seed, Brassica alba, Kaduku, Shorshe, Rai, Sarshapa.
plant. Height 2 meters. Seed size 2.5 mm.
Seeds contain Allyl isothiocyanate, phytoalexins, sitosterol,
sinalbin, myrosinase, sulphur (more in black), selenium, magnesium, copper, and
oxalate. Pungent.
This is
appetite stimulant, diuretic and emetic medicine.
It is
prophylactic medicine for nasal catarrh (Allium cepa).
It is respiratory
and cardiac stimulant (Spartium, Capsicum, Camphor, Coffea, Sulphur, Ginkgo,
Granatum, Kola, Aspidosperma, Lobelia, Myrrha, Nux vomica, Allium Sativa,
Arsenic Album, and Zingiber).
It is medicine
for insensibility during syncope.
It is medicine
for thrombosis.
It is medicine
for hypoglycaemia.
It is medicine
for constipation of old people.
It is
medicine externally for keloid, and lymphadenopathy.
It is
medicine externally (with camphorated spirit) in arthritis, spasm, stiffness,
back pain, neuralgia, and rheumatism.
It is
medicine externally for fungal infection of skin.
It is
medicine externally on chest or foot in cough.
It is
medicine externally for vitiligo.
It is remedy
for migraine (Magnesium).
It is remedy
for glaucoma, and vision disorder.
It is remedy
for chronic laryngitis.
It is remedy
for dry cough, and pneumonia (Epidemic plague, Stramonium).
It is remedy
for hyperglycaemia.
It is remedy
for hypothyroidism, and obesity.
It is remedy
for low white blood cell count (Sulphur).
It is remedy
for lymphoma, and tumor of lymph glands.
It is remedy
for cancer of stomach and colon (Cyanogenic principle).
It is remedy
for renal stone.
It had been
used as aphrodisiac.
It is remedy
for impotence.
It is remedy
for suppressed exanthemata.
It is remedy
for rheumatoid arthritis (Selenium).
It had been
used for throat gargle.
Its vapor
had been used in dry cough.
It had been
used as rubefacient with vinegar in Parkinson disease.
It was used
for foot bath in headache, and cold (Sulphur).
It had been
used externally on chest and back in cold as counter irritant.
It had been
used as massage oil, and hair oil.
It had been
used in snake poisoning, and scorpion stings (Terminalia arjuna).
Seeds had
been used to protect home from evil spirits (Helleborus niger, Salvia).
Its power
deprives when it kept in paper bag for weeks.
Seeds were
considered symbol of faith.
mustard is white. Himalayan mustard is black.
mustard was originated from French words “must” and “ard”. It means burning
white wine or burning vinegar.
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