Friday, 22 June 2018

Uva ursi. Kader Kochi.


Bearberry, Arctostaphylos uva ursi.


Small perennial plant. Height 30 cm. Red fruits. Leaves contain gallic acid, ursin, arbutin, tannin, resin, and sugar.


This is medicine for catarrhal cystitis with mucopurulent urine.

It is diuretic medicine.

It is medicine for glycosuria.

It is medicine for urinary calculi.

It is remedy for urinary tract inflammations.

It is remedy for rheumatism.

Word “uva ursi” (Latin) means bear's grape.


5 to 30 drops.


Urtica urens. Kader Kochi.


Stinging nettle, Small nettle, Dog nettle


Perennial plant height 50 cm.


It is medicine in male sex dysfunction.

It is medicine in amenorrhea.

It is medicine in arthritis.

It is remedy for uric acid diathesis.

It is remedy in prostate enlargement.

This is remedy in deficient milk secretion.

It remedy in periodic urticaria and allergic dermatitis.

It is remedy in rheumatism of right deltoid muscle.

It is medicine externally in rheumatism.

It is remedy for the ill effects after eating shellfish.

1 to 3 drops.

Zizia aurea. Kader Kochi.


Golden alexanders, Meadow parsnip.


Perennial flowering hermaphrodite plant. Height 75 cm. Flowers are yellow. Stem is reddish. Carrot family. Leaves and root. Root contains xanthotoxin.


This is medicine for fever.

It is medicine for wound.

It is remedy for sleeplessness.

It is remedy for hypochondriasis, migraine, chorea, hysteria, and epilepsy (Ignatia).

It is remedy for pelvic congestion.

It is remedy for psoriasis, photodermatitis, and vitiligo.


1 to 4 drops.


Thursday, 21 June 2018

Petroselinum sativa. Kader Kochi.


Parsley, Petroselinum crispum.


Biennial flowering plant. Height 75 cm. Leaves contain flavonoids, luteolin, and apigenin. Root contains apiin, apiol, volatile yellow oil, oxalate, magnesium, carotene, and vitamin C.


This is medicine for amenorrhea.

It is diuretic medicine for dropsy.

It is remedy for urethritis, dysuria with milky yellow like mucus discharges through urethra.

It is remedy for priapism.

It had been used as tea for gonorrhoea.

It is toxic to ferrets.


3 to 6 drops.


Passiflora incarnata. Kader Kochi.


Passion vine, Pop apple.


Perennial climbing plant. Stem and leaves contain indole alkaloids, vitexin, isovitexin, cyanogenic glycosides, and gynocardin. Immature fruit contains prunasin, and polyphenol. 


This is medicine for epilepsy, chorea, spasm, neuralgia, hiccough, and tetanus. 

It is medicine for anxiety, and sleeplessness.

It is remedy for functional paralysis.

It is remedy for fatigue state.

It is remedy for diabetes.

It is remedy for drug addiction (Lobelia, Nux vomica).


2 to 6 drops.


Piper longum. Kader Kochi.


Pippalli, Long pepper.


Perennial aromatic climbing plant. Length 3 meters. Fruits contains piperine, sterols, volatile oil, glycosides, and resin.


This is medicine for hypercholesterolemia.

It is medicine for bronchial spasm, and congestion.

It is medicine for indigestion, and flatulence.

It is medicine for cobra poisoning.

It is medicine for diseases of lower pole.

 It is remedy for diseases of upper pole.

It is remedy for insomnia, and epilepsy.

The word “pepper” was originated from pippali (Sanskrit).


1 to 4 drops.


Oenothera biennis. Kader Kochi.


Evening prime rose, King’s cure-all, Fever plant.


Biennial herb. Height 100 cm. Seeds, flowers, and leaves. Plant contains linolenic acid, linoleic acid, phytosterols, tannins, sulphur contain amino acids, tryptophan, sugar and oil. 


This is medicine for hypothyroidism, fatty liver, hypercholesterolemia, and obesity.

It is medicine for premenstrual syndrome, infertility, and habitual abortion. 

It is medicine for geriatric weakness.

It is medicine for multiple sclerosis.

It is medicine for rheumatoid arthritis.

It is medicine for atopic dermatitis.

It is medicine for diarrhoea.

It is medicine for diseases related with prostaglandin deficiency. 

It is medicine externally for wound, and bruises.

It is medicine externally for muscle weakness, and lethargy.

It is remedy for epilepsy, migraine, hydrocephalus, and mania.

It is remedy for polycystic ovary disorders, and hyperprolactinemia.

It is remedy for bleeding.

It is remedy for malignancy.


2 to 6 drops.


Oleander. Kader Kochi.


Rose laurel, Nerium, Arali.


Small shrub. Height meters. Leaves, flowers and root. Plant contains toxic substance similar to digoxin, oleandrin, nerein, and oleandrigenin.


This is a cardiac depressant.

It is diuretic, and diaphoretic medicine.

It is an eruptive medicine for exanthemata (Flowers).

It is medicine externally for painless paralysis, herpes, and psoriasis.

It is remedy for vertigo with weak and irregular pulse.

It is remedy for cardiac weakness. 

It is remedy for paralysis of legs with numbness.

It is remedy for itching eruption, dermatosis at back of scalp, and pustular eruption in front of ankle joint.

Leaves had been used against pediculosis.



Onosmodium virginianum. Kader Kochi.


False gromwell, Gravel weed.


Perennial erect plant. Height 50 cm. Flowers are white and five petaled. Root contains pyrrolizidine like alkaloids.


This is diuretic medicine.

It is medicine for stones in kidney.

It is an anaphrodisiac medicine.

It is remedy for balance disorder. 

It is remedy for inability of concentration and co-ordination.

It is remedy for headache associated with eye strain and sexual weakness.

It is remedy for migraine, nervous prostration, and dementia.

It is remedy for cramps and soreness in uterus associated with fibroid.

It is remedy for backache associated with vesical tenesmus and urethritis.

It is remedy for frigidity of female, and functional impotence in male.

It is remedy for weakness of legs with numbness.


3 to 8 drops.


Myrtus communis. Kader Kochi.





Evergreen tree. Height 4 meters. Star like white flower. Blue black berries have pepper taste. Plant has good smell and bad taste. Flowering shoots and leaves. Bark contains salicylic acid, pinene, and cineole. 


This is medicine for fever, and rhino sinusitis.

It is expectorant medicine like eucalyptus.

It is remedy for chronic unproductive bronchitis.

It is remedy for acute stitching pain at left upper lung and anterior chest.

It is remedy for chronic cystitis.

It is remedy for chronic wound.


2 to 5 drops.


Nymphaea odorata. Kader Kochi.


Sweet scented water lilly, Beaver root.


Perennial aquatic plant. Rhizome contains myricetin, and quercitrin. Bitter.


This is medicine for sexual asthenia. 

It is medicine for cold, and dry cough.

It is medicine externally for cervicitis, and leucorrhoea.

It is remedy for early morning diarrhoea, and irritable bowel syndrome.

It is remedy for cervical and uterine cancer.


8 to 16 drops.


Myrica cerifera. Kader Kochi.


Bayberry tree, Morella cerifera, Wax berry, Candle berry.


Evergreen tree. Height 9 meters. Leaves, and bark of root. Plant contains triterpenes, taraxerol, myricitrin, flavonoids, tannins, resin, wax, gum, and phenol.



This is medicine for fever, infective diarrhoea, cholera, and gingivitis.

It is medicine for convulsion, epilepsy, and paralysis.

It is medicine for symptoms with low sodium level in blood.

It is a stimulant medicine for atony of biliary system, and atony of bowel. 

It is medicine externally for aphthous ulcers in mouth and pharynx.

It is remedy for biliary obstructive jaundice.

It is remedy for pruritus from chronic hepatitis.

It is remedy for hyperglycaemia, and liver cancer (Podophyllum, Lycopodium, Taraxacum).

It is remedy for measles like eruptions, and erythema multiforme.

It is remedy for complaints with excessive sticky mucus discharges.

Wax from this berry had been used for making candle.


1 to 6 drops.


Matico. Kader Kochi.


Piper aduncum, Spiked pepper, Soldiers herb, Wild pepper, Piper angustifolium.


Evergreen tree. Height 7 meters. Leaves contain volatile oil, dillapiole, ocimene, and beta- caryophyllene. 


This is medicine externally for bleeding from wound. 

It is medicine for vomiting.

It is medicine for diarrhoea.

It is medicine for cystitis, and polyuria.

It is remedy for low libido.

It is remedy for haemoptysis.

It is remedy for bleeding from urethra and colon.

It was used as mosquito larvicide.


2 to 4 drops.


Lycopus virginicus. Kader Kochi.


Bugleweed, Gipsywort, Ajuga reptans.


Perennial plant. Height 40 cm, Hairy stem. Flowers and leaves have mint smell. Plant contains volatile oil, bitter principle, gallic acid, and tannin.


This is medicine for sympathetic overactivity (Rauwolfia, Secale cor, Veratrum, Viscum album, Nux vomica).

It is medicine for hyperthyroidism.

It is medicine for cold, sore throat, and cough.

It is medicine for tachycardia, hypertension, and arteriosclerosis.

It is medicine for palpitation, and haemoptysis.

It is medicine for premenstrual congestion in breast.

It is medicine for wound bleeding. 

It is medicine for sleeplessness, and nocturnal diarrhoea.

It is cardiac depressant medicine like Digitalis. It has no cumulative effects.

It is the remedy for autism, and learning disabilities.

It is remedy for cardiac weakness (Cinchona, Nux vomica, Gelsemium, Helleborus, Digitalis, Colchicum, Aconitum, Pilocarpus, Crataegus).

Its root had been used as an antidote in snake bite.


1 to 10 drops.


Lappa major. Kader Kochi.


Greater burdock.


Biennial plant. Height 3 meters. Flowers are purple. Leaves are large. Fruit has hairs. Seeds contain arctigenin, lignan and arctiin. Leaves contain arctiol. Root contains inulin, mucilage, sterols, sulphur compounds, sugar, resin, tannin, and fixed oil.


This is medicine externally for wound, and alopecia.

It is diuretic, diaphoretic, and blood purifier (Alnus rubra, Stillingia, Echinacea).

It is medicine for cystitis with white phosphatic urine.

It is remedy for aphthae of mouth, acne, boil, eczema on scalp, and stye.

It is remedy for uric acid stone in kidney and bladder.

It is remedy for breast adenoma.

It is remedy for uterine prolapse, and sterility.

It is remedy for arthritis better from diarrhoea. 

Its root had been eaten as fried potato chips.


1 to 10 drops.



Laurocerasus. Kader Kochi.


Cherry laurel, Prunus laurocerasus.


Evergreen cherry tree. Height 15 meters. Seeds and young leaves contain hydrocyanic acid, and amygdalin. 


This is remedy for epilepsy with cyanosis.

It is remedy for spasmodic cough, and asthma.

It is remedy for dystonia at nape of neck and shoulder.

It is remedy for lung paralysis with mucus retention.

It is remedy for cancer of lung with low vitality (Sulphur, Quassia).

It is remedy for symptoms with internal coldness and external heat (Cinchona, Nux vomica, Aconitum, Helleborus, Pilocarpus, Kali phos, Digitalis, Gelsemium, Camphor, Crataegus).

It is remedy for constrictive feeling locally in chest, abdomen, vagina or anus.

It is remedy for spasm from cobra poisoning (Manganum).

Its antidote is sulphur.



Kava kava. Kader Kochi.


Piper methysticum.



Perennial shrub. Height 2 meters. Root contains kavalactones and pipermethystine. Bitter. 


This is medicine for pain, anxiety, and sleeplessness.

It is medicine for tachycardia, and hypotension.

It is medicine for dementia, and aphasia.

It is medicine for impotence.

It is remedy for sleepiness, fatigue, headache, polyphagia, and sour eructation.

It is remedy for chronic fatigue syndrome.

It is remedy for myasthenia, and rheumatic pain.

It is remedy for chronic hepatitis.

It is remedy for burning urethritis, cystitis, and enuresis.

It is remedy for ichthyosis, and psoriasis.

Root is used commonly to prepare kava beverages.

Root had been used as fish poison.

The name kava comes from word “awa” means bitter.


5 to 10 drops.


Kino. Kader Kochi.


Pterocarpus marsupium, Malabar kino, Vijayasar wood.


Deciduous tree. Height 30 meters. Bark juice contains an astringent principle, pterostilbene, marsupin, epicatechin, tannic acid, and volatile oil.  


This is medicine for mouth ulcer. 

It is medicine for polyuria, and diabetes.

It is medicine for diarrhoea, and leucorrhoea.

It is medicine for night sweats.

It is medicine for delayed wound healing.

It is remedy for stitching pain in ear, and otorrhoea.

It is remedy for gingivitis with red gum.

Wood tumbler made of kino had been used for reducing sugar level in blood.


4 to 20 drops.


Kola. Kader Kochi.


Cola acuminata, Kola nut.


Evergreen tree. Height 20 meters.  Flowers are yellow. Star shaped fruit contains square shaped seeds. Seeds contain caffeine, kolanin, theobromine, theophylline, phenolics, and phytoestrogen.


This is cardiac stimulant. 

It is medicine for asthma.

It promotes blood circulation, and diuresis.

It is medicine for migraine, depression, fibromyalgia, and neurasthenia.

It is medicine for obesity, and alcohol craving.

It is remedy for Parkinson's diseases. 

It is remedy for hypertension (Rauwolfia).

It is remedy for chronic kidney disease (Coffee).

It is remedy for prostate cancer.

It is remedy for chronic diarrhoea.

It is remedy for urticaria, and hives.


4 to 20 drops.


Jequirity. Kader Kochi.


Abrus precatorius, Rosary pea, Indian liquorice, Kunni kuru.


Perennial climbing shrub. Height 4 meters. Seeds, root and stem contain abric acid.


It is medicine externally for epithelioma, granular conjunctivitis, and skin ulcer.

It is remedy for trachoma, and chronic granular conjunctivitis. 

It is remedy for chest tightness, pleural effusion, pulmonary oedema, and cyanosis.

It is remedy for hyperhidrosis, and hypotension.

It is remedy for nausea, hematemesis, diarrhoea, melena, and haematuria.

It is remedy for cancer.

It is remedy for baldness (Cuscuta).

It is remedy for impotence, and male infertility (Cuscuta)..

Seeds was used to make necklaces.

Leaves had been used to forecast atmospheric disturbance.

Milk, banana and liquorice are its antidotes.

The toxin abrin is 31.4 times toxic than ricin. It also similar to viscumin (Botulinum is most toxic).



Juglans cinerea. Kader Kochi.


Butter nut. white walnut.


Perennial deciduous tree. Height 20 meters. Bark of the root contains juglandic acid, and volatile oil. 


This is medicine for constipation during early stage of intermittent fever.

It is medicine for vesicular skin diseases, and rheumatism.

It is medicine for biliary stasis.

It is medicine externally for chronic dermatitis.

It is medicine externally for rheumatism.

It is remedy for morning headache, back pain, scarlatina, itching, and pustules in skin.

It had been used to stun fish.


1 to 6 drops.


Juglans regia. Kader Kochi.


English walnut, Diet of Jupiter, Akrot, Persian walnut.


Deciduous tree. Height 30 meters. Inner bark of root contains phenolic compounds.  


This is medicine for impotence.

It is medicine for constipation, and hypercholesteremia.

It is medicine for vitiligo. 

It is medicine for blood purification.

It is remedy for occipital headache.

It is remedy for acne, urticaria, and hives.

It is remedy for weak immunity, and increased susceptibility to both infections and poisons (Sulphur, Gelsemium, Iodum).


2 to 10 drops.


Juniperus communis. Kader Kochi.


Juniper berries.


Coniferous evergreen tree. Height 15 meters. Fruits are black blue. Berries contain volatile oil, monoterpenes, sabinene, limonene, pinene, resin, gum, wax, starch, sugar, and salts.


This is diuretic medicine for renal dropsy, albuminuria, and stone.  

It is medicine externally for ringworm.

It is remedy for uraemia.

It is remedy for dysmenorrhoea.

It is remedy for flatulence, and colic.

It is remedy for psoriasis.

It had been used as a female contraceptive.


2 to 10 drops.


Justicia adhatoda. Kader Kochi.


Vasaka, Vasa, Vishnu, Basaka, Adalodakum, Malabar nut, Arusa, Justicia adhatoda vasica, Adusa, Bansa hara.


Perennial evergreen plant. Height meters. Flowers are white. Leaves, root, and bark. Plant contains vasicine, vasicinolone, sulphur, acetyl- benzylamine, quinazoline, phenolics, tannins, saponins, and sterols. Bitter.


This is bronchial mucolytic, and expectorant medicine.

It has anti-microbial, anti -bacterial, anti-viral, anti -inflammatory, anti-hypertensive, and anti-spasmodic properties.

It is medicine for productive cough, asthma, and haemoptysis (Ipecac, Millefolium).

It is medicine for chest congestion.

It is medicine for diabetes, and hyperglycaemia.

It is medicine for acute dysentery.

It is medicine for dysfunctional uterine bleeding.

Flowers are medicine for intestinal worm infestation, and thrombocythemia.

It is remedy for autism, and depression.

It is remedy for upper and lower respiratory tract infections.

It is remedy for amenorrhoea.

It is remedy for peptic ulcer (Glycyrrhiza).

It is remedy for renal insufficiency with high blood urea level.

It is remedy for renal fibrosis (Sulphur).

It is remedy for gout, and uric acid disorder.

It is remedy for fracture.

It is remedy for muscular dystrophy (Allium sativa- Acetylcysteine).

It is remedy for low platelet count (Flower).

It is a medicine that facilitates childbirth.

It is medicine externally for ringworm.

It has para sympathomimetic properties.

Wood had been used for manufacture of charcoal (Carbo vegetabilis).

It had been used as fish poison. 

It had been used as repellent to ants, flies and mosquito.

It had been considered as a panacea.


2 to 10 drops.


Solanum lycopersicum. Kader Kochi.


Love apple, Thakkali.


Perennial pant. Height 2 meters. Leaves contain solanine, and tomatine. The alkaloids common in solanum fruits are absent in tomato. Fruits have umami taste and contain lycopene.


This is diuretic medicine.

It is remedy for influenza.

It is remedy for atherosclerosis.

It is remedy for diabetes, and chronic pancreatitis.

It is remedy for erectile dysfunction, and frigidity.

It is remedy for renal stone, and cancer in bladder. 

It is remedy for rheumatism.  

Tomato is toxic to dogs (Coffea).

Word “tomata” (Spanish) means swelling fruit. Word “lyco” means wolf, and word “persicum” means peach.



Solanum carolinense. Kader Kochi.


Horse nettle, Devil’s tomato, Apple of sodom, Wild tomato.


Perennial plant. Height 60 cm. Leaves have smell of potato. Flowers are white. Plant contains toxic solanine glycoalkaloids.


This is remedy for epilepsy.

It is remedy for spasmodic cough, and whooping cough.

It is remedy for chorea connected with menstruation.

It is remedy for eclampsia, and convulsion.


5 to 20 drops.
