dung, Food of devils, Food of gods (Iran), Ferula, Assa-foetida (Spanish),
Badian (Afghanistan), Tyib (Arabic), Hing (Sanskrit), Kaayam.
Perennial herb. Height 2 meters. Milky juice from carrot shape root. Plant contains resin, gum, volatile oil, phenolic acids, ferulic acid, coumarin, valeric acid, asaresinotannols, ash, organo-disulphide, a-pinene, vanillin, and iron.
This is diuretic,
laxative, and expectorant medicine.
It is medicine for
influenza (Avicenna).
It is medicine for
spasmodic cough, asthma, and prostration.
It is medicine externally
for constipation and worms in babies (Ricinus communis).
It is medicine for
colic, and indigestion.
It is medicine for flatulence,
and reverse peristalsis (Nux vomica).
It is medicine for
It is medicine for
impotence, premature ejaculation, and infertility with low sperm count.
It is medicine for
It is medicine for weak
circulation, and hypertension.
It is medicine for
muscle rigidity, spasm, and muscle pain.
It is medicine externally
for insects’ bites, corn, and callus.
It is brain stimulant.
It is prime remedy for
depressive mood, fatigue, and neurasthenia.
It is remedy for
hysteria, epilepsy, hypochondriasis, and autonomic neuropathy (Ignatia).
It is remedy for liver
It is remedy for migraine,
and dysmenorrhoea (Progesterone deficiency).
It is remedy for low
blood cells count.
Raw asafoetida is
better in cough. Roasted one is better in flatulence.
It had been applied
externally on forehead of babies to get protection from evils.
It is the antidote of
It had been used as
It had been used
externally as preventive medicine for epidemic influenza (Amulet-Gelsemium, Camphor, Ricinus communis, Ignatia).
It was favourable to
Vaishnavas and Jain (Onions and garlic were unfavourable).
It is toxic to nearby
plants (Nux vomica).
It is antidote in cyanide toxicity.
It is a favourable
medicine to wolf.
Word “asa”
(Persian) means resin. Word “foetidus” (Latin) means offensive. Ferula (Latin)
means vehicle.
Dilution (Single dose).
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