Wednesday, 5 November 2014

Down syndrome. Homeopathic remedies. Kader Kochi.

Down syndrome is a genetic condition with mental subnormality in which a person has 47 chromosomes instead of the usual 46.This congenital disorder was first described by John Langdon Haydon Down (18 November 1828, October 1896), an English physician in 1866. Down syndrome is not usually inherited from parents. The most cases of Down syndrome (95%) are usually caused by some changes during the development of the ovum, sperm cell, or embryo.

More than 75% of Down syndrome defects occur due to an extra chromosome 21 within the ovum. Less than 25% of cases occur due to an extra chromosome in the sperm cell. Some rare cases the ovum and sperm cells are normal. It also calls trisomy 21 (> 90%). It is also known as 'Up syndrome' because of the cheerful personality.

It occurs about once in every 600 800 births. Gender, race, and ethnicity do not appear to play a role in the development of the disorder. It affects an equal number of boys and girls.


Mothers who are 35 years and older. As a woman's age increases, the risk of having a Down syndrome baby increases.

Woman who has child with Down syndrome.

Chemical Toxicity: Environmental chemical pollutants, Petrochemical pollutants, Bisphenol A in plastic, Heavy metal pollution, Alcohol, and Tobacco smoke toxin, Manganese toxicity etc. have some role.


The characteristic features of Down syndrome vary from person to person and can range from mild to severe.



Separated joints between the bones of the skull.

Small or abnormal shaped head.

Flat area on back of head.

Flat appearing face.

Rounded cheeks.

Small chin.


Upward slanting eyes.

Extra folds of skin located at the inside corner of eye.

The inner corner of the eyes may be rounded instead of pointed.

White spots on the colored part of the eye.


Small, low-set, misshapen ears.


Low-set, look forward.

Flat bridge. 

Small nose.


Small and irregularly shaped.

Narrow and high palate.

Protruding of tongue.


Loose skin at the nape of the neck.


Umbilical hernia.

Short stature.

Dysplastic pelvis.

Upper extremity

Small, wide hands with short fingers.

An unusual deep crease across the center of the palm.

Malformed fifth finger.

Overly-flexible joints. 

Lower extremity

Weak muscles.

Wide space between the big and the second toes.

Unusual creases on the soles of the feet.

Overly-flexible joints.

Short legs.


Behavioral characteristics  include calm, cheerfulness, gentleness, patience, tolerance and less responsive.

Some are anxious and impulsive.

Low intellectual ability. I.Q range varies in between 20-70.


Delayed physical, mental and social development.

Many different medical conditions are seen in people with Down syndrome

Congenital heart disease ( 30 - 50%).They include Atrial Septal Defects, Ventricular Septal Defects, Endocardial Cushion Defects or Tetralogy of Fallot. Severe heart problems may lead to early death. Malformations of the gastrointestinal tract (5-7%)They include esophageal atresia, or duodenal atresia.

Mental retardation.


Eye problems, poor vision, and early cataract.

Dentition delayed, irregular development of teeth and Crooked teeth.


Men with Down syndrome are commonly sterile. Women with Down syndrome are fertile. About 50 % of babies of these women will be born with Down syndrome. Some individuals with Down syndrome may live independently as adults, while others may require long-term care and support.

Possible complications

Early and massive vomiting due to esophageal atresia or duodenal atresia.

Sleep apnea due to narrowing of upper airway.

Recurrent upper respiratory infections.

Leukemia (30%). It can cause early death.

Hip joint dislocation.


Chronic constipation. 

Dental problems.

Deafness or balance complaints due to recurrent ear infections.

Cognitive disabilities, Dementia, and Alzheimer’s disease.

Premature senility.

Weakness at upper part of back.

Prognosis in Down syndrome depends on the severity of related health problems like heart defects, leukemia, and infectious diseases. Although many Down syndrome children have physical and mental limitations, they can live independent and productive lives well into adulthood. The average age at death for an individual with Down syndrome is about 50 to 55 years.

Preventive treatment

Genetic and psychological counseling for persons with a family history of Down syndrome who wish to have a baby.

Provide Calcium phosphate 3 x for boys and girls of family.

Prefer milk products than alcohol during honeymoon.

Avoid Ginger, Garlic and spicy foods during Honeymoon. 

Avoid excess of broiler chicken during Honeymoon celebration.

Avoid cattle feed contaminated with Fungicide, Arsenic and Ergot. 

Avoid much Alcohol, Cabbage and Mustard seeds and Onions in daily life.

Avoid shellfish and bottom fish as it contains heavy metals like Mercury and Lead.

Avoid food items with coloring agents, artificial sugar, Trans fat and acrylamide.

Avoid food items contaminated with Thallium and insecticide (during childhood).

Avoid pepper and cloves during pregnancy.

Protect from mosquito bite (day bite) during pregnancy (Zika virus infection).

Homeopathic treatment

A. Anti miasmatic remedies.

Calcarea carbonate(Pearls), Magnesium phos, Natrum mur.

Anti miasmatic remedies.

Allium sativa, Viscum album. 

Anti miasmatic remedies.

Veratrum album, Chelidonium, Thuja, Valariana.

B. Miasmatic remedies. 

Ricinus communis, Syzygium aromaticum, Calotropis,  Alfalfa, Cardamom, Olibanum, Manganum oxydatum nitricum.

Miasmatic remedies. 


Miasmatic remedies.

Arsenicum, Tabacum. Arsenic sulphide.

Supporting treatment                     

Low Immunity

Ocimum sanctum, Withania somnifera.


Cardus marianus, Ginseng.

Anti-microbial medicines

Absinthium, Allium sativa, Berberis vulgaris, Echinacea, Eucalyptus, Ipecac, Hydrastis.


Acorus calamus, Brahmi, Fenugreek, Ginkgo biloba, Hydrocotyle, Nux vomica, Physostigma, Conium maculatum, Ginseng, Rauwolfia, Salvia officinalis, Secale cor, Veratrum alb, Withania somnifera, Celastrus paniculata.


Passiflora, Valeriana, Withania somnifera.


Fucus vesiculosus, Kali iodide.

Low muscles tone

Belladonna, Nux vomica, Calcium carbonate.

Some natural symptomatic remedies

Neurological deficit from   suppressed skin lesion

Sulphur, Azadirecta, Viscum album. 

Weak muscles

Aconitum, Belladonna, Causticum, 

Gelsemium, Kali carb, Natrum mur, 

Plumbum met, Kali mur.

Alzheimer’s disease

Alumina, Argentum nitricum, Hyoscyamus, 

Lobelia, Natrum mur, Silicea, Zinc met.

Weak nerve cells

Syzygium aromaticum, Arsenic album, 

Hyoscyamus, Lobelia, Rauwolfia.

Autonomic dysfunctions

Aconitum nap, Nux vomica.

Enuresis nocturnal

Ephedra, Physostigma, Verbascum.

Retinitis, Optic neuritis

Alfalfa, Calotropis, Arsenic, Kali iodatum.


Sinapis nigra.

Weak bone marrow  

Allium sativa, Lobelia, Piper nigrim, Taraxacum.

 Weak reproductive cells


Aconitum, Aloe socotrina, China, Lobelia,

Lycopodium, Piper nigrim, Secale cor, 

 Sinapis, nigra, Veratrum album, 

Viscum album, Zingiber.

Supporting measures

Promote periodic regular medical checkup. It will help to reduce the risk of complications.

Correct the severe mechanical conditions surgically.

Provide appropriate education and training.

Speech therapy.

Provide individual interactive measures and motivation to improve language proficiency. Provide necessary supporting items like hearing aids and glasses. 

Provide facilities for children watching cartoon films, storytelling, drawing etc.

Treat ear and chest infections properly.

Physical therapy. Make gentle massage on head, spinal column and limbs with oil to improve muscle tone. Essential oil like Lavender, Peppermint, Salvia and Jasmine are helpful to modify behavior changes.

Provide proper training about stretching exercises, rolling exercise, orofacial exercise and breath holding exercise. Promote breathing exercise only through one nose also.

Provide calcium rich food to prevent complication like adenoid and leukemia.

Provide sufficient food items containing vitamin A, B3, B6, E; omega 3 fatty acids, Zinc and Selenium.

Prefer organic rice, wheat, fruits and vegetables in diet.

Include vegetable items up to 65 % in diet.

Give adequate support to care givers.

Other favorable items  

Green tea, Black tea, Banana, Fragrances.

Alfalfa honey.

Eucalyptus honey.

Nux vomica honey.

Gelsemium honey.

Other unfavorable items  

Gluten, soybean, refined sugar and casein rich diet.

High caloric diet in obese children.


World Down syndrome day is celebrated on 21 March every year.

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