Unfavorable Items include water after tobacco chewing, milk after horse gram and green gram, milk with fish, chicken with other meat; take meat along with another meat, meat during muscular soreness, pungent on low backache, decayed coconut. hot honey, honey in water, hot curd at night, curd along with chicken, hot drinks after ghee, spices after milk, fish in the wet and winter season, take medicine at night, rice water in psychosis, water after bakery made of fried coconut and rice powder, dry and old tapioca, unripe fruits, salt water. cold coffee, tea, ghee, oil or banana flakes after heating again, non fried asafetida, prawn of mud water, different cereals cook together, take hot water along with alcohol, apply oil in atopic dermatitis and in jaundice, sweating after eating ghee, apply medicated oil on upper joints etc.
Treatment Take nothing by mouth for two days. Take cold water. Use chewing gum to keep mouth moist. Suck ice.
Treatment Lie on painful side, lie on back with pillow under shoulder. Take cold and liquid food, ice cream etc.
Unfavorable Hot drinks
Treatment Apply locally hamamelis lotion, pressure bandage, and tourniquet above the bleeding site, elevation of the part (arterial/ venous blood volume ratio is about 4:9) etc. apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water
Unfavorable Items include low platelet count, hypocalcaemia, low ascorbic acid, low vitamin etc.
Treatment Take hamamelis, azadirachta indica or buttermilk daily for 7 days. Prefer yam, old buttermilk adding with ginger and pepper, plenty of fluids, fried rice, wheat, brinjal, piper nigrim, ghee, black gram, horse gram, amara, terminalia chebula, coffee, low roughage diet, sesame in milk etc. Take fasting twice in week. Prefer pappadam, dhosa and idli etc. Take warm sitz bath or stool softeners. Use tepid water for anal cleaning. Induce vomiting by nux vomica or ipecac. Sit on wooden chair or cane chair. Apply hamamelis compress, sand pack, butter poultice, boiled and mashed potato, tannic acid lotion, alstonia mixed in ghee etc. Keep regular bowel habits. Massage roughly the orifice after defecation. Press at acupressure point 10 and middle of chin. Apply magnet Lead v.
Unfavorable asafetida, sulphur rich diet, chilly (guinea pepper), chicken meat, acid food, laxatives, frequent coition, constipation, prolonged sitting, sedentary life style during pregnancy, portal hypertension, obesity, use paper for anal toilet, strain at stool, pinworms etc.
haemorrhoids BLEEDING
Treatment Take red onion for bleeding piles.
Unfavorable Items include chicken, spices, low level of ascorbic acid, vitamin K and blood platelet count; atonic constipation, hypertension, portal hypertension, pita constitution etc.
Treatment Apply locally lotion of aconitum, allium sativa, baptisia, cantharis, nux vomica or oil added with 1% menthol. Comb the scalp twice daily.
Treatment Walk on the Green grass. Watch Green screen.
Unfavorable Items include cheese, walnut, banana, serotonin promoting items, belladonna, and secale cor etc.
Treatment Wash the mouth with solution containing hydrogen peroxide 20 volume and equal parts of water. Wash with rose water, limejuice or with alum lotion. Chew cardamom with sugar or cumin seeds. Use chewing gum. Keep dental hygiene. Remove the tartar from teeth. Practice nasal breathing exercise.
Treatment Apply medicated lotion. Take food with taste pungent. Massage spine at T2
Unfavorable Items include medicated oil, sweet, salt, stress etc.
Treatment Take alcohol, belladonna, hypericum, magnesium salts, cerebral depressants etc
Unfavorable Items include hypomagnesaemia, hypochloremia etc.
Treatment Take rest in chair during acute attack, then rest in dark room for 2 hour without food and drink. Apply hot towels. Apply cold water over forehead. Prefer hot footbath, sand pack, ginger head pack, warm bath, massage, elevation of legs etc. make measures to improve venous return or cerebral circulation. Practice relaxation. Induce sneezing with coconut fiber in sinusitis and nasal block. Take coffee for bilious attack. Prefer vegetables soup and rasum in chronic headache. Apply magnet’s south pole. Take water magnetized by north pole. Press on point no1 to 7, 22, 23, and 34. Massage spine at c2.
Unfavorable Items include eyestrain, emotion, over excitement, hyperacidity, indigestion, sour, animal diet, over eating on days before the full moon and new moon, long journey, biliary congestion, spinal bath, hypoglycemia, dehydration, bile insufficiency, suppression of urine, hypo ventilation etc.
Unfavorable Items include acidosis and acid food.
Treatment Take bland diet. Chew the food properly. Take black salt. Apply magnet lead i. apply magnet north pole. Take water magnetized by north pole. Take juice of orange, carrot, or beetroot 250 ml for 30 days.
Unfavorable Items include lift heavy weight, bending forward, sternness exercise, fatigue, belching, large meals, fatty meals, excessive tea, coffee, spices, alcohol, gulping down or washing down food with water, peptic ulcer, hiatus hernia, negative mood, pita constitution, faulty habit
Treatment Take fasting periodically. Prefer tuber, bengal gram, ground nut, fever therapy, alum granules, aegle folia etc. Take spinal stretching exercise. Massage to periphery.
Treatment Take food items with taste of bitter, pungent and astringent. Massage the affected side daily for 8 weeks.
Treatment Take bed rest until fever subsides. Consume lactose for one week. Take leafy vegetables. Take protein 1/2 gm /kg of bodyweight. Take boerhavia diffusa in coconut milk. Keep personal hygiene. Prefer oleum jecoris, alfalfa etc. Apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water. Prefer yellow color. Massage spine at T5.
Unfavorable Items include contaminated food and water, animal diet or ammonia rich diet, sodium salt more than 2 gm per day, journey during acute stage, alcohol, fat, sternness physical exercise, unnecessary blood transfusion, non-sterilized needles and surgical equipments, sex malpractice etc.
Treatment Items include flowers of adathoda vasika, china etc.
Treatment Lie on back with rising hips above the level of shoulder during acute stage for inguinal hernia. Apply truss or pad with plaster. Apply ice pack. Hold the two corners of towel in both hands and keep it between the legs, then rub at the base of thigh for 3 minutes after bath.
Unfavorable Items include lift heavy weights, strain at stool, violent coughing, sneezing etc.
Treatment Raise the head end of bed for 20 cm with blocks. Take small meals. Sleep in left lateral position. Take antacid between meals and double the dose after meals.
Unfavorable Items include over weight, lie down within 2 hours after food, bending or stooping after meals, tight fitting abdominal belt, constipation etc.
Treatment Use tight underwear.
Unfavorable Fasting
Treatment Apply locally lotion of camphor 1 gm in 100 ml of alcohol.
herpes zoster
Treatment Take measures for chicken pox. Apply locally zinc oxide powder. Use electric vibrator or cantharis lotion at neuralgic area. Take liver soup.
Treatment Take slow and deep breath. Press on eyeball. Drink water from the distant side of glass. Breathe into a paper bag for short time and inhale same. Extend or pull tongue forward for several minutes. Drink cold water. Press on back of first knot of middle finger. Draw thighs up to abdomen. Take breath holding exercise. Inhale amyle nitrite. Take belladonna, peppermint, zingiber etc.
Unfavorable Items include anxiety, heavy meal, flatulence, renal disorder, central nervous system disorder etc.
Treatment Apply locally rhus tox or gaultheria lotion. Apply kneecap. Practice massage and stretching exercise.
Unfavorable Items include obesity, over exertion, immobility etc.
Treatment Apply locally lotion of caesalpina bon, camphorated oil or ricinus communis. Take supporting bandage. Wear tight under dress. Apply magnet lead v and magnet north pole. Take magnetized water.
Unfavorable Items include excessive walking, cycling, negligence in sex, constipation, over eating etc.
Treatment Items include calcium rich diet, iron rich diet etc.
Treatment Wash the wound with plenty of water and soap. Apply oil to prevent absorption of saliva virus. Cauterize the wound with hot cigar. Apply crystals of magnesium sulphate. Take stramonium. Prefer blue color.
Treatment Take Para sympatholytics to reduce gastric secretion. Make measures to improve the alkalinity of bile. Chew the food properly with saliva. Prefer black salt, ghee rice, fried rice, milk rice. Sleep after meals etc. Add sodium bi carbonate on cooking with acidic food. Press on leg one inch above ankle.
Unfavorable Items include sweets, sodium salt, tuber, jackfruit, fish, fasting etc
HYPer cholesterolaemia
Treatment Take high fiber diet, magnesium salts and germinated bengal gram. Prefer physical work. Drink one glass of fresh juice of pomegranate. Take Para sympathomimetics. Take items promoting secretion and excretion of bile. Take weak acetic acid or citric acid. Take honey (contains acetylcholine, acetic acid, citric acid & minerals) for four weeks. Add coriander powder on cooking. Apply magnet south pole. Take water magnetized by north pole. Press on point No 36.
Unfavorable Items include constipation, hypothyroidism, stress, anger, depression, intestinal insufficiency, renal disorder, autonomic neuropathy, diabetes mellitus, gall bladder disorder, starvation, hypoxia, cigarette smoking more than five, tobacco chewing, sympathomimetics, saturated fat, ghee, salt, alcohol, vitamin A rich diet, buffalo milk etc.
Treatment Take sympatholytics, Indian snake root and Para sympathomimetics in acute state.
Unfavorable Items include tuber, potato, banana, refined sugar, and diabetes mellitus etc.
hyperemesis gravidarum
Treatment Items include rest, carbohydrate diet, dry food, dry fruits, rice flakes with sugar, glucose water, fish, egg white, meat, vitamin B6, sun heat, recreation, change in environment etc.
Unfavorable Items include large meals, fat, rice water, offensive food etc.
Treatment Take diuretics, glucose, ricinus communis, cereals and nuts etc.
Unfavorable Items include tuber, potato, vegetables etc.
Treatment Take dilution of arsenic album, kali arsenicum etc. Apply locally lotion of calotropis, salicylic acid or sulphur on hard area. Take saturated lipids, diet with carotene, and cod liver oil. Massage with oil. Rub gently the affected skin. Take weak solution of podophyllum or thuja.
Unfavorable Items include chronic esophagitis, chronic gastro intestinal disorder etc.
Treatment Items include 8-hour sleep, meditation, weight reduction, regular exercise and body massage etc. Take full wet pack or footbath for 20 minutes or head to foot cold massage. Place the small finger in each ear and press it intermittently. Prefer vegetable diet. Consume cumin and fenugreek. Drink at least 1 glass of fruit juice daily. Take sympatholytics, china etc. Press at acupressure points 3, 4, 8, 14, 15, 25 & 28. Apply magnet lead I. Apply magnet south pole. Take water magnetized by north pole. Prefer green color.
Unfavorable Items include excess of salt, pickle, chilly, cashew nut, ghee, tea, alcohol, bakery items, fried food, pappadam, hot bath, steam bath, anxiety, late sleep, negative mood etc.
Treatment Eat vegetables like ladyfinger and cabbage (brassica). Consume mustard. Apply magnet north pole. Take water magnetized by north pole. Massage spine at C7.
Unfavorable Items include drink polluted water, shellfish, ECHO viral infection, hypercalcaemia, ambition etc.
Treatment Wear abdominal belt and elastic stockings. Take extra salt in diet. Raise the foot end of bed for 15 cm. Take sympathomimetics, ephedra, pituitary extract, cashew nut etc. Drink hot tea, or hot milk with more sugar. Press at acupressure points 4, 22, 23, 25 & 28
Unfavorable Items include hypotensive drugs, china toxic dose, sudden turning of neck, rapid rising from seat, or from bed, tight collar, emotion, physical exertion on fasting, rapid breathing (alkalosis), hyperactivity of pancreas, hypoglycemia, diabetic neuropathy, weather changes etc.
Treatment Items include calcium rich diet, sea fish, pepper, acetic acid, sun heat, red and pink color etc.
Unfavorable Items include cabbage, ladyfinger, mustard, river fish, filariasis etc.
Treatment Prefer the smoke of frankincense. Take sexual enjoyment. Press at inner part of first joint of thumb.
Treatment Massage the skin with cod liver oil. Take almond oil, milk, vitamin A, carrot etc. Wash locally with salt or urea solution
Unfavorable Items include dry climate, excess of soap etc.
Treatment Practice Siva mudhra - interlock and press all fingers. Take good ventilation. Prefer Blue color. Press at No 16. Apply Magnet North pole and take magnetized water
Unfavorable Items include evil thoughts, evil act, negative attitude, under nutrition etc.
Treatment Apply locally hemidesmus indica, liquorice, alcohol etc.
Treatment Take Para sympathomimetics like foenugreek, pilocarpus, and physostigma for dialation of penile arterioles and constriction of veins. Take para sympathomimetics for increase penile length and acute erection 36 hours before coition take cashew nut, dry coconut, coconut milk, dry dates in milk, sugar candy (black and old), cannabis etc. Take ghee and honey in unequal proportion. Take barley or wheat of the winter. Take curd with sugar. Take hipbath or genital bath with cold water for 20 minutes. Take items promoting cardiac output and reducing venous return. Prefer sympatholytics like yohimbinum, nux vomica, secale cor or rauwolfia etc for preventing premature ejaculation. Take mercury (mezerium, podophyllum, leptandra etc) or gold (acorus calamus, curcuma longa, jack fruit seed etc) containing herbal items. Take purified calotropis. Take bakery made of roasted rice powder with coconut flakes and sugar. Prefer locally allium sativa tincture in sesame oil or in honey, zingiber in honey, cinnamon or hypericum lotion. Apply locally lard with honey for 1 month. Apply capsicum, cinnamon and ricinus com. Press on point No 11 to 15. Sit on rubber ball in chair. Take grape juice. Practice squatting exercise and anal squeezing exercise. Press on sacral and pubes region. Apply magnet south pole. Take water magnetized by north pole. Apply magnet south pole. Prefer green color. Massage spine at L3.
Unfavorable Items include sex negligence or sex abuse, water after eating bakery made of roasted rice powder and coconut flakes and sugar, black tea with much sugar, wear tight under cloth, horse gram, liver extract, raw peas, sympatholytics, central obesity etc.
Treatment Antidote include Banana - ghee; bengal gram – ginger; black gram – ginger; butter milk - ginger; cereals - ginger; coconut - rice; colocasia - ginger; dyspepsia - hot water; fish – mango; ghee - limejuice; horse gram - sesame; honey - sugar; jackfruit - ginger; mango - salt; milk - sugar; mushroom –turmeric; mutton - cardamom; pea - chilly; plantain - cumin; rice - curry leaf; sugar - ginger; tuber - ginger; yam - sugar candy; water - coriander.
Unfavorable Difficult items include meat of upper trunk and lower part of limb, meat of young animal, cow and farm animals; steamed rice cake (putt), dal, hen, ox, fish eating birds organ meat especially testis, fried rice, beriyani, vada, leafy vegetables etc.
Unfavorable Items include contact with strange individual, expose to east wind, starvation etc.
ingrowing nail
Treatment Apply locally lotion of hydrastis or urea. Apply 2% salicylic acid in weak solution of tincture benzoin co. Make an excision on nail plate in v shape. Make a groove on nail. Apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water
Unfavorable Items include cutting nails irrelevantly at its side, improper boots, peripheral ischemia etc.
Unfavorable Chicken x beef; Fish x milk; Ghee x water; Honey x hot water; Milk x fish, spices, horse gram, jack fruit, mango, and vegetables; Mutton x black gram, honey, milk and sesame; Tobacco x cold water; Uric acid x common salt, kali carb; Alcohol x hot water
insect bite
Treatment Apply locally lotion of allium cepa, acalypha indica, leucus aspera, ocimum sanctum, ruta graveolens, spirit of ammonia, ledum pal, urtica urens, sodium bicarbonate, paste of turmeric etc.
Treatment Instill saline water or oil into ear.
Treatment Prefer items promoting dopamine like beans. Take hot milk before sleep. Take hyoscyamus or stramonium tincture. Take sympatholytic for chronic insomnia. Take 3 grain of urea in milk or in fruit juice. Prefer urine therapy. Instill few drops of oil into ear. Wear soaks. Take spinal bath, cold massage from head to foot for 15 minutes. Comb the scalp at night. Lie on lateral position. Press on the base of middle toes. Bend all the toes of both legs backward. Press on the back of the right hand with left palm and then press on the back left hand with right palm. Apply magnet Lead V.
Treatment Prefer stramonium
Unfavorable Rice water
Treatment Give item like starch solution. Give sodium chloride 15 gm in a glass of warm water and repeat it till vomited fluid become clear. Give milk or egg beaten up with water.
irritable bowel syndrome
Treatment Take belladonna, aegle marmilosa, black gram or alum powder, para sympatholytic etc.
Unfavorable Items include acetylcholine derivatives, large meal, excessive tea, coffee, high roughage diet with leafy vegetables, fruits, fried food, spending long time in toilet, anxiety, evil practice, selfish personality etc.
ischaemia- perepheral
Treatment Items include pepper tea, well-fitted shoes; warm bath, warm clothes, massage, walking exercise etc. Apply locally oil, capsicum lotion, gaultheria lotion etc.
Unfavorable Items include anemia, diabetes mellitus, cardiac disease, injury, infection, walking with bare foot, cutting nail improperly, stress, contact with irritants, deposit of amyloid, uric acid iron salts etc inside the blood vessels, acid food, tobacco etc.