Sunday, 3 March 2013

Cactus grandiflorus. Kader Kochi.


Night blooming cereus, Queen of night, Lunar flower, Sweet scented cactus, Selenicereus grandiflorus, Desert cactus, Ancient plant.


Perennial plant. Height 3 meters. Roots have length to 10 meters. Flower blooms in night only once in year. Stem contains resin. Tincture is unstable.


It is cardiac stimulant. It has tonic action on ventricular muscles (Adonis, Iberis, Camphor, Coffea, Ginkgo biloba, Sinapis, Lobelia, Myrrha, Nux vomica, Arsenic album, Allium sativa, Zingiber, Capsicum, Convallaria, Kola, Aspidosperma, Granatum, Sulphur, Natrum Mur, Ammonia, Warmth)

It is medicine for coronary spasm.

It is medicine for congestive cardiac diseases, stasis oedema, and haemoptysis.

It is not irritant on stomach, and cardiac muscle. It acts on aorta through nerves. It increases blood pressure, and produce hot flushes. 

It is medicine for diabetes.

It is medicine externally for rheumatism.

It is remedy for anxiety, and dementia.

It is a nerve stimulant (Nux vomica, Camphor, Cimicifuga, Capsicum).

It is remedy for constrictive feeling in chest.

It is remedy for palpitation, and functional tachycardia with cold hand.

It is remedy for motion sickness.

It is remedy for dysmenorrhoea.


3 to 10 drops.


Bryonia alba. Kader Kochi.


Wild hop, wild vine, False mandrake, Fever root, White bryony.


Perennial vine. Length 8 meters. Black fruits. Yellow root. Plant contains toxic principles, bryonin, starch, gum, sugar, albumen, wax, fat, and various salts.


This is remedy for diarrhoea, and constipation. 

It is remedy for all type of fever. Pain is aggravated on slight motion.

It is remedy for throbbing headache with intense thirst.

It is remedy for nausea, vomiting, and diarrhoea.

It dilates peripheral arteries and promote heat loss (Aconitum). 

It is useful remedy for dry cough after Aconitum. 

It is remedy in acute stage of respiratory infections (Aconitum napellus is prophylactic and remedy in early stage of  respiratory infections).

It is remedy for inflammation of all serous membranes include meningitis, synovitis, pericarditis, and ascites.

It is remedy for myositis (Cimicifuga).

It is remedy for chronic dermatitis with burning pain.


1 to 4 drops (Ascending dose).

Dilution (Descending potency).

Agathosma crenulata. Kader Kochi.


Barosma crenulata, Oval leaf buchu.


Evergreen flowering shrub. Height 2.5 meters. Sweet smelling flowers, and leaves. This African aromatic plant contains sulphur contain compounds, pulegone, essential oil, isomenthone, diosphenol, camphor, and menthol.


This is diuretic medicine.

It is a renal tonic, and blood purifier.

It is medicine for arthritis.

It is remedy for renal insufficiency.

It has antiseptic properties. Its vinegar had been used for cleaning wounds.

It had been used in the bathtub, and as a tea to relax the muscles and ease muscle pain.

Dried leaves powder had been used as insect repellent.


2 to 6 drops.


Saturday, 2 March 2013

Berberis vulgaris. Kader Kochi.


European barberry, Jaundice berry.


Perennial shrub. Height 4 meters. Fruits are red and sour. Root bark. Plant contains berberine, berbamine, oxyacanthine, glucose, fructose, malic acid, and pectin.


This is medicine for gallstones, and fever with chillness.

It has antibacterial, anti-inflammatory, hypolipemic, hypoglycaemic, haemostatic, and diuretic properties.

It is remedy for backache.

It is remedy for renal stone.

It is remedy for chronic hepatitis, and oedema.

It is remedy for rheumatic pain in extremities with lameness, weakness, and stiffness.


2 to 10 drops.


Berberis aquifolium. Kader Kochi.


Mountain grape, Mahonia aquifolium, Oregon grape holly.


Perennial shrub. Height 2 meters. Root. Plant contains berberine, berbamine, carbonate, phosphate, sulphate, yellow dye, fat, and resin. Bitter.


This is a gastric tonic.

It is medicine for dyspepsia. 

It is medicine externally for acne, eczema, and psoriasis. 

It is tonic medicine for fatty liver, and weakness in old.

It is remedy for chronic catarrh (Hydrastis).

It is remedy for diabetes. 

It is used for clear the dark complexion.



2 to 10 drops.


Balsam of Peru. Kader Kochi.


Myroxylon pereirae, China oil.


Tree. Height 40 meters. Wood is hard. Flowers are white. Fruit contains single seed. Plant contains colourless aromatic oil, cinnamein, resins, peruviol, benzoic acid, cinnamic acid, and vanillin.


This is medicine for productive cough, and tuberculosis.

It is medicine for constipation, anal spasm, and haemorrhoids.

It is remedy for allergic dermatitis, and rhinitis.

It had been used as flavouring agent.


2 to 10 drops.


Belladonna. Kader Kochi.


Deadly nightshade, Atropa belladonna.


Perennial plant. Height 2 meters. Green berries become black on ripened. Bell shape flower. Leaves contain atropine, atropamine, belladonine, atrosin, and cyanine. Root, leaf and berry contain tropane alkaloids, hyoscyamine, hyoscine, and scopolamine.


This is medicine for inflammation, pain, and spasms.

It is medicine for hyperhidrosis, nocturnal enuresis, and galactorrhoea. 

It is medicine for cerebral ischemia, Alzheimer disease, and vascular congestion.

It facilitates hyperaemia in skin and brain (Aconitum, Veratrum viride). 

It is a bronchial dilator (Para sympatholytic). It is medicine for asthma, and productive cough. 

It is medicine for polyuria (Tabacum).

It inhibits acetylcholine, glucagon, insulin, sweat and urine secretions.

It reduces blood sugar level by promoting blood volume.

It promotes acetylcholine esterase.  

It is medicine for impotence (Smooth muscle relaxant, Cantharis).

It is medicine for spastic colon, irritable bowel syndrome, and diarrhoea.

It is medicine for motion sickness.

It is remedy for dementia, and memory problems.

It is remedy for fever with thirst, dry tongue and throbbing headache.

It is remedy for scarlatina, facial erythema, cutaneous hyperaemia, and eruptive fever. 

It is remedy for meningitis, apoplexy, and convulsion. 

It is remedy for dry cough following viral respiratory infection.

It is remedy for hypoglycaemia. 

Toxicity can cause hallucination of hell, flying, or becoming pigs (Hyoscyamus). 

It will be absorbed quickly if it is mixed with oil and applied on the skin.

It had been used as aphrodisiacs. 

It had been used as anaesthetic agent.

It had been used for arrow poison. 

Belladonna, Solanum nigrum, and Solanum indica (Puthrichunta) have similar actions.

It is the antidote in Opium, Aconitum, Nux vomica, Organophosphate, Puffer fish, and Tetrodotoxins.

Antidote of Belladonna are Pilocarpus and Physostigma.

Atropine is mydriatic. It does not act upon the skin.

Word “belladonna” (Italian) means beautiful women.

1 to 4 drops. 


Baryta muriaticum. Kader Kochi.


This is remedy for arteriosclerosis. 

It is remedy for premature degeneration of brain.

It is remedy for autism.

It is remedy for stiffness and paralysis due to multiple sclerosis.

It is remedy for nymphomania.

It is remedy for aneurysm.

It is remedy for induration and cirrhosis of internal organs.



Baptisia tinctoria. Kader Kochi.


Wild indigo, Yellow false indigo.


Perennial plant. Height 1 meter. Root bark. Plant contains cytosine, anagyrine, oestrogen like factor, baptisin, baptin, baptitoxine, resin, and fixed oil. Bitter. 


This is medicine for warm fever.

It is medicine for wound, and aphthae on mouth.

It is medicine for upper respiratory tract diseases. 

It is remedy for weak immune system.

It is remedy for septic fever with red face (Arnica).

It is remedy for congenital disorder.

It had been used as dye.

Toxicity can be cause vomiting, diarrhoea, and respiratory paralysis. 


1 to 6 drops.


Avena sativa. Kader Kochi.


Oats, Cat grass.


Perennial grass. Height 90 cm. Plant contains avenins, avenalin, gluten, soluble fibre, beta glucans, oats fat, oat globulin, avena protein, polysaccharide, and flavonoid.


This is medicine for sexual dysfunctions.

It is medicine for asthenia of old.

It is medicine for intermittent fever (Cinchona, Coca).  

It is medicine for nerve weakness (Nux vomica, Xanthoxylum, Cimicifuga). 

It is medicine externally for eczema.

It is remedy for depression. 

It is remedy for uterine fibroids.


5 to 30 drops.



Ashoka. Dr. Kader Kochi.


 Saraca asoca, Ashokam.


Medium sized evergreen tree. Height 20 meters. Flowers are sweet and yellowish orange. Bark, flowers, and seeds. Plant contains tannin, catechol, estrogenic compound, ketosterol, sugar, silica, aluminium, strontium, magnesium, sodium, and calcium compounds. Astringent. 


This is a panacea for female complaints. 

It is medicine for uterine fibroid.

It is medicine for painful uterine bleeding, leucorrhoea, and infertility.

It is remedy for negative feeling, and depression about infertility and menstruation.

It is remedy for dementia in female (Seed).

It is remedy for pelvic disorders including polyuria, stone, and haemorrhoids.

Word “Ashoka” means medicine to cure sorrow.


1 to 4 drops.


Asarum canadensis. Dr. Kader Kochi.


Canada wild ginger, Canadian snakeroot.


Perennial plant. Height 20 cm. Leaves are kidney shaped. Root has ginger like taste. Rhizome contains toxic aristolochic acid, asarone, volatile oil, resin, asarin, mucilage, sugar, and a substance like camphor. Bitter.


This is gastric stimulant.

It has carminative, diuretic, and diaphoretic properties.

It is remedy for dropsy, albuminuria, and chronic kidney disease.

It is remedy for impaired digestion.

It is remedy for painful spasms of stomach and bowel. 

It is remedy for nasal catarrh due to amenorrhea. 

It is remedy for cancer, and tuberculosis. 


1 to 4 drops.



Asclepias tuberose. Dr. Kader Kochi.


Milk weed, Pleurisy root, Butterfly weed.


Perennial plant. Height 50 cm. Flowers are orange yellow. Plant contains cardiac glycoside, asclepiadin, tannic acid, gallic acid, resin, fixed oil, volatile oil, fat, gum, and starch.


This is expectorant, mild carminative, antispasmodic, cathartic, and diaphoretic medicine.

It has tonic effect on stomach.

It is remedy for influenza, and bilious marsh fever of rice plantation.

It is remedy for dry cough, pleurisy, and chest pain after getting cold in damp weather.

It is remedy for rheumatic pain in left arm and right leg.


1 to 20 drops.


Asafoetida. Kader Kochi.


Devil's dung, Food of devils, Food of gods (Iran), Ferula, Assa-foetida (Spanish), Badian (Afghanistan), Tyib (Arabic), Hing (Sanskrit), Kaayam.


Perennial herb. Height meters. Milky juice from carrot shape root.  Plant contains resin, gum, volatile oil, phenolic acids, ferulic acid, coumarin, valeric acid, asaresinotannols, ash, organo-disulphide, a-pinene, vanillin, and iron.


This is diuretic, laxative, and expectorant medicine.

It is medicine for influenza (Avicenna).

It is medicine for spasmodic cough, asthma, and prostration.

It is medicine externally for constipation and worms in babies (Ricinus communis).

It is medicine for colic, and indigestion.

It is medicine for flatulence, and reverse peristalsis (Nux vomica).

It is medicine for hyperglycaemia.

It is medicine for impotence, premature ejaculation, and infertility with low sperm count.

It is medicine for amenorrhoea.

It is medicine for weak circulation, and hypertension.

It is medicine for muscle rigidity, spasm, and muscle pain.

It is medicine externally for insects’ bites, corn, and callus. 

It is brain stimulant.

It is prime remedy for depressive mood, fatigue, and neurasthenia.

It is remedy for hysteria, epilepsy, hypochondriasis, and autonomic neuropathy (Ignatia).

It is remedy for liver disorders.

It is remedy for migraine, and dysmenorrhoea (Progesterone deficiency).

It is remedy for low blood cells count.

Raw asafoetida is better in cough. Roasted one is better in flatulence.

It had been applied externally on forehead of babies to get protection from evils.

It is the antidote of opium.

It had been used as abortifacient.

It had been used externally as preventive medicine for epidemic influenza (Amulet-Gelsemium, Camphor, Ricinus communis, Ignatia).

It was favourable to Vaishnavas and Jain (Onions and garlic were unfavourable).

It is toxic to nearby plants (Nux vomica).

It is antidote in cyanide toxicity.

It is a favourable medicine to wolf.

Word “asa” (Persian) means resin. Word “foetidus” (Latin) means offensive. Ferula (Latin) means vehicle.


Dilution (Single dose).

Arnica montana. Dr. Kader Kochi.


Mountain tobacco, Leopard bane, Wolf's bane (Aconitum).


Perennial herb. Height 60 cm. Flowers are yellow and large. Rhizome contains toxic substance helenalin, inulin, pseudo guaianolide, volatile oil, acrid resin, cytisine, thymol, gallic acid, and camphor like principle- arnicin. Bitter.


This is analgesic, and anti-inflammatory medicine.

It is diuretic, diaphoretic, and emmenagogue. 

It is medicine for hypertension, and myositis. 

It is medicine externally for pain due to muscular injury, and contusion with unbroken skin.

It is medicine externally for thrombophlebitis.

It is medicine externally on scalp for hair growth.

It is a prophylactic remedy to prevent sepsis.

It is remedy for allergic rhinitis, and sneezing (Inhalation).

It is remedy for epilepsy, and motion sickness. 

It is remedy for smoking addiction (Cytisine is similar to nicotine).

It is remedy for traumatic dementia (Yohimbinum, Hypericum, Artemisia).

Word “arinika” (Greek) means haired lamb skin.


1 to 2 drops.


Artemisia vulgaris. Kader Kochi.


Common mug wort, River side wormwood, Makkipavu, St. John’s plant, Sailors tobacco.


Perennial plant. Height 2 meters. Plant contains santonin, artemisinin, volatile oil, gum, thujone, and resin. Bitter.


This is medicine for constipation, and worms.

It is medicine for malaria, and intermittent fever.

It is medicine for extreme chill due to the low metabolism.

It is remedy for somnambulism (Stramonium).

It is remedy for petit mal epilepsy after head injury, spasm during menses, and hysteria (Valariana). 

It is remedy for immune modulation (Arsenicum album, Ricinus communis, Asafoetida, Ignatia).

It was used as an insect repellent.

It had been used for making incense.


1 to 4 drops.


Arctium lappa. Kader Kochi.


Greater burdock.


Biennial plant. Height 3 meters. Flowers are purple. Leaves are large. Fruit has hairs. Seeds contain arctigenin, lignan and arctiin. Leaves contain arctiol. Root contains inulin, mucilage, sterols, sulphur compounds, sugar, resin, tannin, and fixed oil.


This is medicine externally for wound, and alopecia.

It is diuretic, diaphoretic, and blood purifier (Alnus rubra, Stillingia, Echinacea).

It is medicine for cystitis with white phosphatic urine.

It is remedy for aphthae of mouth, acne, boil, eczema on scalp, and stye.

It is remedy for uric acid stone in kidney and bladder.

It is remedy for breast adenoma.

It is remedy for uterine prolapse, and sterility.

It is remedy for arthritis better from diarrhoea. 

Its root had been eaten as fried potato chips.


1 to 10 drops.


Aristolochia Indica. Kader Kochi.


Birthwort, Garudakodi, Eshwaramooli, Duck flower, Sunanda.


Twining perennial plant. Young leaves are purplish. Flowers resemble a curved foetus or snake. Fruits are oblong. Plant contains volatile oil, aristolochic acid, aristolindiquinone, aristolide, resin, gum, starch, and albumen.


This is medicine for wound healing.

It is medicine in snake poisoning (Leaves).

It is medicine for hypertension. 

It is medicine for difficult labour, and post-delivery infections.

It is medicine for vitiligo, psoriasis, and pellagra (Root).

It is medicine for fever. 

It is gastric stimulant.

It is a blood purifier (Root).

It is remedy breast tumor. 

It is remedy for infertility.

It is remedy for hypotension.

It is remedy for convulsion.

It is remedy is chronic kidney disease.

It had been used as an abortifacient.

Toxicity may be developed even by drinking milk from the goat eaten the plant (Veratrum album).

Word “arist0” means perfect, and noble. Word “Ishwar” means anti-snake.


1 to 2 drops.


Argemona mexicana. Kader Kochi.


Prickly poppy, Mexican poppy, Erumakally.


Perennial plant. Height 60 cm. Stem have prickle. Flowers are yellow. Seeds contain yellow oil. Plant contains sanguinarine, dehydrocorydalmine, berberine, and yellow latex.


This is medicine for intermittent fever with cough.

It is medicine for scorpion sting and snake poisoning.

It is remedy for amblyopia, and glaucoma.

It is remedy for diarrhoea. 

It is remedy for jaundice.

It is remedy for diabetes.

It is remedy for malaria.

It is remedy for leg swelling, and wet beriberi.


1 to 4 drops.


Apocynum cannabinum. Kader Kochi.


Indian hemp, Rheumatism root, Dogbane.


Perennial plant. Height 2 meters. Root contains apocynin, apocynamarin, cardenolides, and fatty acids. Bitter.


This is emetic, diuretic, expectorant, diaphoretic and laxative medicine. 

It is medicine for dropsy. It increases volume of urine without irritating kidneys (Strophanthus).

It is remedy for palpitation, atrial fibrillation, and hypotension.

It is remedy for stasis oedema, vomiting, dyspnoea, and drowsiness.

It is remedy for chronic kidney disease with polyuria.

It is remedy for functional neuropathy, and neuritis.

Flowers are also diuretic. 

It had been used to increase the flow milk in nursing mother.


1 to 2 drops.


Bufo. Kader Kochi.


Bufo rana, Poison of toad.


Dorsal glands contain serotonin, adrenaline, bufagins, bufotenin, 5 MeO- DMT, and digitalis like toxins.


This is remedy for parkinsonism, epilepsy, dementia, and schizophrenia.

It is remedy for stammering.

It is remedy for chronic dropsy due to cardiac weakness.

It is remedy for excessive desire for masturbation.

Bufo was considered a symbol of devil.



Apis Mellifica. Kader Kochi.


Honey bee.


Venom contain serotonin, melittin, and anticoagulant enzymes.


This is remedy for inflammation of skin and serous membranes.

It is remedy for indifference, weeping mood, and depression.

It is remedy for recent dropsy with burning stinging pain. Urine scanty and dark.

It is remedy for synovial arthritis, and myositis. Pains are worse from warmth, slightest touch, and in evening.

It is remedy for urticaria, and erysipelas.

It is remedy for chronic diseases of right ovary.

It is remedy for neuralgia, and multiple sclerosis (Aconitum, Agaricus).



Anacardium occidentale. Kader Kochi.


Cashew nut, Paranki-mavu.


Evergreen tree. Height 14 meters. Native to brazil. Kidney shaped nut. Leaves and seeds contain zinc. Leaf, bark, and outer shell of seed. Plant contains phenolic resin, anacardic acid, gallic acid, and anacardol. 


This is medicine externally for corns, warts, ringworm, and obstinate ulcer.

It is remedy for weak memory.

It is remedy for congenital brain disorders.

It is remedy for eczema, erysipelas, pox, and vesicular eruptions.

Nuts have been used in impotence (Allium sativa).


1 to 2 drops.



Amygdalus amara. Kader Kochi.


Bitter almond, Prunus dulcis.


Tree. Height is about 12 meters. Plant contains amygdalin, prunasin, hydrocyanic acid, amino acids, vitamin E, niacin, oils, and fibre. Old seeds may contain  also.


It is remedy for suffocation, constriction in throat, rapid breathing, and cough due to paralysis of pulmonary muscles.

It is remedy for spasm and convulsion without loss of consciousness.

It is remedy for vomiting with tongue pointed at tip and red at edges.



Antimonium tartaricum. Kader Kochi.


This is remedy for productive cough with difficulty in expectoration, nausea, vomiting, thick white coating on tongue and prostration.

It is remedy for breathing discomfort following pneumonia and lung paralysis.

It is remedy for loose stool with cold sweat and drowsiness. Complaints feel better after vomiting.

It is remedy for proteinuria, dysuria, and haematuria.

It is remedy for fever with chill, cold perspiration and low pulse.

It is remedy for pox, herpes, and vesicular eruptions.

It is remedy for emaciation, and chronic muscle weakness.

It is remedy for multiple neuritis (Manganum, Plumbum, Mercurius, Arsenic album).

It is remedy in weak vital force.



Arsenic album. Kader Kochi.


Arsenious acid, Arsenic trioxide, AS2O3, White arsenic.


This is medicine for obesity.

It is remedy for negative mood, and mental depression (Philtre).

It is remedy for general weakness of strong individuals (Alfalfa).

It is remedy for prostration of mountain climbers.

It is remedy for ischemia in bone marrow and cardiac muscles. 

It promotes formation of dendrites in brain cells.

It is remedy for haemolytic anaemia, leukaemia, haemochromatosis, and thalassemia intermediate.

It is remedy for intermittent fever.

It is remedy for autoimmune disorder.

It is remedy for neoplasm in lungs.

It is remedy for cancer, and squamous cell disorders of skin.

It is remedy for hyperglycaemia from liver cirrhosis.

It is remedy for periodic neuralgia of the trigeminal and intercostal nerves.

It is remedy for chorea, and paralysis agitans.

It is remedy for chronic arthritis.

It is remedy for malarial cachexia.

It is remedy for phlebitis, and elephantiasis.

It is remedy for albuminuria.

It is remedy for pox, herpes, exfoliative eczema, melasma, lichen simplex, psoriasis, and white lines on nails.

It is the antidote for the adverse effects Iron, Lead, Mercury, Iodium, and Tabacum.

It is the antidote of Manganum.

It has special affinity to albuminoid material.  Antidotes in arsenic poisoning are egg white, milk, allium sativa, and veratrum album.

Word “arsenic” (Greek) means masculine.


Descending dose.

Dilution (Ascending potency).

Amylenum nitrosum. Kader Kochi.


This is remedy for cardiac weakness.

It is remedy for erythema of face with hypertension.

It is remedy for precordial anxiety, suffocative cough, dyspnoea, and cold profuse sweat.

It is remedy for palpitation with climacteric flushing, throbbing headache, irritable bowel, and pulsation at tip of fingers.

Inhalation of this yellow liquid is useful in acute coronary spasm in hypertensive individual. It is not beneficial in thrombosis.

Its antidote is Acetic acid.

It is an antidote to poisoning with almond, peach, lima beans, tobacco, areca nut, cassava, and oleander.

