Diabetes is a persisting state of hyperglycemia due to lack or diminished effectiveness
of endogenous insulin. It is not simply a disorder of pancreas and
metabolism. It affects the whole body, particularly the brain, hypothalamus,
spinal cord, heart, liver, kidney, endocrine glands and skin.
Diabetes is affected more than 10 percent in Keralites. Prevalence is more in China, India, Canada, America, Marshall Islands, Tuvalu, Nauru, Caledonia, Kiribati, Mauritius and Fiji. It is a major risk factor behind arteriosclerosis, renal failure, myocardial infarction and stroke. Word diabetes means syphon. Word ‘meh’ in Sanskrit means
Pancreas lies in the upper left and back part of the abdomen. Total length is about 12 mm to 15 cm. Colour of the pancreas is pinkish orange (Doctrine of signature). Insulin is secreted from the inner core of the islet of pancreas.
Insufficiency of digestive enzymes from pancreas and stomach lead to weak protein digestion. Undigested protein molecules cause formation of allergic factors to the endocrine cells. These results damage pancreatic hormone cells and its hormone synthesis.
Formation of abnormal fat molecules from undigested fat in intestine as well as release of abnormal fat from fat depot cause deposition of it in major blood vessels and liver cells. This causes fatty liver and consequently atherosclerosis in arteries of major organs like heart, brain or kidney. Excess of fat in liver cells inhibits both glycogen formation and its storage in the liver.
Increase of protein and fat catabolism due to insufficiency of insulin further promotes acidosis. Acidosis is the major cause behind all complications of diabetes.
Symptoms of hyperglycemia
These include polyuria, lethargy, excessive thirst, increased appetite, fatigue and symptoms of dehydration. Polyuria facilitates loss of water soluble vitamins and minerals besides dehydration.
Dehydration hinders transport of glucose molecules from blood to extracellular fluid. Excess of glucose level in body fluid (total 30 liter) draws more water from the bloodstream. This will lead to rebound haemoconcentration.
Other common symptoms in diabetes are visual defects, pruritus, paresthesia, numbness & pain, erectile dysfunction, and fungal skin infections.
Risk factors
Obesity, over nutrition, Radiation, Toxic metals, viral chronic infection, Allergic diathesis.
Weight loss, atherosclerosis, coronary heart diseases, tuberculosis, visual disorders, nephropathy, autonomic neuropathy, peripheral neuropathy, foot ulcer etc are common
Hyperglycemia alternate with symptoms of hypoglycemia may appear in some chronic diabetes.
Complementary treatment
Aim of treatment should be something more than the periodic lab tests and establishment of mere normoglycemia.
Treatment programs include control of every sign and symptoms, prevention of the complications, complete remission, and improvement in the overall health of individuals.
Primary measure is elimination of predisposing factors. Next are application of herbal medicines to slow down the absorption of glucose from intestine, to increase the number of hormone cells in islets of pancreas, to Increase the level of insulin secretion from islets depot, to promote tissue sensitivity to normal insulin and other enzymes, to reduce the reabsorption of glucose from renal tubules if it level is high, and to ensure the homeostasis of metabolism and nerve functions.
Primary prevention
Identify & eliminate
predisposing factors.
Obesity and sedentary lifestyle.
Habit of overeating with carbohydrates and
saturated fat.
Chronic consumption of excess
refined sugar.
Chronic consumption of trans fat.
Consumption of phosphorus rich diet (Diabetes is about > 30% in phosphorus rich Nauru Islands).
Hemochromatosis in pancreas (Iron toxicity).
Chronic pancreatitis (Radiation, Virusus, Alcohol, Toxins, Minerals, Toxic metals, Halogens,
Allergic & Autoimmune factors (Abnormal proteins from mal digestion, genetic, virus, gluten,
Liver chronic congestion (Chronic hepatitis,
Right heart weakness, C.O.P. D).
Alloxan added food items (Maida, and white
flour products).
Excessive consumption of biscuits (Alloxan and nitrogen factors, fish protein, sugar, dissolved starch, fat).
Pesticide (1, 3 dichloropropene) contaminated
items (It is widely used in agriculture of tobacco, potato, beetroot,
peanut, cotton, onion and carrot).
Chronic use of
Chronic consumption of phenol derivative products (Chemical medicines).
Chronic consumption of alcohol & Acetic acid (mal sour).
Chemicals and drugs. Benzene derivative, Phenothiazines, thiazides, furosemide, indomethacin, phenytoin, levodopa, lithium, opium, sympathomimetic, tobacco, nicotinic acid, paracetamol, estrogen, thyroxin, iron excess, aminophylline, calcium channel blocker, and rauwolfia.
Adverse effects from metal like
vanadium and chromium (Stainless cookware).
Food sources of vanadium may be beneficial. (They include oats, vegetable oils, dill, radish, buckwheat and egg. Homeopathicity). Chromium daily requirement is < 25 mcg /day. Food sources of chromium include oats, corn, sweet potato, brewer’s yeast, whole grain, banana, tomato, shellfish, and poultry (Homeopathicity).
Wheat and wheat products polluted with minerals like uranium compounds (underground radiation).
Environmental stress that affects the cerebrum- hypothalamus- endocrine -adrenal axis.
Misunderstanding about Vital force, mind, body; Health, diet, hygiene, rest, work; environment, season, society; life, and longevity.
Dominance of commercialization.
Diet treatment
Take a balanced diet including adequate calories proportionate to body weight and work. Normal food calories/day for a healthy individual approximately is body weight x 25 calories. It is composed of carbohydrate 50%, fat 30% and protein 20%. Food consumption should be reduced below1000 calorie/day if individual is obese with B.M.I > 30.
Unfavourable diet
Dark cola drinks, potato, sugar crystals, refined sugar, starch, rice water, white flour products made of maida (Alloxan toxicity), beetroot, corn, sweets, juicy fruits, starchy vegetables, sweetly fruits.
Soluble sugars having
high molecular weight persist in blood for long periods without
transporting to body fluid and to cells.
The individuals who are susceptible to
obstinate hyperglycemia should restrain from polysaccharides and soluble fibres
in excess.
Oats, coffee, barley, banana, garlic, onions,
Jerusalem artichokes and chicory contain soluble fibre.
The diet habit contains insoluble fiber, cellulose, condensed starch,
polysaccharides and saturated fat may affect pancreatic digestive enzyme efficiency adversely. It may promote pancreatic enzyme cell proliferation. This makes more compression on islets of insulin cells and later cause its early degeneration of beta cells.
High carbohydrate diet at night. Saliva becomes less alkaline or more acidic at night.
Excess of saturated fat, coconut oil, animal fat, burned oils, fried meat, fried fish. Trans-fat.
Favourable Diet
Whole grain cereals are better than refined carbohydrate items. Wholegrain cereals contain many unnecessary factors. It may be irritable to the intestine in some individuals. Allergic factors are more at the outer coat of grains. Organically grown food grains, vegetables and fruits.
Food containing insoluble fiber slows down the rate of absorption of glucose through the intestinal wall. Cumin, curry leaf, coriander, and green tea contain insoluble fiber (Fish oil and Gymnema sylvestre also slow the absorption of glucose in the intestine). Astringents (Black tea, Terminalia chebula, Syzygium jambolanum) inhibit food absorption by making a coating in the intestinal wall, or transforming an insoluble food residue.
Ripe fruits. Fruit juice without adding sugar.
Vegetable oils containing polyunsaturated fatty acids are helpful to promote peristalsis. Vegetable soups and rasam are allowed.
Unsaturated fat from vegetable origin.
Lecithin rich food (processed soybeans,
Lean meat, chicken and egg white. Salad added with diluted acids like vinegar or lemon juice are helpful to promote digestion of animal protein. Pungent (Ginger, cinnamon, curcuma longa, and pepper) are helpful to promote proper digestion of protein in stomach. These promote energy production in mitochondria of liver cells.
Water, vitamins and minerals
Take water sufficient to body weight (30 ml x body weight). Polyuria causes water loss and loss of water-soluble vitamins through urine.
Ascorbic acid rich items are beneficial to maintain integrity of adrenal glands. Citrus fruits, gooseberry, papaya, carrot, watercress, guava, thuja contain vitamin C.
Ensure adequate minerals and vitamins (Calcium 1500 mg, Zinc 15 mg, Potassium 4000 mg, Magnesium 300 mg, Chlorine 8000 mg, Phosphorous 1000 mg, Sodium 5000 mg (tropical area), Ascorbic acid 75 mg, Nicotinic acid 15 mg, Thiamine 2 mg, and Riboflavin 2mg) in diet daily.
Include calcium rich items. It is essential for insulin release from pancreatic cells and keeps optimum calcium phosphorus ratio (2:1) in blood. Milk, coconut, nuts, egg white contain more calcium. Excess of calcium in blood may cause spasmodic headache, hypertension or arrhythmia in some individuals.
Include Zinc contains items in diet.
Zinc is essential for Insulin storage. It is present in oyster, prawn, cashew nut, ground nut and fish.
Magnesium is essential for glucose absorption in the intestine, and glycogen formation in liver cells. It is present in oats, artichokes, barley, cherry, yam, green vegetables, spinach, cashew nut, beans, sesame, corn, pumpkin seed, wheat, tomato and dried figs. Excess of magnesium may cause rebound effects in some individuals (Homeopathicity). The normal blood level of Mg in adults is about 1.5 - 2.5 mEq/L.
Potassium is essential for Insulin carriage. It is present in leafy vegetables, potatoes, and mushrooms. Fruits, leafy vegetables and whole grains contain large quantities of potassium (Resistance like features).
The normal Potassium level is between 3.5 to 5 mg %.
Increased K+ and Ca++ with low Mg++ can facilitate the pumping of insulin from the pancreas cell depot. Adequate potassium (> 4.5 mg /dl < 5 mg/dl) is beneficial for some individuals have sustained high blood sugar levels. Adrenal insufficiency, low aldosterone, renal disorder, continuous use of non steroid anti inflammatory drugs, sulpha drugs, acidosis, excess of tissue necrosis, and some diuretics can predispose hyperkalemia (Slow pulse, ECG changes (Bradycardia, raised ST segment, wide qRS interval, and low amplitude of R wave, prolonged QT interval) and periodic weakness may manifest if hyperkalemia is developed > 6 mg%). Though the Insulin and increased level of potassium in blood can lower blood sugar level, both may cause abnormal lipid storage and consequent atherosclerosis. Prefer laxative or diuretic items if hyperkalemia persists.
Restrict sodium (potassium also) intake less than 4 gm daily to increase sodium reabsorption. It is also helpful to maintain optimum blood pressure, and optimum blood osmolarity between 290 - 300 mEq/L.
2 x Sodium (<142 mg) + Glucose/18 + BUN / 2.8 =
< 300 mOsm/kg.
Sodium (<142) + Potassium (4) = Chlorine (100) + Bicarbonate (30) + Anion gap (<16).
Continue the diet restriction for a period > 3 months.
Other unfavourable items
Phosphorus rich items.
Egg yolk, red meat, milk products, organ meat, fatty fish, sardines, chocolates, dark coloured cola drinks, processed meat, frozen meals, biscuits, beans, lentils, brown rice, Soya beans etc are phosphorus rich items. Phosphorus daily requirement is less than 1 gm.
Excess of Iron rich items belonging to animal
Organ meat and red meat contain a lot of iron. Iron has cumulative storage and recycling properties. Daily requirement of iron is < 30 mg/ day (?).
Food grains contaminated with ergot (black grains, it's powder).
Vegetable food contains high quantities of soluble fiber (Oats), Magnesium, vanadium, nickel, chromium.
Obesity, hyperadrenocorticism and hyperthyroidism.
Physiological overdose of thyroxine or its substitutes. Thyroxine is a hyperglycemic agent. Chronic consumption of thyroxine can produce hyperglycaemia at night. It can cause rebound hypothyroidism and chronic hypoglycemia (inadequate glucose absorption). Hyperthyroid activity like syndrome, sweating, hyperglycaemia, heart overwork, fearful nightmare, irritable bowel during rest and sleep may be developed due to the thyroid supplements.
Insulin injection may cause cerebral hypoglycaemia in body state with blood sugar less than 250 mg/dl. Insulin dependency or insulin resistance will be taken place if exogenous insulin is consumed for some periods.
Tomato (Solanaceae, oxalate, forbidden love apple).
Chlorinated drinking water (Halogen).
Fluorine rich leaves (tea).
Exercise in hyperglycaemia
Increased work and activity of muscles can promote utilization of glucose in muscle cells and connective tissues.
Practice breathing exercises properly and regularly. It can help to expel carbon dioxide, and increase the efficiency of alveoli (Total number of alveoli are about 50 cores). Breathing exercises can reduce the rate of respiration. It can help the oxygen utilisation in aerobic glucose metabolism. So the utilization of insulin is decreased. Thus, Insulin and subordinate enzymes reserve are increased. Promote the efficiency of expiration first.
Practice sunbath in morning and air bath in evening to promote renal excretion of hydrogen as they increase the size of filtration pores, and exchange of ions in tubules of healthy nephrons.
Manipulative measures
Spinal manipulation near mid mid-thoracic region T
6 to T 12 ganglion.
Massage with sesame (phytoestrogen) oil on the abdomen and spinal column.
Rub on the whole skin with a concentrated solution of salt water before bath twice in a week for 6 months.
Rub vigorously with mustard oil (Sulphur, cyanide) on both palm and sole 2 times daily.
We have a refined knowledge about organic agriculture, food storage, cooking, and eating practices. Food habits and life style should be always according age, sex, season, body constitution, environment and symptoms. Treatment measures for complete remission of disease is a complex art.
Natural herbal therapy is helpful not only to control the hyperglycemia but also to annihilate all associated symptoms. It also corrects the abnormal physical, mental and spiritual morbidities. Herbal similar remedies in minimum quantity have a major role in the early remission. Effectiveness of remedies mostly depends on the susceptibility of the individual. They have no adverse effects. They are also helpful in prevention of the long term complications such as cardiovascular diseases, retinopathy, nephropathy, autonomic neuropathy, and peripheral neuritis.
Homeopathic medicines in
Natural insulin is the essential factor for the entry of glucose from lymph fluid (30 liter) to muscle cells, fat cells and skin. It is also essential for the formation of glycogen in the liver, and its storage in liver and muscle cells. Molecular weight of insulin is about between 7000 to 5000 (5801.6/g/mol). Insulin has a small molecular size and it can pass through cell membrane pore easily with potassium ion (act as vehicle).
Glucose can enter into RBC, liver cells, brain cells (100 billion) and eyes without the help of insulin. Rate of glucose passage is reduced when the cell membrane of neurons becomes thickened due to deposition of cholesterol in the middle layer.
Early degeneration of neuron, liver cells, fat cells, muscle cells may be taken place as a result of hypoxia, high lipid diet, abnormal lipid metabolism, or premature hormonal and enzymatic insufficiencies. Herbal remedies are helpful to establish homeostasis of individual.
Herbal medicines helpful to
promote insulin sensitivity in tissues.
Cinnamon, Zingiber officianalis, and Galega (Hg, Mn).
Medicines helpful to promote release of
acetylcholine (Parasympathomimetic).
They are involved in secretion of insulin. Trigonella, Ipecac, Jaborandi, Physostigma, Veratrum album, Agaricus, Digitalis, Opium, Cannabis Indica, Mace (Cu).
Other Insulin secreting agents
Potassium ion
Calcium ion promoter.
Adathoda vasaka, Glycyrrhiza glabra. Althaea officinalis, Digitalis.
Sulphur contains herbs
Asafoetida, Allium sativa, Zingiber, Viscum album, Arnica.
Amino acids derivatives
Shilajit, Urine, Lachesis.
Other agents
Stimulants like diluted alcohol. It has a role in the increase of tissue sensitivity, stimulation of beta cells, and release of
insulin from insulin depot.
Whey powder.
Bark of Mangifera indica and Salacia oblonga (Ekanayakam). They can delay starch digestion. They may aggravate gas formation in some individuals.
List of medicines
Syzygium aromaticum, Gymnema sylvestre, Cephalandra indica, Syzygium jambolanum, Fenugreek, Cinnamon, Ginseng, Camellia sinesis, Allium sativa, Galega, Ocimum sanctum, Oenothera biennis, Scoparium spartium, Tinospora cordifolia, Solidago virga, Urtica urens, Vaccinium Myrtillus, Hydrocotyle asiatica, Secale cor, Rauwolfia, Rosmarinus officinalis, Apium graveolens, Fucus vesiculosus, Ficus indica, Cinchona, Ficus religiosa, Thymus vulgaris, Veronica, Nigella sativa, Swietenia macrophylla, and Salix nigra.
Medicines protecting
liver functions
Rauwolfia, Veratrum viride, Nux vomica, Cinchona, and secale cor. Sympatholytics are helpful to inhibit liver glycogenolysis through blocking the release of adrenal hormones.
Belladonna, Hyoscyamus, and Stramonium (parasympatholytic) inhibit liver glycogenolysis and subsequent hyperglycemia through blocking the release of glucagon from alpha cells of pancreas.
Kalmegh, Lycopodium, Trigonella, Viscum album, Podophyllum, Arnica, Chelidonium Cardus marianus, Alfalfa and Ptelea trifoliata are some herbals inhibiting glycogenolysis.
Fucus vesiculosus is helpful to block glycogenolysis. It can promote absorption of glucose in the intestine. The heavy deposit of iodine in thyroid cells may decrease the efficiency of thyroid cells and finally cause diminished thyroxine (T3) secretion.
Ricinus communis, Podophyllum, Cascara sagrada, and Senna (palm Christi and Sin Christi, cure) can promote peristalsis. They can promote excretion of starch through the intestine. They also have a role in excretion of starch through the mucus membrane of gall bladder and intestine. They also reduce bacterial over digestion of starch and its reabsorption in the intestine by promoting the evacuation of food residue and microbes.
Medicines in thrombosis
Salix nigra, Cinchona,
Aloe.s; Ginkgo biloba, Hypericum, Ginseng.
Inhale tabacum smoke infrequently (Those contain no insecticide like lead arsenate). It may control the loss of water through urine by acting on posterior pituitary secretion (Anti diuretic hormone. Smoking adverse effects are chronic bronchitis, arteriosclerosis, cancer and hypertension).
Medicines in bleeding
Drink two glasses of warm
water in the early morning, 15 minutes before meals, and in between two meals
to promote haemo-dilution. Total eight glasses (8 x 8 ounce, one ounce water
/kg) of water.
Blood-thinning agents.
These include fish oil,
onion, beer, egg albumin, pepper, ginger.
They can increase tissue
sensitivity. Ultra diluted weak acids may help to clear the waste debris
present at pores of cell membrane. It can increase blood circulation by
promoting haem dilution. They include diluted solution ascorbic acid, acetic acid,
citric acid, phosphoric acid and sulphuric acid (Ginger soda).
They can increase glycogen storage. They increase the size of vacuoles in the cell. They give more space for glucose storage inside the cells of liver and muscle. They include Nux vomica, Podophyllum, Rauwolfia, Cinchona, Alertis farinosa, Gentiana, Azadirecta indica, Andrographis paniculata, Artemisia vulgaris, Chamomilla, Cardus marianus, Lupulus, Berberis vulgaris, Valeriana, Veratrum album, Quassia, Fenugreek, Ricinus communis, Myrrh, Swietenia macrophylla and Millefolium.
Alkali items
They protect the islet of pancreas. Alkaline items prevent early exhaustion of the pancreatic cells (Kidney also). They include vegetables, fruits, fried corn, barley and yeast. Avoid excess of bicarbonate daily as it destroys insulin in plasma. It also controls bleeding.
Medicines for sexual
Yohimbinum (alpha blocker), Withania somnifera, Damiana, Fenugreek, Aspidosperma,
Mucuna puriens and Guarana.
Phytoestrogen contain
Asoka jonosia 3x, Baptisia 3x, Aconitum 3x, Fenugreek 3x, Humulus 3x, Trifolium pretense 3x, Thuja 3x, Digitalis 3x, Psoralea cor 3x, Cimicfuga 3x, Digitalis 3x, Vibrunum prun
Magnesium contains medicines
Urtica urens 3x, Taraxacum 3x, Stelleria 3x, Terminalia arjuna 3x, Colocynth 3x, Aloes.s 3x, Symphytum 3x, Alfalfa 3x, and Gelsemium 3x.
List of remedies for chronic hyperglycemia
Belladonna 3x, Stramonium 3x, Hyoscyamus
3x, Duboisia 3x and Grindelia 3x.
Tabacum 3x, Lobelia 3x, Coffea 3x, Piper nigrim 3x.
Chromium contains
Allium sativa 3x, Dioscorea villosa 3x, Urtica urens 3x, Glycerrhzia 3x, Equisetum hymale 3x, Millefolium 3x, Trifolium pratense 3x and
Sarsaparilla 3x.
Phosphorus contains remedies
Lycopodium 3x, Curcuma longa 3x,
Allium cepa 3x and Piper nigricum 3x.
Arsenic contains remedies
Arsenic album 3x, Kali arsenate 3x, and Sinapis alba 3x (Prevalence of Diabetes is more in places with phosphorus % & arsenic % are high in the ground). It can eliminate the iron irritant (Hemochromatosis in pancreas liver, and heart). Incidence of Hemosiderosis on the skin of the calf is common in chronic diabetes. It can adversely affect microcirculation. Cinchona Homeopathicity).
Inulin contains remedies
Inulin is high molecular weight polysaccharides. It can promote bacterial growth in the intestine. So, food becomes more digested and more absorbed. Avoid chicory, banana, wheat and big onions in obesity and chronic hyperglycemia.
"Inulin for Insulin".
Helianthus annus 3x, Agava Americana 3x, Allium
sativa 3x, Taraxacum 3x, Arnica montana 3x, Echinacea 3x, Arctium lappa
3x, and Allium cepa 3x.
Solanine contains remedies
Tabacum 3x, Solanum tuberosum 3x, solanum lycospercum 3x, Withania somnifera 3x, Dulcamara 3x, and Solanum nigrim 3x.
(Avoid tomato, potatoes and
Abnormal sugar contains remedies
Glycyrrhiza glabra
3x, Cinnamomum 3x, Cypripedium 3x, Equisetum 3x, Ginseng
3x, Lycopodium 3x, Valariana 3x, Xanthoxylum 3x, Yerba santa
3x, Cinchona 3x, Chimaphila 3x, Cimicifuga 3x.
Remedies in liver disease
Podophyllum 3x, Berberis vulgaris 3x, Hydrastis 3x, Sanguinaria 3x, Chelidonium 3x, Cardus mar 3x, Allium sativa 3x, Ptelea trifoliata 3x, Leptandra 3x.
Avoid strong blood sugar lowering medicines if the symptoms of hypoglycemia persist severely with level of blood sugar below 140%. Treatment always be depended on clinical symptoms, and not on simple blood sugar level chart.
Remedy in arteriosclerosis, atherosclerosis,
and vascular proliferation
Chelation medicine
Excess of carbon. Chelation by herbal tincture (Herbal antipathy).
Mercury. Chelation by herbal tincture (Herbal antipathy).
Arsenic. Chelation by herbal medicine.
Sulphur toxins. Chelation.
Excess of Phosphorus. Chelation by herbal tincture (Herbal antipathy).
Excess of iodine. Chelation by herbal tincture (Herbal Homeopathy).
Biochemic remedies
Five phos 3x.
Individual constitutional remedy
Body & Mind-Homeopathicity
(Psora -Sycosis).
Remedies for diabetes
Psoralea corylifolia.
Glycyrrhiza glabra.
Nux vomica.
Terminalia chebula.
Origanum marjoram.
Argentum nitricum.
Acetic acid.
Salvia officinalis.
It is developed following the increased consumption of exogenous insulin, after excess of physical activity without food, hypersensitivity of beta cells of pancreas to glucose following carbohydrate meal, in renal insufficiency or due to chronic starvation.
Symptoms of hypoglycemia
The common symptoms include headache, increased cold sweating, palpitation, dizziness, blurred vision, tremor, anxiety, tachycardia, palpitation, slurred speech, sleepless, anger, criminal thoughts, irritability, depression, confusion, fear, numbness, nausea, fatigue, insomnia and tissue swelling. Anxiety is also developed commonly due to release of adrenaline hormones. It follows to hyperglycemia. Seizures and coma may be developed in severe cerebral hypoglycemia.
Treatment for acute
Take a rest.
Drink liquid added with refined
Prefer the food that contain soluble fiber, fruits, fruit juice.
Treatment for chronic
Drink tea or coffee with
little sugar.
Prefer the diet that
contains carbohydrate, fat, and protein in a ratio of 4:3:3.
Prefer carbohydrate contains fibre in moderate quantities three or four times daily. It can help to prevent rapid absorption of glucose, and subsequent increased release of insulin. Take food 6 times daily in equal quantity.
Excessive exercise.
Refined sugar in food.
Suspected food allergens.
Alcohol intake in large quantities without food. Alcohol can stimulate beta cells and insulin release more quickly than starch derivatives. Thus, symptoms of cerebral hypoglycemia may be developed frequently in alcoholics.
Medicines for hypoglycemia
Belladonna, Stramonium,
Hyoscyamus, Duboisia and Grindelia.
Other medicines are Glycyrrhiza, Strophanthus, Lobelia, Rosmarinus officinalis, Hydrocotyle asiatica, Galega, Apium graveolens, Gentiana (adrenal secretion), Ocimum sanctum, Angostura vera, Lactuca virosa, Uva ursi, Vaccinum myrtille, Gymnema sylvestre and Ginseng.
Inulin contains herbs
Helianthus annus, Agava
americana, Allium sativa, Taraxacum (calcium), Arnica montana, Echinacea,
Arctium lappa, Coffea, Myrrh, Gambogia, Avena sativa, Musa flower, and
Allium cepa.
Remedies for chronic hypoglycaemia
Strophanthus hispidus 3x (Strophanthus toxicity can promote hypokalemia, aldosterone secretion and hypertension).
Piperidine contains items
Tabacum 3x, Piper nigrim 3x, Conium mac3x,
Granatum 3x, and Belladonna 3x.
Salicylic acid contains remedies
Salix nigra 3x, Cinchona 3x, Aloes.s 3x, Gaultheria 3x, Chamomile 3x, Oleander 3x, and Trifolium pretense 3x.
Ascorbic acid contains remedies
Phyllanthus officinalis 3x.
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