Friday, 1 March 2013

Aconitum napellus. Kader Kochi.


Monkshood, Wolfsbane, Leopard bane, Mouse bane, Women's bane, Athivishum, Athividiyum, Valsanabhi, Queen of poisons, Devil’s helmet, Arrow-wort, Amrita, Hala hala, Maha oushadha.


Perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Root, leaves and flowers. Plant contains terpenes, aconitine, pseudo-aconitine, mesaconitine, aconine, pseudo-aconine, picraconitine, aconitic acid, cyanin, camphor, sugar, fat, resin, and calcium.


Aconitum is nerve depressant. 

It is cardiac depressant, and hypotensive. 

It is respiratory stimulant.

It is medicine for obesity.

It is a stimulant medicine for muscular weakness with slow pulse and cold skin (Cholera).

It is remedy for fear, over excitement, anger, pain, and numbness.

It is remedy for fear of death, and mystic thoughts.

It is remedy for multiple nerve sclerosis (Agaricus, Apis mellifica).

It is remedy for fever with vasodilation in skin, tachycardia, and polyuria.

It is remedy for first day of fever with chilliness internally and warmth externally (Fever second day -Sulphur).

It is remedy for mild fever from dry cold wind (Gelsemium, Bryonia alba, Veratrum viride). 

It is remedy for fever with hyperhidrosis, and urticaria. 

It is remedy for early stage of inflammation in sthenic. 

It is remedy for muscle stiffness in sthenic.

It is remedy for chronic cardiac weakness, and renal insufficiency.

It is a preventive remedy in suppuration of wound. It is not helpful in sepsis and blood poisoning. 

It is remedy for catarrhal tonsillitis, and productive bronchitis. 

It is remedy for amenorrhea from cold. 

It is remedy internally and externally for motor paralysis, and muscular dystrophy (Puffer fish’s egg, Nitric acid, Antimonium tart).

It is remedy for hypertension.

It is remedy for alopecia, and rheumatic arthritis.

It is remedy in spider poisoning.

Aconitum is complementary with liquorice, and ginger.

It is ineffective in chronic miasmatic diseases, and genetic disorders.

It had been used in snake poisoning (Abrotanum, Allium sativa, Piper nigrum, Ocimum sanctum, Styrax, Camphor, Thuja).

It had been used in Greek islands for the euthanasia of the elderly and the weak.

It had been used to add in arrow poison.

It had been used for poisoning purposes. It is toxic even in external application. Fatal dose is about 2 - 4 ml (Extract). Toxic symptoms are numbness and tingling sensation in the tongue and lips. Secondary symptoms are muscle weakness, slow pulse and low temperature due to spinal depression, and death without struggle. Charcoal and milk are primary antidotes. Stimulants like alcohol, pepper in hot tea, ammonia, amyl nitrate, strophanthus, Belladonna etc. may helpful in aconite poisoning.

Word “akon” (Greek) means javelin. Word “aconite” means without dust, and without struggle.



Avoid excessive shaking before it uses.

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