Thursday, 21 June 2018

Stramonium datura. Kader Kochi.


Thorn apple, jimson weed, Locoweed, Devil's apple, Asthma plant, Moon flower, Datura, Ummum.


Annual foul-smelling plant. Height 1.5 meter. Plant contains tropane alkaloids, daturine, atropine, hyoscyamine, and scopolamine. Bitter. 


It is medicine for asthma (Leaves).

It is medicine for fever (Root). 

It is medicine for pain (Seeds).

It is para sympatholytic.

It is antispasmodic medicine for whooping cough, spasmodic cough, asthma, dysmenorrhoea, abortion, and epilepsy.

It is medicine for inflammation, and excess of secretions. 

It is medicine for hypoglycaemia, and bradycardia.

It is medicine for sexual mania.

It is medicine externally for insects’ bites, dandruff, wound, and pain (Rubefacient plaster with leaves).

It is remedy for moderate fever with bradycardia, dilated pupils, red face, dry throat, and profuse sweat.

It is remedy for fear, anxiety, night terror.

It is remedy for sleeplessness, somnambulism, and nightmare (Flying, animals).

It is remedy for repetitive speech, stammering, autism, and learning disabilities in children (Tabacum, Pulsatilla).

It is remedy for mania with loquacity, and delirium like laughing and biting.

It is remedy for Parkinsonism, amnesia, Alzheimer disease, and dementia.

It is remedy for tremor, tics, convulsion, and chorea.

It is remedy for Meniere's disease, motion sickness, and vertigo.

It is remedy for oesophageal spasm with cough.

It is remedy for influenza with acute dry respiratory symptoms (Sinapis). 

It is remedy for pneumonia with dry cough, and asthma like breathing.

It is remedy for urine retention.

It is remedy for frigidity.

It had been used as a remedy for hydrophobia.

It had been used for increasing the power of creative thinking, prophecy, and spiritual liberation (Root- Hyoscyamus, Cannabis, Aconitum).

Cigarettes prepared with leaves and potassium nitrate had been used for inhalation in asthma.

It had been used to promote vision perfect.

It had been used externally for private parts to enjoy sex orgasm, and to get hallucination.

It had been used as truth drug (Root).

It had been used as blood purifier. 

It had been used for bone setting in fracture (Root).

It had been used as infanticide. 

It had been used for worship (God Siva).  

Its antidote are Women's milk, ass's milk, and fenugreek.

Word “Datura” (Sanskrit) means divine inebriation. Word “ummum” means inducing mania (Euphoria). 


1 to 6 drops.


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