Saturday, 14 January 2012

Tips and secrets of treatment E to G series. Kader Kochi.

Ear wax
Treatment         Instill few drop of almond oil or glycerin into ear. Press thumb on tip of middle finger (space mudra). Massage spine at C1, C3, & C4

Treatment         Take sufficient food and plenty of fluids. Take vitamin a rich diet. Apply locally the lotion of azadirecta indica, china, jatropha curcus, leucus aspera, wyethia helnioides, or alum. Apply mustard oil, lemon juice or coconut oil.
Unfavorable      Items include animal food, acid food, uric acid rich diet, allergens, stress, negligence, sand pack, constipation etc.

Treatment         Take ascorbic acid, fruit juice and raw vegetables. Get love and affection. Apply locally weak lotion of anacardium orientalis, or first portion of urine.
Unfavorable      Items include vaccination, maternal anger, milk, uric acid rich diet, fish, onion, garlic, citrus fruits, spices, stress, allergens, and spider poison etc.

Eczema capitis
Treatment         Apply glycerin and vinca minor 1:6, hydrocotyle asiatica lotion, and shampoo etc.

Treatment         Apply with lotion of 1% salicylic acid on affected leg infrequently.

Treatment         Take animal protein, refined sugar and black salt.

Treatment         Prefer Pregnancy. Prefer ergot derivatives. Apply Magnet south pole.
Unfavorable      Items include animal diet, pepper, spices etc.

Treatment         Take good food. Practice breathing exercise - press right nostril by little and ring finger of left hand and take deep breath through left nostril, then hold air by blocking left nostril by left thumb. Then breathe out through right nostril. Repeat it in reverse order- i.e. take breath in through right nostril and hold air then breathe out through left nostril. Put rubber band around the both great toes. Press and massage over whole length of spine with oil of wintergreen
Unfavorable      Items include starvation, negative approach, evil thought etc.

Enteric fever
Treatment         Take rest.  Prefer items include warmth, bland and liquid diet, boiled water, good ventilation, tepid sponging on abdomen, and smoke of frankincense.
Unfavorable      Items include mental and physical exertion, cold air, spicy food, cold milk, ice cream etc.

Treatment         Take sympathomimetics (Ephedra) or Para sympatholytic (Stramonium), Give affection and suggestions.  Prefer calcium rich diet, dry food, black tea, chocolates etc. Sleep with underwear. Wear special blanket. Massage spine up to neck. Practice breathing exercise. Apply magnet Lead I.  Press at acupressure points No.11 to 15 and on back of little finger.
Unfavorable      Items include fluid intake after 7 P.M adenoid, ear infection, and family negligence, latent diabetes mellitus etc.

Treatment         take fruit juice, milk, fish, carbohydrate rich diet, oats, calcium, mineral water, fresh buttermilk, cheese, germinated cereals etc.
Unfavorable    Items include mustard oil and seeds contaminated with Mexican popy, contaminated yellow edible oils, salt more than 2 gm/ day etc.

Treatment         Apply the aromatic spirit of ammonia or melilotus tincture at nose. Inhale smoke of piper nigrim, vitex negundo, frankincense etc. Apply cold compression on the head and hot bottle on feet. Press on all points of palm and on ear lobes. Prefer cerebral stimulator like cocculus, camphor, belladonna, nux vomica, salix nigra, secale cor, veratrum viride, lobelia, coffea etc. Enjoy happy memories and relaxation. Prefer ketogenic diet, fat diet, old ghee, unpolished rice, wheat, white gourd, grapes, brahmi, acorus calamus etc. Apply magnet lead II. Apply magnet south pole. Take water magnetized by north pole. Prefer orange or blue color.
Unfavorable      Items include brooding, fasting,  worry, emotion, stress, sexual suppression, fatigue, tea, coffee, tobacco, fried items, garlic, pepper, alkali vegetables, salt, alcohol, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia,  hypomagnesimia, hypocalcaemia, hypercalcaemia, water retention, alkalosis, hypoxia, new moon, hazardous occupations etc.

Treatment         Sit erect with bending head forward. Press over the bleeding side. Pinch the nose for 4 minutes. Compress with cotton that moisten with hydrogen peroxide. Press for 15 minutes with cotton. Make ice pack on nose and back of neck. Drink cold water. Promote defecation with senna or cascara in case of frequent bleeding. Apply pressure below the nose. Prefer indigo color.
Unfavorable      Items include hot drinks, sun heat, sinusitis, constipation, acidosis, nasal trauma, polyp, irritable nasal septum, endometriosis, lack of oestrogen, aspirin etc.

Treatment     Apply locally lotion of hydrastis, ars alb, echinacea, baptisia, galium aparine, hamamelis, hypericum, ruta, 2% of salicylic acid etc.
Unfavorable      Items include solar energy, food preservatives; local irritants like soot or friction etc.

Treatment         Clean the affected part with mild soap solution twice daily. Apply Veratrum viride lotion
Unfavorable      heat items

Treatment         Take Tinospora extract.

            Treatment         Take para sympatholytics

Treatment         Apply locally with cold milk or extract of coriander leaves. Add 1 grain of alum to 8 ounce of rose water and apply as eye drops. Eat plenty of carrot. Enjoy sunrays in the morning and in evening. Press at back of palm below the base of middle finger. Press at acupressure points 3, 22, 23 and 35.  Prefer indigo color.
Unfavorable      Items include local application, eyestrain, sleep disorder etc.

Treatment         Walk backward. Clean with plain water. Remove gently.

face blacK
Treatment         Apply locally lotion of ricinus com or crocus sativus.Take carotene, thiamine, ascorbic acid, china and apple etc.  Take niacin rich food like rice water or pudding of whole grain wheat. Wash the face four times daily. Clean the face with absolute alcohol. Induce vomiting. Get smile always. Clean the tongue daily. Apply cod liver oil added with alcohol. Take spinal massage at C1.
Unfavorable      Items include prolonged exposure to sun, pickle, photo- sensitizing drugs, photo- sensitizing food like figs, celery, carrot, mustard, parsnip malnutrition, constipation, hypertension, venous congestion, depression, applying dettol etc

feet pain
Treatment         Take hot footbath, exercise like walk on lead pipe. Elevate the legs. Keep proper walking style. Prefer proper footwear.
Unfavorable      Items include wear improper boots, anemia (ankle/ brachial blood pressure index > 1.3, < 0.9), diabetes mellitus, tobacco, over weight, vascular tumour, vascular spasm, climate changes etc.

Treatment         Take rest. Take sweet in beginning of mild fever. Prefer bitter or astringent drugs on severe case. Get smile always. Take deep breath through right nostril. Prefer alcohol, tobacco, kalmegh for heat stage. Apply cold wet pack or wet compress on head for 30 minutes at febrile stage.  Apply alcohol sponging. Take ice water enema. Take bland or alkaline diet, grapes, oranges, rice water etc (1:4). Take antipyretics, ginger or jaborandi for rigor. Take proper cloth at shivering stage.   Prefer smoke of frankincense in cold room.  Drink black pepper tea or bone set tea. Put rubber bands at acupressure point 1 to 7 and 34. Lie down on right lateral position. Take sufficient alkali fluid or plain water during summer. Prefer blue, indigo and violet color.
Unfavorable      Items include salt diet, animal diet, solid food, cold water, banana, tender coconut, condiment, fried items, sponge with ice on forehead at shivering stage, paracetamol like antipyretics acting on hypothalamus in hot stage, sweet on high fever, bitter on mild fever etc.

Treatment         Items include cellulose rich diet to promote proper excretion, fried flakes, arrowroot, millet etc. apply magnet north pole.
Unfavorable      Items include fat food, animal fiber, obesity, constipation, improper cooking etc.

Treatment         Apply locally lotion of cantharis, gaultheria, capsicum, hot ricinus communis etc. Apply locally hot water, hot sesame oil, hot kaolin poultice, hot sand bag, moist heat or hot epsom salt bath etc. Apply a rubrificant and cover the area with blanket. Apply the cloth wrung out in a hot solution of mustard. Take contrast hydrotherapy, wet compress, wet pack etc. Massage locally after hot application for 20 minutes. Prefer enema, proper and sufficient sleep, stretching exercise, steam bath with adding vitex negundi, graded exercise etc.
Unfavorable     Items include offending and allergic food, constipation, septic focus, trauma, extreme dampness or sun heat, anemia, emotion, stress, depression, social and moral negligence etc.

Treatment       Drinking pepper tea for few months. Elevate the affected parts. Wear tight elastic - bandage. Apply locally the powder of fenugreek and green gram mixing in weak urea solution. Take pepper derivatives periodically. Roll the feet on grooved wooden roller. Press at acupressure point 26.
Unfavorable    Items include drinking impure or hard water, mosquitoes bites etc.

Treatment         Take banana, ash gourd, and boiled buttermilk. Take yam cooked in ghee for 7 days. Apply magnet lead II.

Treatment         Take items include fasting drink warm water, apply heat on abdomen etc.

Treatment       Chew food thoroughly, slowly and leisurely. Eat silently (as horse or pork). Sip hot water at acute stage. Take black salt, anise, cardamom, para sympatholytic etc. take peppermint or menthol oil in a lump of sugar. Practice nasal exercise. Lose body weight. Avoid lying down for at least 2 hours after meals. Apply hot water bottle on abdomen and feet. Take small meals. Sleep in left lateral position. Walk for short distance after meals. Press at acupressure point 19, 22, 23 & 27. Apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water.
Unfavorable      Items include anxiety, gulping down food with water, talking during meals, chewing gum, spicy food, betal nuts, candy, sponge cake, coconut powder, cabbage, beans, peas, dried beans, onion, fish, dry fish, plain water, buttermilk, colocasia, black gram, albumin food, oily food, eating too rapid and too much, eat during emotion, too much liquid with meals, carbonated beverages, stooping after meals, tight abdominal belt, adenoid, liver and gall bladder insufficiency, hypercholesterolemia, constipation, improper cooking, full moon etc

Treatment         Work hard. Practice movements especially with ring and little finger.
Treatment      Take ghee with diet. Apply locally lotion of citric acid, hydrogen peroxide 20 volumes, or aromatic spirit of ammonia etc.
Unfavorable      Items include sunrays, anemia, pellagra, beriberi, fasting, animal diet, ergot, mustard seeds, palm oil, dates, figs,  mexican poppy seeds etc.

            Treatment         Take secale cor.
            Unfavorable      Item like rauwolfia

Treatment        Apply locally lotion of benzoic acid, gaultheria procumbens, ruta g, salix nigra etc. Apply a hard pressure with thumb or smart blow with lead pipe at the site. Prefer balanced diet. Take fruits diet only for three weeks
Unfavorable      Items include faulty movements, improper boots, hypothyroidism, uric acid diet, under nutrition etc.

Treatment         Apply locally echinacea lotion or alum lotion. Apply ice from hip to toes for 5 minutes, then apply with cotton the first part of urine of a non-diabetic person on all parts from hips to toes and rub for 5 minutes. Then cover the parts for 2 hours. Finally clean the area with antiseptic lotion. Take well-balanced protein rich diet. Take breathing exercise. Press on point No16.

Treatment         Take seeds of bishop’s parsley and black cumin etc.

Treatment        Prefer freshly made weak tea, milk, mutton, chicken, egg, light and easily digestible food etc. Take gentiana before meals. Take rest before and after meals. Massage spine at T6.
Unfavorable      Items include alcohol, strong tea, condiments, tough Beef, new bread, Shellfish, Carrot, Cabbage and decayed meat, old cooked meat etc.

gastric ulcer
Treatment        Take milk diet, liquorice, cooked raw banana, honey etc. apply magnet north pole. Take magnetized water. Take juice of orange, carrot or beetroot 250 ml for 30 days.
Unfavorable      Items include irritable food, alcohol, decayed food, emotion, fasting, under nutrition etc.

geriatric PROBLEMS
Treatment         Take gooseberry, ghee, honey, milk, nux vomica, flower of jasmine etc. Take small size plantain with sugar or rice water. Take breathing exercise. Enjoy out door walking. Take whole body massage.  Prefer food with taste of bitter, astringent and pungent. Take sulphur and mercury containing fish like shark wings. Take china or thuja tincture. Press on all points of palms & soles.
Unfavorable      Items include sulphur rich protein diet, fasting, excess of rest etc.

Treatment         Take open-air exercise. Prefer pilocarpine to contract pupil.
Unfavorable      Items include belladonna like drugs, eyestrain, stress, food contaminated with argemone Mexicana, or mustard seeds, salt, sugar and sympathomimics etc.

Treatment         Take fried rice flakes, old cereals, and green gram etc
Unfavorable      Items include drugs like chloral hydrate, aspirin, ascorbic acid, menthol; lactose, apple, tuber etc.

Treatment         Items include fasting, sun heat etc. Apply magnet north pole, lead I
Unfavorable       Items include brassica seeds, mustard seeds, mexican poppy seeds, palm oil, ladyfinger, cabbage, salt, impure water, excess of iodine, swamp fish, stress, hypocalcaemia, hypothyroidism, viral infection, filarial infection, lymphocytosis etc.

Treatment         Take fasting. Prefer food with taste of pungent, bitter, and astringent, alkaline diet plenty of fluids, laxatives, fenugreek, cherry, figs etc. Add baking soda on cooking. Apply ice pack for 30 minutes at acute stage. Give rest to affected joints. Take passive exercise, gentle massage in affected parts etc. Apply locally colchicum lotion. Apply magnet north pole. Prefer orange color
Unfavorable      Items include animal food, stimulating food, purine rich diet, tea, alcohol, red meat, organ meat, red peas, black gram, curd, sweet, milk, ghee, spices, lead intoxication, luxurious life style, constipation, oil application, infrequent urination, hepatitis etc.

Treatment         prefer secale cor
Unfavorable      Take Rauwolfia or sympatholytic.



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