Friday, 6 July 2012

Dementia. Dr..Kader Kochi.

Dementia is a syndrome, with many causes, of global impairment of cognition in clear consciousness. Dementia (Latin, meaning “without mind”) is the name for a group of symptoms which can include memory loss, problems in learning, impairment in cognitive functioning, and changes in personality, speech and behavior. 

Dementia is usually a slowly progressive disorder. It may be sudden and regular after certain conditions include brain injury, strokes, infections, convulsions, hydrocephalus, alcoholism, Wernicke’s encephalopathy, Korsakoff’s psychosis, Heavy metal toxicity and following narcotic drugs. Incidence of dementia is low in Asian and African countries than polar countries.

Types of Dementia

There are two types of dementia.  

Early onset dementia.

Late onset dementia. 

In the early onset dementia, symptoms first appear before the age 60.  Dementia is much less common under 65 years of age. The duration of the illness may often vary from 3 to 20 years. 

Early onset dementia is much less common, accounting for only 5- 10% of cases. Its progression is rapid. 

Dementia is likely to continue to progress rapidly if it develops rapidly. It may progress slowly if it develops slowly. 

Mild or moderate type dementia.

Severe dementia.

Alzheimer’s Disease

It is the most common type of dementia in the elderly. The disease was first described in 1906 by German physician Dr. Alois Alzheimer. Almost 60% of dementias are belonged to this group. The genetic factors are considered on onset of the disease occur before 65 years of age. Environmental factors, lifestyle and overall general health are also involved in development of this disorder. 

Its prevalence is age related as high as 47% in persons of 85 years above. This slowly progressive disorder gets pathologically characterized by extra cellular deposition of amyloid plaques and formation of intracellular neurofibrillary tangles especially in cortex accompanied with decreased concentrations of the neuron transmitter acetylcholine, nor adrenaline and 5 hydroxytryptamine. 

Premonitory Symptoms

The premonitory symptoms may be subtle, and may resemble symptoms include chronic headache, spells of dizziness, anger, and rheumatic type pain on extremities.

Early symptoms

Most common symptom in early onset type is gradual impairment of memory for recent happenings. Forget what was doing 5 minutes ago and repeat the same thing several times.

Difficulty to remember the names of new acquaintances, appointments, names, or telephone numbers more often and not remember them later. Forgets familiar routes, the steps for preparing a meal, or using a household appliance.

Frequently lose or misplace everyday items such as the eyeglasses or car keys.

Confusion, using a fork instead of a spoon and a knife instead of a pencil etc. may occur. 

Remember unpleasant events.

Language deterioration. 

Difficulty in finding the right words.

Difficulty in speech due to impairment in memory of meaning, and shrinking of vocabulary.

Difficulty to follow the flow of a conversation.

Individual repeatedly asks the same questions, and repeating the statements. 

Depression (about 30%), anxiety (about 20%), agitation or irritability may appear without apparent reason. 

Losing interest in things previously enjoyed.

Neglect personal safety, hygiene, and nutrition.

Lower standard in grooming and dressing.

Disorientation of time and place.

Cognitive difficulties.

Difficulty in learning.

Difficulties with perception. 

Problems with planning.

Faulty reasoning.

Problems with abstract thinking.

Inability to recognize people.  

Difficulty in identifying common smells such as lemon, banana or perfumes.

Personality changes. 

Apathy, hypochondriasis, ill - behavior, suspicion, infidelity, abandonment, hallucination, confusion state at night, wandering, hide things, delusion, delusion of theft, fantastic delusion about eternity, problems in choosing proper clothing, wear too few or too many clothes, fearfulness, dependent on a family member, late return to home, habit of drinking alcohol in late evening etc. may develop.

Late symptoms

Individual forgets details about current events.

Lose awareness of who he/she is, and forgets events in own life history. 

Difficulty to wave his hand to someone, greet someone or use a pen for writing.

Difficulties with executive functions and execution of movements. 

Difficulty in carrying out daily activities such as dressing, cooking, washing, how to use a knife, open the door, ironing, way to shops, paying the bills etc. can develop.

Loss of interest in social activities.

Impairment in long term memory.

Lose insight about disease process and limitations.

Loss of bowel and bladder control.

Nasal or imperfect speech, aphasia, and extreme apathy.

Motor changes 

Muscle weakness.

Spontaneous tremor on muscles near mouth.

Staggering when eyes are shut.


Weight loss.

Symptoms become more obvious in advanced stage. 


Risk factors

Down syndrome.

Genetic factors.

Immunological factors.

Environmental factor.

Advancing age.

Family history.

Female gender.


Genetic factors appear to be very important when the disease begins at or before age 50.

Vascular causes


Cardio-vascular diseases.

Cerebro vascular arteriosclerosis.





Toxins & drugs causes

Heavy metal poisoning (Manganese, Iron, Mercury, Lead, Antimony, Cadmium).

Anti-convulsant (Phenytoin).

Psychotropic drugs (Cannabis Indica, Mexican cactus peyote, Corydalis cava, LSD, Mescaline).


Carbon monoxide poisoning.

Inhaled anaesthetics (Isoflurane and Halothane).



Quinolinic acid.

Infections causes

HIV Infection.

Creutzfeldt – Jacob disease.

Viral encephalitis.


Cryptococcal meningitis.

Sub-acute sclerosing pan-encephalitis.

Lyme disease.

Whipple’s disease.


Metabolic causes

Obesity (Myelin degeneration).

Amyloidosis (Neuron degeneration).

Haemochromatosis (Myelin degeneration).

Wilson’s disease.

Tay-Sachs disease.


Gaucher’s disease.


Hepatic encephalopathy.

Renal encephalopathy.

Nitrogen retention.


Endocrinal causes

Hypothyroidism (Hypercholesterolemia).

Iodine deficiency (Cyst formation).

Parathyroid, Pituitary and Gonad dysfunctions.

Adrenal hyperfunction.


Vitamin B12 (Chronic gastritis, Phenytoin toxicity, Calcium deficiency).  

Vitamin B1 (Alcohol toxicity).  

Vitamin B2.


Vitamin B6.

Pantothenic acid.

Folic acid (B9).

Vitamin C.





Neoplastic causes



Para-sagittal meningioma.

Traumatic causes

Subdural hematoma.  

Single or repeated head injuries. 

Digestive tract surgery.

Other causes of cognitive impairment



Parkinson-plus syndromes.

Multiple sclerosis.

Bechet's disease.


Sjogren’s disease.

Systemic lupus erythematosus.


Dementia management

Treat any treatable cause first.

Treat any concurrent physical illness.

Take rational homeopathic remedies early. 

Identify and eliminate all suspected environmental factors prophylactically

Pesticides (Toluene, Barium carbonate).

Fungicides (Manganese).

Compounds of heavy metals (Lead, Aluminum, Copper, Sulfur, Mercury, Cadmium, Iron).

Formaldehyde (Glue, disinfectant, some baby shampoos, flea collars).

Low frequency electromagnetic instruments.

Gasoline (Heavy metals).

Drinking water contaminated with pollution (Fluoride, Manganese, Arsenic).

Excessive use of spices (Cloves, cardamom, zingiber, basil, and pepper) in diet during pregnancy.

Cereals contaminated with ergot.

Some herbal tea (Methanol, Manganese, Lead).

Artificial flavour and sweeteners (Glutamate).

Processed cheese and oats (Glycoprotein).

Restrict items contaminated with toxic heavy metals 

Lead rich items 

Hair dyes, paints, nails, gasoline, and tobacco sprayed with lead arsenate, glazed ceramics (Use tempered glass or stainless glass utensils), Organ meat, milk, lactose, oysters, shellfish, canned food. 

Aluminum rich items

Cookware, utensils, tea pot, foil, underarm deodorants, antacids, douches, buffered aspirin, silver amalgam, baking powder, processed cheese, any juices and drinks packaged in aluminum lined cartons, bottle with aluminum top, drinking water.

Copper contained items

Cooking pot, soya bean, canned green vegetable, beef, meat of large animals (copper), and grass or vegetables sprayed with copper sulphate.

Mercury rich items

Wild game, swordfish, tuna, salmon, shark, martin (bird), water based wall paints, dental amalgam, vermilion, chlorine product and electric tubes.

Cadmium & Manganese rich items 

Battery waste, soft drinks dispensers; Potato, Basil.


Protective measures

Wear a seat belt at all times when riding in a motor vehicle. 

Establish and keep guidelines of sports safety.

Correct cardiovascular disturbance early to maintain optimum cerebral circulation and nutrition. 

Ensure proper nutrition

Ensure proper nutrition including nutrients specifically selected for brain health. Take treatment for diseases in childhood promptly to prevent the premature softening, and auto immune nerve sclerosis. Take treatment measures against inflammation, degenerations, morbid infiltration and calcification in brain and spinal cord in mid and later life.

Fatty acids  

They are essential for maintaining the integrity of neuron membranes. 

Dietary sources of essential fatty acids.

Nuts, seeds, fish, liver oil, and evening primrose oil. Include < 3 grams of docosahexaenoic acid or eicosapentaenoic acid (a type of polyunsaturated fatty acid (Omega-3) in diet per day.  

Source of omega-3 fatty acid.

Swordfish (methyl mercury toxicity), tuna, salmon, sardines, and nuts.


It is good nutrient to the brain and it can clean the arteries and veins. It is beneficial in Lipiodosis.

Source of Lecithin

Egg yolk, soybean (manganese toxicity), peanut and liver. 

Vitamin C 

It is essential for formation of nor- epinepherine from tyrosine and phenylalanine. It can prevent premature degeneration of locus ceruleus. It is an effective chelating agent (Magnesium, Acetic acid, Malic acid, Calcium).

Vitamin E 

Level of vitamin E in body is lowered when lipid content is increased.  

Dietary sources of vitamin E

Green leafy vegetables (Mg also), whole grain products, wheatgerm, eggs, milk, raw or sprouted seeds or nuts, ground nut, coconut oil and sunflower oil.


Include sufficient quantity of magnesium rich items in daily life. It can help to slow down aluminum absorption. Daily requirement in adult men is about 350 mg, while in adult women is 300 mg.  

Source of Magnesium

Legumes, green vegetable, all kinds of nuts, wholegrain, shellfish and meat are the main source of magnesium. 


Sufficient quantities calcium is also essential for absorption of B12 and optimum neuron functions. Daily requirement in adult men is 800 mg. It is also helpful to slow down aluminum and manganese absorption. Prefer egg white (blood thinner) than milk for calcium requirement.


Low manganese diet increase iron absorption. Sesame seeds, beetroot, liver, and meat are rich source of iron. Excess of iron has a negative role in nerve functions.


Choline (It is absent in maize).

Methionine (Milk- sulphur).

Casein (Rich in milk).

Inositol (Brain, meat, liver).

Thiamine (Pulses, nuts, un milled cereals-sulphur).

Riboflavin (Milk, green leafy vegetables).

Niacin (Unpolished rice and wheat; Absent in milk and maize).

Pantothenic acid (Meat, peas, wheat).

Pyridoxine (Germinated seeds, meat).

B12 (Milk, meat).

Folic acid (Green vegetables, pulses, cauliflower).

Para amino benzoic acid.

Biotin (Egg yolk).

Vitamin P.

Vitamin A (Milk, egg yolk, liver oil).

Vitamin C (Orange, gooseberry, guava, citrus fruits).

Iodine (Sea weeds).

Zinc (Fish, cashew nut, meat).

Selenium (Garlic, potato). 

Carnitine (Present in red meat, fish, sesame, pumpkin, pulses, garlic and banana).


Medicinal treatment for dementia

The aim of medicinal treatment is control symptoms, antidote neurotoxins, purify neurons, inhibit nerve degeneration, promote development of new nerve fibrils, and promote formation of neuro transmitters includes noradrenalin, acetylcholine, dopamine, serotonin, melatonin etc.

Early stage        

Calotropis 6c, Tabacum 3c, Camphor 3c, Hyoscyamus 3c, Calcarea Carb 3c.

Progressive stage

Nux vomica 2c, Syzygium aromaticum 2c, Piper nigrim 2c, Rauwolfia 2c, Secale cor 2c, Thuja 2c, Yohimbinum 2c, Curcuma longa 2c, Gelsemium 2c, Crape Jasmine 2c, Ginkgo biloba 2c, Physostigma 2c, Trigonella 2c, Agarcin 4c, Alumina 6c, Calcarea fluoride 6c, Cuprum met 6c, Silicea 6c, Acetic acid 6c. 

Vascular dementia    

Ginkgo biloba 2c, Arsenic alb 6c, Veratrum alb 2c, Rauwolfia 2c, Salix nigra 3c, Crataegeus 2c.

Childhood dementia

Acorus calamus 2c, Glycyrrhiza glabra 2c, Crocus sativa 2c, Alfalfa 2c.  

Hypothyroid dementia

Iodum 6c, Glycyrrhiza glabra 2c. 

Male dementia        

Agnus castus 6c, Anacardium 6c, Ginseng 2c, Muira puama 2c (Ach), Yohimbinum 2c.

Female dementia

Ignatia 2c, Salvia officinalis 2c, Thuja 3c.

Toxic dementia         

Sulphur 8c, Colchicum 3c.

Traumatic dementia

Arnica 3c, Conium mac 2c.

Serotonin promoter

Secale cor 3c, Rauwolfia 3c.

Other medicines

Agaricus, Physostigma, Fenugreek, Brahmi, Jothismathi, Tabacum, Garlic yellow (Moly onion).Anti Ach inhibitors, Parasympathomimetics.

Other homeopathic remedies

1. Silicea 6c, Manganum nigrim 6c, Plumbum acetate 6c, Antimonium sulphide 6c, Alumina 6c, Arsenic sulphide 6c, Mercurius sulphide 6c, Kali iodide 3c, Calcarea fluoric um 6c.

,2. Cannabis Indica 3c, Conium 2c, Gelsemium 2c, Hyoscyamus 2c, Lachesis 6c, Nux vomica 2c, Piper nigrim 3c, Rauwolfia 2c, Thuja 2c, Alfalfa 2c, Aloe socotrina 2c, Cinchona 3c, Salix nigra 3c, Camphor 3c, Absinthium 3c, Betula alba 6c, Wintergreen 3c, Agaricus 6c, Ricinus communis 3c, Cardamom 3c, Zingiber 3c, Jothismathi 1c, Brahmi 1c, Calotropis 3c, Withania somnifera 3c, Olibanum 6c, Asphaltum Himalayan 6c, Black pearls 6c, Tabernaemontana 2c, Syzygium aromaticum 3c, Belladonna 6c.

Homeopathicity (Ach)

Stramonium and Hyoscyamus in higher dilution.

Central nervous system depressants

Cinchona, Colchicum, Gelsemium, Ipecac, Belladonna, Piper nigrim, Rauwolfia, Salix nigra, Secale cor, Sulphur, Acetic acid, Kali bromide, Magnesium phos.


Detoxifying medicines 

If the mechanism of the cell’s disposal system fails to function properly unusual particles will form and infilterate inside nerve cells. These impurities can cause overstimulation, inflammation or premature death of the neurons. Heavy metals, abnormal proteins, viruses and vaccines are common micro impurities in neurons.



Arsenic alb, Manganum nigricum.


Arsenic alb, Cuprum met, Iodum, Nux vomica.


Magnesium, Calcium, Nux vomica, Thuja, Cinchona, Camphor.


Cinchona, Cuprum met, Ferrum, Nux vomica, Pepper.


Stannum, Manganum nigricum.


Allium sativa, Selenium, Stramonium, 

Sulphur, Acetic acid, Malic acid, Arsenicum.


Arsenicum, Cicuta, Nux vomica (Coconut milk also).

Alcohol & Cyanide                

Sulphur. Allium sativa.


Calcium, Ascorbic acid.




Nux vomica, Ignatia.


Milk, Ghee.


Carbon, Charcoal.


Arsenicum, Camphor, Coffea.

Other toxins, Antidotes

Agaricus, Syzygium aromaticum, Zingiber, Ricinus communis, Piper nigricum, Ocimum san, Alfalfa, Achyranthes aspera.

Christa therapy

Apply Celastrus paniculatus oil on skin once in week.

Apply Ricinus communis oil on skin twice in month.

Apply Tabernaemontana latex on skin twice in month.

Apply Syzigium aromaticum oil on skin twice in month.

Apply Allium sativa extract on skin twice in month.

Apply charcoal.


Diet therapy

Take raw Juice of young ash gourd, apple, carrot or beet root without sugar for 3 weeks. 

Take apple or grapes with skin (pectin) to bind metals in GI tract. 

Use coriander, and fennel.

Use banana and its skin.

Consume whey powder or lactose.

Continue the elimination treatment for the periods of 6 to 12 months.

Favourable items

Horsegram, fenugreek, greengram, garlic, gooseberry, legumes (Lipotrophic sulphur containing amino acid), pumpkin seeds, sun flower oil, curry leaf, citrus fruits, lime juice etc.

Consume silica contains food (Bamboo sugar, egg white). 

Prefer coconut, walnut, and mushroom.

Prefer sesame oil or castor oil for applying on scalp.

Prefer electric stove for cooking than gasoline (Heavy metals).

Unfavourable items

Saturated fatty acids.

High-fat dairy products, cheese, butter.

Red meat.

Uric acid rich items.

Protein excess from animal source.

Creatine rich organ meat.

Fish with high heavy metals.

Broiled fish.

Excess of alcohol.

Caffeine excess.

Tea excess.


Cereals contaminated with ergot.

Opium derivatives.

Piper, Garlic, Capsicum, Chilly, Cloves or similar spicy items promoting chronic gastritis (Inhibits B12 absorption).

Foods that are highly refined and processed.

Refined sugar.

Excess of items contain fiber like materials (Infiltration of fiber like material and subsequent degeneration in neurons).

Contrast food like honey and fish.

Deficient mental activities.

Irregular sleep rhythm (Insufficient melatonin).

Benzoic acid antagonist.


Rejuvenation treatment

Take rejuvenation medicines periodically especially in autumn to strengthen the general vitality from age of 50 onwards. Take banana, malt, honey or ghee as the prime rejuvenators. 

Camphor 6C, Tabacum 6C, Ocimum can 6C, Alfalfa 2C, Syzygium aromaticum 2X, Agaricus 2C, Arsenic sulphide 6C, Cinchona 2C, Curcuma longa 2C, Ginkgo biloba 2C, Secale cor 2C, Terminalia chebula 2C, Tinospora cordifolia 2C, Withania somnifera 2C, Zingiber officinal 2x, Calotropis 6c, Calcarea carbonicum 2C, Natrum mur 2C, Magnesium sulphate 2C, Manganese nigricum12C, Mercurius 12C can  be used as rejuvenator along with seasonal and constitutional healthy food.

Exercise and massage

Get regular physical exercise.

Passive and stretching exercise. 

Choose a time to exercise when feeling well. 

Practice deep diaphragmatic breathing exercises to improve chest wall mobility, and increase the vital capacity.

Make pressure directly to all acupressure points of palm and sole especially on thumb and great toe.

Massage on whole length of spinal column, muscles of limbs and whole skin with arnica oil, camphorated sesame oil or aromatic essential oil (lemon balm, lavender oil) before bath to reduce fatigue and limb pain. 

Prefer cold bath to head and spine. Enjoy mineral baths.

Other measures

Keep dental hygiene to prevent dental decaying as well as secondary infections. Prefer amalgam substitute for silver (aluminum) and mercuric dental filling.

Clean teeth daily with walnut bark.

Get 8-hour restful sleep. 

Keep sleep hygiene, and follow regular sleep schedule. 

Take a long bath to get sound sleep.

Practice mental and physical exercise. 

Learn a additional language.

Restrain from unnecessary over excitement, or overexertion. 

Spend some minutes every day for relaxation. 

Take fasting once in every week.

Ensure sufficient intake of water in summer to prevent dryness in neurons (30 ml/kg. body weight).

Avoid oysters and clams.

Avoid soyabeans, berries and potatoes daily.

Avoid excessive or daily consumption of teff, oats, brown rice, chickpeas, pine nuts, hazel nuts, butter nuts, walnuts, pecan nuts and coconut.

Avoid tea, coffee, chocolates, spicy food, extra fluids etc. near bedtime. 

Avoid heavy night meals. 

Avoid tobacco smoking.

Avoid over sex even in young and middle life.

Avoid frequent exposure to extreme cold.

Use large and light pen holders for writer’s cramp.

Inhale fumes of burned turmeric, mustard seeds or human hair. 

Apply magnetic north pole on head for short periods.


Patient care

Cultivate a positive living environment early.

Encourage to selfcare and their other activities. 

Support the patient's feelings and thoughts. 

Speak to the patient calmly, and allow sufficient time to understand and reply.

Make some modification to the living environment (Simplified routines, labeling of household items) and safety of patient (safety locks).

Khidr remedies

Cyanide antagonist.

Arsrnicum antagonist.

Phospherus agonist.

Sulphur, Natrum, Mercury, Manganese vegitable analogue.

Aurum vegetable analogue.


Dementia associated diseases 

Vascular Dementia

Age of onset is late.  About 25% of cases are belonged to this group. Sudden onset of symptoms may be a sign of this dementia. It often progresses in a step-wise fashion and more occur in male.

Fronto temporal lobe Dementia

 It is a rapidly progressive degenerative disorder more occur in female characterized by personality changes, impairment in social skills, lack of empathy, aphasia and followed with loss of memory and abnormal emotion. It may be more common in women and occurs at an early age due to circumscribed atrophy.

Senile Dementia

It usually develops after the age of 60 with other changes of aging like wrinkled skin, greyness, loss of hair, and low muscle mass. Mental decline is mild and slowly progressive. Complains about memory loss but able to provide detailed examples of forgetfulness. Interpersonal social skills are not much impaired.

Parkinson’s Disease

The common symptoms are rigidity, tremor, mask face, bradykinesia, and postural difficulties. Almost 20% to 60% of Parkinson’s patients will get dementia, depression and problems with executive functioning in advanced stage.

Multiple Sclerosis

It is due to degeneration of oligodendroglia of brain and spinal cord due to some allergic reaction. It starts before 35 years of age. Patient feels back pain, numbness, weakness and stiffness especially in leg. Ultimately whole body becomes rigid and tremor tends to spread from limb to limb and he becomes bed ridden. Patient becomes unable to speak or write, but intelligence remains clear. Some patient may feel euphoria. Evidence of upper motor lesion, intention tremor nystagmus, diplopia and scanning speech are present. Bladder complaints may occur due to spinal lesion. Dementia occurs in later stage. Recurrence and relapse are common. 

Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis

It is a rapidly progressive neuron -degenerative disorder that appears with combined symptoms of dementia and motor symptoms. Fibrillatory tremors mostly appear in limb that previously affected with poliomyelitis. Adduction of thumb and sign of lower motor lesion are other features. It may occur from heavy metal toxicity. This disease occurs more in cycad eaters and among the Chamorro populations of Guam and in the Mariana Islands.

Hepatolenticular Degeneration (Wilson’s disease)

It is a genetic disorder in which there is an abnormal metabolism of copper and amino acid. The excess of copper content may be due to either excessive absorption from gut, or less excretion through bile due to liver insufficiency, or lack of copper binding globulin - ceruloplasmin. The onset of symptoms is before age 40 years. Males are more affected. History of alcoholism or liver cirrhosis may present. Common features are low ceruloplasmin in blood (Ceruloplasmin normal value is 20 - 50mg/dl); presence of copper in urine (normal value is 100pg/24 hours); glycosuria, aminoaciduria, and increased excretion of uric acid and phosphate due to renal lesion by copper deposition. Presence of Kayser Fleischer tinge on cornea, and sunflower cataract in some individual. Speech is slow and monotonous with slurring of consonants and repetition of syllables.  Face loses its expression. There is staring look due to less blinking. Rhythmical tremor worse on excitement, emotion, voluntary movement, and absent during sleep. Hand writing may be cramped. Reflexes are normal. No sensory and sphincter changes. Pyramidal signs are absent. 

Creutzfeldt Jakob Disease (Mad cow disease)

It is a rapidly progressive transmissible disease due to neuronal proliferation with symptoms includes problems with attention, lack of concentration, problems with vision and convulsion. It is also transmitted through infected medical equipment in procedures such as corneal transplantation. Dementia due to mad cow disease can occur at any time. Some groups have a genetic link. The brain is riddled by tiny cavities. 

Huntington's Disease

This hereditary and degenerative disease can occur in all age groups but it usually develops in the late 30s or early 40s. Family history, high type of irritability and bouts of depression may present. Jerky movements begin in shoulder, trunk and lower limbs gives rise to a dancing look. Difficulty with executive function, impaired judgment, forgetfulness, delusion and hallucinations are other features.

Lewy body Disease

Lewy body disease is characterized by deposits of an insoluble protein called alpha synuclein inside brain cells. The common symptoms are difficulty in perception, impaired thinking, fearful visual hallucinations, rigidity and involuntary movements during sleep. Prognosis is good.

Traumatic Encephalopathy

It is most common among young males who engage in risk taking activities. The degree and nature of impairment depends on the location and severity of the brain injury. Common symptoms are amnesia, forgetfulness, attention problems, irritability, and depression.

HIV Infection

Dementia due to HIV can occur slowly in all age groups. Common symptoms are memory loss, difficulty in concentration and problem solving, slowness, apathy, delusion, and hallucinations.

Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus 

Common symptoms are impaired bladder control with urinary frequency, forgetfulness, progressive mental impairment, disturbance in gait, problem with balance, and lack of symptoms of increased intracranial pressure.

Wernicke -Korsakoff Syndrome

It results from a deficiency in Vitamin B1. It occurs in chronic alcoholism, malnutrition, and following chemotherapy. The common symptoms are confusion, problems in communication, forgetfulness, apathy, and hallucination.


It is a condition of abnormal fat accumulation in the brain and spinal cord. It occurs more in certain races (Jews). Lecithin is absent. A cherry red spot appears in the retina. Hypochlorhydria, posterolateral degeneration due to B12 & B1 deficiencies and hypoglycemia are the other features. Depth of dementia is less. Symptoms of liver cirrhosis also may develop due to lecithin deficiency. 


Alzheimer's disease & Parkinson disease.

1. Purification therapy (Macro and Micro level).

2. Cellular toxins antidote therapy.

3. Symptomatic therapy (Stimulant).

4. Enzymes promoting therapy.

5. Reflex therapy.

6. Vascular therapy.

7. Anti-degeneration therapy.

8. Rejuvenation therapy.

9. Homeopathicity therapy.

10. Khidr sympathatic magic remedies.

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