal plants. He introduced pungent mixtures, and coating of pills with Lycopodium. |
Ansegis monastery | Doctrine of Signature |
Avicenna Arabia | 980-1037 A.D. He wrote Canon Avicenna . He introduced drug proving in animals, and alcohol first in pharmacy. |
Ibin al baitar Spain | A.D 1197-1248. He described > 1000 medicinal plants |
Phillipus Aurelius Theophrastus Paracelsus Bombastus von Hohenheim | 17 December 1493 – 24 September 1541. He explained about active principle, benefits of small dose and simple medicine. He believed every drug is toxic, the body is conglomeration of chemical, and health is homeostasis of bio chemicals. |
Carl von linné botanist Sweden | 23 May 1707– 10 January 1778. He classified living species |
John Gregory | A.D 1723-76. He elaborated the medical code. |
The term orthodox was inferred to medical practice with trustworthy, morality and kindness. Medical practice was an art as well as science. It had followed certain terms and conditions in all parts of the world and all time. Natural medicines are effective and sufficient in treatment of many day-to-day diseases of plants, animals and human beings.
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