Multiple sclerosis is an autoimmune disease that affects brain and spinal cord. It is a wide spread progressive degenerative disease characterized by scattered areas of destruction of the myelin sheath covering nerves in the brain and spinal cord. Peripheral nerves are not affected. The course is varied and unpredictable. Plaque formation is due to the delay in healing following the inflammation and degeneration of nerve fiber. Periods of exacerbation and remission occur.
Inflammatory changes at axon sheath followed
by delayed healing.
Increased microglial, plasma monocytes and
astrocytes pooling.
Increased venous congestion in the brain
and spinal cord.
Cerebrovascular arteritis.
Infiltrations of minerals at arms of oligodendrocytes.
Absence of remyelination due to lack of
Delayed healing due to insufficiency of
microglia followed by demyelination.
Slowness in conduction of nerve impulses.
Scar tissue formation at single fiber or at
multiple fiber.
Damaged or broken nerve fibres.
Onset is usually between 20 to 30 years of
age, with peak incidence in the late 20s.
Transient visual loss, Pain at back of eye, Unilateral optic neuritis, Amblyopia, Diplopia.
Balance problems,
Vertigo. Dizziness.
Symptoms due to autonomic dysfunction, Swallowing difficulties, Reflux esophagitis, Reverse peristalsis, Temporary loss of control of bowel, Temporary loss control of bladder, Dysfunction of gallbladder, Irritable bowel syndrome, Atonic constipation, Erectile dysfunction, Lack of lubrication inside vagina, Aggravation of symptoms in
Sleep disturbance, Lack of sleep at night, Excessive sleepiness during day, Sleepiness
during work.
Sensory dysfunction, Sensory weakness, Numbness, Over sensitiveness to special senses, Neuralgia, Trigeminal neuralgia, Paraesthesia in arms or legs
on flexing neck.
Muscle weakness, Fatigue, Muscle pain,
Later symptoms
Weak concentration, Communication problems, Inability to control emotions, Personality changes, Depression, Fear, Frustration, Anxiety, Hopelessness, Lack of confidence, Suicidal thoughts, Schizophrenia, Dementia, Tremor, lack of motor coordination, Rigidity, Muscle spasm, Flexural cramps, Stiffness at back, Stiffness of arm, Stiffness of leg, Minor incoordination, Slurred speech, Ocular palsy, Ptosis, Nystagmus, Seizures, Paralysis, Respiratory paralysis.
Clinically isolated syndrome.
Periodic & Mild MS.
Periodic MS.
Primary progressive MS.
Secondary progressive MS.
Brain MS.
Spinal cord MS.
Isolated MS (Good prognosis).
Juvenile MS (Good prognosis).
Female MS (Good prognosis).
Autoimmune type MS (Good prognosis).
Sensory nerve sclerosis (Good prognosis).
Autonomic nerves sclerosis.
Motor nerve sclerosis.
Prognosis bad
late onset.
Progressive type.
Symptoms due to multiple lesions.
Basal stem lesions with multiple lesions.
Spastic symptoms of lower limb.
Respiratory infections.
Unfavourable factors
Exposure to extreme changes of atmosphere.
Low atmosphere pressure.
Increased humidity.
Excessive exposure to sun heat.
Excess heat.
Temperate climate zone.
Environmental stress stimuli.
Environmental air pollution.
Fever & Hyperthermia.
Autumnal Influenzas (Infections).
Canine distemper virus.
Infectious mononucleosis.
Herpes virus infection.
Dysfunction of immune mechanism.
Immune dysfunction of microglia, plasma monocytes, lymphocytes, astrocytes.
Alternation in blood brain barrier mechanism.
Insufficiency of astrocytes.
Excessive release of lymphocytes from lymph glands and bone marrow.
Connective tissue disorders.
Lupus erythematosus.
Low blood sugar.
Pancreatic digestive insufficiency.
Deficient food assimilation due to endocrine abnormality.
Deficiency of unsaturated fat.
Gastrointestinal microbial intoxication.
Liver enzymes & globulin dysfunction.
Intermediate metabolic products from liver.
Deficiencies of Magnesium, Zinc, Vitamin D & B12.
Excess of animal fat and protein.
Consumption of pork, rabbit, mutton.
Error of uric acid and lipid metabolism.
Soya milk.
Hydrogenated fat.
Saturated fat excess.
Trans fat.
Fried food.
Consumption of milk of first 15 days after calving.
River or lake fish.
Lard products.
Decayed food.
Egg yolk.
Red meat.
Overcooked vegetables.
Contrast food items, Fish and sugar, Meat and sugar, Fat and sugar. Milk and fish.
Coffee contaminated with aflatoxins.
Excess of berries.
Chemicals, Aspartame, Artificial sweeteners, Glutamate, Benzene, Ethylene, Chlorine, Ammonia, Plastics products.
Tobacco smoking & chewing, Tobacco products.
Sassafras tea.
Wine contaminated with Lead impurities.
Pesticide chemicals.
Heavy metals, Lead, Mercury, Cadmium, Manganese, Aluminum, Ferrum.
Cosmetics contain Mercury.
Female hormonal imbalance, Excess oestrogen, Hypogonadism, Obesity, Parathyroid insufficiency.
Chronic hypoxia, Spino-cerebral venous insufficiency, Pre senile arteritis.
Low vitality.
Lack of sleep.
Physical trauma. Spinal & head injury.
Vaccination (Late changes).
Long course of steroids analogue.
Medicinal treatment
Medicines can be applied on the skin of the opposite side or opposite pole. Christo medicines will act as nano remedies.
Homeopathic remedies.
Anti-inflammatory remedies.
Anti-miasmatic remedies.
Anti-degenerative remedies.
Rejuvenation remedies.
List A. Gelsemium, Aconitum napellus, Tabacum, Arsenic album.
List B. Silicea, Ferrum phos, Plumbum acetate, Mercurius, Cuprum met, Aluminum, Calcarea fluoricum, Sulphur.
List C. Gelsemium, Ignatia, Nux vomica, Curare, Lathyrus.
List D. Ginkgo biloba, Hydrocotyle, Physostigma.
List E. Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, Stramonium, Valariana.
List F. Tabacum, Cannabis sativa, Hypericum.
List G. Rhus tox, Salix nigra, Cinchona, Colchicum, Allium sativa, Thea sinensis.
List H. Ginseng, Withania somnifera, Damiana.
List I. Ricinus communis, Podophyllum, Mentha piperata, Rauwolfia, Zingiber.
List J. Taraxacum, Cardus marianus.
List K. Ephedra, Causticum.
List L. Boswellia, Myrrh.
List M. Nigella sativa, Oenothera biennis, Secale cor.
List N. Condurango, Iodoform, Phosphoric acid, Cobaltum, Baryta mur, Anacardium orientalis.
List O. Thuja, Absinthium, Juniperus communis, Viscum album.
List P. Argentum nitricum, Natrum mur, Zincum met, Conium mac, Cicuta virosa (Lower limb).
List Q. Aurum met, Vitis vinifera, Alfalfa, Acorus calamus, Laurocerasus.
List R. Magnesium phosphate, Calcium phos.
List S. Terminalia chebula.
Black sympathetic magic remedies for black.
White sympathetic magic remedies for white.
Yellow sympathetic magic remedies for yellow.
Supporting treatment
Favourable factors
Identify favourable factors individually.
Vegetarian diet.
Gluten free diet.
Dairy free diet.
Meat free diet.
Fat free diet for one year.
Low fat diet.
Low cholesterol diet.
Non saturated fat.
Cold pressed saturated oil.
Goat milk (Low fat).
Cow milk (8 months after calving).
Polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Sunflower (Linoleic acid-Phyto heavy metals).
Primrose oil (Linoleic acid).
Piper nigrum, Cinnamon, Nutmeg, Star anise, Basil (Phyto heavy metals).
Chilli pepper (Folic acid).
Cod liver oil.
Coconut oil.
Stone fruits (Cyanine).
Almonds (Vitamin E).
Brown rice (Ferrum chelation).
Raw vegetable juice for 3 weeks.
Vegetarian diet for 4 days a week.
Vegetable protein and vegetable fat.
Vitamin A, D, E, anti-oxidants.
Vitamin B12 diet (Liver).
Vitamin B1 (Homocysteine allergy, Arsenic toxicity).
Vitamin C (Uric acid, Alloxan, Benzoic acid, acid elimination).
Choline, Egg yolk, Fenugreek (Saturated fat allergy).
Vegetables (Calcium, Magnesium, Selenium, Manganese, Zinc).
Sesame seeds (Ferrum, Mn, Estrogenic).
Fennel seed (Heavy metal detoxification).
Asphaltum & Shilajith.
Fumaric acid (Malic acid allergy).
Honey (Manna).
Acetic acid.
Intestinal detoxification (Yoghurt).
Liver purification & homeostasis (Reduction of globulin).
Spinal & Sole manipulation with warm sesame oil, oil of sassafras albidum, oil of piper nigrim, oil of cinnamon, oil of nutmeg, oil of star anise, oil of basil, oil of pine. oil of cloves, oil of fennel, Celastrus paniculata oil on sole of foot and palm.
Reflexology at sole points.
Hydrotherapy (Warm water for mild pain. Cold water in severe pain).
Alternate hot and cold shearer's daily.
Alternate hot and cold compress to the spine.
Cool water spray on the spinal cord.
Ocean swimming.
Salt (Halotherapy).
Carbon dioxide.
8-hour sleep at night.
Regular stretching exercises.
Breathing exercises (Exhaling).
Outdoor exercises.
Outdoor living.
Sunlight in the morning and evening.
Warm climate.
Hoodoo sympathetic herbals.
List of Antidotes. Chelation by herbal nanoparticles.
Graphitis. < Manganese. < Silicea. < Ferrum. < Chromium. < Lead. < Aluminum. < Mercury. < Arsenicum. < Sulphur. < Gold. < Phosphorus. < Magnesium. < Calcium. < Natrum.
Cyanide x Charcoal, Sulphur.