Monday, 30 September 2019

Cardiac care. Potassium and electrical potential. Kader kochi.

Potassium is one of the major intracellular cations, occupying role that is parallel that of sodium in extracellular fluid.  Physiological actions of potassium are related primary to concentration of cation in extra cellular fluid. Potassium is the essential mineral for maintaining intracellular osmotic pressure. It has major role in renal tubular function, cardiac rhythm, reproductive organs functions, bone hardness and homeostasis of PH. Potassium level inside cell will be reduced in acidosis. High level can inhibit muscular contraction. It is essential to promote nerve transmission, and it involves in ciliary movement. It may promote diastolic arrest in higher concentration. Normal level prevents hypertension, stone formation, edema and osteoporosis.

Normal intracellular K ion concentration is 150 meq/L. Normal extracellular concentration of K ion is about between 3.5 mmol/l to mmol/L. Average ratio is about 30:1. ion level more than 5.5 mmol/L - 7.0 mmol/L and less than 3 mmol/L may cause cardiac arrhythmia. 

sodium concentration is about 140 mmol/L and intracellular sodium level is 10 mmol/L. Extracellular chloride concentration is 100 mmol/L and intracellular chloride level is 10 mmol/L. Intracellular calcium level is very low.

Daily requirement

Adult                                        4000 mg /day.
Children                                   3500 mg/day. 

Normal blood value                3.5 mEq /L   -   4.5 mEq /L.


Action potential in contractile cell

Resting membrane potential in contractile cell is about -90 mv. Resting potential is decreased to -70 mv due to impulse (pacemaker action potential) coming through adjacent cell (gap junction). Sodium ion enter into the cell in phase 0 by stimulation take place at one end. Polarity of cell changed -70 mv up to + 20 mv. Some calcium ion also enters inside in phase 0. The potential become more positive.

Sodium channel closed. K ion go out and its channel closed quickly. So potential become sharply lowered. This is phase 1 of repolerisation (Early repolerisation) Calcium channel open and more calcium influx take place. Potential mildly increased. Some calcium is released from calcium storage in sarcoplasmic reticulum. Chloride ion enter to cell. Some K ion go out from the cell. 

Depolarization is maintained. It is called Plateau or phase 2. Calcium channel closed. K ion more go out the cell. Repolarization begins from opposite end of cell be stimulated. Cell potential become > -90 mv. This is phase 3. 3 sodium pumped out and 2 K ion enter inside the cell. 3 sodium ion enter the cell and exchanged with one calcium+++ to out slowly. Resting potential become negative near -90 mv due to entry of potassium and ready to be excited.

K ion in extra cellular become high in hyperkalemia above 5-7 meq/L. Potassium ion enter more inside in phase MRP is lowered <-70mv and thresh hold potential is increased. The cell become less excitable in phase 0. Less sodium enters into cell in phase. So, height of depolarization (R or S) wave become reduced.

If K ion channel is blocked by anti-cardio protein particle, the transfer of K ion will be interrupted. So, efflux of K + become less in phase1. So, the height of R wave may increase.

All living cells have resting membrane potential. Resting potential in non-pacemaker cell is in between -90 mv -80 mv. Threshold level of resting membrane of contractile cell is about -40 mv. Threshold potential is lowered from-40 mv to -30 mv due to increased intracellular Potassium due to entry of K ion in phase 4 by hyperkalemia or due to thickening of cell membrane. This affect excitability of cell and depolarization become slowed.The isoelectric line (ST segment)  is looked as elevated. Thickness of membrane layer is due abnormal protein or increasing of fat as result of chronic degeneration. If extracellular Potassium level is very high the repolarization process in phase1 and phase 2 are deranged or failed more.

Ratio of extracellular and intracellular calcium ion is too high. So, more calcium ion enter into cell. in phase 2 If more calcium ion enters in and less K ion go out in phase 2 may make a wave form in plateau phase of repolarization. It causes ST-T junction elevation. 

K ion efflux become more quickly and forcibly in hyperkalemia for repolarization process in phase 3. This make Tall repolarization wave. (Increased repolarization reserve). Tall T wave is developed.  Potassium enter into cell more in phase 4 due to high Kion extra cellular fluid. So resting membrane potential become lowered from -95 mv to -70mv. thresh hold potential is increased. so excitability of cell is lowered. Entry of Sodium and some calcium into cell in phase 0 become weak. This cause formation of wide QRS interval in ECG.

Action potential in pacemaker cell

Pacemaker cells in Sinus node and AV node have no resting membrane potential. Potential become 
more negative when ion goes out in phase 3. Sodium ion enter into cell automatically when potential reach at -70 mv. Calcium ion enter into cell when threshold level reach at - 40 mv. Threshold potential in pacemaker cell is decreased from - 40 mv to -30 mv due to increased K ion level. Intracelluar potential become less negative (decreased) due to efflux of K ion in phase 3 in hyperkalemia. So, excitability of nodal cell decreased. Action potential formation by calcium entry is interrupted in pacemaker cell (SA and AV node). Thus, height of P wave is reduced or origin of P wave is blocked in hyperkalemia.

Causes of hyperkalemia

Renal damage.

Cell necrosis.

Acidosis (K ion efflux from cell).

Steroid excess.

Less insulin.

Strophanthus is climbing vine. It is prime herbal medicine in dropsy with acidosis and hyperkalemia. It is cardiac stimulant in lower dose. Glycyrrhiza glabra is also hypokalemic agent. Ricinus communis is also medicine in hyperkalemia. Elimination of wastes is cure. Prefer diet with low potassium. Laxatives like terminalia chebula, Senna can control the potassium. Avoid potassium rich food items.Prefer potassium low food items.

Potassium -low items










Chronic hypokalemia 

Action potential in contractile cell

Cells are more excitable due to increased resting potential as result of efflux of potassium in phase 
3. Sodium ion enter into cell rapidly in zero phase on stimulation of action potential. Height of depolarization wave is increased. Some calcium also enters into cell. K ion going out sharply for brief period in phase 1 due to decreased gradient in extracellular space. This can cause a notch in height of R wave or height is lowered.  

K ion efflux is more in phase1 and 2 if K ion channel become wide due to the deficiency of the cardio-protein that maintain the channel. 

Threshold of resting membrane potential is increased from - 40 mv to -50 mv as less influx of K ion in phase and more ion going out in phase1. So isoelectric line at ST segment is looked as depressed. Calcium ion enter into cell more as more K ion going out in phase 2.

K ion efflux become slow in phase 3 as K ion concentration inside cell is also less, or because of more K efflux happened in phase 1 and 2. So T wave become low, flat and its duration is increased (decreased repolarization reserve)). QT interval also is increased. If sinus rate is very low, K ion efflux in bulk finally to reach and maintain negative resting potential. This late repolarization from basal part cause U wave formation. Potassium ion entry into cell in phase 4 become less due to decreased K level in extracellular fluid. so MRP is maintained in more negative than -90 mv. So, cell become more easily excitable.

Action potential in pacemaker cell

Entry of Sodium ion and Calcium ion into pacemaker cell become more efficient as increased negative resting membrane potential > –70 mv. So the action potential formation in pacemaker cell become sharp and quick.Thus sinus tachycardia will take place in hypokalemia. 

Causes of hypokalemia

Diarrhea (K+ion loss).

Renal tubular acidosis.

Diabetes nephropathy.

Hyper insulin (Increased K+ ion entry into cell).
Digitalis, Ricinus communis, Boerhavia diffusa, Strophanthus, Glycyrrhiza glabra, Terminalia chebula,Cassia Alexandrina are potassium lowering herbs. These are  remedies in chronic hypokalemic weakness. Taraxacum and Sinapis are also similar remedies in chronic hypokalemia due to chronic renal weakness. Prefer potassium rich food items and vegetables.

Potassium rich items
Buffalo milk (Reduces hypertension, may help to prevent arteriosclerosis).

Coconut water.



Sweet potatoes.



Kidney beans.

Dried apricot.








Green vegetable leaves. 




Whey powder.

Saturday, 7 September 2019

Oil christi for arteriosclerosis. Kader kochi.

Wednesday, 22 May 2019

Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura. Homeopathic treatment

Chronic Immune Thrombocytopenic Purpura.    
Chronic Idiopathic Thrombocytopenic Purpura.
Chronic primary thrombocytopenic purpura
Purpura Haemorrhagica.
Werlhof's diseases
Immune thrombocytopenic purpura is a disorder which is characterized by bruising and bleeding due to low platelets level. Normal platelets count in adults ranges from 150,000 to 450,000 per microliter of blood. Average lifespan of a platelet is normally about 2 to 15 days.


Acute thrombocytopenic purpura (Platelets count less than 30000 and disease duration < 6 months).
Chronic Thrombocytopenic purpura (disease duration > six months).


Risk factor

Viral infections.
Tooth extraction.

Possible causes related to bone marrow

Improper production of blood cells at bone marrow.
Dengue viral toxins.
Toxicity from pesticides, Arsenic, Benzene (Sodium benzoate in soft drinks or preserved food).
Toxicity from alcohol.
Insufficient production of thrombopoietin from liver, kidney, striated muscles and bone marrow.
Bone marrow sclerosis.
Cancer metastasis.

Possible causes related to blood

Toxins (bacterial, fungal, herbal, petrochemical, insects, rattle snake).
Viral Infections (Mosquito borne diseases), Hepatitis B.
Excess of uric acids.
Excess of urea and nitrogenous waste.
Excess of acids.
Unmatched blood transfusion.
Trauma from big circulating blood cells like basophils.
Antibodies developed following vaccinations.
Consumption of blood tinning agents.
Histamine like factors formed from basophils (Heparin).
Excessive formation of globulin from lymphocytes B origin (Immunoglobulin E).
Immunological deficiency (Immunoglobulin A).
Deep vein thrombosis.
Renal dysfunction.
Auto immune causes.

Possible causes at Lymph nodes and Spleen 

Scrofulous taint.
Parasites .
Intestinal worms.
Low calcium ions.
Fat mal-absorption.
Adrenal insufficiency.
Retention of toxins.
Side effects of chronic corticosteroids therapy
Recurrent infections.
Muscle degeneration.
Tachycardia (hypokalemia).

Side effects of transfusion

Chronic viral infections.
Plasma contamination.

Side effects of Splenectomy

Thrombocytosis and tendency to clotting.
Chances for recurrent infections.

Alternative and supporting treatment in chronic I.T.P

Preventive measures

Eradication of worms in children.
Eradication of helicobacter pylori in adults.

Precaution on

Contact sports in children.
Elective surgery.
Tooth extraction.
Exposure to toxins.
Unnecessary medication.

Local measures

Apply cold water.
Astringents like hamamelids tincture locally.

Unfavorable items in chronic I.T.P

Warm environment.
Poor ventilation.
Junk food.
Processed food.
Citrus fruits.
Onion small.
Salt excess.
Sunflower seeds.
Nicotinic acid (Unpolished rice, Rice flakes).
Items contain natural heparin (Turkey, mussels, lobster, shrimp).
Blood thinning agents (Cranberry, Fish oil, Licorice).
Septic foci.
Stress (adrenal exhaustion).

Favorable items in chronic I.T.P

Sufficient water intake.
Vitamin B12 (Egg yolk, Liver).
Folic acid (Green leafy vegetable).
Vitamin C (Guava, Carrot, Beetroot, Gooseberry, Orange).
Vitamin K (Alfalfa, Green vegetable).
Vitamin D (Milk, Egg, Fish).
Mg (Green vegetables).
Zinc (Prawn, Cashew nut, Pumpkin).
Alkali food (Fruit juice, Leafy vegetable, Melon, Pumpkins, Ash gourd).
Raw fruit juice.
Egg white (Sulfur antagonists).
Raw milk.
Plasma purifier (Butter, figs, Narunandi, Greengram, Banana).

Other items

Cold items (Air conditioner, Water, Coriander).
Yin factors.

Alternative medicinal treatment in chronic I.T.P

Bone marrow level

Alfalfa (Vitamin K, Colloid Gold, Mg, Protein).
Folic acid ( Anemia, tumor, Autism).
Herbal medicines which promoting micro circulation & angiogenesis ( Bio-arsenic).

Blood level

Herbal - plasma purifier.
Herbal - estrogen antagonists.
Medicines which promoting testosterone (Withania somnifera, Gingko biloba, Damiana).
Medicines which promoting B cells antibody ( E) antagonists.
Calcium ion agonists.
Calcarea phos.

Spleen level

Medicines which promoting adrenal cortical hormones.  
Calcium ion agonists.
Calcarea phos.

Chronic I.T.P-Homeopathicity 

(Warm  mild disease > 30.000/cmm)

Arnica montana.
Five phos.
Sinapis alba.
Viscum album.
Aloe socotrina.
Beta vulgaris.


Allium cepa.
Carica papaya.
Psoralea cor.
Sabal serrulata.
Soya bean.
Sesame seeds.
Flax seeds.

Supporting herbal medicines

 (to reduce warm diathesis)

Ricinus communis.
Azadirecta indica.
Trachyspermum ammi.
Adathoda vasika.
Tinospora cordifolia.
Pulsatilla (Sulphur antagonist).
Ruta graveolens (Radiation effects).

Supporting herbal medicines

(to stimulate warm diathesis)
Allium sativa.

Sunday, 26 August 2018

Trigonella foenum graecum. Kader Kochi.


Trigonella foenum-graecum, Fenugreek, Methi, Hilba, Uluva.


Annual plant. Height 80 cm. Plant contains trigonelline, sotolon, gentianine, sterols, saponins, flavonoids, protein, free amino acids, arginine, phytoestrogen, coumarin, scopoletin, cinnamic acid, tannin, mucilage, vitamin C, choline, calcium, iron, volatile oil, and fibre.


This is medicine for amenorrhoea.

It is para sympathomimetic.

It promotes milk secretion, saliva, urine and sweat.

It is medicine for under developed breast in female. 

It is medicine for diabetes (Glycolic acid), and hypercholesterolaemia.

It is medicine for hernia, and erectile dysfunction in male.

It is medicine for gout.

It is medicine for obesity.

It has thrombolytic property.

It is medicine for cancer.

It is medicine externally in inflammation.

It is remedy for dyspepsia.

It is remedy for chronic kidney disease.

It is remedy for dysmenorrhoea.

It is remedy for offensive urine.

It is remedy for muscular dystrophy.

It is remedy for congenital birth defect (Veratrum album).

It is a prophylactic remedy for woman against development of congenital defects in foetus.

Word “foenum” (Greek) means hay (Alfalfa).


2 to 10 drops.


Thursday, 9 August 2018

Ambrosia artemisiifolia. Kader Kochi.


Ragweed, Carrot weed, Bitter weed, Allergic weed, American wormwood.


Annual plant. Height 70 cm. Flower heads and young shoots. Plant contains terpenes, phenolics, and volatile oil.


This is remedy for seasonal hay fever.

It is remedy for itching on eye lids, and excessive lachrymation.

It is remedy for asthma of atopic individual.

Plant has mollusccide activity. 



Tuesday, 7 August 2018

Allium sativa Kader Kochi.


Chinese onion. Garlic, White onion, Chive, Leek



Perennial flowering plant. Height 60 cm. Bulb contains volatile oil, mucilage, allicin, alliin, ajoene, minerals, flavonoids, saponins, allixin, sulphur compounds, zinc, selenium, enzymes, sugar and albumin. It contains all tastes. Warm medicine.



This is medicine to all types of common cold in summer (Glycyrrhiza).

It is anti-diphtheria medicine.

It is medicine for expectorant in catarrhal bronchitis.

It is medicine in erectile dysfunction.

It is medicine in balanitis.

It is diuretic medicine.

It is stimulant, and rejuvenation medicine.

It is medicine in hypercholesterolemia, hypertension, diabetes, and central obesity.

It is medicine inn dropsy.

It is medicine externally in pneumonia. and wax in ear and retention of urine.

This is antiseptic medicine.

It is rubefacient medicine. 

It is remedy in sunstroke & heat exhaustion (Running from nose, and sweating are reaction of body to heat).

It is remedy in esophageal cancer and gastric cancer.

It had been considered as panacea in pox and dropsy.

It is remedy in atherosclerosis and bleeding.

It is remedy in chronic wound, and tuberculosis.

It was medicine and remedy in gangrene.

It is remedy in congenital & genetic disorders.  

It is remedy in mandibular rheumatism.

It is toxic to snakes, dogs (Coffee) and vampires.

It is the antidote of cyanide, arsenic and arsenic related biological toxins (Aconitum, Nux vomica).

It can promote desire to food.

It can promote meat digestion.

It is remedy in auto immune disorder.

It was used as panacea in turkey.


1 to 20 drops. 
