Friday, 1 March 2013

Acids. Kader Kochi.

Aceticum acidum


This is medicine externally for corns, dandruff, scalds, insect bite, and taenia versicolor.

It is medicine for obesity.

It is remedy for hyperchlorhydria with excessive thirst.

It is remedy for polyuria, and diabetes.

It is remedy for scurvy, and epithelioma.

It is remedy for emaciation, anaemia, and symptoms associated with cold profuse sweat.

It is an antidote to anaesthetic vapours, and sausage poisoning.



High potency.



Hydrocyanicum acidum


Prussic acid.


This is remedy for spasm, convulsion, epilepsy, and paralysis.

It is remedy for fixed eye ball with dilated pupil.

It is remedy for swelling of larynx, and hoarseness.

It is remedy for sharp pain and tightness in chest with productive cough, and bronchial congestion due to lung paralysis.

It is remedy for dyspnoea with coldness and cyanosis.

It is remedy for frequent yawning, and excessive sleepiness.

It is remedy for spasm of oesophagus and stomach.

It is remedy for hypothyroidism, and chronic pancreatitis.

It is remedy for chronic hypertension with irregular pulse in sthenic.

It is remedy for rejuvenation.

It naturally presents in Amygdalus, Laurocerasus, Acalypha Indica, Tabacum, Solanum lycospericum, Liquorice, Millefolium, Trifolium pratense, Sambucus, and Passiflora (It also present in snake venom, apple seeds, and tapioca).


Higher dilution.


Lacticum acidum


Lactic acid, Milk acid.


This is remedy for hyperglycaemia.

It is remedy for polyphagia with sour eructation. Symptoms are relieved after eating.

It is remedy for diabetes, polyuria day and night, and rheumatic pain.




Muriaticum acidum


Hydrochloric acid, Spirit of salt.


This is remedy for hard ulcer on tongue.

It is remedy for hypochlorhydria, and gastric ulcer. Cannot tolerate sight or smell of meat.

It is remedy for involuntary passage of stool while passing urine.

It is remedy for painful haemorrhoids.

It is remedy for rheumatism with cramping pain at Achilles tendon.

It had been used for decreased metabolism, and phosphate stone.

It is a dynamic antidote to Mercurius.




Nitricum acidum


This is remedy for chronic renal diseases with offensive urine like horses.

It is remedy for scanty cold urine with sand like red sediment. Oxalate and phosphate calculi (Ocimum canum). 

It is remedy for warts and sore at mucocutaneous junction.

It is remedy for symptoms with sticking pain as if from splinters. 

It is remedy for chronic cervicitis with brown offensive leucorrhoea, and loss pubic hair.

It is remedy for muscle degeneration, and muscular dystrophy.

It had been used externally for warts.




Oxalicum acidum


This is remedy for hyperaesthesia, and neuralgia.

It is remedy for burning stomatitis.

It is remedy for dyspnoea, and pain in left side of chest.

It is remedy for menorrhagia.

It is remedy for spasm and lumbago due to spinal neuritis.

It had been used externally for wart like growths, naevus, and epithelioma.




Phosphoricum acidum


This is medicine for gastric atony.

It is remedy for dementia, homesickness, brain degeneration, and multiple sclerosis (Aconitum).

It is remedy for neuralgia.

It is remedy for chronic tubercular bronchitis.

It is remedy for hyperchlorhydria, and flatulence with garlic smell (Arsenic album).

It is remedy for chronic fatty liver, and fatty degeneration. 

It is remedy for polyuria with dryness in mouth and throat (Lycopodium, Sanguinaria).

It is remedy for impotence due to degeneration of spinal cord. 

It is remedy for involuntary passage urine and stool (Ignatia).

It is remedy for chronic effects from loss of seminal fluids.

It is remedy for osteoporosis, and degeneration of yellow bone marrow.

It is remedy for progeria.


1 to 3 drops.



Salicylicum acidum


This is antiseptic, diaphoretic, and antipyretic medicine.  

It is medicine externally for foot sweat, corns, warts, and squamous dermatitis (Arnica, Gaultheria, Salix nigra).

It is remedy for symptoms due to low vitality like yawning, profuse sweat, flatulence, offensive stool, pain in bones, anxiety, depression, and vertigo.

It is remedy for retinitis, prostration and dropsy after influenza.

It is remedy for tinnitus, and otitis interna (Veratrum album, Cinchona).

It is remedy for arteriosclerosis, and thrombosis.

It is remedy for chronic offensive bronchitis.

It is remedy for fermentative dyspepsia, and stomach cancer (Aceticum acidum).

It is remedy for albuminuria, glycosuria, and chronic renal insufficiency.

It is remedy for tonsillitis, lumbago, and shifting arthritis from suppressed sweat.

It is remedy for osteoporosis.

It is remedy for excessive sexual desire.

It is remedy for rejuvenation.

It is naturally present in Salix nigra, Gaultheria, Cinchona, Myrtus communis, Trifolium pratense and Aloe Socotrina.




Sulphuricum acidum


This is medicine for hypochlorhydria, and thrombosis.

It is stimulant medicine for nervous weakness, trembling, and weakness on left side.

It is medicine externally for aphthae in mouth.

It is remedy for chronic alcoholism.

It is remedy for depression with hurried feeling, and anxiety.

It is remedy for pain on eye following injury.

It is remedy for reflux esophagitis, and hyperacidity.

It is remedy for gastric debility with desire to alcohol, and aversion to coffee.

It is remedy for menorrhagia with acrid leucorrhea.

It is remedy for glycosuria with oliguria.

It is remedy for neuralgia, hyperhidrosis, ecchymosis, and purpura hemorrhagica.

It is an antidote in chronic lead poisoning (Alumen-Thrombosis).


1 to 5 drops.


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