Treatment Apply locally lotion of abrotanum, acetic acid, salicylic acid, thuja etc.
nail disorder
Treatment Apply locally with calendula lotion, boric acid lotion or paste made of henna and ammonium chloride etc. Apply 2% salicylic acid in tincture benzoin co or in pure alcohol.
Treatment Prefer item include protein (< 1/2 gm/ kg body weight) and sodium (< 2 gm per day). Total daily fluid intake should be less than previous day’s out put plus 500 ml. take fasting for three days. Take barley water, soda water, orange juice, and limejuice (weak solution), carbohydrate rich diet, arrowroot or toffee etc. Apply magnet north pole. Drink water magnetized by north pole. Prefer orange color. Massage spine at T10 & T1.
Unfavorable Items include milk, egg, fish, chicken, potassium rich food, weight gain, constipation, physical exertion, throat infection, septic foci etc.
Treatment Item include protein intake 1 gm /kg body weight, carbohydrate etc
Unfavorable Items include allergens, drugs, septic foci etc.
Treatment Apply locally lotion of aconite, ruta graveolens, capsicum, menthol, plantago, hypericum perfoliatum, belladonna with glycerin etc. prefer galvanic current. Take yeast, husky cereals or liver extract, vitamin B1 and B12.
Unfavorable Items include alcohol, lead contamination, diabetes mellitus, leprosy etc.
neuro circulatory asthenia
Treatment Take sweets, balanced diet, agnus castus, damiana tincture and liquorice. Prefer exercise, relaxation, recreation, hygiene, good friends, cold bath etc. apply magnet south pole. Take water magnetized by north pole.
Unfavorable Items include anxiety, fasting, overwork, depression, negative outlook etc.
NICKEL Neuropathy
Unfavorable Items include hydrogenated fat, cooking in stainless steel pot etc
night blindness
Treatment Take items include carrot, mango, and milk etc.
Unfavorable Items include hypothyroidism, sweet constitution etc.
night terroR
Treatment Take calcium rich diet. Practice nasal breathing. Sleep in left lateral position. Apply magnet north pole. Take magnetized water.
Unfavorable Items include adenoid, worm’s infestation, stress etc.
nipple sore
Treatment Apply locally coconut oil, castor oil or lotion of eupatorium aromaticum etc. Massage with oil before bath during pregnancy prophylactically.
Treatment Take inhale aromatic spirit of ammonia adding with 1% of menthol. Press at acupressure point 1 to 7, 34, and 28 on palm and sole, on forehead and side of nose. Insert coconut fiber or little finger into nose and rotate smoothly without scratching on septum. Massage Spine at C4.
Treatment Take fruits only for one month. take items include water adding sesame oil in early morning, honey in equal quantity of hot water, raw vegetables for few weeks, curry leaf, arrowroot, betel nut etc. Take fasting for one day in every week. Chew food thoroughly and slowly. Drink lukewarm water before food. Take whole body massage, regular walking and breathing exercise. Press on point No 8, 11 to 15. Press also at middle of ear. Press the thumb on tip of ring finger (sun mudra). Apply magnet lead V. Apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water. Take cabbage juice 250 ml for 30 days.
Unfavorable Items include prolonged sleep, day sleep, sedentary life style; lipid diet, starch food, salt, bread, sugar, sweets, potato, jackfruit, colocasia, fenugreek, black gram, dry fish and chocolates; water more than 1500 ml per day, hypothyroidism and depression etc.
Treatment Apply locally absolute alcohol, clove oil, plantago major tincture etc. apply continuous pressure on tips of fingers. Press at tip of index, middle, ring and little finger for incisors, canine, premolar, and molar teeth respectively. Take fried brinjal. Apply magnet north pole & lead i. massage spine at C3.
Unfavorable Items include sour and cold water, sunbath etc.
Treatment Apply hot bottle on lower abdomen. Take items include white gourd, green gram, ash gourd, figs, dates, coconut, sugar, sarsaparilla, milk, tribulus etc. Drink sufficient water.
Unfavorable Items include acid food, alcohol, black gram, spices, fish, sesame, salt, sour, hot climate etc.
Treatment Prefer items include sympathomimetics, diuretics, digitalis, boerhavia diffusa root extract etc.
Unfavorable Items include anemia, liver & cardiac disorder, prolonged sitting, standing etc
Treatment Take rest and elastic support. Take pepper tea. Apply locally weak calotropis lotion. Apply magnet north pole. Take water magnetized by north pole.
osteo arthritis
Treatment Take ricinus com and boerhavia diffusa in milk, rain water, thyroid extract etc. Reduce body weight. Take muscular exercise, elastic support and hot oil massage etc. apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water.
Unfavorable Items include obesity, improper walking style, animal diet, pungent, mustard seeds, brasica seeds etc.
Treatment Take 1.5 liter of milk daily. Take nuts, egg, butter, cod liver oil, folic acid, vitamin B12 & C, iron salts, sun bath etc.
Unfavorable Items include sedentary habits, hypo parathyroid disorder, style of dress which cover whole body etc.
otitis externa
Treatment Clean with few drops of hydrogen peroxide solution (20-volume). Instill mullein oil into ear. Shampoo the scalp twice in week.
Unfavorable Items include sweets, worm’s infestations, unhygienic, anemia, septic foci, hyperglycemia etc.
Treatment Keep ears dry always. Apply locally with plantago lotion, mullein oil, boric acid glycerin, sodium bicarbonate solution, glycerin hydrastis lotion etc. Instill few drops of urine. Put eardrops made by one peel of garlic adding in 60 ml of edible oil. Press on inner part of ring and little fingers. Press on point No 32, 34, 1 to 4, and 15. Apply magnet north pole.
Unfavorable Items include irritable ear drops, under nutrition, steam inhalation, adenoid, diabetes mellitus etc.
Treatment Give sweet. Put Soaks on legs.
Unfavorable Items include anemia, fear, extreme heat and cold, oily diet, low RBC count, climate changes etc
Treatment Items include apply locally olive oil, coconut oil etc.
Unfavorable Items include food rich in uric acid.
Treatment Take common salt, sympathomimic or para sympatholytic during acute stage. Take alcohol, alkaline diet, banana, pineapple, cheese etc. take sunbath. Expose affected part to sun heat. Promote urination by taking white melon or boerhavia diffusa root extract. Take bitter for mild and early rheumatic pain. Take laxatives for calf pain. Take urea in milk. Urinate five times daily. Apply heat or warm oil on affected part. Prefer day sleep. Apply belladonna-camphor-capsicum lotion.
Unfavorable Items include pungent, excess of salt, sour etc, in acute pain.
Treatment Give reassurance. Take rest and deep breathing. Take meat soup. Press at corner of wrist and palm or acupressure point at No 36.
Unfavorable Items include anemia, anxiety etc.
pancreas disorder
Treatment Take items include sweetbread, high protein and carbohydrate diet, low fat diet etc. Practice rotating exercise by left thigh and abdominal breathing exercise.
Unfavorable Items include alcohol, fasting, diabetes mellitus etc.
paralysis spinal
Treatment Take diet of bitter, pungent and astringent. Take bread made in ghee. Apply locally lotion of arnica or hypericum. Take massage and galvanic heat. Massage with cod liver oil. Practice rolling spinal joint exercises. Press at all bony prominence and on tips of fingers & toes. Rub with nylon brush on each soles until the soles get warmer than head. Apply blue or red light on affected parts for 5 minutes. Apply magnet south pole. Take water magnetized by north pole.
Treatment Take alcohol, food items of bitter, pungent and astringent etc. Massage with cold camphorated oil.
Treatment Items include jaborandi, pilocarpus, physostigma, fenugreek, egg, grindelia, mushroom, ipecac etc.
Unfavorable Items include belladonna, hyoscyamus, stramonium etc.
Treatment Be optimistic. Take dopamine derivatives. Take ghee, black gram, terminalia chebula etc. Take hot bath, stretching exercise, passive exercise dancing, high frequency current, regular massage etc. Take alcohol in moderate quantity, tobacco smoking, coffee, belladonna tincture, nicotinic acid, tobacco chewing, cerebral stimulants like secale cor and stramonium etc. press on point No 8, 3,4,25
Unfavorable Items include derivatives of serotonin and acetylcholine, vitamin b6, rauwolfia, vasomotor disorder etc.
Treatment Take liquorice with sugar candy from 7th month onward. Apply with nux vomica lotion or achyranthus lotion at vulva on pain begins. Massage regularly on back of arm and leg. Take aloe socotrina extract 30 minutes before parturition.
Treatment Apply locally with Items include alcohol, calendula lotion, gengelli oil etc.
Treatment Keep scalp hygienic by daily bath and frequent combing. Apply locally with lotion made by one teaspoon full of kerosene oil equal quantity of vegetable oil. Then wrap with wet towel for two hours. apply sabadilla lotion, veratrum lotion, sulphur lotion, staphysagria lotion etc. apply 5% of acetic acid for nit infestation.
Treatment Take items include well balanced diet, Niacin rich diet, Ghee, Rice water etc. Apply psoralea cor oil locally.
Unfavorable Items include iron salts, anemia, sun heat etc.
peptic ulcer
Treatment Take items include bland diet, nutritious diet, honey, liquorice, astringent, mango etc. Enjoy food in regular intervals, 8-hour sleep and recreation. Drink water only after mixing with saliva. Apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water.
Unfavorable Items include stress, anxiety, alcohol, offending drugs, tobacco, nerve vagus irritation, fasting etc.
periodic pharyngitis
Treatment Take items include0.1% of menthol in sugar candy, warm drinks, liquorice onions, breathing exercise etc. massage spine at C5.
Unfavorable Items include anemia, allergen, damp air, rain, sun heat, air pollution, swamp air, prolonged bath, excess of water intake, salt, sweets, etc.
Treatment Take items include laxatives, zinc sulphate etc.
Unfavorable items include worm’s infestation, anemia, hypocalcaemia, feeble mind etc.
Treatment Take alum, aegle folia, lobelia, secale cor. Etc. Press on point No 1, 2, and 3.
Strap the chest with adhesive tape on full expiration. Take rest until fever subside. Apply heat locally.
Treatment Remove the unabsorbed poison. Eliminate the absorbed poison. Give symptomatic treatment. Induce vomiting with ipecacuanha. Give orally zinc sulphate 1 gm in warm water, salt and water, mustard 8 gm in 8 ounce of warm water, tea, magnesium sulphate etc for induce vomiting. Give copper sulphate solution in phosphorus poisoning. Give 10% vinegar for alkali poisoning. Prefer milk diet, limejuice, ghee or spices. Give physostigma for stramonium poisoning. Maintain the all vital functions. Administer the antidote as follows: Food poisoning - turmeric; Dog bite - baptisia; Leech - turmeric or lime; Cobra bite - withania somnifera or aristolochia; Viper bite - nux vomica, Bee bite - soda powder or garlic; Frog bite - ginger, pepper; Lizard - turmeric; Rat bite - baptisia; Scorpion - pepper; Spider - viscum alb etc. Make measures to eliminate through all orifices. Apply magnet Lead I.
Unfavorable Items include vomiting and naso gastric intubation for kerosene, acids and alkali poison; meat, sugar, sour, salt, indigestion etc.
Treatment Take items include unpolished rice, whole grain wheat, liver extract, powder of dried raw stomach in fruit juice etc. Take bread made in ghee.
Unfavorable Items include Alcohol, Hyperglycemia, Leprosy, spinal degeneration etc.
Treatment Apply locally weak lotion of podophyllum, colchicum, teucrium etc.
Treatment Take dry food, liquorice, nicotine, mercuric diuretics (calcium ion in renal tubules is indirectly proportion to ADH. low calcium favors to optimum ADH or high ADH) etc.
Unfavorable Items include sodium salts, alcohol, hyper para thyroidism, hypercalcaemia, paroxysmal atrial tachycardia, renal hypocalcaeuria, low ADH, glycosuria, urinary tract infection, irritable urinary tract etc.
portal congestion
Treatment Take aloe socotrina or digitalis tincture.
Unfavorable Items include congestive heart failure, pulmonary fibrosis, constipation, alfalfa, ricinus communis etc.
pox marks
Treatment Apply locally crocus sativa lotion, sarracenia purpurea lotion, 5% of salicylic acid in vaseline etc. Apply powder of elephant’s bone mixed in honey.
Treatment Items include weak dilution of china, digitalis, rauwolfia etc.
prolapse ani
Treatment Apply locally powder of black pepper mixed with ghee. Practice anal squeezing exercise after defecation. Apply magnet Lead V. massage Spine at S1, S2, S3, and S4.
Unfavorable Strains at defecation.
prolapse UTERUS
Treatment Practice thigh exercise and breathing exercise. Take alcohol. Apply magnet Lead V
Unfavorable Items include constipation, strains at defecation, obesity, sedentary life style, excess of salt and sweet, infrequent coition, tight abdominal belt etc.
prostate enlargement
Treatment Take items include hipbath, massage on lower abdomen, sexual intercourse etc. apply magnet north pole. Massage spine at l4. Take juice of sarsaparilla 250 ml for 30 days.
Unfavorable Items include sympathomimetics
Treatment Take lukewarm tub bath for 15 minutes. Clean the skin with items include lukewarm water adding 2 cups of starch and 1 cup of sodium bicarbonate into 50 gallon, adding 75 ml of coal tar solution into 30 gallon, one-teaspoonful nevea adding into 50 gallon of water etc. Apply weak carbolic acid solution. Sprinkle talcum powder on the bed sheet. Blot the skin after bath. Trim nail properly.
Unfavorable Items include scratching, external irritants, histamine releasing items, vaso motor changes, sensitizing drugs or food, hot and spicy food, septic focus, worm infestation, dry skin, dehydration etc.
Treatment Take items include azadirecta indica, kalmegh, terminalia chebula, butter, wheat, barley, ash gourd, sweet, calcium rich diet, vitamin A & D, oleum jecoris, vitamin B1 & B12, thyroid extract etc. Prefer warm climate. Take sufficient fluid in all season. Apply locally items include azadirachta indica, senna, rheum, baptisia, psoralia, gynocordia, kurchi, coal tar, ustiligo, 2% of salicylic acid, turpentine, ammoniated camphor, weak carbolic acid, mustard oil, camphorated oil added with pepper powder, glycerin, cod liver oil, liquid paraffin etc. Apply sand pack added with aegle folia and azadirachta. Massage with granite stone. Prefer sun light and green color. Apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water. Apply magnetized vegetable oil or coal tar lotion.
Unfavorable Items include uric acid rich protein diet, alcohol, tobacco, pungent, sour, salt, garlic, sesame, black gram, meat, horse gram, oil, stress, hot bath, pita constitution etc.
Treatment Take stramonium tincture. Get items include love and affection.
Unfavorable Items include derivatives of serotonin and acetylcholine, rice water etc.
Treatment Take vitamin C rich diet. Keep oral hygiene regularly. Rinse the mouth with the weak hydrogen peroxide solution, weak phosphoric acid etc. Apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water.
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