Treatment Take bed rest. Drink pure water, coconut water, barley water etc on acute stage. Take phyllanthus neruri in milk, hydrocotyle or jaborandi in milk, camphorated pills etc in between meals time. Chew sugar cane or drink its juice. Apply extract of flower of leucus aspera on yellow conjunctiva. Take dates, bengal gram, old rice, wheat, ghee, grapes, zingiber, white gourd, vitamin C, B6, corn flakes etc. Drink fresh buttermilk, curds or tea. Take milk powder in teaspoonful dose. Take items promoting bile excretion through stool. Press at acupressure point 19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 28, & 38. Apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water.
Unfavorable Items include saturated lipids, cholesterol rich diet, horse gram, bakery, fish, meat, coffee, partially cooked rice or fried rice, common salt, spices, acid food, pungent, physical exertion, sun heat, oil bath, day sleep, constipation etc.
Treatment Promote regular ovulation with secale cor. Apply locally salicylic acid in tincture benzoin co, thuja lotion or podophyllum lotion etc.
Unfavorable Items include incision, scratching etc.
Treatment Give bland oil. Give warmth and stimulants
Unfavorable Items include emetics, gastric lavage etc.
labour pain
Treatment Apply locally achyranthes or nux vomica lotion at vulva. Take deep breathing.
Treatment prefer bed rest in dark room, steam inhalation etc.
laryngismus stridulus
Treatment Sit erect. Sponge the face and chest with cold water or take hot bath .Take Cod liver oil, Calcium and vitamin D rich diet. Draw the tongue forward.
Unfavorable Items include adenoid, nasal congestion, spices etc.
Treatment Prefer steam inhalation. Take voice rest. Take liquorice. Massage Spine at C5
Unfavorable Items include contact with petrol fumes, food contamination with ink, newspaper, paints and paints of toys, shellfish etc.
leg pain
Treatment Take limejuice, orange juice, tomato, raw milk, and ascorbic acid rich items. Massage spine at L3 & L4.
Unfavorable Items include anxiety, non-vegetarian diet, indigestion, tobacco smoking etc.
Treatment Apply locally salicylic acid lotion, spirit of ammonia lotion or hydrogen peroxide 30 volume solution etc.
Treatment Shave hair at patches. Wash the skin five times daily. Take bitter, azadirecta indica, boerhavia diffusa, psoralea cor, sesame, ghee rice etc. Take measures for formation of semen element by eating cheese or ghee. Massage locally after applying hot bee wax. Induce vomiting periodically. Apply locally lotion of azadirecta indica, kali carb, psoralea cor, sesame oil etc.
Unfavorable Alcohol
Treatment Apply psoralea cor with black cumin and zingiber locally.
Treatment Prefer items include sweet and salt. Take plantain with sugar. Keep personal hygiene. Clean with pure water. Clean locally with alum’s aqueous lotion, weak acetic acid lotion, weak solution of baking soda or weak solution of sodium chloride. Wash with buttermilk. Burn the old underclothes. Press on acupressure point no 11 to 15. Apply magnet lead L II & LI. Apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water.
Unfavorable Items include chilly, spices, sour, acid food, under nutrition, hot food, red pepper, constipation, excitement, despair, infection, infestation etc.
Treatment Take alfalfa, honey, cabbage, carrot, leafy vegetables and fruit juice etc. Take secale cor, vinca minor (periwinkle), bitters or rauwolfia etc. Apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water. Promote measures for formation of semen element, ovulation, worm infestation etc.
Unfavorable Items include strong antibiotics, insecticides, anoxic conditions, chronic infection etc.
Treatment Take massage locally with cod liver oil or sesame oil. Take milk or ghee for six months. Take leafy and oily vegetables.
Unfavorable Items include anxiety, depression, insecurity etc.
Treatment Take fruits and fiber diet. Prefer food with taste sour and salt. Take fasting on 11th and 25th day of lunar month.
Unfavorable Items include fat diet, sweets, hypothyroidism etc.
liver cirrhosis
Treatment Take items include high protein diet, lactose, carbohydrate diet, coconut water, glucose water, lemonade, vitamin K rich diet, alfalfa, milk, buttermilk etc.
Unfavorable Items include alcohol, extra salt, fried food, cholesterol rich diet etc.
Treatment Get smile always. Practice the word “cheese” many times. Stretch all fingers five times daily. Stand erectly for few minutes then kiss the earth, and undergo meditation. Repeat the same five times daily. Take fasting once in week. Watch full moon at midnight for one hour. Keep human mission i.e. help others. Take daily bath and oil massage. Take food regularly. take animal soup, acorus calamus, amloki, argyrea speciosa, asafetida, cynodon dactylon, desmodium g, liquorice, leptandra, kalmegh, murraya koenigii, myrica nagi, sarsaparilla, saussurea lappa, sesamum indicum, terminalia chebula, tinospora cor; sulphur and mercury rich food items like shark wings etc.
Unfavorable Items include laziness, evil doing, negative attitude, prolonged fasting etc.
Treatment Prefer items include calcium rich diet, spinal exercise, breathing exercise etc.
Unfavorable Items include phosphorus rich diet, milk powder etc.
low back syndrome
Treatment Take castor oil. Induce sweating. Use firm mattress on hard cot, hard and straight-back chair etc. Prefer contour position for some period in lying. Place a pillow under knee on lying. Take regular walking and stretching exercise. Apply moist heat. Apply locally ricinus communis oil. Press on point no 9 and 16. Apply magnet lead V. apply magnet south pole. Take water magnetized by north pole. Massage spine at L4.
Unfavorable Items include lifting heavy weight, straining, sleep on net or ribbon cot, slouched position on sitting, septic foci, malnutrition, constipation, pungent, calcium deficiency etc.
lupus erythematosis
Treatment Apply locally hydrocotyle lotion or china lotion. Take thyroid extract. Take ghee for one year.
Unfavorable Items include sun light, hypothyroidism, toxic drugs etc.
Treatment Take tincture of azadirecta indica, tinospora indica, china, arsenic album etc.
Unfavorable Items include marshy place, mal air, mosquitoes etc.
Treatment Take ghee or curd at end of meals regularly. Take balanced diet, animal diet, meat extracts, fresh butter, milk rice etc. Take cod liver oil at the end of meals only. Take whole body massage, breathing exercise and bath daily.
Unfavorable Items include fasting, drinking water speedily and before food etc.
Treatment Take bread made in ghee. Take milk item. Apply locally aromatic spirit of ammonia, ricinus communis, china, vitamin e oil, oenothera biennis oil, sunflower oil etc.
Unfavorable Items include carrot, figs, celery, parsnip, mustard, malnutrition, sun heat etc.
Treatment Give reassurance. Prefer glucose drinks, acid food, ice pack on head, hot pack on foot, barrier nursing, umbrella in summer, calm environment, diuretics etc.
Unfavorable Items include sodium salt, excess of alkaline food, alfalfa, naso-pharyngeal infection, coagulants etc.
meniere’s disorder
Treatment Prefer cervical exercise, arm exercise, nasal breathing exercise etc. Roll the whole body on ground. Take measures to increase cerebral circulation. Take para sympathomimetics to promote labyrinthine vasodilatation.
Unfavorable Items include excess of salt & excess of fluid intake, smoking, overwork, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia, sick sinus syndrome etc.
menstruation complaints
Treatment Keep hygiene. Take aloe soc tincture, Asoka tincture etc.
Unfavorable Items include immersion bath, wearing ornaments during menstrual period etc.
Treatment Give egg white or milk or coconut water. Give activated charcoal in suspension.
Treatment Take milk rice. Take juice of ash gourd with sugar, carrot juice, hibiscus flower, crocus sativa, asoka bark, powder of mango seed in honey etc. apply magnet’s north pole. Wear rubber band on great toes. Take water magnetized by north pole. Prefer orange color.
Treatment Take alcohol, belladonna, hypericum, magnesium salts etc. Take ginger curry regularly. Take ghee with sugar candy. Drink rice water. Prefer items promoting and maintaining bile in alkaline. Apply locally ginger powder in cold water. Practice breathing exercise. Apply magnet’s south pole. Take water magnetized by north pole.
Unfavorable Items include low magnesium diet, sympathomimetics like tea & coffee; eating dissimilar food items on one time, offending food, spices, fasting, indigestion, frigidity, eye strain, acidosis, increased right atrial pressure, negative personality, stress, etc.
Treatment Items include application of 6 % sodium bicarbonate aqueous solution to skin daily for six weeks.
molluscum contagiosum
Treatment Prefer items include weak carbolic acid, lotion of podophyllum, colchicum, cynodon dactylon, liquorice solution, weak salicylic acid etc for infrequent local application.
Unfavorable Items include malnutrition, hypocalcaemia, local treatment with acid on face etc.
Treatment Apply locally lotion of podophyllum, weak carbolic acid or colchicum with toothpick.
mosquito bite dermatitis
Treatment Apply locally with spirit of ammonia, tincture iodine, lotion of menthol 1%, ocimum canum, citric acid 5%, lime juice etc.
Treatment Take vitamin B12 rich diet. Massage the whole body regularly
Unfavorable Items include visiting sheep farm, eating mutton, recurrent infection of influenza etc.
Treatment Prefer items include stretching exercise, spinal massage, calcium rich food, vegetable protein, alfalfa, glycine, chicken, para sympatholytic; vitamin E, selenium, potassium and sodium rich food etc.
Unfavorable Items include meat products, contamination of food with lead and iron etc.
Treatment Apply locally lotion of aconitum, bryonia, bellis perennis, belladonna, capsicum ann, eucalyptus globules, menthol, gaultheria etc. Prefer fat free diet, pepper tea, chamomile tea, bone set tea, liver extract, cimicifuga tincture or amyle nitrite inhalation, 8-hour sleep, massage, warm bath, sweating, breathing exercise, affection, reassurance etc.
Treatment Prefer items include potassium rich food, boerhavia diffusa, ephedra tincture, para sympathomimics etc
Treatment Take bed rest. Lie down with closed eyes. Take 10 ml of alcohol every one hour. Prefer bedside commode. Take deep breathing. Limit visitors. Take vitamin c rich fruits. Take fluids only for first 24 hours. Take honey. Apply magnet south pole. Take water magnetized by north pole.
Unfavorable Items include salt, too hot or cold drinks for first few days, prejudice, anxiety etc.
Treatment Take honey, vitamin E & C rich food, fiber diet, grapes, salix nigra etc. Practice breathing exercise.
Treatment Wear Concave lens. Practice Ocular rolling exercise. Press at No 22, 23. Massage in between and along the eyebrows.
Unfavorable Items include heat, fatigue, stress, fasting, sun heat hypocalcaemia etc.
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