Thursday, 31 January 2013

Materia medica and Bioactive compounds. Kader Kochi

Chemical constituents present in crude vegetable or animal parts responsible for biological activity are called bioactive compounds.

Primary metabolites of plants are essential for growth and daily functioning of the plants. 

They includecarbohydrates, amino acids, nucleotides, fatty acids, steroids and lipids.

The secondary metabolites are waste material of plants include, alkaloids, glycosides, non-protein amino acids, and amines. 

They are essential for defensive functions especially from mushroom, insects and herbivores animals. 

They are present in small quantities. 

Generally, they are present in the storage organs of the plants, especially in seeds and roots, and less in leaves, bark, wood or other plant parts.

Plants produce smell, nectar, and color for attraction,survival, and defensive purpose. 

The strength of bioactive principle of one plant may vary on different soil.

Bioactive compounds  

Neutral principles


Fats & Fixed oils
Gum resins

Volatile oils


Alkaloids are Nitrogen-containing compound. 
15% of plants produce alkaloids. 
Total 12,000 alkaloids have been identified. 
The name alkaloid is derived from Arabic al-qalwi,means ashes of plants. 
These are final products of protein metabolism in plants as urea in mammals. 
Besides the nitrogen, it contain carbon, hydrogen, oxygen, sulphur, chlorine, bromine and phosphorus. 
Most of alkaloids contain oxygen, but nicotine and coniine are oxygen free. 
Colored alkaloids include berberine and sanguinarine.They are mostly solids and bitter in taste.

Solid alkaloids include atropine, hyosine, quinine, strychnine, codeine and theobaine.

Liquid alkaloids include nicotine, lobeline and pilocarpine.

Alkaloids are classified on basis of similarity of the carbon skeleton and its biogenetic precursor

True alkaloidsare that contain Nitrogen atoms in the heterocyclic position

Bellaradine (belladonna), hygrine (coca,withania), nicotine, stachydrine (millefolium, alfalfa)

Symphytine, crotallaria, eupatorium purpurium, tussilago, senecionine ( hepatotoxic )

Trigonelline, ricinin, arecolin, nicotinic acid (belladonna, tobacco)


Trognelline, coniine, arecoine, lobeline, pomegranatine(root), nicotine, piperine (black pepper), anabasine   

Scopolamine, atropine (anticholinergics), cocaine (stimulant), dubosia, and dioscorine. 
Tropane has anticholinergic, analgesic, anti secretary properties. 
It is smooth muscle relaxant.

Quinine and quinidine ( cinchona, angustura)

 Argemonine,  berberine, celandine, hydrastine, emetine, morphine, papaverine, narcine,  and sanguinarine
 Isoquinoline has antiviral, anti cancerous, bone marrow stimulating properties.

Spartine, yohimbine, baptisine and lupine.

Strychnine, reserpine, ergotamine, physostigmine, gelsemine, vincristine, aspidospermine,  bufotoxin, and yohimbinum


Steroidal alkaloids

Conicine, withanine, solanidine (shoots of potato), veratrum, kurichi, and arginine

Purine, methyl xantine
Caffeine, theophylline (tea, coffea, cola nuts), thiobromine (coaco)
It can cause testicular degeneration in male, and reduce acne in young

Choline, neurine, and muscharine

 Proto alkaloids 
      These compounds are originated from amino acids and contain nitrogen atoms in the side chain.
Example includes mescaline, adrenaline, and ephedrine.

Pseudo alkaloids

These nitrogen contain compounds are formed by transamination from fat and carbohydrate, not derived from amino acid. 

The examples include ephedrine, colchicine and aconitine.

Biogenetic precursors of alkaloids are amino acids include ornithine, lysine, phenylalanine, tyrosine, histidine, aspartic acid (nicotine) and anthranilic acid. 

Many individual names are formed by adding the suffix "ine" to the species. 
Suffixes "idine", "anine", "aline", "inine" etc are added if several alkaloids are extracted from one plant.

Milestone of discovery of alkaloids

Friedrich serturner, the German chemist first isolated morphine from poppy in 1804

Morphine     (1804)
Atropine  (1819)
Coniine        (1827)
Sparteine              (1851)

Xanthine      (1817)
Quinine   (1820)
Nicotine       (1828)
Cocaine                (1860)

Strychinine  (1818)
Caffeine   (1820)
Cholchicine  (1833)
Synthetic coniine   (1886)

Glycosides are non-nitrogenous compounds. 
They give two portions on hydrolysis by enzymes and acids. 

Sugar portion is glycone and non-sugar portion is aglycone. 
If glycone is glucose, they are called as glucosides.

The main groups of glycosides are

Examples include salicin found in salix nigra.
They have antipyretic and anti-inflammatory action.

They are calcium promoters in lower dose. So strong contraction, prolonged diastole and increased venous return are developed. 
Examples include steroids found in scilla, digitalis, oleander, strophanthus, and convallaria.

They are aglycone and have laxative effect. Antraquinine can promote water & electrolyte secretion and peristalsis. 
Example include rumex and rheum

Examples include coumarin found in psoralea leaves.
 They can dilate coronary vessel and inhibit calcium channel (paralysis).


Examples include amygdalin found in cherries, rose, sambucus, lauroceracus, plums, apple seeds, apricot seed, peach, yucca, bamboo shoots, flax seeds, mushroom, cassava, and almonds. 
They have some anticancer properties. 
Cyanides can promote hypothyroidism.

They have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and anti neoplastic (phytoestrogen) properties. 
They decrease capillary fragility. 
Examples include quercitrin, rutin, and hesperidin .
Common causes of chronic inflammation are excess of co2 and salt; lack of O2, enzymes and vitamin E; electron loss, and radiation.
Vitamin E present in peanut, selenium and bran rice.

They have urinary antiseptic property. 
They found in uva-ursi. 
Example includes arbutin.  
Phenols derivatives are hypericum, quercus and heracleum. 
They have anti vitilgo properties.

They are good expectorant, anti-inflammatory, immune modulator and anti neoplastic.
Examples include liquorice.

Steroid saponin is diosxin found in dioscorea. 
It can cause hepatitis and hyper pigmentation.(liliacea)


Example includes triterpen found in ginseng.

Example includes stevioside and rebaudioside found in stevia plant.

They are sulphur contain compound. 
Examples include singrin found in black mustard and sinalbin found in white mustard. Glucosinolates can inhibit procarcinogens in liver. They can prevent hyperthyroidism.

Fixed oils

They are the esters of higher fatty acids. 
They form soaps with alkalis, and can decompose on distillation.


They are solid oils. These include the triglycerides.

Volatile oils

They are aromatic and usually solids like camphor, thymol and menthol. 
Some are liquids like oil of eucalyptus, clove oil, cardamom oil, turpentine oil, sandalwood oil, balsam of tolu etc.


 They are the esters of fatty acids with monohydric alcohol.


They are “soap forming compound.  
They can cause haemolysis of RBC. 
They have photosensitization, hepatic toxicity, neoplastic and anti neoplastic properties. 
They are useful in vitiligo examples include senega. dioscorea, liquorice and quillaya.


They are transparent compounds form viscous solution with water. Examples include gum acacia and gum tragacanth.


They are sticky lipid soluble mixtures. 
They have antimicrobial and wound healing properties. 
Example includes podophyllum.

Gum resins

They are the combination of gums and resins. 
Examples include myrrh and asafetida


They are the resins dissolved in volatile oils. 
Example includes copaiva.


They are the resins in combination with benzoic acid with or without cinnamic acid. 
Examples include benzoin, peru and tolu.


They can harden the mucous membrane by coagulation of proteins. They act as condensed astringents, and have anti diarrheal and anti hemorrhagic properties.

Neutral principles

They do not confer to any special group and include santonin and aloin.

Other bioactive compounds


Phytoestrogens reduce hot flushes of menopause. 
It can reduce growth of ventral part of prostate.  
High oestrogenocity can cause infertility or can cause hypospadias during pregnancy.
The two main groups are isoflavones and lignans.

Isoflavoneshave both antioxidant and anti  hyper cholesterolemic properties 
Example include gentian. fenugreek, sebal serrulata and thuja.

Lignans present in the bran fraction of cereals. 
They present in podophyllum and sesame seeds. 
They can control hormone related cancers.


History of traditional medicine. Kader Kochi.

Evolution of plants and man took place about 300 million and 3 million years ago respectively. Man could understand the toxicity of plants and its medicinal powers along with the development of human civilization. It had been developed through speculation, hypothesis, and experience.

Man used plants to expel the evil spirits and alleviating miseries such as wound, pain, fatigue, sorrow, loss of elasticity and difficulty in movement. They used plant's secondary metabolites for hunting animal and fish, murder, magic and recreation. 
They could differentiate toxic, medicinal and the nutritional properties of herbs through time. 
Cat commonly uses acalypha indica (sedative) for breathing discomforts; and Valerian (stimulant) for colic and other disturbances. Monkey likes Asphaltum.
The Babylonians, Egyptians, Mayans, ancient Hebrews and Assyrians were familiar with medicinal plants. Medicines like aconite, belladonna, curare, taxes buccata, and puffer fish etc were used as arrow poison.  Secale cor, Belladonna, Tobacco, Cactus, Agaricus, Physostigma, Ephedra etc were used as psychotropic medicines.

Medical knowledge was propagated from father to son. Sorcerers were the medical practitioners, and they diagnose the cause of diseases whether it is good or evil spirit. 
Duties of ancient physicians were collecting medicines, cleaning, bandaging, and plastering wounds. Root diggers were an important caste in ancient Greece.

Fasting, purified bath, beat on head with wood material, sleep in a dark room, sacrificing  coins to the interpreter of dream, eating barley bread, and hanging on a temple wall were the customs of hospitality treatment in Asclepius health resorts. 
Hippocrates and father of Aristotle were physicians of Aesculapius temple. 
This concept was applied to the four body fluids: phlegm, blood, yellow bile, and black bile. 

Medicine was an art, science, and cultural product. Medicinal knowledge was gained through both va-mozhi (oral) and varamozhi (graph). 

Cats and chimpanzees are involved in self-medication. 

Traditional materia medica was based on old writings originating from the ancient Indians, Chinese, Greeks and Romans. It is considered that western civilization developed in the areas around Euphrates and Tigris around 4000 BC.

Assyrian plates got from these regions described more than 200 medicines include Opium, Thyme, Liquorice, Senna, Coriander, Saffron, Cinnamon and Garlic. 

Greek got medical knowledge from all surrounding countries through trade and cultural relations. 

Aesculapius was considered as Father and God of physicians.  Greek medicine was based on the thought that matter is constituted by four basic elements -Earth, Water, Air, and Fire.  

Soma was used as Panacea in India. Medicines like Amanita muscaria, Aristolochia, Aconitum, Sarcostemma, Datura, Cannabis, Ephedra, and Opium were considered as soma. 

Galen grouped human body into four temperaments on basis of different body fluids. Disease was considered a condition due to the imbalance of body fluids and environment.



Black bile

Yellow bile

They were collected in moonlight, and extracted with prayingLeaves of Aegle folia were used in connection with worship of God Siva in south India. Food materials were used to correct the changes in body fluids, because of they formed from the same elements-Fire, Air, Space, Earth and Water.


Earth and water
Earth and fire
Water and fire
Fire and
Air and space
Air and earth

Promote growth and pleasure.

Cure hot fever.

Promotes down ward movements

Promote sweat.


Gives heat.

Promote urination

Promote sweat.

Reduce phlegm.

Promote  stiffness

Promote proliferation
Promote vomiting, and appetite.

Open cell membrane pores and big orifice.
Cure chronic fever.

Taste sweet become sensitive when it used frequently

Contract all orifices.

Promotes retention

Physician’s duty was to correct the balance of body fluids by foods that contain minimum bioactive compounds. Later low doses of metabolites of plants along with food were primarily used to promote elimination of toxin through urine, vomit, sweat, and stool. Foods were medicines. Foods were classified based on tastes - sweet, salt, sour, pungent, bitter and astringent.


Milestone of materia medica

Assyrian plates
BC 4000. 
They described >200 medicines include Opium, Thyme, Liquorice, Senna, Coriander, Saffron, Cinnamon and Garlic.

South American
They introduced Coca leaves and Arrow poisons ( Puffer fish and toad skin).

Shen nung 
China Emperor
BC 3000.
He described >350 medicines include Opium poppy, Liquorice, Ergot, Rhubarb, Gentian and Valerian.

Imhotep Egypt
BC 2600. 
Luxur discovered Ebers papyrus of 1550 BC in 1872. 
They used medicinal herbs include Aloe, Absinth, Peppermint, Colocynth, Garlic,  Juniper, Cumin, Ricinus seeds, Arabic gum, Strophanthus, Myrrh, Rheum, Hyoscyamus, Pomegranate, Opium, Cannabis, Cassia and Hemlock.

 Worshipers of Hecate God,
Colchis island,
Black sea, Rome

BC 1500.
They used Aconitum, Mandragora, Opium, Secale, Belladonna and Colchicum
BC 900. 
They used soma as panacea

Kos, Greek

BC 460-377. 
He described >200 plants
Aristotle, Greek
BC 384-322. 
He wrote many books

BC 370-287. 
He wrote “Historia plantarum” described450 plants 

Celtic priest
They introduced Viscum and Lycopodium


Father of Mediterranean diet
Aulus Cornelius Celsus

25 B.C.—50 A.D. 
He wrote ‘De medicina’ described > 250 medicinal plants.
Plinius the elder, Rome
A.D 23. – August 25, 79. 
He wrote “Historia naturalis” described > 200 medicinal plants.

Pedanius Dioscorides, Rome

AD 40-80. 
He wrote “De Materia Medica” described > 600 medicinal plants.
Claudius Aelius Galenus,

129 – 200 A.D. 
He described >300 medicinal plants. 
He introduced pungent mixtures, and coating of pills with Lycopodium.

Ansegis monastery

Doctrine of Signature

980-1037 A.D. 
He wrote Canon Avicenna .
He introduced drug proving in animals, and alcohol first in pharmacy.

Ibin al baitar

A.D 1197-1248.
He described > 1000  medicinal plants

Phillipus Aurelius Theophrastus Paracelsus Bombastus von Hohenheim
17 December 1493 – 24 September 1541. 
He explained about active principle, benefits of small dose and simple medicine. 
He believed every drug is toxic, the body is conglomeration of chemical, and health is homeostasis of bio chemicals.

Carl von linné botanist

23 May 1707– 10 January 1778. 
He classified  living species
John Gregory

A.D 1723-76.
He elaborated the medical code.

The term orthodox was inferred to medical practice with trustworthy, morality and kindness. Medical practice was an art as well as science. It had followed certain terms and conditions in all parts of the world and all time. Natural medicines are effective and sufficient in treatment of many day-to-day diseases of plants, animals and human beings.

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Remedies for erectile dysfunction. Kader kochi.