Thursday, 21 June 2018

Solidago virgaurea. Kader Kochi.


Sweet goldenrod, Wound wort.


Perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Leaves contains polyphenols, and volatile oil.


This is ancient medicine for chronic renal diseases.

It is medicine for oliguria, dysuria, stone, and backache. 

It is medicine for hypertension (Spartium scoparium).

It is medicine externally for mouth ulcer, wound, and rheumatic pain.

It is remedy for allergic rhinitis.


4 to 20 drops.


Spartium scoparium. Kader Kochi.


Cytisus scoparius, Scotch broom, Sarothamnus scoparius, Genesta.


Perennial leguminous toxic plant. Height 3 meters. Leaves and tops contain scoparin, sparteine, volatile oil, fatty matter, wax, tannin, mucilage, protein, tyramine, albumin, and sugar. Bitter.


This is diuretic, and laxative medicine.

It is diuretic medicine for cardiac congestion, hypertension, cardiomyopathy, and stasis oedema.

It is stimulant medicine for atrial fibrillation with weak pulse. It promotes blood circulation. It opens the obstruction developed in channels of liver, spleen, mesentery and kidney (Sinapis alba).

It is medicine for dropsy, albuminuria, and chronic renal failure.

It is medicine for neurasthenia following influenza and renal dropsy.

It is medicine externally for mouth ulcer, scrofula, arthritis, and gout.

It is remedy for hypotension, sweating, vomiting, weight in leg, and staggering gait.


2 to 10 drops.


Spongia tosta. Kader Kochi.


Turkish sponge, Marine sponge.


Sea plant animal. Hermaphroditic. Dark grey in colour. It contains iodine, bromine, potassium, magnesium, calcium, iron, silica, and minerals.


This is remedy for dry laryngeal cough. Cough better after drinking.

It is remedy for chronic glandular enlargement in neck of thin individual (Iodum).

It is remedy for goitre due to iodine excess.

It is remedy for tachycardia and palpitation after slight exertion.

It is remedy for cardiac weakness.



Staphysagria. Kader Kochi.


Stavesacre, Delphinium staphysagria, Lice bane.


Biennial flowering plant. Height 1.5 meter. Seeds contain delphinum, delphinoidine, delphisine, staphysagrine, volatile oil, malic acid, mucilage, and toxic principle. Bitter.


It is medicine for toothache.

It is remedy for over sensitiveness from sex emotions, anger, and insult.

It is remedy for amblyopia with floating particles appear before the eyes.

It is remedy for pelvic congestion, and increased mucus discharges through lower orifices.

It is remedy for prostate discharges, and functional impotence. 

It is remedy for warts.

It had been used externally as lice repellent (Leaves).


5 to 10 drops.


Sticta pulmonaria. Kader Kochi.


Lungwort, Lichen lung wort, Lobaria pulmonaria.


A lichen growing on surface of maple tree. Its shape is similar to the lobes of lung. It contains stictic acid, depsidones, beta carotene, and ergosterol.


This is medicine for catarrh of nose in influenza.

It is medicine for stiffness of neck and shoulder.

It is medicine for productive cough with pain in occipital area, neck, and chest.

It is medicine for incontinence of urine.

It is medicine externally for wound.

It is remedy for hay fever, and dry cough. Cough is worse at night.

It is remedy for rheumatism with red spot over affected joints.


2 to 20 drops.


Stillingia sylvatica. Kader Kochi.


Queen's root, Queen's delight.


Perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Root contains acrid resin, volatile oil, stillingine, tannin, and starch. Bitter and pungent.


This is emetic and laxative medicine.

It is medicine for chronic infections.

It is medicine externally on neck and chest in cough.

It is remedy for laryngitis, and dry bronchitis (Sticta).

It is remedy for tonsillitis, and lymph adenopathy.

It is remedy for periosteal pains, and osteomyelitis.


1 to 4 drops.


Stramonium datura. Kader Kochi.


Thorn apple, jimson weed, Locoweed, Devil's apple, Asthma plant, Moon flower, Datura, Ummum.


Annual foul-smelling plant. Height 1.5 meter. Plant contains tropane alkaloids, daturine, atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine. Bitter. 


It is medicine for asthma (Leaves).

It is medicine for fever (Root). 

It is medicine for pain (Seeds).

It is para sympatholytic.

It is antispasmodic medicine for whooping cough, spasmodic cough, asthma, dysmenorrhoea, abortion, and epilepsy.

It is medicine for inflammation, and excess of secretions. 

It is medicine for hypoglycaemia, and bradycardia.

It is medicine for sexual mania.

It is medicine externally for insects’ bites, dandruff, wound, and pain (Rubefacient plaster with leaves).

It is remedy for moderate fever with bradycardia, dilated pupils, red face, dry throat, and profuse sweat.

It is remedy for fear, anxiety, night terror.

It is remedy for sleeplessness, somnambulism, and nightmare (Flying, animals).

It is remedy for repetitive speech, stammering, autism, and learning disabilities in children (Tabacum, Pulsatilla).

It is remedy for mania with loquacity, and delirium like laughing and biting.

It is remedy for Parkinsonism, amnesia, Alzheimer disease, and dementia.

It is remedy for tremor, tics, convulsion, and chorea.

It is remedy for Meniere's disease, motion sickness, and vertigo.

It is remedy for oesophageal spasm with cough.

It is remedy for influenza with acute dry respiratory symptoms (Sinapis). 

It is remedy for pneumonia with dry cough, and asthma like breathing.

It is remedy for urine retention.

It is remedy for frigidity.

It had been used as a remedy for hydrophobia.

It had been used for increasing the power of creative thinking, prophecy, and spiritual liberation (Root- Hyoscyamus, Cannabis, Aconitum).

Cigarettes prepared with leaves and potassium nitrate had been used for inhalation in asthma.

It had been used to promote vision perfect.

It had been used externally for private parts to enjoy sex orgasm, and to get hallucination.

It had been used as truth drug (Root).

It had been used as blood purifier. 

It had been used for bone setting in fracture (Root).

It had been used as infanticide. 

It had been used for worship (God Siva).  

Its antidote are Women's milk, ass's milk, and fenugreek.

Word “Datura” (Sanskrit) means divine inebriation. Word “ummum” means inducing mania (Euphoria). 


1 to 6 drops.


Strophanthus hispidus. Kader Kochi.


Dogbane, Kombe seed.


Deciduous climbing vine. Height 30 meters. Seed contains strophanthin, glucoside, strophanthidin and kombic acid. Bitter.


This is respiratory and cardiac depressant (Cinchona, Helleborus, Aconitum, Jaborandi, Digitalis, Laurocerasus, Pulsatilla, Gelsemium, Colchicum, Crataegus, Lycopus). 

It is medicine for cardiac arrhythmia.

It is diuretic medicine for cardiac weakness, and dropsy.

It is remedy hypothyroid goitre (Sinapis).

It is remedy for bradycardia due to ventricular weakness.

It is remedy for shock, and hypotension.

It is remedy for chronic cardiac weakness.

It is remedy for chronic kidney failure.

It had been used as arrow poison.

It can cause ending life. It can cause saving life (Aconitum, Ricinus communis).


1 to 8 drops.


Sumbul. Kader Kochi.


Muskroot, Ferula sumbul, Ferula moschata. 


Herbaceous perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Milk bearing stem. Root contains resins, sumbulic acid, volatile, oil, and a principle like musk smell.


This is medicine for pulmonary diseases of asthenic.

It is medicine for hysteria (Inhalation).

It is medicine for diseases of pelvic organs.

It is remedy for absent mind, and tinging in head (Aconitum, Cinchona, Veratrum album).

It is remedy for autonomic dysfunctions.

It is remedy for spasms due to excitement.

It is remedy for nervous asthma, and chronic bronchitis.


4 to 10 drops.


Symphytum officinalis. Kader Kochi.


Comfrey, Boneset, Black wort.


Perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Root contains symphytine, allantoin, rosmarinic acid, pyrrolizidine alkaloids, calcium, magnesium, tannic acid, mucilage, and starch. 


This is medicine externally for wound, sprain, fracture, and osteoarthritis.

It is medicine for injury (Bone, tendon, ligaments and cartilage).

It is remedy for migraine.

It is remedy for chronic hepatitis.

It is remedy for backache, osteomyelitis, gout, rheumatism, and bone diseases.


2 to 6 drops.


Syzygium Jambolanum. Kader Kochi.


Jambul, Syzygium cumini, Java plum, Indian blackberry.


Slow growing tree. Height 30 meters. Wood is water resistant. Seeds and bark. Bark contains astringent principle, gallic acid, jambosine, anthocyanins, and sitosterol.


This is medicine for hyperglycaemia.  

It is medicine for diabetic ulcer.

It is remedy for renal insufficiency, and glycosuria.

It is remedy for suppressed eruption, deficient sweat, and itching on skin (Sulphur, Lavender, Tanacetum).

It had been used as medicine for blood purifier.


5 to 40 drops.


Sabina officinalis. Kader Kochi.


Juniperus sabina, Savin juniper.


Evergreen shrub. Height 4 meters. Leaves contain toxic principle, gum, resin, terpens, sabinol, gallic acid, savine, and offensive oil. Bitter.


This is diuretic, diaphoretic, and anthelmintic medicine. 

It is medicine for amenorrhea.

It is medicine for gout.

It is medicine externally for muscular pain. 

It is medicine externally for warts (Thuja). 

It is rubefacient.  

It is remedy for threatened abortion, menorrhagia, and uterine bleeding.

It had been used as abortifacient.


5 to 10 drops.


Salix nigra. Kader Kochi.


Willow black.


Tall tree. Height 10 meters. Bark contains phenolic glycosides, salicin, salicylic acid, tannin, wax, and gum. Bitter.


This is medicine for pain, corn, and warts.

It is medicine for intermittent fever.

It is a medicine for thrombosis. 

It is medicine for excessive sex desire, satyriasis, nymphomania, ovarian congestion, and spermatorrhoea.

It is medicine externally for psoriasis, lentigo, chloasma, melanoma, and melasma.

It is remedy for asthma.

It is remedy for diabetes.

It is remedy for thrombosis, vascular degeneration, and arteriosclerosis.

It is remedy for frigidity, and impotence.

It is remedy for rheumatism, and gout.

It is remedy melasma, and chronic ulcer.

It had been used as anaphrodisiac.

Its wood had been used for making cricket bats and boxes.


2 to 20 drops.


Salvia officinalis. Kader Kochi.




Perennial aromatic shrub. Height 80 cm. Stems are woody. Leaves are greyish. Flowers are purplish. Plant contains thujone, cineol, tannic acid, caffeic acid, nicotinamide, and phytoestrogen. Astringent.


This is diuretic, haemostatic, emmenagogue, diaphoretic, expectorant, anti-diabetic medicine.

It is medicine for tremor, Parkinsonism, weak memory, and dementia.

It is medicine mouth ulcer.

It is medicine for hypertension (Thuja).

It is medicine for night sweats, cough, oliguria, and flatulence in asthenic.

It is medicine for congestion in breast, and galactorrhoea.

It is medicine for gastric complaints due to indigestion of fat.

It is medicine for female infertility.

It is medicine for alopecia (Aconitum, Pulsatilla).

It is medicine for hyperglycaemia.

It is medicine externally for rheumatism, and paralysis.

It is remedy for breast adenoma, and neoplasm.

It is remedy for glycosuria, hypoglycaemia, and hypotension.

It had been used as anaphrodisiac (Salix nigra, Agnus castus).

It had been used as antidote in snake bite.

It had been used for preparing perfumes, and medicinal tea.

It had been used for warding off evils (Helleborus niger, Scilla, Sinapis niger).

It had been considered an herb of prosperity.

Word “salvarm” means cure or save.

3 to 30 drops.


Sarcostemma acidicum. Kader Kochi.


Climbing milkweed, Somalatha, moon creeper.


Perennial leafless plant. cylindrical stem. Flowers are white or yellowish. Stem and root. Plant contains acrid principle, lupeol, sitosterol, lignans, malic acid, succinic acid, and sugar. 


It is remedy for anxiety, and dementia.

It is remedy for bronchospasm, and hydrophobia.

It is remedy for diabetes.

It is remedy for infertility.

It is remedy for rheumatism, dislocation, and fracture.

This is medicine for dog bite, and snake bite (Magnesium sulphuricum).

It had been used as white ant repellent.



Sarracenia purpura. Kader Kochi.



Northern pitcher plant, Purple pitcher plant.



Carnivores plant, Height 60 cm, Root contains sarracenin, a resin, and sarracenic acid. Bitter. 


This is medicine in constipation, and scanty urine.

This is laxative medicine in eruptive fever.

It is remedy in psoriasis, herpes and chickenpox.



4 to 10 drops.


Sarasaparilla. Kader Kochi.


Smilax officinalis, Wild liquorice, Naru-ninti.


Perennial climbing vine. Length 12 meters. Rhizome contains parillin, quercetin, sarsa-saponin, sterols, and volatile oil.


This is diaphoretic and diuretic medicine.

It is medicine for immune modulation.

It is medicine for gout.

It is remedy for erectile dysfunctions.

It is remedy for leucorrhoea.

It is remedy for chronic renal calculus, and dysuria. 

It is remedy for herpetic eruptions, pimples and acne.

It is remedy for blood purification.

It is remedy for cancer, psoriasis, auto immune disorder, and arthritis.

It was used as flavouring agent.


4 to 10 drops.


Senecio aureus. Kader Kochi.


Golden ragwort, Life root, Cough weed, Packera aureus, Female regulator, St. James wort.


Perennial flowering plant. Height 1 meter. Root contains pyrrolizidine alkaloids, senecionine, and ornithine. Astringent.


This is medicine for dysmenorrhea due to under developed uterus and ovaries. 

It is medicine for symptoms due to uterine atony.

It is medicine for labour pain.

It is remedy for haemoptysis.

It is remedy for venous hepatitis.

It is remedy for liver cirrhosis, and liver cancer.

It is remedy for renal calculus.

It is remedy for uterine weakness.

Word “senecio” means old man.


1 to 4 drops.


Senega. Kader Kochi.


Rattle snakeroot, Polygala seneca.


Perennial flowering plant. Height 50 cm. Root contains senegin, saponin, phenolic acids, sterols, and methyl salicylate.


This is medicine for sore throat, and toothache.

It is diuretic, emmenagogue, sialagogue and expectorant medicine. 

It is medicine for productive cough.

It is medicine for congestive pneumonia.

It is medicine for renal dropsy, and oedema due to renal origin.

It is medicine for hyperglycaemia (Salvia officinalis).

It is medicine for rheumatism.

It is remedy for dementia.

It is remedy for catarrhal conjunctivitis.

It is remedy for sneezing, and allergic rhinitis.

It is remedy for pneumonia, post renal bronchitis, croup, and dry cough.

It is remedy for dry skin.

It had been used as antidote in snake bite.


2 to 4 drops.


Sabadilla. Kader Kochi.


Feathershank, Schoenocaulon, Asagraea seeds, Cevadilla seeds.                                                             


Perennial flowering plant. Height 12 cm. Plant contains veratrine, sabadine, sabadinine, and toxic principles.


This is medicine for worms. 

It is medicine externally for rheumatism.

It is remedy for allergic sneezing, and conjunctivitis.

It is remedy for neuralgia.

Seed powder had been used as anti-lice drug (Veratrum album, Staphysagria). 

Seeds had been used as insecticide.


1 to 4 drops.


Sambucus nigra. Kader Kochi.

European Elder, Blue elderberry.


Deciduous tree. Height meters. Flowers are white. Leaves have strong smell. Bark, flower, and berry contain cyanogenic glycosides.


This is medicine for coryza, and fever.

It is diaphoretic in chill.

It is remedy for dry cold, hoarseness, unproductive cough, and bronchitis.

It is remedy for weakness of respiratory muscles.  

It is a prophylactic and curative remedy for dry infective rhinitis, and dry cough.

It is remedy for chronic thyroiditis, pancreatitis, and oophoritis.

It is remedy for hyperplasia (Thuja, Cinnamomum, Sanguinaria, Curcuma, Alfalfa, Trifolium pratense, Chelidonium, Taraxacum, Podophyllum, Colchicum, Thymus, Scutellaria, Valariana, Arsenic album).

Its antidote is sulphur.

It had been used as fly repellent.


3 to 6 drops.


Sanguinaria canadensis. Kader Kochi.


Blood root, Red puccoon.


Perennial stemless flowering plant. Height 30 cm. Red rhizome. It contains berberine, papaverine, sanguinarine, allocryptopine, chelerythrine, protopine, citric acid, and malic acid. Pungent and bitter. 


It is medicine for moist cough (Ipecac).

It is medicine for impotence (Hyoscyamus). 

It is medicine for amenorrhoea due to cold.

It is medicine externally for warts (Chelidonium majalis). 

It is remedy for dry cold, and dry cough in children (Sambucus, Hyoscyamus).

It is remedy for nasal obstruction due to polyp.

It is remedy for stomach atony, and fatty liver.

It is remedy for cancer of gastrointestinal tract (Curcuma, Hydrastis).

It is remedy for epithelioma, and moles (Thuja). 

It had been used as emetic.

It was used to make toothpaste.

It was used to prepare body paint, and dye.


1 to 10 drops.


Scilla maritima. Kader Kochi.


Drimia maritima, Sea squill, Mediterranean Sea onion, Urginea maritima.


Perennial bulbous plant. Height 60 cm. Bulb contains cardiac glycosides, scillitin, sinestrin, scillipicrin, scillitoxin, Scillirocide, and calcium oxalate. Bitter. 


This is medicine for dropsy.

It is medicine for cardiac asthma, productive cough, oliguria, and stasis oedema. 

It is medicine for jaundice, and convulsion.

It is remedy for dry cough.

It is remedy for polyuria.

It was used as emetic in poisoning (Ipecac).

It is one of oldest medicine (Ricinus communis, Myrrh, Opium, Millefolium, Coriander).

It had been used as rat poison.

It had been hung at outside the door to protect from evil spirit (Salvia officinalis, Helleborus, Allium sativa, Sinapis).


1 to 10 drops.


Scutalleria lateriflora. Kader Kochi.


 Blue skullcap, Side flower skullcap, Mad dog skullcap.


Perennial flowering plant. Height 70 cm. Helmet like flower. Stem, leaves and root. Plant contains aromatic flavonoids, phenolics, wogonin, wogonoside, and baicalein. 


This is soothing medicine for over excitement, nervousness, fear, spasm, hysteria, chorea, insomnia, and epilepsy (Valariana).

It is analgesic, and tranquilizing medicine.

It is medicine for neoplasm of brain, liver and bladder.

It is medicine for hydrophobia.

It is medicine for amenorrhoea.

It is remedy for allergic disorder.

It is remedy for cardiac weakness.

It is remedy for chronic cystitis. 


10 to 20 drops.


Senna Alexandrina. Kader Kochi.


Cassia acutifolia, Cassia officinalis, Tirunelveli senna, Sonamukhi.


Shrubby plant. Height 1.5 meter. Leaves and seeds contain yellow principle sennosides, and aloe emodin.


This is medicine for chronic constipation.

It is medicine for chronic bronchitis.

It is medicine for hyperglycaemia (Salvia officinalis, Sinapis).

It is medicine to promote elimination of urea, creatinine, uric acid and oxalate through urine.

It is medicine chronic renal insufficiency.

It is medicine for obesity, and haemorrhoids.

It is medicine chronic eczema.

It is medicine externally for fungal dermatitis, wound, and acne.

It is remedy for yellow urine.

It is remedy in hypercreatininemia (Ricinus communis).

It is remedy for symptoms due to hypokalaemia.

10 to 30 drops.

Sinapis alba. Kader Kochi.


Mustard seed, Brassica alba, Kaduku, Shorshe, Rai, Sarshapa.


Annual plant. Height 2 meters. Seed size 2.5 mm. Seeds contain Allyl isothiocyanate, phytoalexins, sitosterol, sinalbin, myrosinase, sulphur (more in black), selenium, magnesium, copper, and oxalate. Pungent. 


This is appetite stimulant, diuretic and emetic medicine.

It is prophylactic medicine for nasal catarrh (Allium cepa).

It is respiratory and cardiac stimulant (Spartium, Capsicum, Camphor, Coffea, Sulphur, Ginkgo, Granatum, Kola, Aspidosperma, Lobelia, Myrrha, Nux vomica, Allium Sativa, Arsenic Album, and Zingiber).

It is medicine for insensibility during syncope.

It is medicine for thrombosis.

It is medicine for hypoglycaemia.

It is medicine for constipation of old people.

It is medicine externally for keloid, and lymphadenopathy.

It is medicine externally (with camphorated spirit) in arthritis, spasm, stiffness, back pain, neuralgia, and rheumatism.

It is medicine externally for fungal infection of skin.

It is medicine externally on chest or foot in cough.

It is medicine externally for vitiligo. 

It is remedy for migraine (Magnesium).

It is remedy for glaucoma, and vision disorder.

It is remedy for chronic laryngitis.

It is remedy for dry cough, and pneumonia (Epidemic plague, Stramonium).

It is remedy for hyperglycaemia.

It is remedy for hypothyroidism, and obesity.

It is remedy for low white blood cell count (Sulphur).

It is remedy for lymphoma, and tumor of lymph glands.

It is remedy for cancer of stomach and colon (Cyanogenic principle).

It is remedy for renal stone.

It had been used as aphrodisiac.

It is remedy for impotence.

It is remedy for suppressed exanthemata.

It is remedy for rheumatoid arthritis (Selenium).

It had been used for throat gargle.

Its vapor had been used in dry cough.

It had been used as rubefacient with vinegar in Parkinson disease.

It was used for foot bath in headache, and cold (Sulphur).

It had been used externally on chest and back in cold as counter irritant.

It had been used as massage oil, and hair oil.

It had been used in snake poisoning, and scorpion stings (Terminalia arjuna).

Seeds had been used to protect home from evil spirits (Helleborus niger, Salvia).

Its power deprives when it kept in paper bag for weeks.

Seeds were considered symbol of faith. 

Mediterranean mustard is white. Himalayan mustard is black.

Word mustard was originated from French words “must” and “ard”. It means burning white wine or burning vinegar.


1 to 3 drops.
