Saturday, 14 January 2012

Tips and secrets of treatment T to Y series Kader Kochi

Treatment Take exercises include holding breath by contracting chest and abdominal muscle, stretching the arm and body, lower the head in between knees etc. push chin up in paroxysmal atrial tachycardia. Take valsvala manoeuvre, eye ball compression, coughing, bending, drinking cold water etc for vagal stimulation. Massage on right carotid for 10 second gently, then on left carotid artery. Take items include fenugreek, egg yolk, pilocarpus, physostigma (para sympathomimetics), rauwolfia, secale cor (sympatholytic) etc. Apply wet compress on chest. Take bell or ephedra for chronic tachycardia.
Unfavorable      Items include stress, fatigue, sodium salt, alcohol, tobacco, solid food etc
Treatment         Massage on back of neck adding with medicated spirit at C7 & T1. Take gentle and regular exercise for one year.

Treatment    Take Calcium rich diet, magnesium sulphate 15 gm in fruit juice etc.
Unfavorable      Items include phosphorus rich diet, milk, respiratory alkalosis, stress, insecurity, renal metabolic acidosis, hyperventilation, hysteria, weather changes.

thalassmia minor
Treatment         Take items include folic acid, arsenic album, thyroid extract, ascorbic acid, sulphur, physostigma, para sympathomimetics, egg albumin, liver extract, milk albumin etc.
Unfavorable      Items include iron compounds, frequent blood transfusion, hyperacidity, hypoacidity, hypo parathyroidism, fava beans (G6PD deficiency) etc.

therapeuticS. law of polarity
Treatment         Apply the law similar on opposite pole of human body. Poles include inner x outer organs, upper x lower part, anterior x posterior surface, right x left side (heat x cold, acid x alkaline, hydration x dehydration etc.). Take purgative for nasal bleeding while nauseates for bleeding piles. Prefer law of similarity for primary symptoms and early stage. Take sweet, sour, and salt in all season.

throat sore
Treatment         Take Items include menthol 1%, capsicum, piper nigrim, zingiber etc in honey, candy or sugar etc.

Treatment         Apply locally heparin, glycerin of ichthammol, glycerin of belladonna etc. take plenty of fluids. Practice breathing exercise. Keep a gentle tightness near the vein above thrombus to prevent metastasis of clot.
Unfavorable       Items include          nianemia, trauma, chronic infection etc.

Treatment         Take items include sufficient water, magnesium salts, pineapple, weak sulphuric acid, melilotus, salix nigra etc. Prefer urine therapy. Apply leech on venous thrombosis in lower limb. Apply magnet south pole. Take water magnetized by north pole.
Unfavorable      Items include steroid, iron salts, high sodium, saturated fat, hypo proteinemia, high calcium and high potassium rich diet, tomato, cholesterol, uric acid, dehydration, winter season etc.

Treatment        Take items include gelsemium tincture 20 drops, vitamin B12, ars alb -tincture 20 drops, baptisia tincture etc. Apply locally aconitum tincture.
Unfavorable      Items include hypertension, arteriosclerosis, exposure to cold, excessive movement of face during acute stage, anxiety, hyperthyroidism etc.

tinea capitis
Treatment         Apply item include absolute alcohol, acetic acid etc. Cut the affected hair short. Take cod liver oil.

Treatment         Apply locally the lotion made by salicylic acid 2 gm, benzoic acid 2 gm, glacial acetic acid 10 drops, lotion of iodine 20 drops in spirit 100 ml. apply methylated spirit. Apply the ointment made by salicylic acid 3 gm, benzoic acid 6 gm, and emulsifying agent 100 gm.

Treatment        Apply locally salicylic acid 1% in alcohol, sodium thiosulphate 40 gm in 100 ml of water, citric acid 5% lotion or acetic acid 10 % lotion etc.

tinea pedes
Treatment         Apply items include Vaseline, glycerin lotion, potassium permanganate solution (1:1000) etc.

Treatment         Apply ricinus communis oil on scalp. Instill few drops of ricinus communis into ear.

tobacco habits
Treatment         Rinse the mouth with copper sulphate 1% solution. Take nux vomica tincture. Practice self-control and meditation.

Treatment         Take hot gargles with potassium chloride lotion. Take wet compress on neck. Take items include plenty of fluid, ice cream, milk, egg, calcium rich food etc. Apply magnet Lead I. Apply magnet north pole. Take magnetized water. Press on acupressure point no 1 to 7, 30 and on 34. Massage spine at C 6.
Unfavorable      Items include acids, salt, rich food, dry food, septic foci, constipation etc.

Treatment         Take items include dopamine promoters, acid food, secale cor etc.
Unfavorable      Items include acetylcholine promoters, mustard oil, food contaminated with ergot, aregimona mexicona etc.

Treatment         Massage upwards. Take exercise with 15 Kg weight on head.

Treatment         Take items include protein diet, goat milk, alfalfa, sweet, salt, shark soup, withania somnifera tincture, silajith powder, fresh butter or cheese etc. Prefer items include cold spinal bath, daily bath, good ventilation nasal breathing exercise, constipation, celibacy etc. 
Unfavorable      Items include anger, sweating, malnutrition, fasting, starvation, air pollution, diarrhea, frequent coition, sinapis niger, bitter gourd, pungent, bitter, astringent, brinjal, mutton etc.

Treatment         Take items include common salt, vegetables, fiber rich diet, fried paddy, fruits, arrowroot, betel nut, black gram, pappadam etc.
Unfavorable      Items include meat fiber, decayed meat, cholesterol rich diet, tuber, dry fish, refined sugar etc.

Treatment         Take items include ghee, honey, green gram, terminalia chebula, safflower oil, sinapis alba, boerhavia diffusa extract, yeast etc. Apply locally lotion of ficus indica or geranium maculatum. Apply magnet north pole.
Unfavorable      Items include common salt, black gram, pappadam, dosa, idli, ice, cold water, leucopenia etc.

Unfavorable      Take ghee, edible oil, tea, curry, banana flakes etc heating repeatedly. Consume the drugs collected from snake or spider rich area. Take items include beef with black gram, castor oil, honey, idli, milk, and pappadam etc; buttermilk with curd, black gram, ghee, horse gram, idli, pappadam etc; colocasia with butter;  mushroom with buttermilk, fish, ghee, meat, prawn etc; pineapple with horse gram; wheat with sesame.

Treatment         Take items include barley water, carrot juice etc. Keep hygiene. Prefer green color.

Urine retention
Treatment        Watch the running of tap water. Take hot bath. Take hot tea or hot lemon juice. Change the position during sleep. Take enema.

Treatment         Apply locally with items include lotion of ephedra, uranium nitricum, urtica urens, viratrum viride etc. Take trial diet by excluding wheat, milk, egg, fish, shellfish, tomato, chocolates etc. Take vitamin C rich diet. Induce vomiting
Unfavorable      Items include excess of food, offending food, pickle, salt, sour, acid food, skin irritants, heat, infection, parasites, septic foci, emotion, stress, worms etc

Vaginal atrophy
Treatment        Massage the area with items include olive oil, other vegetable oil, terminalia arjuna lotion etc gently. Take ginkgo biloba and embilica officianalis.

Treatment         Keep personal hygiene. Wash with Alum lotion.
Unfavorable      Items include chilly, Pepper, pin worms, irritant underwear etc.

Varicose vein
Treatment        Wear elastic stockings up to knee joint. Elevate the legs intermittently. Elevate leg upto 20-degree on lying. Take leg exercise. Apply rubber sponge for dressing in case of ulcer. Keep clotting time within 6-15 minutes and prothrombin time more than 20 second. Apply melilotus lotion or salix nigra lotion.
Unfavorable      Items include oral contraceptive pills, prolonged immobilization, pressure on calves, trauma, dehydration, alfalfa, prolonged sitting or standing etc.

Treatment         Take items include sufficient water, magnesium salts, pineapple, honey, curcuma long, water added with weak sulphuric acid etc. Prefer urine therapy. Apply magnet south pole. Take water magnetized by north pole.
Unfavorable      Items include steroid, iron salts, dehydration, high sodium, saturated fat, hypo proteinemia, high calcium & potassium rich diet, tomato, cholesterol, uric acid, winter, lead contamination, anemia, hot application etc.

Venous ulcer
Treatment         Apply locally isotonic saline solution. Take juice of carrot, grapes, pineapple etc 250 ml for 30 days.

 Treatment    Take items include rice water, milk, ghee, grapes, sugar, rice flakes, acid food, cold water, rainwater etc. Take neck exercise. Prefer cold head bath.
Unfavorable    Items include wax in ear, anemia, hypotension, tachycardia, vasomotor instability, new moon                                       

Treatment        Apply locally psoralea cor lotion or calotropis lotion. Take items include iron rich food, thyroid extract, liver extract, compound containing iron 1%, copper 0.1%, and arsenic 0.01% with acid food. Take water after preserving in copper vessels for 24 hours. Take water magnetized by north pole. Prefer red color.
Unfavorable      Items include ascorbic acid, vegetables contamination with snake venom, leprosy, intestinal polyposis etc.

Treatment         withheld all solid food transiently. Take crack biscuit before rising in morning. Begin food intake with dry items in small quantities in morning. take items include vitamin B 6, lemon juice, cold beverages, pungent, pepper, sugar, rice flakes, fried bengal gram, barley etc. Take abdominal wet compress. Maintain adequate food and hydration. Massage on back and spine. Lie down with closed eyes.  Make sneezing. Make sliding at all finger joints. Press at acupressure points No19, 20, 22, 23, 25, 27, & 38.
Unfavorable      Take items include dopamine promoters, luke warm beverages, bitter, exposure to unpleasant stimuli, anxiety etc.
Treatment         Apply locally 25% of podophyllum in tincture benzoin compound. Then leave it for 48 hours. Repeat it after five days. Apply items include the lotion of salicylic acid 3.5 gm in 120 ml alcohol, sempervivum tectorum tincture, thuja occidentalis tincture etc.
Unfavorable      Items include anemia, stress, virus infection etc.

weather complaints
Treatment         Take food items with taste sweet, salt and sour for children. Prefer items include fresh alcohol after food, soup before food, meat extract, hot water, nux vomica , zingiber , terminalia chebula , rauwolfia , Asafetida, camphor, embilica officianalis, capsicum, cardamom, cumin, gingiber, onions, thymol, sesame, turmeric, aconite, acorus calamus, allium cepa, arjuna, achyranthes, kalmegh, luffa, piper cuba, saussurea lappa, sinapis, solanum, terminalia chebula,  fiber diet, spices, laxatives, smoke of frankincense etc. Promote nasal excretion. Enjoy holidays and sexual relation. Massage at ring finger (for the symptoms like day sleeping, mucus stool, stone formation, asthenia, weight gain, impotence and selfishness).
Prefer items include massage, hot immersion bath, oil massage.Sufficient food, exercise, foot wear etc.
Unfavorable      Items include tuber, fat diet, rice water, black gram, fresh cereals, potato, tuber, colocasia, dates, figs, oil, milk, butter, ghee, egg, fish, meat, ficus, valerians; excess chewing, tasty food, ambition, fear, overwork, rest, sexual excess, starvation, items which promoting mucus and bile secretion etc.
Treatment         Take items include sweet, bitter, astringent gooseberry, fruits, polished rice, old rice, wheat, flakes, fried rice, green gram, snake gourd, easily digestible food, tuber, cold water, cool drinks, old alcohol, camphorated water, honey, ghee, ice cream at night, cow milk, meat, curcuma longa, cucurbita pepo, cyprus, ficus, liquorice, luffa, neem, camphor, sandal, sarsaparilla, spinach, adathoda vasika, cold bath, river bath, day sleep, moon watching, watching cinema, perfumes etc, rest, laxatives, vomiting etc. Massage on thumb. Take cucumber (for the symptoms like high BMR, diarrhea, dandruff, acne, dermatitis etc).
Unfavorable      Items include pungent, salt, sour, coffee, curd, figs, ginger, prunes, spices, stress, hurry, jealousy, overwork, exercise, heat, sun bath etc  alcohol, sexual relation, items promoting bile formation, sun heat, constipation etc.
Treatment         Take food items with taste sweet, sour and salt for children. Prefer items include laxatives, alcohol, vegetable diet, camphorated water, massage at middle finger, diuretics, oil massage, nasal exercise,  smoke of frankincense etc.
Unfavorable      Items include animal proteins, rice water etc (for the symptoms like bronchitis, pain, obesity, dry stool, burning sensation and connective tissue disorder.).
Treatment                 Take items include sweet, bitter, astringent, cool drinks, ghee, butter etc. Take rainwater in the day of star alpha booties and beta lobra in 7th month of saka calendar-begins from 23rd september.

Unfavorable      Items include pungent, sour, items promoting bile formation etc.

Treatment         Apply locally items include lotion of kreosotum, thuja occidentalis, 2% of salicylic acid in tincture benzoin compound, petroleum jelly, pure urine etc. Prefer items include proper walking style, good boots etc.

Treatment         Take items include oil of chenopodium 15 ml, filix mas 4 ml with out castor oil, coconut milk with sugar, plenty of fluids etc. Keep personal hygiene. Apply locally sesame oil for pinworms. Press at sides of little finger.
Unfavorable      Items include sugar, sweets, unhygienic habits etc

Treatment         Prefer items like pure water or seawater for cleaning the wound only. Apply locally with items include surgical spirit, lotion of calendula off, gaultheria procumb, ledum, symphytum etc. Take honey. Apply magnet north pole and take magnetized water.
Unfavorable      Items include water contact, Movement, Steroids, hyperglycemia etc.

Treatment        Prefer items include oil massage, application of simple oil or coconut milk over the affected skin immediately after bath. Take Ghee and Vitamin A & D rich diet.
            Unfavorable      Items include Soap, excessive bath, cold and dry environment etc.

Treatment         Cracking the points all fingers.


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