Saturday, 2 March 2013

Aloe socotrina. Kader Kochi.


Aloe perryi, Aloe ferox.


Perennial plant. Height 60 cm to 20cm. Plant contains aloin, salicylic acid, aurum, magnesium, resin, and volatile oil.


This is laxative, and emmenagogue medicine.

It is para sympathomimetic.

It is medicine externally for wound.

It is remedy for portal congestion with sense of pulsation in lower abdomen.

It is remedy for prostatic enlargement.

It is a remedy for cancer of rectum and colon.

It had been used as abortifacient.

It had not been used in nursing mother as it pass through breast milk.

It had been used to prevent children sucking the fingers.

Word “Socotrina” is related to an Island at the entrance to the Red sea near Yemen.


1 to 10 drops.


Allium cepa. Kader Kochi.


Red onion, Garden onion, Bulb onion.


Biennial plant. Height 45 cm. Flowers are rounded. Plant contains quercetin, anthocyanin, phosphorus, sulphur, allicin, vitamin C, and fluoride. Bee friendly. 


This is medicine for cardiac weakness.

It is medicine for sleeplessness, and depression.

It is medicine for erectile dysfunctions.

It is medicine externally for wound, alopecia, and scar. 

It is a prophylactic medicine externally on ear for sunburn and heat stroke. 

It is remedy for acrid coryza, sneezing, moist laryngitis, and bland discharge from eyes. 

It is remedy for diabetes.

It is remedy for neoplasm (Allium sativa, Arsenic album).

It is remedy for thrombocytopenia, haemolytic anaemia, low white blood cells count, and haemoglobinuria (Sinapis, Cinchona, Arsenic album).

It is remedy for congenital disorders (Manganum, Piper nigrium, Veratrum album, Colchicum).

It is remedy for bleeding disorders.

It is remedy for haemorrhoids. 

It is remedy for polyneuritis.

It is remedy for auto immune diseases.

Onion vapor had been used as abortifacient.

It had been used in dog bite.

It is toxic to dogs and cats.

Word “cepa” (Latin) means onion.


1 to 4 drops.


Aletris farinose. Kader Kochi.


Star grass, True unicorn root, Devil’s bit, White colic root.


Perennial herb. Height 20 cm. Flowers are white with long flowering stalk. Root contains diosgenin, sterol, resin and starch. Bitter.


This is medicine for constipation, and rheumatism.

It is remedy for hysterical flatulence, colic, and diarrhoea. 

It is remedy for dysmenorrhoea, and habitual abortion.

It is remedy for anaemia and prostration after profuse menses.

It is remedy for infertility in female (Alfalfa).


2 to 4 drops.


Ailanthus glandulosa. Kader Kochi.


Tree of heaven, Tree of hell, Varnish tree, Shade tree, Chinese sumach, Chouchun, Silk worm tree.


Deciduous tree. Height 25 meters. Dried trunks and root bark. Plant contains volatile oil, quassin, saponins, quinone, and ailanthone. Astringent.


This is remedy for low vitality.

It is remedy for sore throat with frontal headache and prostration.

It is remedy for prostration from suppressed eruption, and cancer.

It is remedy for boil, sepsis, and allergic erythematous dermatitis.

Leaves had been used for baldness.

Word “Chouchun” (Chinese) means foul smelling tree.


1 to 2 drops.


Agnus castus. Kader Kochi.


Mediterranean chaste tree, Hemp tree, Abraham’s balm, Monk pepper, Vitex.


Herbaceous perennial tree. Height 4 meters. Flowers are purple, and have lavender smell. Dried fruits and leaves. Plant contains vitexin, casticin, agnuside, essential oil, and sterols. 


This is remedy for impotence, and small penis (Nuphar leutea).

It is remedy for premature old age, and generalised pruritus.

It is remedy for sex aversion. 

It is remedy for hyperprolactinaemia, and breast adenoma.

It is remedy for amenorrhoea, and oligomenorrhoea.

It is remedy for sterility of female.

It had been used as anaphrodisiac in both male and female (Anti- testosterone).


1 to 6 drops.


Agava americana. Kader Kochi.


Century plant, American false aloe.


Perennial stemless plant. Height 2 meters. Flowering stalk has height about 6 meters. Root contains sugar, flavonoids, hecogenin, steroid, coumarin, phytoestrogen, and fibre.


This is diuretic, laxative and antiseptic medicine.

It is medicine externally for burns, cut, and wound.

It is remedy for scurvy.

It is remedy for liver complaints, and dysphagia.

It is remedy for urethritis.

It had been used for making alcoholic beverages.

Word “agauos” (Greek) means proud.


1 to 4 drops.


Agaricus muscarius. Kader Kochi.


Amanita muscarius, Fly agaric, Toadstool, Button mushroom.


Poisonous fungus. Plant contains muscarine, agaricin, muscimol, muscazone, ibotenic acid, and neurotoxic principle. Chlorophyll absent.


It is para sympathomimetic. It promotes sweat and urine.

It is remedy for hilarity, delusion of grandeur, and mania.

It is remedy for vertigo, spasm of eye lids, tremor, tic disorders, Parkinson's disease, and chorea.

It is remedy for multiple sclerosis (Aconitum).

It is remedy for offensive breath, and night sweats in tuberculosis.

It is remedy for frostbite, chilblain, and symptoms from exposing to cold air.

Amanita muscarius had been considered as soma in ancient India.

It had been used as insecticide. It had been considered a symbol of good fortune.

Some active principles can also be collected from the urine of amanita drinkers (Arsenic album).


Trituration, Dilution.

Aethusa cynapium. Kader Kochi.


Fool's parsley, Poison parsley.


Annual plant. Height 80 cm. Hollow branched stem. Leaves have unpleasant smell. Plant is similar to Conium mac and Oenanthe. Plant contains toxic principle like coniine.


This is remedy for nausea and gastro enteritis with heat in mouth.

It is remedy for convulsion in children.



Aesculus hippocastanum. Kader Kochi.


Horse chestnut, Soap berry.


Flowering tree. Height 39 meters. Large leaves. Plant contains triterpene, saponins (aescin), and flavonoids (quercetin). Astringent.


This is medicine for portal hypertension, and haemorrhoids. 

It is medicine for pelvic congestion, and uterine bleeding. 

It is medicine for thrombophlebitis in legs.

It is medicine externally for phlebothrombosis.

It is medicine externally for sprain, and bruises.

It is remedy for tremor, and balance disorder. 

It is remedy for chronic kidney disease (Adonis, Alfalfa, Helleborus).

It is remedy for backache following portal hypertension and haemorrhoids.

It is remedy for varicose vein.

It had been used to keep away spiders and insects.


I to 4 drops.


Aegle folia. Kader Kochi.


Golden apple, Stone apple, Bilva, Bael, Kuvalum, Vili.


Medium sized tree. Height 12 meters. Leaves. Plant contains marmesin, rutin, psoralen, sterols, aegeline, and furocoumarins. 


It has anti-inflammatory properties.

It acts on pituitary glands (Endocrine dysfunctions).

It is medicine for disorders of eye.

It is medicine for growth disorder, diabetes mellitus, and obesity.

It is medicine for sinusitis.

It is medicine for peptic ulcer, and haemorrhoids.

It is medicine for vitiligo.

It is remedy for chronic hepatic disease.

It is remedy for diarrhoea, and dropsy.


1 to 4 drops.


Adonis vernalis. Kader Kochi.


Pheasant's eye, False hellebore.


Perennial flowering plant. Height 30 cm. Flowers are yellow. Plant contains toxic colourless principle, adonidin, and aconitic acid. Bitter.


This is cardiac stimulant as well as cardiac tonic.

It is medicine for chronic congestive cardiac failure (Cactus).

It increases blood pressure and cardiac output. It promotes renal blood circulation. It is diuretic medicine.

It is medicine for fatty degeneration of heart, chronic myocardiopathy, and dropsy.

It is medicine for varicose vein.

It is a non-cumulative sympathetic cardiac stimulant (Ventricles-Digitalis is parasympathetic stimulant in low dose). 

It is remedy in oliguria, and chronic kidney disease (Helleborus).

Word “adon” (Canaanite) means “lord”. 


4 to 10 drops.


Acorus calamus. Kader Kochi.


Sweet flag, Sweet myrtle, Haimavathi, Vacha, Vayambu, German ginger.


Perennial flowering plant. Height 90 cm. Root has sweet smell. Sword shaped leaves spread from root. Plant contains acorin, calamusin, camphor, alpha asarone, beta asarone, eugenol, calamus oil, and oxalates. Bitter.


This is medicine for nasal catarrh and pain in children.

It has parasympatholytic action.

It is medicine for gingivitis, indigestion, and worm troubles.

It is medicine for memory loss, Alzheimer’s diseases, and dementia.

It is medicine externally for impotence.

It is remedy for schizophrenia, neurasthenia, fatigue, hysteria, and epilepsy.

It is remedy for amblyopia (Prophet remedy. Natrum mur, Myrrh).

It is remedy for renal stone.

It is remedy for chronic renal disease (Renal hypertension).

It is remedy for chronic pancreatitis, and hyperglycaemia (Liquorice, Iris).

It is remedy for liver cancer (Beta asarone, Eugenol).

It had been used as the first medicine to babies in some Indian community (Crocus sativa).

It had been used to ward off devil (Asafoetida, Allium sativa, Helleborus; & Sinapis, Piper nigrum).

Word “Acorus” (Greek) means pupil. “Calamus” means cane. Word “Vacha” means make voice clear.

It was considered a symbol of love, lust, and affection.


1 to 6 drops.


Friday, 1 March 2013

Aconitum napellus. Kader Kochi.


Monkshood, Wolfsbane, Leopard bane, Mouse bane, Women's bane, Athivishum, Athividiyum, Valsanabhi, Queen of poisons, Devil’s helmet, Arrow-wort, Amrita, Hala hala, Maha oushadha.


Perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Root, leaves and flowers. Plant contains terpenes, aconitine, pseudo-aconitine, mesaconitine, aconine, pseudo-aconine, picraconitine, aconitic acid, cyanin, camphor, sugar, fat, resin, and calcium.


Aconitum is nerve depressant. 

It is cardiac depressant, and hypotensive. 

It is respiratory stimulant.

It is medicine for obesity.

It is a stimulant medicine for muscular weakness with slow pulse and cold skin (Cholera).

It is remedy for fear, over excitement, anger, pain, and numbness.

It is remedy for fear of death, and mystic thoughts.

It is remedy for multiple nerve sclerosis (Agaricus, Apis mellifica).

It is remedy for fever with vasodilation in skin, tachycardia, and polyuria.

It is remedy for first day of fever with chilliness internally and warmth externally (Fever second day -Sulphur).

It is remedy for mild fever from dry cold wind (Gelsemium, Bryonia alba, Veratrum viride). 

It is remedy for fever with hyperhidrosis, and urticaria. 

It is remedy for early stage of inflammation in sthenic. 

It is remedy for muscle stiffness in sthenic.

It is remedy for chronic cardiac weakness, and renal insufficiency.

It is a preventive remedy in suppuration of wound. It is not helpful in sepsis and blood poisoning. 

It is remedy for catarrhal tonsillitis, and productive bronchitis. 

It is remedy for amenorrhea from cold. 

It is remedy internally and externally for motor paralysis, and muscular dystrophy (Puffer fish’s egg, Nitric acid, Antimonium tart).

It is remedy for hypertension.

It is remedy for alopecia, and rheumatic arthritis.

It is remedy in spider poisoning.

Aconitum is complementary with liquorice, and ginger.

It is ineffective in chronic miasmatic diseases, and genetic disorders.

It had been used in snake poisoning (Abrotanum, Allium sativa, Piper nigrum, Ocimum sanctum, Styrax, Camphor, Thuja).

It had been used in Greek islands for the euthanasia of the elderly and the weak.

It had been used to add in arrow poison.

It had been used for poisoning purposes. It is toxic even in external application. Fatal dose is about 2 - 4 ml (Extract). Toxic symptoms are numbness and tingling sensation in the tongue and lips. Secondary symptoms are muscle weakness, slow pulse and low temperature due to spinal depression, and death without struggle. Charcoal and milk are primary antidotes. Stimulants like alcohol, pepper in hot tea, ammonia, amyl nitrate, strophanthus, Belladonna etc. may helpful in aconite poisoning.

Word “akon” (Greek) means javelin. Word “aconite” means without dust, and without struggle.



Avoid excessive shaking before it uses.

Acids. Kader Kochi.

Aceticum acidum


This is medicine externally for corns, dandruff, scalds, insect bite, and taenia versicolor.

It is medicine for obesity.

It is remedy for hyperchlorhydria with excessive thirst.

It is remedy for polyuria, and diabetes.

It is remedy for scurvy, and epithelioma.

It is remedy for emaciation, anaemia, and symptoms associated with cold profuse sweat.

It is an antidote to anaesthetic vapours, and sausage poisoning.



High potency.



Hydrocyanicum acidum


Prussic acid.


This is remedy for spasm, convulsion, epilepsy, and paralysis.

It is remedy for fixed eye ball with dilated pupil.

It is remedy for swelling of larynx, and hoarseness.

It is remedy for sharp pain and tightness in chest with productive cough, and bronchial congestion due to lung paralysis.

It is remedy for dyspnoea with coldness and cyanosis.

It is remedy for frequent yawning, and excessive sleepiness.

It is remedy for spasm of oesophagus and stomach.

It is remedy for hypothyroidism, and chronic pancreatitis.

It is remedy for chronic hypertension with irregular pulse in sthenic.

It is remedy for rejuvenation.

It naturally presents in Amygdalus, Laurocerasus, Acalypha Indica, Tabacum, Solanum lycospericum, Liquorice, Millefolium, Trifolium pratense, Sambucus, and Passiflora (It also present in snake venom, apple seeds, and tapioca).


Higher dilution.


Lacticum acidum


Lactic acid, Milk acid.


This is remedy for hyperglycaemia.

It is remedy for polyphagia with sour eructation. Symptoms are relieved after eating.

It is remedy for diabetes, polyuria day and night, and rheumatic pain.




Muriaticum acidum


Hydrochloric acid, Spirit of salt.


This is remedy for hard ulcer on tongue.

It is remedy for hypochlorhydria, and gastric ulcer. Cannot tolerate sight or smell of meat.

It is remedy for involuntary passage of stool while passing urine.

It is remedy for painful haemorrhoids.

It is remedy for rheumatism with cramping pain at Achilles tendon.

It had been used for decreased metabolism, and phosphate stone.

It is a dynamic antidote to Mercurius.




Nitricum acidum


This is remedy for chronic renal diseases with offensive urine like horses.

It is remedy for scanty cold urine with sand like red sediment. Oxalate and phosphate calculi (Ocimum canum). 

It is remedy for warts and sore at mucocutaneous junction.

It is remedy for symptoms with sticking pain as if from splinters. 

It is remedy for chronic cervicitis with brown offensive leucorrhoea, and loss pubic hair.

It is remedy for muscle degeneration, and muscular dystrophy.

It had been used externally for warts.




Oxalicum acidum


This is remedy for hyperaesthesia, and neuralgia.

It is remedy for burning stomatitis.

It is remedy for dyspnoea, and pain in left side of chest.

It is remedy for menorrhagia.

It is remedy for spasm and lumbago due to spinal neuritis.

It had been used externally for wart like growths, naevus, and epithelioma.




Phosphoricum acidum


This is medicine for gastric atony.

It is remedy for dementia, homesickness, brain degeneration, and multiple sclerosis (Aconitum).

It is remedy for neuralgia.

It is remedy for chronic tubercular bronchitis.

It is remedy for hyperchlorhydria, and flatulence with garlic smell (Arsenic album).

It is remedy for chronic fatty liver, and fatty degeneration. 

It is remedy for polyuria with dryness in mouth and throat (Lycopodium, Sanguinaria).

It is remedy for impotence due to degeneration of spinal cord. 

It is remedy for involuntary passage urine and stool (Ignatia).

It is remedy for chronic effects from loss of seminal fluids.

It is remedy for osteoporosis, and degeneration of yellow bone marrow.

It is remedy for progeria.


1 to 3 drops.



Salicylicum acidum


This is antiseptic, diaphoretic, and antipyretic medicine.  

It is medicine externally for foot sweat, corns, warts, and squamous dermatitis (Arnica, Gaultheria, Salix nigra).

It is remedy for symptoms due to low vitality like yawning, profuse sweat, flatulence, offensive stool, pain in bones, anxiety, depression, and vertigo.

It is remedy for retinitis, prostration and dropsy after influenza.

It is remedy for tinnitus, and otitis interna (Veratrum album, Cinchona).

It is remedy for arteriosclerosis, and thrombosis.

It is remedy for chronic offensive bronchitis.

It is remedy for fermentative dyspepsia, and stomach cancer (Aceticum acidum).

It is remedy for albuminuria, glycosuria, and chronic renal insufficiency.

It is remedy for tonsillitis, lumbago, and shifting arthritis from suppressed sweat.

It is remedy for osteoporosis.

It is remedy for excessive sexual desire.

It is remedy for rejuvenation.

It is naturally present in Salix nigra, Gaultheria, Cinchona, Myrtus communis, Trifolium pratense and Aloe Socotrina.




Sulphuricum acidum


This is medicine for hypochlorhydria, and thrombosis.

It is stimulant medicine for nervous weakness, trembling, and weakness on left side.

It is medicine externally for aphthae in mouth.

It is remedy for chronic alcoholism.

It is remedy for depression with hurried feeling, and anxiety.

It is remedy for pain on eye following injury.

It is remedy for reflux esophagitis, and hyperacidity.

It is remedy for gastric debility with desire to alcohol, and aversion to coffee.

It is remedy for menorrhagia with acrid leucorrhea.

It is remedy for glycosuria with oliguria.

It is remedy for neuralgia, hyperhidrosis, ecchymosis, and purpura hemorrhagica.

It is an antidote in chronic lead poisoning (Alumen-Thrombosis).


1 to 5 drops.


Achyranthes aspera. Kader Kochi.


Prickly chaff flower, Devil’s horsewhip, Apamarg, Aghata, Kadalaadi.


Perennial plant. Height 2 meters. Seeds, leaves and root. Plant contains triterpenoid, saponins, achyranthine, pentatriacontane, and oleanolic acid.


This is medicine for psychosis, and anxiety state.

It is medicine for irritable bowel syndrome.

It is medicine for fever.

It is medicine for hydrophobia.

It is medicine for dropsy.

It is medicine for haemorrhoids.

It is medicine for snake bite, and scorpion sting.

It is medicine externally for earache.

It is remedy for diarrhoea, and dysentery.

It is remedy for chronic renal disease.

It is remedy for menorrhagia.

It is remedy for herpes.

It had been used for making vegetable salt (Potassium), toothbrush, tooth powder, and for washing clothes.


1 to 6 drops.


Acalypha indica. Kader Kochi.

Indian nettle, Indian mercury, Kuppaimeni.

Annual plant. Height 80 cm. Root, leaves and flower tops. Plant contains kaempferol, acalyphine, amide, iridoid compounds, hydrocyanic acid, pyranoquinoline, tannin, resin, and essential oil.


This is laxative and expectorant medicine. 

It is medicine for worms.

It is medicine externally for rectal bleeding, bed sore, and scabies.

It is remedy for bronchitis, cough, and asthma.

It is remedy for disorders of lung, kidney and liver.

It is remedy for piles, and anal fistula.

It is remedy for rejuvenation (Alfalfa, Hydrocyanic acid).

It is remedy for thalassemia minor, and haemolytic anaemia (Cinchona).

It had been used as emetic in case of poisoning.

It had been used a substitute for ipecacuanha.

Its root exhilarates cat.


1 to 6 drops.



Absinthium. Kader Kochi.


Grand worm wood, Artemisia absinthium.


Perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Plant contains absinthin, anabsinthine, thujone, tannin, resin, silica, and fatty acids. Bitter.


It is medicine for worms. 

It is antispasmodic, antimicrobial, cholagogue, antipyretic and carminative medicine. 

It is remedy for chorea, convulsion and epilepsy (Thuja).

It is medicine for dyspepsia.

It is remedy for chronic kidney disorder (Auto immune disorder).

It is remedy for neurasthenia.

It is remedy for cancer, and papilloma (Thuja).


1 to 4 drops.



Abrotanum. Kader Kochi.


Southernwood, Garde-robe, Lad’s love, Boy’s love.


Perennial plant. Height 1 meter. The plant contains volatile essential oil, cineole, thujone, sabinene, caryo­phyllene, sesquiterpenoids, arbutin, coumarin, rutin, camphor like aromatic oil. Bitter. 


This is medicine for worms.

It is medicine for amenorrhea.

It is cholagogue, emmenagogue, anthelmintic, and antiseptic medicine.

It is medicine for erectile dysfunctions.

It is medicine for indigestion.

It is medicine for diabetes.

It is medicine for splenic enlargement.

It is medicine externally for frostbite, wound, dandruff, and less growth of beard in young boys.

It is remedy for allergic rhinitis. 

It is remedy for spinal myelitis, sciatica, and shifting rheumatism. 

It is remedy for cramps.

It is remedy for under developed pelvis.

It is remedy for angioma of face.

It is remedy for marasmus of lower parts. 

The plant had been used to repel insects and snakes ( Myrrh: - Styrax, Camphor, Aconitum).

It had been used for brewing beer.

Its oil had been used for dye.


1 to 6 drops.


Tuesday, 19 February 2013

Abies Canadensis. Kader Kochi.


Eastern hemlock spruce, Pinus canadensis, Tsuga canadensis.


Coniferous long-lived tree. Height 32 meter. Pine family. Fresh bark and young buds. Bark contains volatile oil, tannic acid, red dye, and resin. Leaves contain vitamin C. Astringent.


This is medicine for diarrhoea, colitis, and cystitis.

It is diaphoretic and diuretic medicine.

It is medicine externally for gingivitis and stomatitis as mouth wash.

It is medicine externally for steam bath to treat colds, cough, rheumatism.

It is a rubefacient (Volatile oil can be used externally just like using belladonna plaster).

It is remedy for great appetite with faint feeling in stomach.

It is remedy for flatulence in stomach with palpitation and prostration. Want to lie down all the time (Abies nigra-Sensation of hard body at lower end of oesophagus, pain in stomach worse after eating, and mucus gastritis from abuse of tea).

It is remedy for uterine displacement. Thinks uterus is soft and feeble.

It is remedy for chronic kidney disease.


1 to 4 drops.
